
Magic runes, laddie! All them fancy moves will get you nowhere. Now quit your jumping around and get to fighting!

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Neuroshima - weapons. (some rpg private stuff)

Walka bronią wszelaką


Strzeleckie trafienia:

1-6 Brzuch

11-16 Klatka piersiowa

13 Prawa ręka

14 Lewa ręka

15-16 Prawa noga

17-18 Lewa noga

19, 20 Szyja, Głowa

Trafienia wręcz:

1-3 Brzuch

4-6 Klatka piersiowa

7-9 Prawa ręka

10-12 Lewa ręka

13-15 Prawa noga

16-18 Lewa noga

19-20 Szyja, Głowa


Rana lekka: -3 do wyniku w tabeli

Rana ciężka: 0 do wyniku w tabeli

Rana krytyczna: +2 do wyniku w tabeli


Tabela ran pocisków:



1-5 - Draśnięcie

6 - Pocisk przebija policzek zostawiając po sobie ładną dziurę.

7 - Pocisk rozrywa prawe ucho (testy Nasłuchiwania o 1 stopień trudniejsze).

8 - Pocisk rozrywa lewe ucho (testy Nasłuchiwania o 1 stopień trudniejsze).

8-9 - Pocisk rozrywa nos.

10 - 11 - Pocisk przebija policzek uszkadzając przy tym parę zębów.

12 - Pocisk trafia w oko ale zatrzymuje się na ściance. Trwałe uszkodzenie oka.

13 - Pocisk ociera się o czaszkę. Test Kondycji. Niezdany powoduje wstrząs mózgu.

14-15 - Pocisk uderza w czaszkę nie penetrując jej. Fragmenty kości uszkadzają mózg. Efekty uszkodzeń zależą od decyzji MG. Utrata przytomności.

16-20 - Pocisk przebija czaszkę i penetruje mózg. Natychmiastowa śmierć.



1-5 - Draśnięcie

6-12 - Przerwana tętnica szyjna. Tempo krwawienie +4.

13-16 - Przebita tchawica. Problemy z oddychaniem. Dodatkowe utrudnienia MINUS SZEŚĆ lub O DWA


17 - Uszkodzenie strun głosowych. Bez operacji występuje trudność z mówieniem.

18 - Uszkodzony przełyk. Bez odpowiedniej operacji i włożenia nakładki przy następnym posiłku się udusisz.

19-20 - Przerwany rdzeń kręgowy szyjny. Paraliż od szyi w dół.


Klatka piersiowa:

1-5 Draśnięcie.

6-8 Kula druzgocze żebro. Każdy głębszy oddech powoduje ból. Dlatego bieganie i inny wysiłek

fizyczny jest możliwy tylko po zdaniu testu Odporności na ból o bazowym stopniu trudności


9 - Przerwana tętnica podobojczykowa. Tempo krwawienia +3.

10 - Rana przepony. Problemy z oddychaniem i jakimkolwiek wysiłkiem fizycznym. Dlatego

bieganie i inny wysiłek fizyczny jest możliwy tylko po zdaniu testu Odporności na ból o

bazowym stopniu trudności Bardzo trudny.

11 - Ranne płuco. Lewy, górny płat. Dodatkowe utrudnienia MINUS TRZY lub O JEDEN STOPIEŃ

TRUDNIEJSE TESTY. Nie może biegać ani podejmować wysiłku fizycznego. Po rekonwalescencji

Budowa na stałe spada o 1 punkt.

12 - Ranne płuco. Prawy, górny płat. Dodatkowe utrudnienia MINUS TRZY lub O JEDEN STOPIEŃ

TRUDNIEJSE TESTY. Nie może biegać ani podejmować wysiłku fizycznego. Po rekonwalescencji

Budowa na stałe spada o 1 punkt.

13 - Ranne płuco. Prawy, środkowy płat. Dodatkowe utrudnienia MINUS TRZY lub O JEDEN

STOPIEŃ TRUDNIEJSE TESTY. Nie może biegać ani podejmować wysiłku fizycznego. Po

rekonwalescencji Budowa na stałe spada o 1 punkt.

14 - Ranne płuco. Lewy, dolny płat. Dodatkowe utrudnienia MINUS TRZY lub O JEDEN STOPIEŃ

TRUDNIEJSE TESTY. Nie może biegać ani podejmować wysiłku fizycznego. Po rekonwalescencji

Budowa na stałe spada o 1 punkt.

15 - Ranne płuco. Prawy, dolny płat. Dodatkowe utrudnienia MINUS TRZY lub O JEDEN STOPIEŃ

TRUDNIEJSE TESTY. Nie może biegać ani podejmować wysiłku fizycznego. Po rekonwalescencji

Budowa na stałe spada o 1 punkt.

Człowiek ma tylko pięć płatów płucnych - dwa w lewym płucu i trzy w prawym. Utrata dwóch płatów

powoduje ciężka niewydolność oddechową, wszystkie testy Budowy są trudniejsze dodatkowo o 1 stopień.

Utrata trzeciego płatu płuca kończy się uduszeniem się ofiary.

16 - Przerwanie tętnicy wątrobowej. Tempo krwawienia +2.

17 - Rana wątroby. Tempo krwawienia +2. Konieczna operacja o stopniu trudności Mistrzowskim.

W celu usunięcia rannego wycinka. Można przeżyć 1 ubytek w wątrobie.

18 - Przebita aorta. Tempo krwawienia +6.

19 - Przebite serce. Zdaj Mistrzowski test Kondycji. Jak zdasz, masz 10 sekund życia.

20 - Przerwanie kręgosłupa piersiowego. Paraliż nóg. Oddaj kartę swojemu MG.


Brzuch i podbrzusze:

1-5 - Draśnięcie.

6-8 - Rana mięśni brzucha. Przy ranie za MINUS TRZY nie możesz biegać, przy ranie za MINUS

SZEŚĆ nie jesteś w stanie chodzić.

9-10 - Rana jelit. Ryzyko zakażenia 1-7 na kości.

11 - Zniszczona śledziona. Tracisz natychmiast 3 Punkty krwi. Konieczna jest udana operacja

usunięcia śledziony (Cholernie trudny test Chirurgii). Bez śledziony będziesz żyć, ale wszystkie

testy Kondycji przeciwko chorobom są trudniejsze o 1 stopień.

12 - Rana trzustki. Konieczna operacja częściowej resekcji trzustki (Cholernie trudny test

Chirurgii). Budowa spada na stałe o 1 punkt.

13 - Rana prawej nerki. Tracisz nerkę, bez jednej nerki można żyć, ale utrata drugiej oznacza


14 - Rana lewej nerki. Tracisz nerkę, bez jednej nerki można żyć, ale utrata drugiej oznacza zgon.

15 - Trafienie w genitalia. Dodatkowe utrudnienia MINUS SZEŚĆ lub O DWA STOPNIE

TRUDNEIJSZE TESTY. Jeżeli strzelają do Ciebie od tyłu, trafienie to zmienia się w „ranę za

milion dolarów”, czyli postrzał w pośladek. Utrudnienie takie samo, ale lepiej nie móc siedzieć

przez dwa tygodnie, niż stracić swojego Wacka, nie?

16 - Przerwanie żyły wrotnej wątroby. Krwawienie +4.

17 - Pocisk uszkadza wątrobę. Tempo krwawienia +2. Konieczna operacja o stopniu trudności

Mistrzowskim. W celu usunięcia rannego wycinka. Można przeżyć 1 ubytek w wątrobie.

18 - Przerwanie aorty. Krwawienie +6.

19 - Pocisk przeszywa żołądek. Dodatkowe utrudnienia MINUS TRZY lub O JEDEN STOPIEŃ

TRUDNIEJSZE TESTY. Jeśli w ciągu 10 minut rana żołądka nie zostanie zaszyta (Bardzo

trudny test Chirurgii) ranny umiera na skutek obrażeń wyrządzonych przez soki trawienne.

20 - Przerwanie lędźwiowego odcinka kręgosłupa. Paraliż nóg.



1-5 - Draśnięcie.

6-7 - Kula przerywa ścięgna w przedramieniu. Dłoń traci chwytność. Aby zszyć ścięgna, potrzeba

dokonać operacji (Bardzo trudny test Chirurgii).

8 - Pocisk przebija dłoń. Dłoń niezdatna do użytku.

9 - Przerwanie tętnicy w przedramieniu. Tempo krwawienia +2.

10-11- Kula druzgocze kość promieniową. Wszystkie testy wynikające z ruszania tą ręką są o 1

stopień trudniejsze.

12-13 - Kula druzgocze kość łokciową. Wszystkie testy wynikające z ruszania tą ręką są o 1 stopień


14 - Pocisk trafia w łokieć druzgocząc go. Ręka bezwładna. Sprawność w ręce zostaje trwale

obniżona. Wszystkie testy Zręczności i Budowy wykonywane tą ręką są o 1 stopień


15-16 - Kula druzgocze kość ramieniową. Ręka bezwładna.

17 - Pocisk druzgocze staw barkowy. Ręka bezwładna. Sprawność w ręce zostaje trwale obniżona.

Wszystkie testy Zręczności i Budowy wykonywane tą ręką są o 1 stopień trudniejsze.

18 - Pocisk przerywa tętnicę ramienną. Tempo krwawienia +3.

19-20 - Kula rozrywa mięśnie ramienia. Konieczna operacja (Trudny test Chirurgii), aby pozszywać

mięśnie. Nawet po udanej operacji Sprawność w ręce zostaje trwale obniżona. Wszystkie testy

Zręczności i Budowy wykonywane tą ręką są o 1 stopień trudniejsze.



1-5 - Draśnięcie.

6 - Rana stopy. Dodatkowe utrudnienia przy chodzeniu MINUS TRZY lub O JEDEN STOPIEŃ


7-8 - Kula rozrywa mięśnie łydki. Konieczna operacja (Trudny test Chirurgii), aby pozszywać

mięśnie. Nawet po udanej operacji sprawność nogi obniża się. Wszystkie testy związane z

bieganiem i skakaniem są o 1 stopień trudniejsze.

9-10 - Kula druzgocze kość piszczelową. Ranny ciągnie za sobą bezwładna nogę.

11-12 - Pocisk druzgocze kość strzałkową. Ranny ciągnie za sobą bezwładna nogę.

13 - Kula druzgocze kolano. Bohater od tego momentu będzie kulał i dwa razy wolniej poruszać.

14-16 - Pocisk rozszarpuje mięsnie uda. Konieczna operacja (Trudny test Chirurgii), aby pozszywać

mięśnie. Udana operacja pozwala uniknąć okulenia.

17-19 - Kula druzgocze kość udową. Noga bezwładna.

20 - Przerwanie tętnicy udowej. Tempo krwawienia +4.


Tabela ran ciętych i kłutych:



1-5 -Draśnięcie

6-7 - Uderzenie płazem ostrza rozprasza postać. Test w następnej rundzie jest o stopień trudniejszy.

8-9 - Ostrze rozcina skórę czoła a krew zalewa oczy. Jeśli postać nie będzie aktywnie jej usuwać z oczu to będzie miała problemy z widzeniem (testy stopień trudniejsze do czasu zatamowania)

10 - Uderzenie płazem ogłusza postać. Postać traci inicjatywę oraz 1 segment w następnej rundzie.

11 - Odcięcie lewego lub prawego ucha (testy Nasłuchiwania o 1 stopień trudniejsze).

12 - Odcięcie czubka nosa

13-14 - Ostrze przecina bok głowy zostawiając po sobie głęboką bruzdę. Trwały minus do atrakcyjności.

15 - Ostrze rozrąbuje rzuchwę powodując utratę kilku zębów i części języka. Niezdany test Odporności na ból oznacza zemdlenie. Wymagany test chirurgii by przywrócić szczękę do podstawowej sprawności, uszkodzone zęby trzeba wyrwać. Lekka trudność w mowie.

16 - Ostrze przecina ścięgno nad lewym lub prawym okiem (testy wypatrywania o 1 stopień trudniejsze)

17 - Ostrze przecina lewe lub prawe oko (trwałe uszkodzenie wzroku).

18-19 - Ostrze przebija czaszkę uszkadzając mózg. Pozostawiona sama sobie musi zdać cholernie trudny test kondycji by przeżyć. Jeśli przeżyje to potrzebna jest operacja chirurgiczna. Według mg możliwe powikłania na tle pracy mózgu.

20 - Ostrze przebija czaszkę i mózg. Natychmiastowa śmierć.



1-5 - Draśnięcie

6-12 - Przerwana tętnica szyjna. Tempo krwawienie +4.

13-16 - Przebita tchawica. Problemy z oddychaniem. Dodatkowe utrudnienia MINUS SZEŚĆ lub O DWA TRUDNIEJSZE TESTU

17 - Uszkodzenie strun głosowych. Bez operacji występuje trudność z mówieniem.

18 - Uszkodzony przełyk. Bez odpowiedniej operacji i włożenia nakładki przy następnym posiłku się udusisz.

19 - Rozrąbanie szyi. Śmierć przychodzi po kilku sekundach.

20 - Odcięcie głowy


Klatka piersiowa:

1-5 - Draśniecie

6-10 - Ostrze druzgocze żebro. Każdy głębszy oddech powoduje ból. Dlatego bieganie i inny wysiłek fizyczny jest możliwy tylko po zdaniu testu Odporności na ból o bazowym stopniu trudności Trudny. Walka jest trudniejsza o stopień.

