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I'm speaking as a fan of drama/action/comedy in general

The power of fictional characters cannot be denied, no matter what kind of fan you are

I cried at the end of Charlotte's Web

I cried when Mufasa died in "Lion King"

I was inspired by the entire cast of "Million Dollar Baby"

And I Laughed My Mother F*cking A$$ Off when I watched Superbad, Stepbrothers, and Bridesmaids

If you are a fan of any kind of long-lasting dramatic show like Boardwalk Empire, Grey's Anatomy, or Mad Men, then you probably should understand by now that fictional characters are capable of having ridiculously magical moments on screen and...in this site's case...on panel

And it doesn't matter what kind of show/comic you are into, you will always find some characters that just completely stand out to you for better or worse.

I was STUNNED by Joan Holloway's confidence and power, I fell in love with True Blood's Jesus, and I wanted to be BFFs with the Evil Queen from "Once Upon A Time" (doesn't fit the vibe, I know. But that woman is FIERCE)

I guess what I'm saying is, all of the emotional attachments that you get to a character on a tv/movie screen, you can pretty much get from a comic book...if comics are your thing...if they aren't, that's fine.......I still demand "neutral ground" respect for the time being

These characters DO actually matter to me...a lot more than I care to reveal...which is something that I wouldn't mind saying if it were a movie, or a tv show...but for some reason there's some sort of odd feeling of embarrassment that I get every time I feel myself starting to "go there" with a comic book character.

But, I'm pretty much over that now. And I'm fully admitting that sometimes, I am a little.....too passionate. But dammit, it only makes sense that I'd be passionate about certain characters....after reading about them for so damn many years

Again, this is a rant, not exactly a piece I plan on getting published

P.S., BRIAN WOOD has finally written Storm the way I FULLY remember her...the joy I've felt from that series is pretty much what inspired this rant of mine........that is all