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Dao Stryver Respect Thread

There is no official description of Stryver, but she is a female Gektl, a reptilian alien species and wears gray and green Mandalorian beskar armor. Despite this, she is referred to as a "he" for nearly the whole novel. So just a heads up, I'm going to refer to her as a she even if the quoted text says "he".


Jedi Padawan Shigar Konshi believes that himself and a trained soldier, Larin Moxla, wouldn't be enough to defeat Stryver:

Shigar took in the confrontation with a glance. He'd never fought a Mandalorian before, but he had been carefully instructed in the art by his Master. They were dangerous, very dangerous, and he almost had second thoughts about taking this one on. Even together, he and a single battered-looking soldier would hardly be sufficient.

Source: Fatal Alliance

Ex-squad leader Larin Moxla tells her security squad that Stryver is big and dangerous:

"Weapons ready," she told the squad. "This Mandalorian is big and dangerous."

Source: Fatal Alliance

Jedi Padawan Shigar Konshi saved Sith Apprentice Eldon Ax from Stryver's missiles, and Ax believes he did so because he knew he couldn't defeat Stryver by himself:

Ax had just enough time to realize that he now had the advantage of height before a strong hand gripped her wrist and dragged her aside.

A stream of missiles struck the ground, exactly where she'd been lying. The Jedi had saved her, and she wrenched herself from him, even as she felt a twinge of gratitude. Surely he hadn't done it out of the vile goodness of his heart! No, she told herself. He knew he couldn't defeat Stryver on his own. It was either save her or be the next to die.

Source: Fatal Alliance


Stryver wears beskar armor, Mandalorian armor that is impervious to lightsaber strikes:

Shigar came at Stryver from the opposite side, swinging his lightsaber to deliver a crippling blow to the shoulder. Stryver raised his arm to block, and Shigar's blade skated along the powerful Mandalorian armor, leaving a bubbling welt but not penetrating.

Source: Fatal Alliance

Stryver's armor is completely capable of shrugging off blaster bolts:

She let off a round that ricocheted harmlessly from the Mandalorian's chest plate and rolled for cover.

Source: Fatal Alliance

Her armor has built in insulators, capable of resisting Eldon Ax's Force Lightning and ground it into the floor:

She ducked its piercing barbs and attempted to shock him with lightning. His insulated suit took the charge and grounded it into the floor, blackening and buckling it.

Source: Fatal Alliance

Stryver's armor projected a holovid of Tassaa Bareesh's palace:

The Mandalorian fiddled with his armor and projected a tiny holovid of the palace grounds.

Source: Fatal Alliance



Stryver, like most Mandalorians, is equipped with a jetpack:

His jetpack activated with a whine. Suddenly they were moving, jerking upward as though lifted by a giant puppeteer.

Source: Fatal Alliance

Blaster Rifle

As her primary weapon, Stryver uses a blaster rifle:

Ula turned in time to see a section of the ceiling fall away. The head and shoulders of a Mandalorian projected from the hole. The rifle he held was aimed squarely at Jet's chest.

Source: Fatal Alliance


Stryver has a collapsible shockstave (short shock staff) housed in a hatch on her pack. She used this against Jedi Knight Shigar Konshi to blast him away during their second fight:

A hatch in Stryver's pack opened and a collapsible shockstave fired into his hand. Shigar came in for another strike, and the shockstave stabbed at his chest, blasting him from his feet.

Source: Fatal Alliance


Stryver has a flamethrower housed in her left arm:

The Mandalorian raised one arm to point at her. A hatch in his sleeve opened, revealing the flamethrower she'd heard in action earlier.


The Mandalorian raised his left arm and blasted her with his flamethrower.

Source: Fatal Alliance


Stryver has access to a disruptor, and illegal weapon that is mainly effective at short range and produces a sonic shot that sends powerful shock waves through a person even if the shot misses:

From a thigh hatch, Stryver produced a stubby pistol. He pointed it at Shigar and fired a single time. Shigar dodged but not so quickly that the fringes of the shot missed him completely. He was tossed like a leaf into the wall and slid to the ground, temporarily stunned.


Stryver turned the weapon on Ax, who dodged more effectively than the slow-witted Jedi had. She had recognized the weapon instantly and knew how dangerous it was. Disruptors were outlawed in every civilized part of the galaxy. She wasn't surprised to see one on Hutta, in a Mandalorian's gloved hand.

Ax also knew that handheld disruptors were effective at short range only and could manage a bare handful of shots.