11 - Rozcięcie mięśni nad obojczykiem. Bezwład ręki. Aby zszyć ścięgna, potrzeba dokonać operacji (Bardzo trudny test Chirurgii).

12 - Przerwanie tętnicy wątrobowej. Tempo krwawienia +2.

13 - Przerwana tętnica podobojczykowa. Tempo krwawienia +3.

14 - Rana przepony. Problemy z oddychaniem i jakimkolwiek wysiłkiem fizycznym. Dlatego bieganie i inny wysiłek fizyczny jest możliwy tylko po zdaniu testu Odporności na ból o bazowym stopniu trudności Bardzo trudny.

15-17 Ranne płuco. 1k4 który płat. Dodatkowe utrudnienia MINUS TRZY lub O JEDEN STOPIEŃ TRUDNIEJSZE TESTY. Nie może biegać ani podejmować wysiłku fizycznego. Po rekonwalescencji Budowa na stałe spada o 1 punkt. Człowiek ma tylko pięć płatów płucnych - dwa w lewym płucu i trzy w prawym. Utrata dwóch płatów powoduje ciężka niewydolność oddechową, wszystkie testy Budowy są trudniejsze dodatkowo o 1 stopień. Utrata trzeciego płatu płuca kończy się uduszeniem się ofiary.

18 - Rana wątroby. Tempo krwawienia +2. Konieczna operacja o stopniu trudności Mistrzowskim.

W celu usunięcia rannego wycinka. Można przeżyć 1 ubytek w wątrobie.

19 - Ostrze rozrąbuje obojczyk. Niezdany test Odporności na ból oznacza zemdlenie. Ręka staje się bezwładna. Krwawienie 3. Wymagany test chirurgi Bardzo trudny test by pacjent miał rękę lekko sprawną (-1 do budowy i zręczności przy używaniu tej ręki).

20 - Ostrze wbija się głęboko w ciało uszkadzając serce. Natychmiastowa śmierć


Brzuch i podbrzusze:

1-5 - Draśnięcie

6-8 - Broń rozcina bok tułowia. Niezdany test Odporności na ból oznacza utratę jednego segmentu w następnej rundzie.

9-10 - Rana mięśni brzucha. Przy ranie za MINUS TRZY nie możesz biegać, przy ranie za MINUS

SZEŚĆ nie jesteś w stanie chodzić.

11-12 - Ostrze przerywa żyłę wątrobową. Krwawienie +2

13 - Rana nerki. Tracisz nerkę, bez jednej nerki można żyć, ale utrata drugiej oznacza


14 - Trafienie w genitalia. Utrata jąder.

15 - Ostrze wbija się głęboko w bok tułowia klinując się w kości biodrowej. Ofiara krzyczy z bólu i traci następną rundę. Osoba która wbiła ostrze musi zdać przeciętny test budowy by ostrze wyjąć. Poświęca na to całą rundę.

16 - Ostrze wbija się w brzuch uszkadzając woreczek żółciowy. Ofiara musi zdać przeciętny test budowy inaczej zwymiotuje i straci całą rundę. Musi zostać zoperowany w ciągu 48 godzin trudnym testem chirurgii inaczej umrze na zakażenie.

17 - Ostrze wbija się w brzuch i uszkadza jelita. Niezdany test Odporności na ból oznacza zemdlenie. Musi zostać zoperowana chirurgicznie (trudny test) inaczej umrze na zakażenie.

18 - Ostrze wbija się w brzuch i uszkadza pęcherz moczowy. Uryna wypływa z rany a nieszczęśnik zwija się z bólu. Wszystkie testy jakie wykonuje są o dwa stopnie trudniejsze. Dodatkowo umrze w ciągu 48 godzin od infekcji jeśli nie zostanie wyleczony chirurgicznie (trudny test). Jeśli przejdzie operację ma szansę, że nabawi się lekkiego nietrzymania moczu.

19 - Ostrze rozcina brzuch z którego wylewają się jelita. Śmierć w męczarniach.

20 - Ostrze przecina delikwenta w pół.



1-7 - Draśnięcie

8 - Ostrze druzgocze kość promieniową. Testy związane z tą ręką mają karę -1.

9 - Ostrze przebija przedramię przerywając tętnicę. Krwawienie +2.

10-12 - Ostrze odcina palec. Testy pod zr związane z tą dłonią są trudniejsze o -0,5 za każdy palec który straciłeś.

13 - Ostrze przecina ścięgno bicepsa. Testy związane z tą ręką stają się o stopień trudniejsze.

14 - Ostrze druzgocze łokieć. Ręka staje się bezwładna.

15 - Ostrze przerywa tętnicę ramienną. Krwawienie +3.

16 - Ostrze odcina dłoń. Krwawienie +2.

17 - Ostrze odcina rękę na wysokości ramienia. Krwawienie +3. Jeśli ty to dostałeś zamontuj se hak piracie.

18 - Ostrze odcina rękę na wysokości barku. Krwawienie +4, Niezdany test Odporności na ból oznacza zemdlenie.

19-20 - Ostrze przecina rękę i zagłębia się w klatce piersiowej. Śmierć na miejscu.



1-6 - Draśnięcie

7-8 Ostrze uderza w piszczel. Niezdany test Odporności na ból oznacza że się przewracasz.

9-11 Ostrze przecina nogę robiąc głęboką bruzdę. +1 krwawienie

12 - Ostrze wbija się w mięśnie uda. Wszystkie testy związane z bieganiem i skakaniem są o 1 stopień trudniejsze.

13 - Ostrze przecina jedno ze ścięgien kolana. Wszystkie testy związane z bieganiem i skakaniem są o 1 stopień trudniejsze. Niezdany test Odporności na ból oznacza upadek.

14 - Ostrze gruchocze rzepkę. Niezdany problematyczny test odporności na ból oznacza upadek, wszystkie testy związane z bieganiem i skakaniem są o 1 stopień trudniejsze. Bohater kula i porusza się dwa razy wolniej do czasu rekonwalescencji.

15 - Ostrze uszkadza stopę. Niezdany przeciętny test odporności ból oznacza upadek. Postać porusza się dwa razy wolniej oraz ma karę -2 do wszystkich testów polegających na poruszaniu się (do walki również).

16 - Ostrze uszkadza ścięgno pięty. Do czasu operacji chirurgicznej z testem -2, wszystkie testy związane z poruszaniem się są o stopień trudniejsze.

17 - Ostrze odcina 2 paluchy od stopy. Testy związane z tą nogą mają karę -0,5 za każdy brakujący palec.

18 - Ostrze odrąbuje stopę. Krwawienie +2, Niezdany test Odporności na ból oznacza zemdlenie.

19 - Ostrze przecina tętnicę udową. Krwawienie +4

20 - Ostrze odcina nogę w kolanie


Tabela ran obuchowych:



1-5 - Draśnięcie (siniak)

6-7 Cios uderza w głowę wystarczająco mocno, by krótkotrwale oszołomić. Trafiony otrzymuje jednorazową karę -1 do najbliższego testu.

8-9 Cios uderza w policzek, wprawiając w oszołomienie. Trafiony musi zdać przeciętny test odporności na ból inaczej będzie zmuszony zużyć pierwszy segment by otrząsnąć się z tego.

10 - Cios trafia w nasadę nosa, wskutek czego do oczu obficie nabiegają mu łzy. Trafiony otrzymuje jednorazową karę -2 do najbliższego testu.

11 - Cios boleśnie uderza przeciwnika w kark. Trafiony traci pierwszy, najbliższy segment by złapać równowagę.

12 - Cios trafia przeciwnika w bok głowy z takim impetem, że pęka mu błona bębenkowa. Trafiony otrzymuje -2 do testów nasłuchiwania związanym z tym uchem do czasu zaleczenia (1k10/2 tygodnie). Dodatkowo musi zdać problematyczny test odporności na ból inaczej zużyje najbliższe 2 segmenty na przeraźliwe wycie z bólu.

13 - Uderzenie broni powoduje zwichnięcie żuchwy. Potrzebne jest nastawienie jej na miejsce (problematyczny test pierwszej pomocy). Do czasu nastawienia trafiony musi zdać problematyczny test odporności na ból jak chce coś zjeść lub powiedzieć.

14 - Cios uderza w bok głowy z taką siłą, że trafiony przewraca się.

15 - Uderzenie łamie nos. Krwawienie +2.

17 - Cios uderza z takim impetem w szczękę że łamie trafionemu 1k4 zęby.

18 - Uderzenie jest tak potężne, że łamie kości oczodołu i uszkadza oko.

19 - Potężne uderzenie, zamiast zmiażdżyć głowę, wywołuje jedynie niewielkie krwawienie z nosa. Trafiony walczy normalnie przez najbliższe 1k10/2 rund, po czym pada nieprzytomny z powodu masywnego krwotoku śródczaszkowego i umiera. Bardzo trudny test kondycji jest w stanie przedłużyć mu żywot o dodatkowe 10 rund. Cholernie ciężki test chirurgii jest w stanie go uratować przed śmiercią. Nawet przy uratowaniu wystąpią powikłania w przypadku uszkodzenia mózgu.

20 - Broń miażdży przeciwnikowi głowę, sprowadzając nań niechybną śmierć



1-5 - Draśnięcie (siniak)

6-12 - Cios uderza w szyję wywołując duży ból. Trafiony musi zdać przeciętny test odporności na ból inaczej otrzyma -1 do następnego testu.

13-16 -

17 -

18 - Broń uderza przeciwnika mocno w szyję, powodując utrudniający oddychanie uraz tchawicy. Do czasu udzielenia mu problematycznego testu pierwszej pomocy co rundę trafiony musi zdać przeciętny test kondycji inaczej zemdleje.

19 - Cios uderza z taką siłą, że z szyi dobywa się dziwne chrupnięcie a przeciwnik mdleje. Bardzo trudny test kondycji jest wymagany by przeżyć. Jeśli trafiony nie zostanie zoperowany na poziomie bardzo trudnym zostanie sparaliżowany od szyi w dół.

20 - Impet uderzenia natychmiastowo łamie kark


Klatka piersiowa:

1-5 - Draśnięcie (siniak)

6-7 - Uderzenie trafia w klatkę piersiową wywołując bolesny uraz. Otrzymuje modyfikator -1 do najbliższego testu.

8-10 - Mocne uderzenie trafia przeciwnika w żebra co zapiera trafionemu dech w piersi. Otrzymuje modyfikator -2 do najbliższego testu.

11 - Cios trafia przeciwnika tuż poniżej mostka, oszałamiając go. Przeciętny test odporności na ból inaczej trafiony straci segment.

12 - Uderzenie trafia przeciwnika w klatkę piersiową, łamiąc mu żebro. Z powodu kłującego bólu może stracić najbliższy segment jeśli nie zda problematycznego testu odporności na ból.

14 - Uderzenie jest tak mocne, że łamie kilka żeber i uszkadza narządy wewnętrzne. Krwawienie +2

15 - Cios uderza przeciwnika w lewy bok poniżej żeber, uszkadzając śledzionę. Krawienie +3

16 - Cios łamie przeciwnikowi obojczyk. Sprawiając, że ręka staję się bezwładna a trafiony musi zdać problematyczny test odporności na ból inaczej poświęci następne dwa segmenty na wycie z bólu.

17 - Próbując uniknąć uderzenia, przeciwnik staje bokiem, wskutek czego cios dosięga pleców i uszkadza kręgosłup. Trafiony musi zdać trudny test odporności na ból przy jakimkolwiek wysiłku fizycznym a jego prędkość ruchu i obciążenie jest zmniejszone o połowę. Rana będzie uciążliwa. Zostawiona sama sobie załata się po 4 tygodniach a trafiony będzie do końca życia borykał się z uszkodzonym kręgosłupem. Będzie musiał rzucać łatwe testy odporności na ból przy każdym wysiłku fizycznym a obciążenie i prędkość ruchy spadną na stałe o 1/3. Przed zasklepieniem może go uratować operacja chirurgiczna o stopniu trudnym.

18 - Cios jest tak silny, że łamie przeciwnikowi mostek i uszkadza serce. Krwawienie +10. Żadne próby leczenia nie mogą uratować mu życia.

19 - Cios uderza przeciwnika w przednią ścianę klatki piersiowej, łamiąc mostek, żebra i rozrywając płuca. Przeciwnik krztusi się, usiłuje wypluć krwistą pianę, następnie traci równowagę. Upadającemu na ziemię nieprzytomnemu zostało 1k10/2 rund życia.

20 - Broń niemal rozrywa przednią ścianę klatki piersiowej, zabijając przeciwnika na miejscu. Aby ją wyciągnąć, atakujący musi wykonać problematyczny test budowy.


Brzuch i podbrzusze:

1-5 - Draśnięcie (siniak)

6-8 - Broń trafia w brzuch, oszałamiając na chwilę przeciwnika.

9-11 - Mocne uderzenie w brzuch dosłownie zapiera przeciwnikowi dech

12 -

13 -

14 -

15 -

16 - Cios uderza w brzuch. Trafiony musi on wykonać trudny test kondycji inaczej przez następne 3 segmenty będzie wymiotować.

