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The Strongest Tower of God Characters

Sadly, comicvine aint apply webcomic, manhua and manhwa sources. And Tower of God is one of the best Korean webtoons ever produced. And actually, there is a small company that published it but ım too busy to prove that this manhwa is a purchasable product as a comic.

So eventually ı cant add any team or characters or volume about this series in cvine's data. But thanks to cv ım free on my on blog.

So here it is. This is my list of powerful and unique characters of Tower of God.

Tower of God has a ranking system and thx to the blog posts of the author we actually know the TOP 17 people of this world. And Know the ranks of some other stronger people (like Top 200 , Top 500 stuff like that)

And I'll not post all characters in 1 blog cuz the world is so vast and there are so many characters fo my first post is about Top 500 High ranker level people

Creation: 11th February 2022 (3rd season a/ 592. chapter is the last thing when I created this list)

Ranks do not show power only. Connections, specialties, threat level, knowledge, uniqueness, and family ties are all into consideration. For Example Evan Edrok (a grey/silver dwarf which is a race of guides) . He ain't powerful or intimidating but he is a rare specimen. He is one of the best "guides" in the tower. And actually, he is the "The Chief Guide" of "Zahard Family" so because of that he is ranking is among Top 100 (officially) but I'll not put him in top 100 in my list cuz this list is about the power and the might of the people not "uniqueness" .


TOP 17 (Official)

1- Phantaminum (AXIS)


2- Enryu (Herald of The AXIS)


3- Guardians and Administrators of the Tower (like Headon) (this is not in the original Top 17 list of the author but the world he created kinda says that way)


4- Zahard (King of The Tower) // V (Baam's father , Khun Eduan mentioned he could've been the real king, This is not in the official rankings but thats how I put it)

5- Urek Mazino (aka Ray Barracuda, the fastest climber in history)


6- Arie Hon (Head of Arie Family and strongest leader of the 10 Great Families)

7- Khun Eduan (Head of the Khun Family)

8- Adori Zahard and Eurasia Enne Zahard ( 2 strongest princesses of Zahard) (shares the same position)

9- Baek Ryun (One of the founders of Wolkhaisong and ruler of the 77th Floor of the tower)

10- Ha Yurin (Leader of the Ha Family)

11- Tu Perie Tperie (Head of the Tu Perie Family)

12- Molic One P. GR (Eldest of the three ancient lords)

13- Eurassia Blossom (Head of The Eurassia Family) // Arlene (Baam's Mother she were also one of the members of Great Warriors , that's also not an official rank for her but this is kinda my vision)

14- Po Bidau Gustang (Head of The Po Bidau Family)

15-Grace Mirchea Luslec ( Leader of FUG and assistant of V)

16- Hendo Lok Bloodmadder (Head of The Hendo Family)

17- Yeon Hana (Head of the Yeon Family)


Top 30 Rankers (between 18-30):

Lo Po Bia Traumerei ( he is at least in the top 30 but he could've been in the Top 20 as well) ( he ain't have an official rank that either means he ain't belong top 17 or he is a blue hole and aint have any record at ranking system)

Top 40 Rankers (31-40):

36- Arie Hagipherione Zahard ( one of the strongest princesses of Zahard) (official rank)

Top 50 Rankers (41-50) (Problematic and heavily subjective part of the list will start after here cuz from now on we have very few, almost none officially ranked people)


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