Twice, he narrowly missed her, and even the fringes of the beam sent powerful shock waves through her flesh.

Source: Fatal Alliance


Stryver has access to rockets that she can fire at enemies, strong enough to destroy columns of a monorail:

A rocket exploded above his head, then another. They weren't aimed at him, but at the city's upper levels.


More rockets arced upward, tearing through the ferrocrete columns of a monorail.

Source: Fatal Alliance

Concussion Missiles

Stryver can call down concussion missiles as well, and does so on both Eldon Ax and Shigar Konshi, some strong enough to bring down large chunks of the ceiling (large enough to crush a bantha) after being deflected:

Stryver stopped when he reached the domed recess that once held the tinkling chandelier, and hovered there, punching commands into his weapons systems. Ax had just enough time to realize that he now had the advantage of height before a strong hand gripped her wrist and dragged her aside.

A stream of missiles struck the ground, exactly where she'd been lying.


Concussion missiles blew her and the Jedi into the security air lock's door. They separated to avoid another round, which blasted the door back into the antechamber, exposing the four vault doors and the hole through which Ax had entered.


Before she could take advantage of the shift in the battlefield, the Jedi launched himself at Stryver, deflecting missiles away from him as he came. The missiles exploded into the ceiling, bringing down huge swaths of masonry on all three of them. A large chunk struck the Mandalorian, dropping him from his superior vantage point. Ax dodged a slab large enough to crush a bantha and sought her own bearings in air suddenly thick with dust.

Source: Fatal Alliance

Assault Cannon

Stryver has access to an assault cannon as well, capable of blowing holes through walls and debris large enough to allow her access through:

Through another wall, and Stryver's jetpack was definitely sounding louder. She could also distinguish the dull booming of his assault cannon from the welter of other sounds. Like Ax, he was using the weapons in his arsenal to blast a way through the palace. Where doorways or corridors didn't exist, he wasn't above making his own.

Source: Fatal Alliance


Stryver has darts, most likely laced with a certain poison, and that are most likely housed in one of/or both of her gauntlets:

With a snarl, the Mandalorian landed heavily on both feet and fired two darts in quick succession, both aimed at Shigar's face.

Source: Fatal Alliance

One of her darts has a paralyzing agent, preventing Sith Apprentice Eldon Ax from doing anything but talking:

A dart had paralyzed her, leaving only the ability to speak.

Source: Fatal Alliance

Net Shooter

Stryver can shoot out a net from one of her gauntlets (most likely), one of which prevented Sith Apprentice Eldon Ax from escaping despite her best efforts:

Her assailant had disarmed her and pinned her with a net resistant to all her efforts to escape.

Source: Fatal Alliance

She also can fire a razor net with barbs:

Again the flamethrower burned, but the element of surprise was lost. The Sith girl easily batted aside the flames. Instead Stryver cast a razor net at her. She ducked its piercing barbs and attempted to shock him with lightning.

Source: Fatal Alliance

When she was fighting the hex droids seriously, Stryver finished them off by launching electrified nets at them, shorting out their circuits and effectively oneshotting them:

When Stryver was within range, he used his net launcher to bring the semi-visible droid down. He hadn't tried this tactic before, she noted. Furthermore, the net was different from the one he had used on her. Why he had changed changed his tactics was, however, less important at the moment than the fact that they were working. The net's mesh was electrified, and delivered a powerful pulse of energy to the droid-thing's silver skin. The six-legged creature spasmed and twitched, shedding sparks into everything it touched. Its keen took on a new, desperate note as its camouflage failed.

Source: Fatal Alliance


In Stryver's left cuffing, she can fire out a dense webbing that was capable of rendering Ula Vii and Jet Nebula immovable in their seats:

Dao Stryver used a dense, adhesive web extruded from a nozzle on his left cuff to lash Ula and Jet into their seats.


Ula tested the bonds and found them to be immovable. His fingers were already going numb.

Source: Fatal Alliance

Stryver can also use a different sort of webbing that acts as a grappling web, allowing her to catch the hex droid's small factory and bring it to her waiting hand:

The girl's expression became hungry, triumphant. Ula didn't want to get any closer to that blade than he had to. He hefted the box and tossed it to her.

At the height of its arc, a gleaming web reached in and snatched the box clean out of the air.

"What----?" Ula spun around.

The Mandalorian caught the box neatly in one hand and tossed something back to Ula in return.