17 -

18 -

19 -

20 -



1-5 - Draśnięcie (siniak)

6-8 - Broń uderza przeciwnika w palce, powodując ich chwilowe zdrętwienie. Trafiony otrzymuje karę -1 do następnej akcji wymagającej użycia tej dłoni.

9-10 - Cios trafia w rękę

11 - Cios trafia w rękę a ból jest na tyle mocny, że trafiony musi zdać przeciętny test odporności na ból by nie upuścić trzymanych przedmiotów w tej ręce.

12 - Cios uderza w łokieć, powodując chwilowe zdrętwienie ręki. Trafiony musi zdać problematyczny test odporności na ból by nie upuścić trzymanych przedmiotów w tej ręce.

13 - Cios uderza w biceps. Trafiony musi zdać problematyczny test odporności na ból by nie upuścić trzymanych przedmiotów w tej ręce. Dodatkowo jego budowa jest obniżona o 2 w przypadku używania tej ręki przez 4 rundy.

14 - Cios uderza w bark. Trafiony musi zdać problematyczny test odporności na ból by nie stracić najbliższego segmentu na wycie z bólu.

15 - Uderzenie łamie 1k10/2 palców. Trafiony musi zdać problematyczny test odporności na ból by nie stracić najbliższego segmentu na wycie z bólu. Do czasu zaleczenia ręka ma modyfikator -1 do zręczności za każdy złamany palec.

16 - Cios miażdży rękę trafionemu, który puszcza trzymane w niej przedmioty. Do czasu przeciętnego testu pierwszej pomocy nie może się nią posługiwać.

17 - Uderzenie miażdży nadgarstek. Trafiony upuszcza trzymane w dłoni przedmioty. Musi zdać trudny test odporności na ból inaczej poświęci najbliższe 2 segmenty na wycie z bólu.

18 - Cios uderza w przedramię z ogromnym impetem, głośno łamiąc kości. Trafiony upuszcza trzymane w dłoni przedmioty i musi wykonać trudny test odporności na ból, w przeciwnym razie przez 2 rundy będzie mógł tylko wyć z bólu. Jeśli test się powiedzie, przeciwnik będzie mógł dalej walczyć, lecz nie będzie mógł używać zranionej ręki. Kości zrosną się po 1k10/2 tygodniach, a do tego czasu budowa przy użyciu tej ręki obniży się o połowę. Wymagany jest problematyczny test pierwszej pomocy by się nią dobrze zająć. Bez pomocy medycznej ręka może nigdy już nie być sprawna.

19 - Uderzenie miażdży bark i wtłacza odłamki kości do klatki piersiowej, rozrywając płuco. Trudny test odporności na ból by nie zemdleć. Krwawienie +6

20 - Cios miażdży bark, rozłupuje obojczyk i łamie kręgosłup. Trafiony im upada na ziemię, jest martwy.



1-5 - Draśnięcie (siniak)

6-9 - Cios trafia w udo zostawiając po sobie brzydkiego siniaka. Jeśli trafiony nie zda zwyczajnego testu odporności na ból otrzyma karę -1 do najbliższego testu.

10-11 - Cios uderza trafionego w kolano, wytrącając go z równowagi. (zwyczajny test zręczności inaczej się przewróci)

12-13 - Uderzenie trafia w piszczel. Trafiony musi zdać trudny test odporności na ból inaczej straci najbliższe dwa segmenty na trzymaniu się za goleń.

14 - Uderzenie trafia przeciwnika w biodro a siła ciosu jest na tyle duża by natychmiastowo obalić go z nóg.

15 - Cios uderza przeciwnika w kolano, wytrącając go z równowagi. Jeżeli przeciwnik przeżyje, od tej pory kolano będzie go bolało na każdą zmianę pogody

16 - Cios miażdży przeciwnikowi paluch u stopy. Trafiony musi zdać problematyczny test odporności na ból inaczej upadnie na ziemię. Oprócz tego trafiony jest spowolniony o jedną trzecią.

17 - Uderzenie łamie przeciwnikowi kości śródstopia. Trafiony musi zdać trudny test odporności na ból inaczej upadnie na ziemię. Szybkość zmniejsza się o połowę a wszystkie testy związane z ruchem są utrudnione o jeden stopień.

18 - Uderzenie łamie nogę. Trafienie przewraca przeciwnika a ten nie jest w stanie na niej stanąć. Potrzebny jest test pierwszej pomocy o stopniu trudnym by noga prawidłowo się zrosła. Inaczej szybkość trwale spadnie o jedną trzecią.

19 - Broń z głośnym chrzęstem przetrąca przeciwnikowi kolano. Przewraca się na ziemię i co rundę musi zdać trudny test odporności na ból inaczej zemdleje. Dodatkowo jeśli nie otrzyma pomocy medycznej w ciągu 48h (test pierwszej pomocy o stopniu trudnym) to jego szybkość spadnie trwale o połowę.

20 - Cios miażdży przeciwnikowi mięśnie uda, łamie kość i rozrywa tętnicę. Śmierć następuje po kilku chwilach.

Start the Conversation

Nightmare Moon - respect thread

There can be only one princess in Equestria. And that princess WILL BE ME.
There can be only one princess in Equestria. And that princess WILL BE ME.

Description and in-character behaviour

Nightmare Moon is corrupted version of princess Luna, the younger sister of princess/queen Celestia. As Luna she was the protector of the night. Her list of duties is very short but at the same time her tasks are very dangerous and wearisome. After using her power to rise the moon, she enters the dream realm to protect her subjects from nightmares. She was doing her job hundreds if not thousands of years. As a lunar creature she was always alone without anyone to talk with, flying in the endless abyss of dreams. In addiction to that the entire country idolize her sister not her, in fact, nobody even remembers about her or how important is her job. In fury and sadness Luna turned into Nightmare Moon to overthrow Celestia and cover the world in eternal night. During her rebelion she was defeated by her sister and imprisoned on the moon for almost thousand years. Now she's back to end what she has begun ages ago.


In-character behaviour:

Nightmare Moon is cruel and ruthless. She murders without hesitation and is willing to use actions of terror. Such as taking hostages. However her arrogance is huge. She was outsmarted by Twilight Sparkle because she was so blinded by her ego. It can be used by smart opponents as their advantage.

Experience and age

Well she is definitely experienced in magic duels. She doesn't have any problems with fighting as an equal with Celestia who is stated to be leagues superior to Twilight Sparkle. Twilight has experience of fighting with multiple enemies at once, fast and strong beasts, powerfull magicians and even experience of fighting with godlike creatures (Like planetary level reality warper or Tirek who's magic was at least nuke level. Luna has experience of fighting against the same reality warper or King Sombra - powerfull sorcerer who's wielding the dark magic. I think that she's supposed to be at least few thousands years old. While she daily fights against beasts, magical constructs and other enemies in dream realm.


Her strike shakes the ground and destroys magical artifacts made from solid rock
Her strike shakes the ground and destroys magical artifacts made from solid rock
Her strike breaks solid stone and destroys entire, tough , stone wall behind her
Her strike breaks solid stone and destroys entire, tough , stone wall behind her
[NON-CANON] Breaks solid stone just by stomping on it
[NON-CANON] Breaks solid stone just by stomping on it
[NON-CANON] Nightmare Moon kicked Celestia so hard that she was unable to fly for a while
[NON-CANON] Nightmare Moon kicked Celestia so hard that she was unable to fly for a while


She has shown the ability to dodge laser beams in middle air while simultaneously casting other spells. After making some math whe can assume that those laser beams travel with speed of >360 m/s. And she was able to react to them at distance of 30 feets while simultaneously casting other spells. She reacted to them often after they were shot so it makes her an bullet-timing character at least.

Creates a forcefield to defends herself from a magic blast. She created it after the blast was created
Creates a forcefield to defends herself from a magic blast. She created it after the blast was created

Dodges a magic blast after it was shot. She was hugging her sister so she didn't exactly saw that coming
Dodges a magic blast after it was shot. She was hugging her sister so she didn't exactly saw that coming

Tags Celestia, a fast and agile person in the air. It's worth to mention that Celestia is casual laser timer
Tags Celestia, a fast and agile person in the air. It's worth to mention that Celestia is casual laser timer
Luna can tag laser beams in the air after they were shot
Luna can tag laser beams in the air after they were shot

Those laser beams are fast enough to catch up to Rainbow Dash (after a huge headstart for RD). RD here was performing Sonic Rainboom which is basically breaking the barrier of the sound. By logic the laser need to be faster than 360 m/s.
Those laser beams are fast enough to catch up to Rainbow Dash (after a huge headstart for RD). RD here was performing Sonic Rainboom which is basically breaking the barrier of the sound. By logic the laser need to be faster than 360 m/s.


Nightmare Moon is insanely fast. She was able to tag Celestia twice, a person who's casual laser timer (speed of those blasts posted in reflexes section).


Travels from moon to Equestria in one panel


Attacks Celestia before she can cast her shield.
Attacks Celestia before she can cast her shield.
Luna is insanely fast flier. She can tag laser beams in the air
Luna is insanely fast flier. She can tag laser beams in the air
Again strikes Celestia faster than she's able to cast her shield
Again strikes Celestia faster than she's able to cast her shield
She can turn into a fog almost instantly
She can turn into a fog almost instantly

In her fog form she flies faster than Rainbow Dash
In her fog form she flies faster than Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash is a lightning-bolt timer who can fly even 3,800 mph and can casually break the speed of the sound in second.

She can create a tornado just by just flying fast
She can create a tornado just by just flying fast
[NON-CANON] Celestia and Luna fly and fight insanely fast
[NON-CANON] Celestia and Luna fly and fight insanely fast
[NON-CANON] Nightmare Moon moves so fast that she catches Celestia off-guard in mid-air
[NON-CANON] Nightmare Moon moves so fast that she catches Celestia off-guard in mid-air



Tanks laser beam which can destroy entire stone walls/bridges

Luna tanks few seconds of Daybreaker's charge without a scratch. Her opponent wields the power of the sun and the temperature of the surface of the sun reaches 5500°C,
Luna tanks few seconds of Daybreaker's charge without a scratch. Her opponent wields the power of the sun and the temperature of the surface of the sun reaches 5500°C,
She's not affected by Timberwolfs aura. They passively drain magic energy, even Twilight Sparkle a top-tier sorceress couldn't use any spells near them. She's clearly resistant to draining her magic
She's not affected by Timberwolfs aura. They passively drain magic energy, even Twilight Sparkle a top-tier sorceress couldn't use any spells near them. She's clearly resistant to draining her magic
[NON-CANON] Nightmare Moon tanks point blank shot from Celestia's beam and is not scratched by it. Those beams easily destroy stone constructs like bridges, walls and even houses.
[NON-CANON] Nightmare Moon tanks point blank shot from Celestia's beam and is not scratched by it. Those beams easily destroy stone constructs like bridges, walls and even houses.

Magical abilities


Laser beams:

  • Effect: Sorcerer can create a magical missle which can travel at 320-360 m/s speed to destroy his opponent
  • Casting time: less than second


Her laser beams can create craters


She can casually destroy solid stone walls
She can casually destroy solid stone walls
Like above
Like above
She can use the laser beams instantly
She can use the laser beams instantly
Destructive feat of character who's canonically leagues weaker than Luna
Destructive feat of character who's canonically leagues weaker than Luna
She casually destroys giant stone bridge and few walls
She casually destroys giant stone bridge and few walls
Oneshots Timberwolf, a creature which drains magic energy
Oneshots Timberwolf, a creature which drains magic energy
Nightmare Moon overpowers Celestia with her raw power creating small explosion
Nightmare Moon overpowers Celestia with her raw power creating small explosion


Weather manipulation:

She can instantly create lightning bolts from nowhere to strike her enemies
She can instantly create lightning bolts from nowhere to strike her enemies
She can create lightning bolts from nowhere
She can create lightning bolts from nowhere
She can create entire storm
She can create entire storm
Can create massive wind and cloud the sky
Can create massive wind and cloud the sky
Can create mist and cover the battlefield with a thought
Can create mist and cover the battlefield with a thought


Magical barriers:

  • Effect: Sorcerer can create magical barriers to protect himself from spells and physical attacks
  • Casting time: less than second
  • Duration: Untill sorcerer who casted it doesn't delete the effect


Durability of shields is high. They can block with ease magical beams that are able to destroy entire stone bridges or walls with one shot.

Magical barrier protects person from all sides. Here Twilight tanks one of those beams and Twilight is way weaker than Nightmare Moon in canon
Magical barrier protects person from all sides. Here Twilight tanks one of those beams and Twilight is way weaker than Nightmare Moon in canon

Here Nightmare Moon's magical barrier tanks attack from Daybreaker who wields the power of the sun. The temperature on the surface of the sun reaches 5500°C,
Here Nightmare Moon's magical barrier tanks attack from Daybreaker who wields the power of the sun. The temperature on the surface of the sun reaches 5500°C,



Luna can change her form. From physical one into a blue mist
Luna can change her form. From physical one into a blue mist
As a mist she can travel very fast. She flies faster than Rainbow Dash
As a mist she can travel very fast. She flies faster than Rainbow Dash

Mist form is physical and Luna has enough strenght to destroy a small cliff.
Mist form is physical and Luna has enough strenght to destroy a small cliff.
Luna can shapeshift into anything
Luna can shapeshift into anything



Luna shapeshifted into that central pony and created two other persons. The are physcial and can't talk separately.
Luna shapeshifted into that central pony and created two other persons. The are physcial and can't talk separately.

