renchamp's X-Factor #85 - X-Cutioner's Song; Part 6: Snikts and Bones review

    Avatar image for renchamp

    Don't Let That Be the End

    Last issue was awesome. This issue was awesome... almost. All the components were there: good writing and solid pencils by the one Jae Lee. You could almost read my review for #84 and know what I loved about this issue. Yet, the ending was terrible. All this beauty and style, and it ends with an old school Batman cliffhanger? Will Reaper do as he says? Read this issue to find out. (Same Bat-Time...) I know, I know, there have been many issues that have ended this way. But this book was really cooking. Sweet Cable fight. Sweet MLF fight. Lame end. It's like they just ran out of space and simply said: "Oh well, this arc has six more issues to go. Just read the next one, okay?" So, a five star presentation with a two star ending. (It's like Inception. You understand the movie and the only thing you come away with is: did that top stop spinning?)

    Other reviews for X-Factor #85 - X-Cutioner's Song; Part 6: Snikts and Bones

      Impulses 0

      Though this issue is another "transition" episode between major points along the X-Cutioner's Song plotline, Peter David's emphasis on character moments make this a much more engaging transition than X-Men 14.  The unique (and dark) Jae Lee pencil work makes the melee combat scenes extra taught (especially Bishop's muscles).  Cannonball's decision to help the X-Teams in their investigation into the MLF is a good one (for his maturation), though I would have liked to have seen a scene of him tell...

      2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

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