Source: Fatal Alliance

Obah (Knockout) Gas

It's unknown whether Stryver has this gas on her person as her standard gear, but she used some to knockout a cantina full of patrons, all except pilot Jet Nebula and Envoy Ula Vii:

Ula was developing a strong liking for Jet Nebula, despite the fact that he appeared to have grown an extra head. "Another round?"

"Wait," said the smuggler, sitting up straight all of a sudden. "Something's not right."

Ula looked around. It had become very quiet without him noticing. The Zelosian band was making no noise anymore. The cantina's patrons had all slumped over their tables. Some of them were actually snoring into their drinks. Even the bartender was sprawled across the counter, twitching slightly.

As he watched, Sergeant Potannin sagged forward and fell bonelessly to the floor.

That couldn't be right, Ula thought. Since when did anyone in a security detail get drunk?

"Obah gas!" Jet was on his feet with a blaster in his hand.

Source: Fatal Alliance

Restraining Bolt

Stryver has a restraining bolt on her person to shut down a droid's movements:


The battered droid came instantly to the smuggler's side, its photoreceptors glowing bright.

"Good. Keep an eye on the door. I'm going to----"

A sharp crack came from behind them. The droid tottered, enveloped in bright blue bolts of energy. A whining noise came from its innards. It froze, a restraining bolt projecting from the side of its head.

"Don't move, Nebula," called a vocoder-enhanced voice from Ula's right.

Source: Fatal Alliance


Stryver also uses a vibroblade for close range:

He met her attack with a vibroblade aimed at her throat.

Source: Fatal Alliance

Thermal Detonator

Stryver has at least one thermal detonator on her person:

The Mandalorian caught the box neatly in one hand and tossed something back to Ula in return. He caught it automatically. It was a heavy metal sphere with a blinking red light.


"Chuck it!" yelled Jet to Ula. "That's a thermal detonator!"

Source: Fatal Alliance


Stryver flies a modified Kuat D-Seven starship which she named First Blood. Stryver could activate her ship via remote, starting its liftoff sequence while she was in the lower levels of Tassa Bareesh's palace on Hutta and fleeing from Eldon Ax:

The sound of repulsors activating broke him out of his trance. One of the ships was warming up its engines for liftoff. He circled the disembarkation area to identify which one, but the sound wasn't coming from any of the closed air locks. It was coming from Stryver's berth.

Tat surprised him. He had assumed Stryver was traveling alone. There could, therefore, be no one inside his ship to warm it up for him. Either Shigar was wrong on that point, or Stryver had activated it by remote.

The repulsor whine continued to rise in volume. This wasn't just warming up. The ship was about to take off.

Source: Fatal Alliance

Her ship was also keyed to her biometric signs and contained on override should she be injured in battle:

The door was keyed to Stryver's biometric signs----height, breadth, proportion of limbs, and so on----but it also featured an override, just in case Stryver was ever grievously injured in the course of a mission. If he lost a major limb, for instance.

Source: Fatal Alliance

The ship was equipped with a second security measure, one that activates if the override above is spliced into. This override shocked Jedi Padawan Shigar Konshi and kept him shocked until his prone body left the ship as it took off, only with his body now out of the ship did his muscles return to normal:

Shigar wasn't as good a slicer as Larin, but he had seen this kind of trick before. Mandalorian ships had been Jedi targets ever since the Great War, and he had been taught over and over again the best way to disable them. Working quickly, he tapped a series of codes designed to reset the override function back to a commonly used default. When he typed in the default, the door slid open.

Not a moment too soon. The repulsors were at screaming-pitch and the ship was hovering lightly on the ground. In another second, it would've been high above the palace.

Shigar leapt lightly into the air lock and was swept upward with it. The moment his boots touched the floor, however, a secondary security system kicked in. Powerful electric shocks coursed through his body, sending his muscles into irresistible spasms. He fell onto his side, unable even to cry out. His jaw was locked open in a silent scream.

The autopilot raised the ship straight above the spaceport and adjusted its trim. Shigar felt himself rolling toward the open air lock, but couldn't move a finger to save himself.

The electric shocks ceased the moment he cleared the air lock.

Source: Fatal Alliance


Stryver grabs Jedi Shigar Konshi by his throat and hurls him against a wall with one arm:

The Mandalorian took advantage of that slight distraction to dive under his guard and grip him tight about the throat. Shigar's confusion was complete----but Mandalorians weren't supposed to fight at close quarters! Then he was literally flying through the air, hurled by his assailant's vast physical strength into a wall.

