Comic Vine Review


Great Pacific #3 - Trashed!, Part 3


Chas Worthington is lost and is being followed by a giant squid.

The Good

The first thing I thought of when I picked up the third issue of GREAT PACIFIC was "gosh, what a cover." What a cover, indeed. I love art that is really heavily detailed, so it was great to see that on the cover to issue #3 of this series. If you have been following the adventure of Chad Worthington then you already know that in just two issues he has already faked his own death, smuggled billions of dollars of his company's money into off-shore accounts, and planted his flag on an island made up of garbage and called it "New Texas." I think one of the things that was really highlighted towards the end of the second issue was just how egotistical Worthington's character must be if he thinks he is the first to have landed on that "island" and claimed it as his own.

I thought it was great that the creative team opened this issue up with a look at Chad Worthington's past. What exactly gave him the idea and inspired him to get himself his very own island? The story moves beyond that though and explores his character further. Is he building "New Texas" for himself, or is he building it to show other people that he isn't stupid, spoiled, and etc.? I think it's nice that the series' writer only grazes over that idea very briefly before getting into the nitty-gritty of the adventure that unfolds in this issue.

While he may have faked his own death, it is clear that Chas and his best friend aren't the only ones aware of their master plan, so it will be interesting to see how this eventually unfolds. The art, once again is great. I love all the detail that is put into every panel in this issue.

The Bad

Nothing bad here, another awesome issue of GREAT PACIFIC.

The Verdict

It's very obvious that there is a story here that goes beyond this whole 'Chas Worthington fakes his own death and buys an island' stuff. Although that premise, in itself, is extremely interesting, there is a great story that is just beyond that beneath the surface of this story. It's about Chas, but it's about more than that. This issue starts to explore the central character's ego and his fears while it's telling the story of the giant squid that is stalking him. This very unique and interesting premise is paired with spectacular pencils by artist Martin Morazzo who is meticulous when it comes to his attention to detail. This is a fantastic issue, but I do not recommend starting your GREAT PACIFIC adventure here, if you are interested. Definitely pick up issues one and two before you dive into this one, it will be worth it.