Like you see it was Luna all the time
Like you see it was Luna all the time




Moves out of the way Starlight Glimmer


Catches Spike
Catches Spike

Feats of others, canonically weaker characters:

- Twilight fully repairs a broken dam so well no cracks can be seen.

- Twilight telekinetically lifts and transports a building sized bear and a water tower.

Starlight uses telekinesis to stop target who was breaking the barrier of the sound with his speed
Starlight uses telekinesis to stop target who was breaking the barrier of the sound with his speed



Creates chains out of nothing
Creates chains out of nothing
Changes toys into spiders
Changes toys into spiders

Weaker characters feats:

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creating top-tier cake from few random things
creating top-tier cake from few random things


Dream realm magic:

Luna can enter to any dream of any person in the world anytime.

- Luna has a spell which can instantly put to sleep anybody. Here she uses it on Discord who's a planetary level+ reality warper.

- Also, Luna can combine dreams of entire town into one.

In the dream realm she's literally a god who can do anything
In the dream realm she's literally a god who can do anything



Luna can talk to anybody in the world via telepathy. The person will see her face on the moon (only the person the rest doesn't see anything) and will hear her voice.

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Nightmare Moons teleports herself
Nightmare Moons teleports herself

More examples of teleportation of other characters:

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Moon manipulation:

Luna can raise and lower the moon whenever she wants. The writers of the show said that the moon has the same size as the our, real moon.

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Nightmare moon can fly without using her wings

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Mane manipulation:

She has absolute controll over her hair

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Davy Jones - respect thread

Life is cruel. Why should the afterlife be any different?
Life is cruel. Why should the afterlife be any different?

Description and in-character behaviour

Davy Jones is a captain of the legendary Flying Dutchman. He was supposed to collect and help the sailors souls who died at the sea. He loved a Sea Godness Calypso and because of that love, Davy Jones agreed to set foot on land once every ten years, where Jones would be free to come ashore to be with Calypso. But when Davy Jones came ashore after his ten year duty, Calypso was nowhere to be found. The seas were fickle and unpredictable, as was the powerful goddess who ruled that domain. So Davy Jones with broken hearth plotted with the First Brethren Court, unbeknownst to Calypso, where they would tear the rule of the seas away from the sea goddess and imprison her into the body of a mortal woman. After that the captain abandoned his task and he and his sailors are turned into a mosters forever. He ripped his own heart from his body and locked it in hidden chest.


Davy Jones appearance:

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Jones character when in great danger:

The only way to kill Jones is to destroy his heart and once the British Company found and took his heart as a hostage. He surrendered and became a captain of the British Empire. He killed his loyal sea monster "Kraken" and was commanded by the arrogant officers. However some time later when he had a chance he broke free and betrayed them. Jones cannot be chained and contained forever and the only thing which can scare him is destruction of his heart.


Jones behaviour during combat:

Captain is a tactical fighter. He's no different than any other swordsmaster who uses sabre/cutlass. However when he's more than angry, in literal fury he lowers his defenses. Good swordsmaster can exploit this weakness (if Jones is in fury of course).


Jones can break a sword without effort
Jones can break a sword without effort
Jones can lift full grown person and a heavy, metal chest at the same time when in uncomfortably position
Jones can lift full grown person and a heavy, metal chest at the same time when in uncomfortably position
He can lift a full grown man and heavy, metal chest with such force that he sends that person flying some good meters
He can lift a full grown man and heavy, metal chest with such force that he sends that person flying some good meters
Jones can easily overpower normal humans with his physical strength. Also one strike of his arm is enough to send a person flying
Jones can easily overpower normal humans with his physical strength. Also one strike of his arm is enough to send a person flying



Reflexes and speed



First of all: he was fighting here. You can see a strong wind, rain and that powerfull whirl.
First of all: he was fighting here. You can see a strong wind, rain and that powerfull whirl.

Jones despite having only one normal leg can easily fight on thin, wooden bar. You need an amazing reflexes to not fall from there. What's even more amazing is that he KICKS Jack in this fight. This means he was able to stand there on one leg.
Jones despite having only one normal leg can easily fight on thin, wooden bar. You need an amazing reflexes to not fall from there. What's even more amazing is that he KICKS Jack in this fight. This means he was able to stand there on one leg.
Despite being hit to the face with heavy, metal chest he instantly reacts to Jacks sword strike.
Despite being hit to the face with heavy, metal chest he instantly reacts to Jacks sword strike.
Like I said above. He casually catches sword with his left arm despite being hit to the face with great force second before.
Like I said above. He casually catches sword with his left arm despite being hit to the face with great force second before.
When two ships crash Jacks falls of but Jones reflexes are good enough to not only ,not fall off but he catches the chest with his heart in the same time.
When two ships crash Jacks falls of but Jones reflexes are good enough to not only ,not fall off but he catches the chest with his heart in the same time.




Jack hits Jones with solid, heavy, metal chest to the face and he tanks it pretty well.
Jack hits Jones with solid, heavy, metal chest to the face and he tanks it pretty well.
Jack hits Jones with solid, wooden bar to the face and he tanks it pretty well.
Jack hits Jones with solid, wooden bar to the face and he tanks it pretty well.
Davy Jones crab, left arm and right leg are completely resistant to cutting. Here he tanked sword strike with his arm.
Davy Jones crab, left arm and right leg are completely resistant to cutting. Here he tanked sword strike with his arm.

Abilities and skill



Jones is indeed a swordmaster. He has shown he can fight in any battlefield. He can stalemate for few good minutes against Jack Sparrow - person who was stated to be the fourth most skilled sword user in the verse. The only defect in Jones skill is that he lowers his defense when in fury.

Jack feats (from here):

Unusual Terrain


Clearly a stalemate
Clearly a stalemate





Davy Jones can phase through objects


- Despite darkness, distance and fog he notices Jack Sparrow's ship

- Senses Will Turner who's hiding on the ship (need video)


Davy Jones wears standard captain's outfit and his only weapon is a long pirate Cutlass (similar to this).

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For now that's all. If you know any feats I could add, write please


Aragorn II Elessar - respect thread

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.................................................................................All that is gold does not glitter.........................

..............................................................................Not all those who wander are lost.......................

...........................................................................The old that is strong does not wither...................

..........................................................................Deep roots are not reached by the frost.................

.............................................................................From the ashes a fire shall be woken....................

............................................................................A light from the shadows shall spring...................

.......................................................................Renewed shall be blade that was broken..................

...............................................................................The crownless again shall be king.......................

Description and in-character behaviour

He was Aragorn son of Arathorn, the nine and thirtieth heir in the right line from Isildur, and yet more like Elendil than any before him.

But there are few left in Middle-earth like Aragorn son of Arathorn. The race of the Kings from over the Sea is nearly at an end

Aragorn was a ranger, person who travels across the land and protects people from danger. At the same time he was the Chieftain of the Dúnedain and later - the King of Gondor. Due to his ancient Dunedain blood he ages slowly and his body is in impressive, peak condition. He died when he was 210 years old by the old age. When Aragorn was two years old, his father was slain when an orc arrow pierced his eye. Aragorn was raised by Elrond, the noble elf king in Rivendell to be good and wise.

Aragorn? His time draws near. And he is strong and stern underneath, Pippin; bold, determined, able to take his own counsel and dare great risks at need.

Aragorn is great leader. Not only as a king but as a ranger too. After Gandalf fell, he was able to save entire Fellowship by leading them out of Moria. He was the leader till end of his mission.

But Aragorn, now revealed as the hidden heir of the ancient Kings of the West, led the Company on from the East Gate of Moria, through the Elvish land of Lo´ rien, and down the great River Anduin, until they came to the Falls of Rauros


Aragorn's appearance:

Suddenly Frodo noticed that a strange-looking weather- beaten man, sitting in the shadows near the wall, was also listening intently to the hobbit-talk. He had a tall tankard in front of him, and was smoking a long-stemmed pipe curiously carved. His legs were stretched out before him, showing high boots of supple leather that fitted him well, but had seen much wear and were now caked with mud. A travel-stained cloak of heavy dark-green cloth was drawn close about him, and in spite of the heat of the room he wore a hood that overshadowed his face; but the gleam of his eyes could be seen as he watched the hobbits.


Aragorn's character when in great danger:

Then the echoes died as suddenly as a flame blown out by a dark wind, and the enemy advanced again.

With a bound the Balrog leaped full upon the bridge. Its whip whirled and hissed.

‘He cannot stand alone!’ cried Aragorn suddenly and ran back along the bridge. ‘Elendil! ’ he shouted. ‘I am with you, Gandalf !’

‘Over the bridge!’ cried Gandalf, recalling his strength. ‘Fly! This is a foe beyond any of you. I must hold the narrow way. Fly!’ Aragorn and Boromir did not heed the command, but still held their ground, side by side, behind Gandalf at the far end of the bridge

Aragorn is very loyal companion and brave man. Gandalf said that Balrog the ancient demon who destroyed entire, huge Dwarf city, cannot be injured by their weapons. Despite that Aragorn still stands near his friend to help him in need.


When everyone panic because Frodo vanished with the ring, Aragorn keeps cold blood:

‘An hour since he vanished!’ shouted Sam. ‘We must try and find him at once. Come on!’

‘Wait a moment!’ cried Aragorn. ‘We must divide up into pairs, and arrange – here, hold on! Wait!’


Aragorn behaviour during combat:

Aragorn smote to the ground the captain that stood in his path, and the rest fled in terror of his wrath.

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During combat Aragorn strikes with great power. He tries to overhelm his opponent with fury of fast strikes and wrath.


Aragorn was the tallest of the Company

Aragorn is the tallest of the company. He's 6'6'' (198cm) tall.

He led the way, and Aragorn followed him. Slowly they moved off, and were soon toiling heavily. In places the snow was breast-high, and often Boromir seemed to be swimming or burrowing with his great arms rather than walking.

Aragorn was able to move and make small path in a snow so big that even the tallest of man could sink in it. The Fellowship was at half of the height of the mountain and Aragorn with Boromir made the path to the very lowest point of the mountain.

‘Have hope!’ said Boromir. ‘I am weary, but I still have some strength left, and Aragorn too. We will bear the little folk.

Aragorn was able to carry Frodo on his back. It's worth to mention that a moment ago he has made very long path in snow with his bare hands for the rest of the group.

Andruil came down upon his helm. There was a flash like flame and the helm burst asunder. The orc fell with cloven head

Aragorn strikes with enough force to cut helmet in half and oneshot the person wearing that helmet

Aragorn picked up Frodo where he lay by the wall and made for the stair, pushing Merry and Pippin in front of him.

Aragorn is able to effortlessly pick up and carry injured Frodo in middle of the fight

Drawing his bright sword and crying Elendil! Elendil! he crashed through the trees.

Aragorn crashes through few trees

Dismayed the rammers let fall the trees and turned to fight; but the wall of their shields was broken as by a lightning- stroke, and they were swept away, hewn down, or cast over the Rock into the stony stream below

Aragorn strikes with enough force to destroy a shield. He's able to ragdoll enemy soldiers with his strikes, throwing them away

- Trades blows with this huge troll (Olog-Hai). Trolls are strong enough to break through, tough stone walls.

Aragorn kicks with enough force to stun a Uruk Hai in armor
Aragorn kicks with enough force to stun a Uruk Hai in armor
Aragorn penetrates tough leather armor with a knive and one his punch to the head is enough to oneshot Uruk Hai in a metal helmet.
Aragorn penetrates tough leather armor with a knive and one his punch to the head is enough to oneshot Uruk Hai in a metal helmet.
Here he does it again
Here he does it again
Beheads an orc with one strike
Beheads an orc with one strike
Aragorn with Boromir's help pulls backward a cave troll. This troll is strong enough to break through and destroy very tough stone walls with one arm
Aragorn with Boromir's help pulls backward a cave troll. This troll is strong enough to break through and destroy very tough stone walls with one arm


- Aragorn beheads person in metal helmet with one swing

- Casually throws a javelin and oneshots this giant beast


Dismayed the rammers let fall the trees and turned to fight; but the wall of their shields was broken as by a lightning- stroke, and they were swept away, hewn down, or cast over the Rock into the stony stream below. The orc-archers shot wildly and then fled.

When Aragorn was fighting against wild soldiers the orcs were shooting at him. Yet, nobody was able to tag him. It can be argued that they couldn't tag him due to lacking archery skill but their were really many of them. I'm not saying that he was arrow timing or something, just he moves fast enough to make it difficult for an average fodder archer to tag him.


Here Aragorn casually dodges sword strike from an Uruk Hai and cuts his leg. He is able to react to another attack second later
Here Aragorn casually dodges sword strike from an Uruk Hai and cuts his leg. He is able to react to another attack second later
Here Aragorn dodges one Uruk Hai attack and then fights against two Uruk Hai at the same time. He attacks those Uruks before they can react
Here Aragorn dodges one Uruk Hai attack and then fights against two Uruk Hai at the same time. He attacks those Uruks before they can react
Aragorn dodges two attacks. One after another
Aragorn dodges two attacks. One after another
Reacts to being attacked from behind (without any knowlege that somebody is behind him)
Reacts to being attacked from behind (without any knowlege that somebody is behind him)
After getting few solid punches to the head from physically superior opponent he's able to immediately deflect thrown dagger with his sword
After getting few solid punches to the head from physically superior opponent he's able to immediately deflect thrown dagger with his sword



- With Gimli fights and stomps giant army of Uruk Hai on that bridge.