Source: Fatal Alliance

Shigar Konshi describes Stryver as a mountain after he tries to Force shove the Mandalorian and fails:

Shigar took the chance to Force-push Stryver to his knees, but the Mandalorian was as solid as a mountain, an he had other weapons he hadn't revealed yet.

Source: Fatal Alliance

Stryver manages to stab Shigar Konshi with a shockstave before the Jedi can attack him again with his lightsaber and dodges a stab to her face from Eldon Ax:

Shigar came in for another strike, and the shockstave stabbed at his chest, blasting him from his feet.


On Stryver's other side, the Sith burst fro the flames, lightsaber upraised and hatred blazing in her eyes. Her leap took her over the flamethrower's deadly jet and was timed to deliver a spearing thrust to the Mandalorian's domed helmet. He ducked with startling speed for one so big and thrust the shockstave up at her face.

Source: Fatal Alliance

Stryver pushes a holovid into Ula Vii's face and disarms the man before he can fire at her, despite the envoy having trained the blaster on her stomach:

As the Mandalorian studied the floor plan, Ula slipped his hand into his pocket and produced the hold-out blaster.

He listened to himself speak calmly and without fear, as though he were standing outside his own body, watching what was going on.

"Release my other hand," he said, pointing the blaster at Stryver's stomach. "I'd prefer to talk as equals."

Stryver pushed the holovid into Ula's eyes, blinding him. Ula squeezed the trigger, but Stryver was too fast. With one sweep of his other arm, he swatted the blaster away. The single shot discharged harmlessly into the ceiling.

Source: Fatal Alliance

Fighting Skill

As a young child and especially a Gektl, Stryver had to fight her way through countless battles in the pit, customary of all Mandalorians. She was only expected to live about a week, but she overcame these odds and gained considerable fame, in her eyes becoming the living embodiment of the Mandalorian creed:

Dao Stryver had come a long way from her pit fighting days, when a young Gektl's life was cheap and expected to last not even a single week. She had accrued considerable glory since then, and considered herself the living embodiment of the Mandalorian creed.

Source: Fatal Alliance

Stryver was able to defeat a whole safehouse full of Black Sun gangsters by herself:

Larin Moxla paused to tighten the belly strap on her armor. The wretched thing kept coming lose, and she didn't want to take any chances. Until the justicars got there, she was the only thing standing between the Black Sun gangsters and the relatively innocent residents of Gnawer's Root. It sounded like half of it had been shot to pieces already.

Satisfied that nothing too vulnerable was exposed, she peered out from cover and hefted her modified snub rifle. Illegal on Coruscant except for elite Special Forces commandos, it featured a powerful sniper sight, which she trained on the Black Sun safehouse. The main entrance was deserted, and there was no sign of the roof guard. That was unexpected. Still the blasterfire came from within the fortified building. Could it be a trap of some kind.

Wishing as always that she had backup, she lowered the rifle and lifted her helmeted head into full view. No one took a potshot at her. No one even noticed her. The only people she could see were locals running for cover. But for the commotion coming from within, the street could have been completely deserted.

Trap or no trap, she decided to get closer. Rattling slightly, and ignoring the places where her secondhand armor chafed, Larin hustled low and fast from cover to cover until she was just meters from the front entrance. The weapons-fire was deafening now, and screaming came with it. She tried to identify the weapons. Blaster pistols and rifles of several different makes; at least one floor-mounted cannon; two or three vibrosaws; and beneath all that, a different sound. A roaring, as of superheated gases jetting violently through a nozzle.

A flamethrower.

No gang she'd heard of used fire. The risk of a blaze spreading everywhere was too high. Only someone from outside would employ a weapon like that. Only someone who didn't care what damage he left in his wake.

Something exploded in an upper room, sending a shower of bricks and dust into the street. Larin ducked instinctively, but the wall held. If it had collapsed, she would have been buried under meters of rubble.

Her left hand wanted to count down, and she let it. It felt wrong otherwise. Moving in----in three . . . two . . . one . . .

Silence fell.

She froze. It was as though someone had pulled a switch. One minute, nine kinds of chaos had been unfolding inside the building. Now there was nothing.

She pulled her hand in, countdown forgotten. She wasn't going anywhere until she knew what had just happened and who was involved.

Something collapsed inside the building. Larin gripped her rifle more tightly. Footsteps crunched toward the entrance. One set of feet: that was all.

She stood up in full view of the entrance, placed herself side-on to reduce the target she made, and trained her rifle on the darkened doorway.

The footsteps came closer----unhurried confident, heavy. Very heavy.

