deactivated-5d3f071d30d9f's Titans Hunt #4 - Chapter Four: Masks review

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    Titans Hunt Issue 04 – A Blast From the Past

    Cover A

    Cover A is ok at best. We have either Dick, Donna, Garth and Roy fighting each other or levitate in the air which both are pretty weird in both way. Also we have Hawk & Dove (Don Hall) posing in the cover, which Don doesn’t appear on this issue at all.

    Cover B

    It´s the Adult Coloring Book. Since the purpose is to color the cover there is much to say about it. But Tempest and Tempest don’t seem to have a face at all which I would find very hard to color if I want to do it.


    Like past issues, the story is divide on what characters are doing. This issue starts with a Flashback of the past Teen Titans (yes I don’t explain why Donna Troy is there since she appear recently on Wonder Woman) when people hear a horrible noise and then flashback ends. Dick, Donna continue to talk about what they learned. Karen is still worried about her husband. Mal is captured by Mister Twister. Hawk and Dove fights the Organ Traffickers that Dick fought on early issues. And Gnaark and Roy have more scenes of their possible “bromance”. And in the end, Dick decides to wear his Nightwing´s costume (the red one).

    Art Style

    The art on this issue is great. I think this issue is very dark compare to the past issues. Not counting with the flashback with is very dark in colors, the rest story is a balance of light colors and dark colors which makes interesting combination. The shadowing is a different story, while sometimes looks good a lot of time faces are cover black or people look very different often in panels.

    The Good

    Roy Harper in General

    I think in this issue, Roy Harper is at his best in terms of characterization since N52 started. Also in past he might have something with Donna Troy, which is great aside Cheshire and maybe Hawkgirl (until writers decide to break them up), Donna was one of his main love interest and it nice to see here, because they have good chemistry. Apparently he is gentleman with the ladies. And he now has friendship with Gnaark or Gnaark is his voice of reason which is kind hilarious.

    Mister Twister

    In this issue, we can actually see him. And while he looks alike “if The Joker decide to be pirate” he has dark/scary design to him. Also he actually to be powerful and being able to take this team.

    Nightwing is “back”

    So Dick decide to wear his Nightwing´s costume (the red one), sure he now has different hairstyle but he isn’t worried about what happen in Forever Evil. But is nice to see him in costume once again and not as Agent Grayson.

    Lilith needs a costume

    She looks great but I think she should had a costume in the flashback. Not like Culling Lilith but maybe more practical. I don’t consider this as negative but something to be improve.

    The Bad

    I remember ….

    So the whole Dick, Donna and Garth´s plot on this issue to be slower and most of time they spent remember thing and it´snt new things but things that we supposed to know or already know. So it´s looks like a filler plot to fill the pages with something


    While the flashback is great but is some answers that need to be answered and if they aren’t answered in this series, they are going to be some important plot holes on the narrative.

    Where is Dove

    So in the flashback none of the doves can be seen with Hawk with the rest team. So what happen to them because none of them mentioned them and I think Hawk and Dove acutally needs each other.

    Dove´s Butt

    So one last issue, Dove had a new design which actually looked good but on this issue, she got back to N52´s older design. But this isn’t negative is that Dove´s butt has been shown at least twice in prominent way. The worst is that Hawk´s butt was often cover in way or another.



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