‘Come with me, Sam!’ he said. ‘None of us should be alone. There is mischief about. I feel it. I am going to the top, to the Seat of Amon Hen, to see what may be seen. And look! It is as my heart guessed, Frodo went this way. Follow me, and keep your eyes open!’ He sped up the path.

Sam did his best, but he could not keep up with Strider the Ranger, and soon fell behind. He had not gone far before Aragorn was out of sight ahead.

Aragorn is a very good and fast runner

Light feet may run swiftly here,’ said Aragorn. ‘More swiftly, maybe, than iron-shod Orcs. Now we have a chance to lessen their lead!’ They went in single file, running like hounds on a strong scent, and an eager light was in their eyes. Nearly due west the broad swath of the marching Orcs tramped its ugly slot; the sweet grass of Rohan had been bruised and blackened as they passed.

When Aragorn decided to chase the orcs he ran 135 miles in 72 hours (calculated here)

‘Come!’ said Aragorn. ‘This is the hour when we draw swords together!’

Running like fire, they sped along the wall, and up the steps, and passed into the outer court upon the Rock

Aragorn runs like fire, whatever this means

Dismayed the rammers let fall the trees and turned to fight; but the wall of their shields was broken as by a lightning- stroke, and they were swept away, hewn down, or cast over the Rock into the stony stream below. The orc-archers shot wildly and then fled.

When Aragorn was fighting against wild soldiers the orcs were shooting at him. Yet, nobody was able to tag him


Aragorn moves so fast that he can fight against few opponents simultaneously
Aragorn moves so fast that he can fight against few opponents simultaneously
Aragorn unleashes a rain of strikes. He's so fast that Lutrz cannot parry them all
Aragorn unleashes a rain of strikes. He's so fast that Lutrz cannot parry them all

Durability and stamina



Ranger skills:

I had from a friend: Aragorn, the greatest traveller and huntsman of this age of the world.

Gandalf says that Aragorn in greatest traveller and huntsman in entire world.

Aragorn and the Rangers had searched the lands far down the Greyflood, as far as Tharbad, where the old North Road crossed the river by a ruined town

Aragorn is also a great scout

Gandalf walked in front, and with him went Aragorn, who knew this land even in the dark

Aragorn's ranger abilities are soo good that he can travel in the absolute darkness.

Aragorn sped on up the hill. Every now and again he bent to the ground. Hobbits go light, and their footprints are not easy even for a Ranger to read, but not far from the top a spring crossed the path, and in the wet earth he saw what he was seeking.

‘I read the signs aright,’ he said to himself. ‘Frodo ran to the hill-top. I wonder what he saw there? But he returned by the same way, and went down the hill again.’

Aragorn is great tracker. He's able to read very small and light footprints and deduce what Frodo has gone

. At the furthest point Aragorn stooped and picked up something

from the grass; then he ran back.

‘Yes,’ he said, ‘they are quite plain: a hobbit’s footprints. Pippin’s, I think. He is smaller than the others. And look at this!’ He held up a thing that glittered in the sunlight. It looked like the new-opened leaf of a beech-tree, fair and strange in that treeless plain.

‘The brooch of an elven-cloak!’ cried Legolas and Gimli together.

‘Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall,’ said Aragorn

Same as above. Here he reads footprints of Merry and Pippin


- Aragorn tracks Merry and Pippin on battlefield with 100% accuracy

. Aragorn halted and examined the tracks closely.

‘They rested here a while,’ he said, ‘but even the outward trail is already old. I fear that your heart spoke truly, Legolas: it is thrice twelve hours, I guess, since the Orcs stood where we now stand. If they held to their pace, then at sundown yesterday they would reach the borders of Fangorn.’

Easily finds clues where orcs rested



In the leaping light, as the fresh wood blazed up, Frodo saw many grey shapes spring over the ring of stones. More and more followed. Through the throat of one huge leader Aragorn passed his sword with a thrust

In darkness, Aragorn kills huge leader of the wargs by tagging his weak spot - throat.

Aragorn slew many - during the battle in Moria against Orcs of Misty Mountains and Uruks from Mordor

Aragorn is skilled enough to fight against few opponent simultaneously. He slew many warriors during the battle in Balins Tomb. It worth to mention that the Fellowship was heavily outnumbered

Aragorn smote to the ground the captain that stood in his path, and the rest fled in terror of his wrath.

Aragorn easily penetrates orc captain defense, lolstomping him in one move. He strikes with such force and fury that captain soldiers were to scared to face him despite having numbers advantage.

Aragorn is dangerous

Gandalf says that Aragorn is dangerous

Andruil!’ cried Aragorn. ‘Andruil for the Dunedain!’

Charging from the side, they hurled themselves upon the wild men. Andruil rose and fell, gleaming with white fire. A shout went up from wall and tower: ‘Andruil! Andruil goes to war. The Blade that was Broken shines again!

Aragorn and Eomer lolstomped big group of wild warriors

The men of Rohan grew weary. All their arrows were spent, and every shaft was shot; their swords were notched, and their shields were riven. Three times Aragorn and Eomer rallied them, and three times Andu´ ril flamed in a desperate charge that drove the enemy from the wall.

Aragorn and Eomer were good enough to stop big group of enemies from taking the wall.

A broad stairway climbed from the Deep up to the Rock and the rear-gate of the Hornburg. Near the bottom stood Aragorn. In his hand still Andruil gleamed, and the terror of the sword for a while held back the enemy, as one by one all who could gain the stair passed up towards the gate.

Aragorn helds back the enemy


- Aragorn defeats few Nazguls at the same time. Each Nazgul was stated to be powerfull ancient, warrior king from the past

Aragorn casually outskills Uruk Hai warriors and finds openings in their moves. Uruk Hai soldiers are good match to normal, human soldiers.
Aragorn casually outskills Uruk Hai warriors and finds openings in their moves. Uruk Hai soldiers are good match to normal, human soldiers.
Aragorn outskills powerfull leader of the Uruk Hai group
Aragorn outskills powerfull leader of the Uruk Hai group



- Aragorn is proficient with bow. He can shot precisely in a battle and hunt animals with it.

Intelligence and abilities



Aragorn tended Sam and Frodo. Sam’s wound was not deep, but it looked ugly, and Aragorn’s face was grave as he examined it. After a moment he looked up with relief. ‘Good luck, Sam!’ he said. ‘Many have received worse than this in payment for the slaying of their first orc. The cut is not poisoned, as the wounds of orc-blades too often are. It should heal well when I have tended it. Bathe it when Gimli has heated water.’

Aragorn is great healer. He is able to easily deducate that orc blade was not poisoned and he was able to heal Sam's wound.

While the others set the food ready, Aragorn bathed the hurts with water in which athelas was steeped. The pungent fragrance filled the dell, and all those who stooped over the steaming water felt refreshed and strengthened

Aragorn is knowledgeable in healing ways. He knows many plants which can heal particular wounds and those with strengthening effects.

‘Don’t despair!’ said Strider. ‘You must trust me now. Your Frodo is made of sterner stuff than I had guessed, though Gandalf hinted that it might prove so. He is not slain, and I think he will resist the evil power of the wound longer than his enemies expect. I will do all I can to help and heal him. Guard him well, while I am away!’ He hurried off and disappeared again into the darkness.

Frodo dozed, though the pain of his wound was slowly growing, and a deadly chill was spreading from his shoulder to his arm and side. [...] He stooped again and lifted up a long thin knife. There was a cold gleam in it. As Strider raised it they saw that near the end its edge was notched and the point was broken off. But even as he held it up in the growing light, they gazed in astonishment, for the blade seemed to melt, and vanished like a smoke in the air, leaving only the hilt in Strider’s hand. ‘Alas!’ he cried. ‘It was this accursed knife that gave the wound. Few now have the skill in healing to match such evil weapons. But I will do what I can.’

He sat down on the ground, and taking the dagger-hilt laid it on his knees, and he sang over it a slow song in a strange tongue. Then setting it aside, he turned to Frodo and in a soft tone spoke words the others could not catch. From the pouch at his belt he drew out the long leaves of a plant.

‘These leaves,’ he said, ‘I have walked far to find; for this plant does not grow in the bare hills; but in the thickets away south of the Road I found it in the dark by the scent of its leaves.’ He crushed a leaf in his fingers, and it gave out a sweet and pungent fragrance. ‘It is fortunate that I could find it, for it is a healing plant that the Men of the West brought to Middle-earth. Athelas they named it, and it grows now sparsely and only near places where they dwelt or camped of old; and it is not known in the North, except to some of those who wander in the Wild. It has great virtues, but over such a wound as this its healing powers may be small.’

Aragorn again shows great healing abilities. Frodo is heavily injured by a poisoned with black magic dagger. He cannot fully heal the wound in wilderness but he's able to keep Frodo alive for enough time to reach Elrond's help.

“The hands of the king are the hands of a healer, and so shall the rightful king be known.” Only Aragorn can save those wounded by the Enemy.

Aragorn possess the ability named "healing hands of the King". In this scene he crushes the leaves of the Atheals plant, a seemingly useless herb that grows in Gondor, and stirs them in a bowl of warm water. The sweet scent of the herb awakens Faramir from his fever. Faramir immediately affirms Aragorn as his superior and king. Aragorn then tends to Éowyn and Merry, who both return to consciousness when Aragorn touches and kisses them. All through the night, Aragorn heals the wounded of the city.



‘True!’ said Aragorn, loosening his sword in its sheath. ‘But where the warg howls, there also the orc prowls.’

Aragorn easily deducates that the howls are not simple wolves but orc riders.

And Aragorn looked on the slain, and he said: ‘Here lie many that are not folk of Mordor. Some are from the North, from the Misty Mountains, if I know anything of Orcs and their kinds. And here are others strange to me. Their gear is not after the manner of Orcs at all!’

Aragorn analyzes how the orcs look and deducates that they are not from Mordor.

‘They rested here a while,’ he said, ‘but even the outward trail is already old. I fear that your heart spoke truly, Legolas: it is thrice twelve hours, I guess, since the Orcs stood where we now stand. If they held to their pace, then at sundown yesterday they would reach the borders of Fangorn.’

Aragorn deducates where orc will be at sundown having their trail as an argument

- Aragorn knows that Nazguls are afraid of fire and he uses this as his advantage


Special knowledge:

Aragorn and Gandalf walked together or sat speaking of their road and the perils they would meet; and they pondered the storied and figured maps and books of lore that were in the house of Elrond

Aragorn is fluent in many languages of Middle-Earth. Here he reads elvish maps and books with Gandalf and planning the journey.



- Aragorn resists the power of the ring while many other famous human warriors were corrupted and manipulated by it before (Boromir, Isildur)

'I have looked in the Stone of Orthanc, my friends.'

'You have looked in that accursed stone of wizardry!' exclaimed Gimli with fear and astonishment in his face. 'Did you say aught to - him? Even Gandalf feared that encounter.'

'You forget to whom you speak,' said Aragorn sternly, and his eyes glinted. 'What do you fear that I should say to him? Did I not openly proclaim my title before the doors of Edoras? Nay, Gimli, I am the lawful master of the Stone, and I had both the right and the strength to use it, or so I judged. The right cannot be doubted. The strength was enough - barely.'

- Aragorn matches Sauron in mental battle through the palantir and due to the quote he has enough willpower to leave from this match alive. Even Gandalf was too scared to use the palantir.



- Aragorn says he can avoid beeing seen if he wish

At that moment there came a knock at the door. Mr. Butterbur had arrived with candles, and behind him was Nob with cans of hot water. Strider withdrew into a dark corner.

Aragorn avoids beeing seen. Mr Butterbur and Nob were in the same room as Aragorn and they didn't noticed he was there.

Aragorn sneaks to Lutrz before he is able to shot Boromir.
Aragorn sneaks to Lutrz before he is able to shot Boromir.




‘The birds again!’ said Aragorn, pointing down.

Aragorn is the first person to see enemy raven-spies on the sky. It's worth to mention that in the Fellowship is Legolas who as an elf can see in absulete darkness and overall has superhuman eyesight which allows him to see at impossible distances.

Gandalf walked in front, and with him went Aragorn, who knew this land even in the dark

Aragorn can travel in even absolute darkness

Aragorn sped on up the hill. Every now and again he bent to the ground. Hobbits go light, and their footprints are not easy even for a Ranger to read, but not far from the top a spring crossed the path, and in the wet earth he saw what he was seeking.

‘I read the signs aright,’ he said to himself. ‘Frodo ran to the hill-top. I wonder what he saw there? But he returned by the same way, and went down the hill again.’

Aragorn can see very small and light footprints in the forest

Following with his keen eyes the trail to the river, and then the river back towards the forest, Aragorn saw a shadow on the distant green, a dark swift-moving blur.

Aragorn again is the first person to detect something.



Suddenly Aragorn leapt to his feet. ‘How the wind howls!’ he cried. ‘It is howling with wolf-voices. The Wargs have come west of the Mountains!’

