aspenite's Wolverine Weapon X #2 - The Adamantium Men: Part 2 review

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    Come and get me

    Wolverine flies to Columbia and has to face a lot of super soldiers with the same abilities he possesses. 
    I think that this issue perfectly shows what a cool character Wolverine is because even if he runs away from a situation he does it with such an impressive attitude and of course with a hidden agenda in his mind. The scene that I´m refering to confronts Wolverine with the super soldiers. And not just two or twelve men surround Logan, all with the same abilities like him. It´s cool that he realizes that he has no chance at all in this situation, so he flees. What makes it perfect is that the art by Garney is again wonderful. I´m really fascinated by his pencils.
    So when you want to see a cool Wolverine who´s drawn perfectly, then go buy this issue.

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