Comic Vine Review


FF #6 - Save the Tiger


The Yancy Street Gang makes a bold move that could change everything. And what the heck is Medusa up to?

The Good

When a series contains a large number of characters, the book sometimes suffers. Too many characters can bog down the book or give a sense that some are being ignored. That is NOT the case with FF. Matt Fraction has a huge arsenal of characters and each one has their one unique feel. Combined they add a great feel to book in combining the element of family along with humor and action.

Fraction is a master when it comes to his subtle use of humor. But that, by no means, is an indication that this isn't a serious book. Under the surface, there is deeper signs of some heavy and serious issues. We're seeing development with Scott over the loss of his daughter, Darla with her position as both a superhero and pop star and even another great development with another supporting character (I absolutely do not want to spoil it but applaud Matt in the combination of humor and seriousness in the scene).

While all of that is going on, we also have the mystery with Medusa as well as the continuing attacks by the Yancy Street Gang. The battle between the Gang and Darla escalates to a new level.

Mike Allred's art is absent from this issue. For those that know me and my love for his art, the assumption might be I would be outraged. That isn't the case. Joe Quinones captures the feel Allred has given this book. Laura Allred does her usual amazing jobs on the colors as well.

The Bad

There was a tiny sense of not seeing the whole story. While Fraction does manage to bring in, or at least show, the other characters, a couple were reduced to a single panel. What's happening with Old Johnny? What is the story with Medusa? It almost feels like Fraction is teasing us by making us wait. What about Alex and his trip last issue?

I mentioned that Joe Quinones did a good job on the issue but there were a couple times some characters' looks were a little inconsistent.

I feel a little weird inside having actually seen the face of a member of the Yancy Street Gang. Some things should never be seen.

The Verdict

This was another great issue from Matt Fraction. There was a strange feeling as if something was missing. The absence of Mike Allred's art may have played a tiny part in it but that wasn't quite it. Fraction does a great job juggling the numerous characters in this title but perhaps we're starting to see a hint of there being too many story plots happening. We do see some great development with some characters but a few others that were absent. Based on the events from last issue it felt a little odd not seeing an actual continuation of their parts. Joe Quinones does capture the feel of the title that Allred has bestowed upon us and the colors by Laura Allred further allows this feeling. This book is a combination of fun and energy yet Fraction lays in some serious elements without bringing you down. You can always expect laughs and entertainment when it comes to reading FF.