Aragorn is the first person to hear orc-wolf raiders

There is no sound outside here yet,’ said Aragorn, who was standing by the eastern door listening. ‘The passage on this side plunges straight down a stair: it plainly does not lead back towards the hall.

Aragorn can hear very well

Aragorn stirred in his sleep, turned over, and sat up.

‘What is it?’ he whispered, springing up and coming to Frodo. ‘I felt something in my sleep. Why have you drawn your sword?’

When asleep, Aragorn's senses are still active. He's able to hear that Frodo has drawn his sword.

Even as he gazed his quick ears caught sounds in the wood- lands below, on the west side of the River. He stiffened. There were cries, and among them, to his horror, he could distinguish the harsh voices of Orcs.

He can hear on great distances

- Aragon can hear well on inhuman distances. He can hear orcs from miles



‘Gollum,’ answered Frodo. ‘Or at least, so I guess.’

‘Ah!’ said Aragorn. ‘So you know about our little footpad, do you? He padded after us all through Moria and right down to Nimrodel.

Aragorn detected Gollum with ease. Gollum sneaking is top tier. He can hunt and catch fishes and birds with his bare hands.

‘I hope that is it,’ answered Aragorn. ‘But I have a sense of watchfulness, and of fear, that I have never had here before.’ ‘Then we must be more careful,’ said Gandalf. ‘If you bring a Ranger with you, it is well to pay attention to him, especially if the Ranger is Aragorn

Aragorn senses enemy raven spies in few minutes before they show on the sky



Aragorn sword:

Very bright was that sword when it was made whole again; the light of the sun shone redly in it, and the light of the moon shone cold, and its edge was hard and keen. And Aragorn gave it a new name and called it Andu´ ril, Flame of the West.

Aragorn had Andu´ ril but no other weapon, and he went forth clad only in rusty green and brown, as a Ranger of the wilderness

‘The blade that is drawn from this sheath shall not be stained or broken even in defeat,’

Aragorn blade can tag and injure immaterial specters


Outfit and armour:

Aragorn's coat is elvish. It makes him almost invisible when he's hiding.

Aragorn - ranger
Aragorn - ranger
Aragorn battle outfit 1
Aragorn battle outfit 1
Aragorn battle outfit 2
Aragorn battle outfit 2

This is all for now. But it's not over yet. I'll uptade the blog if I'll find more feats.


The Wild Hunt - respect thread

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The Wild Hunt known as Red Riders are elvish warriors from another world. The Red Riders are the most elite group of soldiers who protect the capital of their kingdom - Tir ná Lia. Under the king's leadership they travel to other worlds as frightening ghosts or warriors riding skeleton horses. They are flying at the sky in their spectral form, trying to capture and use innocent people as slaves. It was stated that people captured by the Wild Hunt do not age and when they go back to their homes they can see graves of their family which died by natural ways. The Riders rarely appear in their physical forms but when they do, even the bravest of warriors are stunned by fear when facing the elite of elves Aen Elle.

According to tradition and eye witness accounts, the Wild Hunt abducts people, forcing them to join its mad gallopade on the sky. It's harvest is especially rich just before or during a great war, like a few years ago in Novigrad, when over twenty people went missing without a trace after the Wild Hunt passed. Some of the abductees managed to escape the cavalcade back into the world of the living, but the stories they told were so extraordinary that they were always considered insane.

According to the Nordlings, the Wild Hunt is a procession, or rather a cavalcade of skeletal horsemen. They rush across the sky on the bony remains of steeds. Clad in rusty remnants of armor, they wear jagged swords at their waists. Like comets, the Wild Hunt is an omen of war, which has been confirmed beyond all doubt. The spectral cavalcade ventures out in search of victims every several years, but its harvest was never as rich as just before the last war with Nilfgaard, when over twenty souls went missing in Novigrad alone after the Hunt passed through. Curiously, elven and dwarven legends make not the slightest mention of the Wild Hunt.

Common abilities and gear of warriors Aen Elle

- Every Wild Hunt solidier uses the frost as their advantage. The ground freezes under their boots and their armor is always covered with ice which makes the armor tougher. If opponent destroyed the ice, it takes around 10 seconds for the ice to cover the armor again.

- Eredin, Imlerith, Caranthir and Navigators have the ability to teleport on the battlefield. They can teleport instantaneously when they want and to where they want.

- Caranthir and Navigators have the ability to create portals. Wild Hunt soldiers can walk into them and they will teleport to where they want.

- Wild Hunt warrios wield various weapons. Greatswords, one handed swords/hammers with shields, pikes, axes and warhammers. It's worth to mention that their gear is tough enough to not be even scratched by witchers blade (Witcher swords are more sharp than a razor and can cut medieval plate armor like butter)

- The armor of the Aen Elle was stated to be too tough to be penetrated by normal medieval-like weapons. Only witcher blades are sharp enough to penetrate it. Witcher swords are made of meteorites and covered with magic runes.

Eredin - King of the Wild Hunt

The King of the Hunt laughs, rotten teeth are snapping above rusted armor collar
The King of the Hunt laughs, rotten teeth are snapping above rusted armor collar


Eredin is tall, powerfull warrior and charismatic leader. After killing king Auberon he became the King of the Wild Hunt. When their world was going to get destroyed by White Frost he decided to capture Ciri and use her power to trasport his people to another world. He was stopped and killed by Geralt of Rivia, however the White Frost was stopped by Ciri before it destroyed the world of Aen Elle.


- Eredin is strong enough to break through full grown person with a sword. You can see that he easily destroys his opponents weapon with one swing.

- Offscreen defeats three giant bears.

- Eredin is able to match Geralt of Rivia strength wise. Geralt feats:

Reflexes and combat speed

- Normal humans and trained soldiers are to slow to react to his strikes.

- Offscreen defeats three giant bears.

- Parries lighting bolt with his sword. It's worth to mention that he did a movement when the lighting was already shot what is great speed feat.

- Geralt of Rivia cannot blitz him / His reflexes and combat speed is enough to match Geralt. Witcher speed feats:


- After being stabbed in the eye he shows no pain on his face. You can see that he's ready to continue the fight despite being heavily injured.


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- Lolstomps Crach an Craite - an experienced warrior who was trained from childhood.

- Offscreen defeats three giant bears.

- Lolstomps three skellige warriors. Such soldiers from Skellige are very experienced, they live from fighting. Worth to mention is that they were berserkers - warriors who can turn into giant bears. Berserkers were stated to be the elite of Skellige fighters.

- Eredin was stated to be expert fighter.

- Matches Geralt skill wise. Geralt feats:



Skilled Opponents

Physically Superior Opponents

Witcher Training



Ladd nahw! Kill them! Litter the earth with their entrails!
Ladd nahw! Kill them! Litter the earth with their entrails!


Imlerith is the general of the Wild Hunt. As an elf from another world he helps Eredin and his people to capture Ciri the adopted daughter of Geralt of Rivia and use her power to escape from their dying world. Powerfull and experienced warrior who has fought in countless of battles and one of the people who have almost killed Geralt of Rivia.

Imlerith is massive, Avallach who knows him well said that Imlerith tries to scare his opponent. Make his opponent fear him and strike him down with brute force.


- Sends flying an adult man (with superhuman stats) in full medieval gear with one kick:

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- Lifts adult man in full gear with one hand and casually breaks his neck.

- Breaks through castle wooden gate with only a mace. (later we can see that the gate is completely destroyed)

- Stalemates with Geralt strength-wise.


During his fight against Geralt of Rivia he was able to parry Geralt strikes, counterattack, dodge and even attack Geralt before he could react. He can match speed-wise people who are crossbow-timers. The fact alone that he wasn't blitzed by Geralt is great feat but giving the witcher fight for his live and pushing him back? That's is serious feat.

Durability and pain tolerance:

- He can be stabbed with witcher sword to the chest and continue fighting, in that scene later we can see that even after having his face burned alive he's still conscious. Before that he was stabbed to the knee by Vesemir and was able to continue fighting without any problems and stabbed to the chest with dagger by the same witcher.


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- Imlerith was stated to be the general of the Wild Hunt who has fought in countless of battles in many different worlds. He's a master of fighting with mace/sword+shield.

- His best skill feat is definitely giving hell of a fight to Geralt - one of the most skilled characters in whole witcherverse. Geralt couldn't outskill him in pure swordsmanship and had to rely on magical signs to gain the upper hand.

- Imlerith is skilled with magic to teleport around on the battlefield. He shows great mastery over it comparable to the best of the sorceresses.

Special gear

- Besides common gear such as Wild Hunt armor, Imlerith wields giant mace and massive shield

Caranthir Ar-Feiniel

You can't win this, even should you kill me
You can't win this, even should you kill me


Caranthir is the main navigator of the Wild Hunt (he makes portals through time and dimensions). As a "Golden Child" he was trained by Avallach - powerfull mage to save people of Aen Elle. He's very skilled combatant and a mage.

Avallach said that Caranthir is cold pragmatic. Pragmatic person is a person who relies on practical approach to problems and affairs. He take action after rethink and analyzing facts.


- He is able to overpower Eskel strength-wise in a melee combat. Eskel's strength was stated to be equal to Geralts book version.

- Matches Geralt of Riva strength wise

Relfexes and combat speed

- During his fight against Eskel he was matching him speed wise. He even forced him to fight defensive and then broke witchers defense. You can see that he tagged Eskel few times, showing he's faster than his opponent. How fast is Eskel? According to author of the books he's equal to Geralt from the books. Geralt from the books was operating at blur speeds, deflecting crossbow bolts with his sword and moving faster than eye can see.

- Reacts to Ciri teleportation with his own. Ciri was able lolblitz multiple groups of trained Wild Hunt Warriors before (crossbow-bolt timers at least)

- Matches Geralt of Rivia speed wise

Durability and stamina

- Despite being stabbed to the chest he's able to bfr his enemy

- He can fight against Ciri who's very fast, teleporting opponent and after that against Geralt who can move at blur speed/FTE without a break. He defeated one and almost defeated another one.

Special gear

- Caranthir wields a staff which can sustain powerfull spells without tiring his owner.


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- Matches Geralt of Rivia skill wise on mostly comparable skill level.

- Outskills Eskel - witcher with over 100 years of pure fighting experience and breaks his defense


- Caranthir can teleport himself and make magical portals for others. His portals and teleportation are powerfull enough to teleport giant ship across the worlds.

- Caranthir summons ice golems

- Caranthir throws ice bolts

- Caranthir freezes a sea in few seconds

- Caranthir creates massive snow storm which breaks through castle gate and freezes the defenders

- Caranthir abilities works even in place which negates magic. Caranthir freezes entire cave, summoning the White Frost. The cold was so powerfull that Geralt would die if not Keiras magic shield. The frost is able to break through magic sign Quen which can tank massive meteors and explosions of fire. After that Caranthir creates ice wall to stop his opponents from chasing him

Wild hunt warriors

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Each Wild Hunt warrior has gone through a rigorous selection process, but Eredin's personal cavalcade includes only the most brutal and most ferocious of the Aen Elle

- Warriors stalemates with five top tier witchers

- Warriors lolstomp Nilfgaardian elite cavalry

- Wild Hunt warrior overpowers Lambert - a witcher who's slightly weaker than Eskel in 1 vs 1 fight.

Feats for Geralt are from @lubub55 respect thread for Geralt.


Queen Chrysalis - respect thread

This day has been just perfect/The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small/Everypony I'll soon control/Every stallion, mare and foal/Who says a girl can't really have it all?
This day has been just perfect/The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small/Everypony I'll soon control/Every stallion, mare and foal/Who says a girl can't really have it all?


Chrysalis is the mother, queen and leader of the Changelings swarm. Changelings are bug-like creatures that are considered to be evil. This race is similar to ants. They born in eggs, made and raised by the Queen-mother. They are creating swarms and living in hives. The leader of the of swarm/hive is Queen-mother who has born them all. Chrysalis is powerfull, inspiring leader. Ruthless, sadistic, vindictive person who seeks power. However despite being such "bad" person she cares about the hive and her children. She caused entire war just to find food for the hive. Yes, food. The Changelings are feeding on love. We can say that changeling is less sexualized succubi/incubus. They are draining love a little just by being around and they can drain person completely causing even lethal injures. Standard pony is 0,6 meters long and around 1 meter tall. Chrysalis is way larger. She is, at least, 0,8 meters long and 2 meters tall. She's at least 1000 years old. Propably something around 1500-2000.

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First of all. According to Chrysalis statement that her magic is based on the love that she drained. She's like the Hulk. The more love she drains the more powerfull she becomes (magic-wise). Love doesn't seem to affect her physicals.


Magic, laser beam

  • Effect: Sorcerer can create magical, laser beam to destroy his opponent.

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Chrysalis uses beam on Celestia. There she overpowered magic user who can manipulate entire sun.

How strong are magic beams? Beams are able to completely vaporize stone walls and beam from weak sorcerer can destroy stone bridge.

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  • Casting time: less than second


Love drain

  • Effect: Changeling drains out person love and emotions leaves them in highly lethal "mindless zombie" state. Weakens physicals. They can feed even on bad emotions such as narcissism and arrogance.

