
I support the underdog

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Characters who know what it's like to be an underdog

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  • The name says it all.

  • Hulk knows what it's like to be an underdog. He has a sad history behind him and he constantly gets disrespected by Viners who think he can't do anything else besides smash. There's more to the Hulk than what meets the eye.

  • Batman knows what it's like to be an underdog. Like the Hulk, he too has a sad history behind him and while he does indeed have amazing showings he only gets further hated on by pretty much anyone. It's not because Batman can beat his opponent that people have come to misunderstood, it's the fact he never gives and finds a way, always thinking of the consequences until the job is done. Batman never succumbs to the odds stacked against him. A truly iconic symbol indeed.

  • Goku knows what it's like to be an underdog. He knows that he's not perfect or invincible but constantly strives to achieve that goal, no matter the costs, always improving himself with strong determination, undying will power and utter dedication unlike any other character in all fiction. Goku never gives up a fight whether it is unfair or not, being an inspiration to all. He shows the true meaning of being an underdog with amazing display of skills to show off and be proud of.

  • Guy Gardner knows what it's like to be an underdog. Many people dislike Guy but not me. Coming from a poor, abusive, rough background He lives life tough but has never backed down from a challenge even when the odds are stacked against him.

  • Barry Allen knows what it's like to an underdog. Sometimes doubting himself in situations unless he gets pushed. He is constantly at odds with his enemy Eobard Thawne who wants nothing more than to make his life miserably but also make Flash the best hero he can be.

  • Vegeta knows what it's like to be an underdog. He is always considered second to Goku. Never first. Goku being the best.

  • Billy Batson knows what it's like to be an underdog. An orphaned kid who gets bullied and picked on yet knows revenge isn't the answer.

  • Thing knows what it's like to be an underdog. During his classic days he was Hulk's sparring partner but has ever since then been discarded. Thing manages to cope with a good sense of humor and positive outlook towards the future whether it favors him or not.

  • Martian Manhunter knows what it's like to be an underdog. A mysterious and misunderstood member of the Justice League who became the last of his race.

  • Wolverine knows what it's like to be an underdog. He may be small and puny but he has a bad attitude and is willing to take on another.

  • Beta Ray Bill knows what it's like to be an underdog. Being selected as the champion of his people, he must protect them from dangerous threats of the cosmos and inter-dimensions such as Galactus and his Heralds or Surtur and his fire demons

  • Vision knows what it's like to be an underdog. Built by Ultron and living life as an android, he is usually an outcast and least understood member of the Avengers.

  • Spiderman knows what it's like to be an underdog. With great power comes great responsibility and sometimes the power doesn't always measure up to the responsibility.

  • Black Panther knows what it's like to be an underdog. He carries many responsibilities such as the weight of his country, his pride, his membership and so much more.

  • Thor knows what it's like to be an underdog. Despite standing on a higher level than mere mortals, Thor has grown accustomed to the human spirit and has learnt to become one of them.

  • Hercules knows what it's like to be an underdog. In Greek legends, he spent his early years living like a vulnerable mortal until his ascension to godhood. Hercules has had many adventures learning new skills and humility along the way.

  • Aquaman knows what it's like to be an underdog. Sometimes being thought of as useless in the eyes of everyone.

  • Orion knows what it's like to be an underdog. The Dog of War is the greatest warrior of the Fourth World and must learn to prove himself while upholding the values of New Genesis.

  • Captain Atom knows what it's like to be an underdog. Ever since his transformation into an energy being, Nathaniel Adam has been questioning himself, fearful of the godly power he possessed, afraid of what he could do.

  • Green Arrow knows what it's like to be an underdog. No superpowers and sometimes feeling helpless in dire situations but knows how to survive against the odds.

  • Superman knows what it's like to be an underdog. Knowing how powerful he himself is, he only wishes to be accepted as a human and live a normal happy life.