Comic Vine Review


Miss Fury #1


Find out who Miss Fury is, how she started her costumed adventures and the mystery of her time traveling.

The Good

From the beginning we get an immediate sense of who this character is and what she's about. She's a costumed thrill seeker who plays by her own rules. As an extremely rich socialite in her alter ego, we see there is more to her than people are aware.

With these types of characters, it's easy to usually peg them for what they're supposed to be. Miss Fury doesn't fit the mold of the typical 'pulp' character. Her thirst for excitement gives her a different set of motives. We're still finding out what she's fully about but as she managed to get involved fighting Nazis, that's where her story here will begin.

Whenever time travel is involved in a story, you have to pay close attention. I found myself going back to re-read what one character said and it does clarify things a little more. The fun part of this is not knowing the full story, not knowing exactly what's going on along with the how and the why. A good action story needs this sense of mystery and intrigue to keep you glued.

Jack Herbert's art captures the vibe of the story nicely. Along with Ivan Nunes' art, it all has a very polished look that is far from making this look like a 'pulp' comic. Miss Fury can kick major ass and Rob Williams' script combined with Herbert's art makes it incredibly clear she is capable of many things.

The Bad

Miss Fury's thirst for adventure almost comes across as too far fetched. There's one thing for a character to be bold and demanding but the extreme nature of her actions almost comes across as a caricature of female action characters.

A couple moments it was a little unclear what was going on. One moment she's on a rooftop looking through a museum skylight. Suddenly she's falling through what might have already been shattered glass. The time travel angle is part of the mystery which will hopefully be explored more. With the switch in time along with a flashback scene before she became Miss Fury, it was a lot of jumping around.

I get that we have a comic with an attractive female character wearing a skin tight outfit. There were some scenes that were pure fan service. Do we really need a bathtub scene with her getting out? Do we need to see some suggested sexual situations? There may be some that are looking for that in a comic but by adding those elements, it's limiting who should have access to this book. Yes we've seen comics push the boundaries from time to time but this goes to a slightly unnecessary level. The story is intriguing and shouldn't have to rely on those elements to get people to buy the book.

The Verdict

We are off to an interesting start. We get a taste of who Miss Fury is and how she came to be. It's clear she is a very active and capable individual that can more than hold her own against any opposition. We don't get the full story of her origin but enough to keep us invested. The development of the time travel angle adds a different layer to the comic that makes it stand apart from the other 'pulp' revival comics. There were some scenes where the art was catering to those that crave partial nudity and sexual situations. The premise of the book shouldn't have to rely on such ploys and hopefully won't be a factor of future issues. We have a strong and extremely tough female characters involved in a bizarre adventure and I would love to see more. Rob Williams has come up with a great angle on character that will keep you hooked.