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AOE drain
AOE drain
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  • Casting time: less than second
  • Duration: Permament


Magical telekinesis

  • Effect: Sorcerer can freeze a person (or throw him around is he likes).
  • Examples (with some Twilight and Starlight feats, but Chrysalis telekinesis should be equal or even greater to their):

- Twilight fully repairs a broken dam so well no cracks can be seen.

- Twilight telekinetically lifts and transports a building sized bear and a water tower.

Ragdolls person
Ragdolls person

Starlight uses telekinesis to stop target who was breaking the barrier of the sound with his speed
Starlight uses telekinesis to stop target who was breaking the barrier of the sound with his speed
Starlight uses telekinesis to fly and dodge laser, magic beams in the air
Starlight uses telekinesis to fly and dodge laser, magic beams in the air
Starlight uses telekinesis to jump
Starlight uses telekinesis to jump
  • Casting time: less than second
  • Duration: untill sorcerer who casted it doesn't delete the effect


Magical barriers

  • Effect: Sorcerer can create magical barriers to protect himself from spells and physical attacks
  • Casting time: less than second
  • Duration: Untill sorcerer who casted it doesn't delete the effect

While there's no feats where she uses them it's logical to think that she can. Why? Barriers are one of the most basic spells while she uses some highly advanced ones.

Durability of shields is high. They can block with ease magical beams that are able to destroy stone bridges with one shot.

beam destroying bridge.
beam destroying bridge.
shield can protect sorcerer from all sides
shield can protect sorcerer from all sides



  • Effect: Sorcerer can phase people. So if she likes she can phase you into the ground (bfr)
  • Casting time: second
  • Duration: untill sorcerer who casted it doesn't delete the effect

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Mind controll

  • Effect: Sorcerer can controll persons mind. There Chrysalis uses it on Twilight to force her to harm her friends. Twilight is no slouch if we are talking about strong will. Just in case: physical contact isn't needed. Also Chrsalis has shown to be able to controll dragon and force him to show his weak spot.
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  • Casting time: It should take something like 1 second.
  • Duration: untill sorcerer who casted it doesn't delete the effect



  • Effect: This is their born, magic ability. They can shapeshift into anything for as long as they want. With 100% accuracy. Chrysalis changed once into Princess Candence who was going to be marry one of the guards. She stayed in this form for weeks and nobody have recognized her. She practically married him. Another changeling shapeshifted into a rock so you know. They can be anything.
  • Casting time: Less than second
  • Duration: untill changeling who shapeshifted doesn't delete the effect


Trapping people in cocoons

  • Effect: She can create and trap person in a cocoon. Trapped person is in half-dream. He's not conscious but not sleeping. Cocoons are very tough and it's pretty impossible to break free from the inside. Inside cocoon even powerfull magic users cannot use magic.

Traps five people at the same time
Traps five people at the same time

  • Casting time: second
  • Duration: untill cocoon will be destroyed


Chrysalis is pretty strong. She can lift at least 200 pounds with only her mouth - without effort.

Using only her mouth he's able to ragdoll and throw away pony who's weight should be ~200 pounds at least
Using only her mouth he's able to ragdoll and throw away pony who's weight should be ~200 pounds at least
Lifts two, huge, stone rocks while being crushed by them
Lifts two, huge, stone rocks while being crushed by them


She has shown the ability to dodge laser beams or react to them in another way. Those laser beams travel with speed of ~320-360 m/s what makes her, at least, bullet timer.

React to blast while being blinded by light
React to blast while being blinded by light


They normal land speed is average but thanks to the flying they can travel very fast. An athlete from their universe is able to break the barrier of the sound with his speed in like 2 seconds. Other, weaker changelings has been able to fly at supersonic speeds (debatable, but seeing Rainbow Dash I think they do)

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Rainbow Dash top speed is 3,800 mph
Rainbow Dash top speed is 3,800 mph

Durability and changeling physiology

There's where she shines. She has an amazing durability.

tanks explosion which destroys entire storey of the castle
tanks explosion which destroys entire storey of the castle
Like you see she's unharmed
Like you see she's unharmed

Tanks point blank magic spell that sends her fly on distance of entire country. When she hits the ground there's no visible damage.
Tanks point blank magic spell that sends her fly on distance of entire country. When she hits the ground there's no visible damage.

Tanks (without any visible injury) magic blast that vaporized entire stone wall behind her
Tanks (without any visible injury) magic blast that vaporized entire stone wall behind her


- Rules whole "country" for over thousand years

- Outsmarts Twilight Sparkle, genius who can create time machines from junk

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- While mid-battle changes into enemy commander and fools the enemy army by giving wrong orders.

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- Outsmarted entire royal family and almost take over entire country by herself (season 2 finale)

- Planned invasion on entire country. Plan was so good that they won within minutes (season 6 finale)

- Planned capturing few royal family members. Plan worked perfectly (season 6 finale)


Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey Jr version) - respect thread

Never theorize before You have data. Invariably, you end up twisting facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.
Never theorize before You have data. Invariably, you end up twisting facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.


Sherlock Holmes is the legendary great detective who solves even the most baffling cases with astute observation, deductive reasoning and very little people skills. As a "consulting detective," he favors reason and logic above all else and makes very few personal attachments beyond those that benefit him.

Sherlock Holmes is an extraordinary and eccentric person with great observation skills. Using logic he's able to unravel even the hardest of riddles.


Sherlock is no superhuman. He has normal, human strength. However his physcials are enough to one-shot or KO standard humans with one punch to the face.

- His punches makes internal injuries

He's able to send on the ground a thug with one kick to the chest
He's able to send on the ground a thug with one kick to the chest

Ragdolls his opponent
Ragdolls his opponent

His one kick is enough to break from grip of way more physically powerfull thug. His one punch to the face is enough to KO this strong man on 20 seconds
His one kick is enough to break from grip of way more physically powerfull thug. His one punch to the face is enough to KO this strong man on 20 seconds

Sends soldier on the ground with one kick
Sends soldier on the ground with one kick

Blocks blows from opponent with far greater strength
Blocks blows from opponent with far greater strength

One-shots adult man with simple punch
One-shots adult man with simple punch

Reflexes and combat speed

- Lolstomps and heavily injures powerfull thug/arena fighter/boxer in 8 seconds

- Defeats few armed opponents before apple falls on the ground

- His combat speed is enough to fight few opponents simultaneously

Disarms his opponent at point blank range before he can shot him
Disarms his opponent at point blank range before he can shot him
Reacts immediately with counterattack
Reacts immediately with counterattack
Dodges bullet-ricochet
Dodges bullet-ricochet

Shows some great aim-dodging
Shows some great aim-dodging


Despite having standard, human durability he's pretty tough. He can take multiple punches to the weak points, injures and face and still keep fighting.

- Despite being heavily injured (being shot) and exhausted he's able to fight with experienced and armed soldiers and then run to the train and escape

- Fights for long time against very experienced boxing champion despite having heavily injured right arm.

shrugs off strong hit from wooden box to the head
shrugs off strong hit from wooden box to the head
Very strong fighter punches him to the face so hard that he falls on the ground. Despite that he's able to stand and lolstomp this guy ~10 seconds later. I dare to say that such powerfull blow would KO an average person
Very strong fighter punches him to the face so hard that he falls on the ground. Despite that he's able to stand and lolstomp this guy ~10 seconds later. I dare to say that such powerfull blow would KO an average person

Intelligence, skill and senses

Sherlock is deviously intelligent.

- Shows great disguise and stealthing skills

- Easily finds clues in dead body

- Resolves plan of murders and knows who's next

- Explains riddle of murders

- Despite being blindfolded he's ably to easily deduce where he is

- While captured gains clues, outsmarts his opponent, breaks free and escapes

- He uses environment all the time. He throws things at his enemies during fights etc. Example

- He can "make" the entire fight and opponent moves in his mind with 100% accuracy. Even if he fights against opponents that he doesn't know. | 1 | 2 | 3 |

- Easily finds clue that there is an assassin in the room and the he calculates the fight. He was almost 100% correct which is impressive due to not knowing that man. He was able to win against him even besides that he didn't had a proper weapon.

- Fights and wins against skilled and agile assassin.

- Shows some great chess skills


Fight against fodder: all of those random thugs and soliders he has defeated. Gifs/links above

Fight against skilled opponents: Moriaty, Unnamed underground fighter, Unnamed assassin etc. He is not outskilled by boxing/fighting champions and even one lolstomped. Links/gifs above.


Well, everything from this picture is in his standard gear. Sometimes he wields a wooden cane.

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Lord Elrond - respect thread

I Aear cân ven na mar
I Aear cân ven na mar


He was as noble and fair as an elf-lord, as strong as a warrior, as wise as a wizard, as venerable as a king of dwarves, and as kind as summer

Elrond was born in F.A. 532 at the Havens of Sirion late in the First Age. His parents were Eärendil and Elwing and had a twin brother, Elros, who later became the first king of Númenor. Elrond is described to seem ageless, resembling neither old nor young, however one could see in his face the memories and experiences of thousands of years. He looked venerable both like an old king, a wise wizard, and an experienced warrior in his prime. Elrond is described as dark-haired person with grey and shining like starlight eyes. He could be seen wearing a circlet of silver. He's a veteran of hundreds of wars and thousands of battles. During the Third Age Elrond was the Lord of Rivendell and keeper of the great elven ring Vilya. He sailed to the West (propably Aman) in T.A. 3021 when he was ~6520 years old.

Venerable he seemed as a king crowned with many winters, and yet hale as a tried warrior in the fulness of his strength. He was the Lord of Rivendell and mighty among both Elves and Men.

While Elrond doesn't have such many, pure feats as Legolas we can at least compare him to our favourite elf from movies. Why? Well in the Tolkienverse there are few generation of elves. The older elves were stated to by way more powerfull than elves from Third Age. Example of the best Third-Age elf is Legolas. (Elrond, Thranduil, Galadriel are far older than him).


While Elrond lacks strenght feats we can assume that there shouldn't be a huge gap between his physical strenght and Legolas strenght.Mostly because Elrond is from older, more powerfull generation. Using Legolas as an example we can assume that top elves possess superhuman strenght.

About Elrond:

he was hale as a tried warrior in the fulness of his strength

About Legolas:

He was tall as a young tree, lithe, immensely strong, able swiftly to draw a great war-bow

Legolas is able to effortlessly, fast draw the great war-bow. Medieval longbows had draw force of 100–185 lb.

Overall average elf should have more physical strenght than average human. And Elrond is not an average elf.

Galadriel, elf who looks far weaker than Elrond or Legolas (physically) carries an adult man without breaking a sweat
Galadriel, elf who looks far weaker than Elrond or Legolas (physically) carries an adult man without breaking a sweat

Legolas is able to manipulate giant beast
Legolas is able to manipulate giant beast

... this.
... this.
Trades blows with giant opponent. Bolg possess immense strenght. His blows are able to crush stone
Trades blows with giant opponent. Bolg possess immense strenght. His blows are able to crush stone

Overpowers Bolgs kick and throws him around
Overpowers Bolgs kick and throws him around

Reflexes and speed

Elves are famous from being agile, nimble and swift. Worth to mention is that they are ambidextrous. They can run effortlessly on ropes. Due to their physiology and magic they can deny gravity.. literally. When others are sinking in the snow, elves like Legolas are able to walk and run on the surface without leaving the footprints. Average Elves are at least solid arrow-timers and characters like Elrond, Legolas and Thranduil have great potential to be more. Thranduil who's very similar to Elrond lolblitzed arrow timer in the "Hobbit" movie.

At least 3 Ring Wraiths, who are fast, teleporting opponents, are trying to kill Elrond. They are attacking from his back and left/right side. Overall they are attacking from blindspots. Regardless of that Elrond is able to react in time to parry every strike and even counterattack.
At least 3 Ring Wraiths, who are fast, teleporting opponents, are trying to kill Elrond. They are attacking from his back and left/right side. Overall they are attacking from blindspots. Regardless of that Elrond is able to react in time to parry every strike and even counterattack.

Fights against two fast, skilled, teleporting opponents simultaneously
Fights against two fast, skilled, teleporting opponents simultaneously
Instantly parries surprise attack from the right (blind spot) while fighting against another opponent.
Instantly parries surprise attack from the right (blind spot) while fighting against another opponent.

Elvish physiology, senses and stamina

Elves can fight for an entire battle without tiring, can run for days and feel no fatigue. Their durability should be average. They seem as durable as an strong man. They can take beating and punches from far stronger opponents, for example Bolg, but standard sword strike to the head/heart would kill them. Also they are very resistant to toxins such as alcohol.

Their eyes are wonderfull. They can see at great distances and in dark.

It was stated many times that elves have great power of the spirit. It's very hard to scare them and even harder to corrupt them. They are servants of the light and good.

Intelligence and abilities

Elrond... became a master of wisdom.

Elrond is considered the master of wisdom. During his thousands of years in Middle-Age he gathered massive amount of books and knowledge.

... Master Elrond foretold that [Narsil] would not be [forged anew] until the Ruling Ring should be found again and Sauron should return....

Elrond can foretold things. Also He has the gift of foresight through which he could view lands and events far away from Rivendell.

Elrond knew all about runes of every kind. That day he looked at the swords they had brought from the trolls' lair...: 'These are... very old.... This, Thorin, the runes name Orcrist, the Goblin-cleaver in the ancient tongue of Gondolin....'

