razzatazz's Wonder Woman #49 - No Title review

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    The Best Thing About This Issue is the Cover

    It is a nice cover.  The rest of the issue is completely unnecessary.  It sort of has the look and feel of when a tv show has a clips episode to save some money and time.  The issue is recounting the adventures and action of Wonder Woman in the first 48 issues, and it does so in a telejournalism format.  The issue is also failed by this.  The journalists talk with such cliches and hyperbole that you would think they were reporting from a county fair.  Another bad part was how much reading there was in here.  I don't mind reading, but there was a lot.  If you have read the first 48 issues you wouldn't need to read the stuff anyway as you already know what happened and the recap rarely goes into any more detail than what you can figure out from the covers.  Perhaps the worst overall moment was when Lois Lane steps in for a cameo and starts reading from her Pullitzer Prize winning article, which has the same cliches and hyperbole as the rest of the journalism.  Its a pretty strange concept overall, the issue was building up to the 50th issue, but even then that is not that important of an issue.  Its the 4 year and 2 month anniversary.  I understand the significance of it from a numerical standpoint and I have read a lot of other 50th issues which were well written and worth the effort.  This one though got a completely unnecessary and uninspired lead-in.  Reading it was sort of like watching two hours full of trailers for movies you have already seen instead of just watching a two hour movie.  Instead maybe spend more time looking at the cover of this one than reading what's inside - your brain and your eyes will thank you. 

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