Moon-letters are rune-letters, but you cannot see them,' said Elrond, 'not when you look straight at them. They can only be seen when the moon shines behind them, and what is more, with the more cunning sort it must be a moon of the same shape and season as the day when they were written....'

Elrond has great knowledge about languages and history. He's able to read ancient runes and when nobody is able to read the map due to runes being enciphered and hided from eyesight he's able to easily deduce that they are Lunar Runes:

'Elrond is a master of healing....'

Elrond is master of healing who's able to cure even deadly injures caused by dark magic.


Elrond was also familiar with Ósanwe, the skill of entering others minds. He can read the minds and talk to someone via telepathy. And it's not restricted to the willpower or anything like that. Here Galadriel enters Gandalfs mind. Gandalf is an powerfull, ancient, angelic being who was send to the Middle-Earth by the Eru Iluvatar (God who created universe).

Aragorn speculated that among the few capable of completely resisting Saruman's power of speech were Elrond, Galadriel, and Gandalf. Saruman powers was working this way that when he was talking he was able to manipulate others mind. His speech was so powerfull and charming that only very strong minded characters were able to resist it.

Experience and skill

Elrond was a skillful warrior in battle and had commanded various armies of the Free Peoples well, including the Last Alliance. He was just as effective at leadership and gave much wise counsel. He has at least 6520 years of experience. Even if we will consider that elvish childhood takes ~100 years it's still hundreds of wars and thousadns of battles. Elrond is skilled strategist and powerfull leader who inspires his troops in battles.

Elrond possess great skill. He's proficient with longbow, warbow, daggers, longswords, two handed swords, spear, shield and one handed swords. Also he's proficient in art of shooting from shortbow when on a horse.

Fight against skilled opponents is definitely his fight in Dol Guldur (gifs from this fight you can see in the reflexes section). He is able to compete against powerfull, ancient, skilled beings. Yes, ancient. The Wraiths were once powerfull kings of man who were currupted by Sauron. He was able to lolstomp and outskill any of them when they were trying to attack him.

Fight against fodder is easily his every battle against orcs. He causually attacks orcs on patrols. One of those elvish archers is Elrond.

In every battle video with elves we can see that they are always trying to tag weak, not armored points. Elrond is no different.


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Link to some info about Elvish gear.

  • His standard offensive gear should be his elvish longsword. Overall Elvish blacksmiths were the best in Middle-Earth. It's weights nothing and is very sharp. Also the Elvish weapons are filled with good. They can seriously injure evil beings. For example the Wraiths/Nazguls - beigns who are resistant to normal, steel weapons.
  • His standard defenisve gear should be his elvish plate armor supported by chainmail and gambeson. His armored from chin to foots. Elvish armor weights almost nothing and is very durable.
  • He always wields one of the great rings of power named Vilya.

The exact power of Vilya is not mentioned; however it is reasonable to assume that it also possesses the power to heal and to preserve. Since the original purpose of the rings was to recreate the bliss of Valinor, where nothing withered or died, Vilya's main use was to create a realm where the Elves could be at peace. The wielder could use the ring to set an enchantment upon a chosen location, preserving all living things within the region. With this boundary spell it is possible that the wielder could influence the elements. There is some speculation that the ring controlled minor elements, considering the event where Elrond had summoned a torrent of water as the Nazgûl attempted to invade Rivendell.

Will be continued


Lord Tirek - respect thread

Is he friend, or is he foe?' the pony wonders. I can assure you... I am no friend. I am Lord Tirek, and I will take what should have been mine long ago
Is he friend, or is he foe?' the pony wonders. I can assure you... I am no friend. I am Lord Tirek, and I will take what should have been mine long ago


Tirek is an thousand years old male centaur who seeks power and strenght. He is evil, domineering, narcissistic, and driven by an obsessive desire for power. He has a violent temper and fierce nature, which directs towards living creatures. He is also very manipulative and highly persuasive when striking a deal. However, while Tirek may hold up his end of a bargain in some cases, he is generally dishonest and traitorous, not hesitating to turn on and dispose of anyone whose usefulness has expired.

In his pre-final form he's 24 feet tall. In his final form his as high as mountains.


Tirek is an powerfull magic user. Examples of his spells:

Magic Drain:

  • Effect: Has the ability to steal the "magic" out of the living beings and suck the life out of them, leaving them in a near unconscious state and having him gain all of their power. He says that he's taking the magic however we can see that he gains strenght from creatures without magic powers. After the magic drain creatures are weakened physical-wise. One's with wings can't fly and farmers are too weak to even move. Magic users can't do anything. He was able to drain out Planetary-level reality warper.
  • Casting time: around one second
  • Duration: Forever / untill Tirek will be depowered by mystical deus ex machina power

AOE drain
AOE drain
Drains out planetary level + reality warper
Drains out planetary level + reality warper
Drains powerfull magic user. (powerfull enough to manipulate sun and moon)
Drains powerfull magic user. (powerfull enough to manipulate sun and moon)

Drains powerfull magic user. (powerfull enough to manipulate the sun and moon)
Drains powerfull magic user. (powerfull enough to manipulate the sun and moon)

Magical telekinesis

  • Effect: Sorcerer can freeze a person (or throw him around is he likes).
  • Examples:

Freezes entire group of Wonderbolts. They were moving at speed similar to Rainbow Dash (she can easily break the speed of the sound barrier with her speed)
Freezes entire group of Wonderbolts. They were moving at speed similar to Rainbow Dash (she can easily break the speed of the sound barrier with her speed)
Throws his opponent on gigantic distance so hard that he made a crater in the mountain
Throws his opponent on gigantic distance so hard that he made a crater in the mountain
  • Casting time: less than second
  • Duration: untill sorcerer who casted it doesn't delete the effect

Magic beams

Standard magic beams of medium sorcerer can destroy with ease stone bridges and walls. Tirek beams are hundreds of times more powerfull.

  • Effect: Sorcerer makes powerfull magic blast/beam
  • Casting time: around one second

His average magic blast makes nuke-wise explosion of blinding light. Blast alone destroyed entire building
His average magic blast makes nuke-wise explosion of blinding light. Blast alone destroyed entire building

Magic shields

  • Effect: Sorcerer can create magical barriers to protect himself from spells and physical attacks
  • Casting time: less than second
  • Duration: Untill sorcerer who casted it doesn't delete the effect

Barrier blocks massive power blast from Twilight. Her standard blasts were able to vaporize stone walls. Here he blocks at least building-level+ desctructive blast . Like you see he's protected from all sides.
Barrier blocks massive power blast from Twilight. Her standard blasts were able to vaporize stone walls. Here he blocks at least building-level+ desctructive blast . Like you see he's protected from all sides.

Portals and teleportation

  • Effect: Sorcerer can create portal to anywhere. Here Tirek creates portal to hell and then with magical telekinesis Bfr's his enemy
  • Casting time: less than second
  • Duration: Untill sorcerer who casted it doesn't delete the effect
makes portals with ease
makes portals with ease
teleports people at will
teleports people at will


Tirek posses inhuman strength. Basically he can break through mountains with ease.

Lifts massive amount of ground and solid rock and then throws it on gigantic distance
Lifts massive amount of ground and solid rock and then throws it on gigantic distance

His one strike is enough to shatter the ground making small earthquake
His one strike is enough to shatter the ground making small earthquake
Breaks through solid wooden doors with ease. His steps makes ground shake.
Breaks through solid wooden doors with ease. His steps makes ground shake.
He can jump on inhuman, gigantic distances. With his strenght he can break through entire mountain.
He can jump on inhuman, gigantic distances. With his strenght he can break through entire mountain.


Tirek has building-level+ durability

Tanks building-level magic blast, twice. He's unharmed.
Tanks building-level magic blast, twice. He's unharmed.


Tirek has at least bullet-timing reflexes

Reacts to charge of creatures that were flying with 300 / 360 m/s speed
Reacts to charge of creatures that were flying with 300 / 360 m/s speed
Reacts to Twilight attacks with his shield. Her laser beams travel with the speed above speed of the sound
Reacts to Twilight attacks with his shield. Her laser beams travel with the speed above speed of the sound


- Tirek is very manipulative and highly persuasive. He was able to outsmart Discord. One of the most intelligent and manipulative beings in their known world


Fox Magneto - respect thread

I've been at the mercy of men
I've been at the mercy of men "just following orders" . Never again.

Some music


Magneto is an german Jew who was captured and imprisoned in one of the Nazi death camps - Auschwitz Birkenau. As a young child (~10 years old or less) being prisoner in death camp where you can't be sure when they will execute you - this day or after month of slave, hard work left in his brain plenty of horrific memories. Including death of his mom, who was shot in front of his eyes or experiments on him when they realised that he has some powers. After all he survived. He was standing still on his own legs and planning his revange on everyone who harm others because "they have orders".


The most important thing. Thanks to his mutation he can controll and manipulate magnetic fields.

- Using his powers he lifts entire bridge

- Using his powers he causes devastation that effect entire planet

- Magneto uses his powers to fill robots with metal. Later he was able to controll them. Dunno what he did with this but he hacked them in some way, they were obeying his voice commands

- While being attacked he can maneuver the bullet with perfect precision and shot Mistique to the leg

- Under great pressure, while being choked underwater he's able to use his powers and defeat his enemy

- Lifts entire stadium

- Throws lifted stadium at the White House

- Senses metal tooth and then pulls it out

- Senses metal in guards blood and pulls it out

Creates magnetic forcefield around himself. Fox Quicksilver couldn't penetrate the shield later
Creates magnetic forcefield around himself. Fox Quicksilver couldn't penetrate the shield later

Destroys few buildings with his power
Destroys few buildings with his power
Senses the bunker under the White House and pulls him out
Senses the bunker under the White House and pulls him out
He is able to break Emma Frosts diamond form
He is able to break Emma Frosts diamond form
Pulls the submarine out of the water
Pulls the submarine out of the water
He manipulates metal coin with enough force to easily break through human skull
He manipulates metal coin with enough force to easily break through human skull
Casually creates bridge for him while walking
Casually creates bridge for him while walking
disarms two guards
disarms two guards

While talking almost destroys the plane and when he realises this he fixes it in seconds
While talking almost destroys the plane and when he realises this he fixes it in seconds
disarms bunch of cops without effort
disarms bunch of cops without effort
Lifts two cars
Lifts two cars
lolstomps... cars
lolstomps... cars
lolstomps Bone Claw Wolverine
lolstomps Bone Claw Wolverine
Lolstomps two guards. You can see that he manipulates metal with enough strenght to oneshot an adult aperson
Lolstomps two guards. You can see that he manipulates metal with enough strenght to oneshot an adult aperson
Laughs off Wolverine trying to attack him
Laughs off Wolverine trying to attack him
Manipulates adamantium without effort
Manipulates adamantium without effort
Sends Wolverine flying
Sends Wolverine flying
Ragdolls people with move of his hand
Ragdolls people with move of his hand
Stops the train and then tears it apart
Stops the train and then tears it apart
Throws lifted cars
Throws lifted cars
Stops the missiles which were fired on him
Stops the missiles which were fired on him
Sends the missiles back at his opponents
Sends the missiles back at his opponents
Forces his opponent to kill the second foe and then kills him with knive
Forces his opponent to kill the second foe and then kills him with knive


He has standard human strenght.

When being attacked by surprise, while on the ground he's able to take advantage over his opponent during a fight and then incapacitate Charles for a moment
When being attacked by surprise, while on the ground he's able to take advantage over his opponent during a fight and then incapacitate Charles for a moment
KO's soldier with a kick
KO's soldier with a kick

Reflexes and speed

Eric is an bullet-timer. There you have scene where he stopped bullet at almost point blank range after it was fired.

Bullets fired from slings, slingshots, and many airguns (including BB guns) travel well below the speed of sound (about 340 m/s or 1115 feet/s in dry air at sea level). Low-power handguns have muzzle velocities generally less than the speed of sound (subsonic), while bullets fired from high-power handguns (such as a .44 Magnum) and from rifles have an initial speed faster than the speed of sound, meaning they are supersonic and thus can travel a substantial distance and even hit a target before a nearby observer hears the "bang" of the shot

Magneto deflects every bullet with his powers. One move of his hand here = one deflected bullet.
Magneto deflects every bullet with his powers. One move of his hand here = one deflected bullet.
After explosion that send flying multiple metal pieces at incredible speed he able to block them all besides one.
After explosion that send flying multiple metal pieces at incredible speed he able to block them all besides one.
Saves worker in time\Magneto reacts to being attacked
Magneto reacts to being attacked
Sends metal necklace so fast that he kills entire group of people before anyone can react
Sends metal necklace so fast that he kills entire group of people before anyone can react


He has standard human durability. Nothing to add really.


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  • Due to this canon image he's an skilled strategist and has genius intellect.
  • He's fluent in German, French, English and Polish.
  • He's an great leader. With his speech mases can rise causing rebellion, making an army.
  • He's an expert in the Chess game.
  • He uses the environment all the time, he doesn't adapt to the battlefield - he adapts the battlefield to HIM. Like in the Stadium scene.


- Helmet - His helmet protects him from telepathy. You cannot controll him or read his thoughts. Also the helmet is bulletproof. He was shot to the head and he will barely felt that.

- Chestplate - His chestplate is made from metal parts. That to that he always has metal with him + he can fly thanks to using his power on his armor.

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