The moment she saw movement in the doorway, she cried out in a firm voice, "Hold it right there."

Booted feet assumed a standing position. Armored shins in metallic gray and green.

"Move slowly forward, into the light."

The owner of the legs took one step, then two, revealing a Mandalorian so tall his helmeted head brushed the top of the doorway.

Source: Fatal Alliance


Stryver was down but not out, and the Mandalorian had wiped out an entire cell of the Black Sun syndicate on Coruscant single-handedly.

Source: Fatal Alliance

Stryver fights Jedi Padawan Shigar Konshi on Coruscant, hurling the Jedi by the throat after having her jetpack shut off due to a Force push. She would then use her vast array of explosives to help in her escape:

Shigar took in the confrontation with a glance. He'd never fought a Mandalorian before, but he had been carefully instructed in the art by his Master. They were dangerous, very dangerous, and he almost had second thoughts about taking this one on. Even together, he and a single battered-looking soldier would hardly be sufficient.

Then flame arced across the head of the soldier, and his instincts took over. The soldier ducked for cover with admirable speed. Shigar lunged forward, lightsaber raised to slash at the net that inevitably headed his way. The whine of the suit's jetpack drowned out the angry sizzling of Shigar's blade as he cut himself free. Before the Mandalorian had gained barely a meter of of altitude, Shigar Force-pushed him sideways into the building beside him, thereby crushing off the jet's exhaust vent.

With a snarl, the Mandalorian landed heavily on both feet and fired two darts in quick succession, both aimed at Shigar's face. Shigar deflected them and moved closer, dancing lightly on his feet. From a distance, he was at a disadvantage. Mandalorians were masters of ranged weaponry, and would do anything to avoid hand-to-hand combat except in one of their infamous gladiatorial pits. If he could get near enough to strike----with the soldier maintaining a distracting cover fire----he might just get lucky . . .

A rocket exploded above his head, then another. They weren't aimed at him, but at the city's upper levels. Rubble rained down on him, forcing him to protect his head. The Mandalorian took advantage of that slight distraction to dive under his guard and grip him tight about the throat. Shigar's confusion was complete----but Mandalorians weren't supposed to fight at close quarters! Then he was literally flying through the air, hurled by his assailant's vast physical strength into a wall.

He landed on both feet, stunned but recovering quickly, and readied himself for another attack.

The Mandalorian ran three long steps to his right, leaping one-two-three onto piles of rubbish and from there onto a roof. More rockets arced upward, tearing through the ferrocrete columns of a monorail. Slender spears of metal warped and fell toward Shigar and the soldier. Only with the greatest exertion of the Force that Shigar could summon was he able to deflect them into the ground around them, where they struck fast, quivering.

"He's getting away!"

The soldier's cry was followed by another explosion. A grenade hurled behind the escaping Mandalorian destroyed much of the roof in front of him and sent a huge black mushroom rising into the air. Shigar dived cautiously through it, expecting an ambush, but found the area clear on the far side. He turned in a full circle, banishing the smoke with one outthrust push.

The Mandalorian was gone.

Source: Fatal Alliance

In her first encounter with Sith Apprentice Eldon Ax, Stryver came out victorious, pinning her against a wall with one of her nets and paralyzing her with a dart. This is despite the fact that Ax had never failed a mission before and had been previously highly awarded by the Sith Academy:

Eldon Ax licked her wounds all the way to Dromund Kaas.

The damage to her body was most easily treated. Many of the cuts and gashes she left to scar naturally, believing as her Master had taught her that a lesson quickly forgotten is a lesson poorly learned. The rest she treated with the help of the medkit built into her interceptor's cockpit, avoiding painkillers and anesthetics completely. It wasn't pain that worried her. That was good for her, too.

The damage done to her confidence would take much longer to heal----not to mention her prospects of advancement. Darth Chratis would see to that. It didn't matter that her record on solo missions had been perfect up to this one. It didn't matter how highly she had been awarded by the Sith Academy. All that mattered was success.

The interceptor burst back into realspace and the Empire's grim-faced capital, Kaas City, hove into view.

"I will kill you, Dao Stryver," Eldon Ax swore, "or die trying."

The debrief went as badly as she feared.

"Tell me about your mission," her Master instructed in clipped tones from his meditation chamber.


It was during her mission that the Mandalorian had found her. And it was this encounter she did her best to conceal from her Master, inasmuch as that was possible.


"I will not lie to you, Master," she said, kneeling before him. "While infiltrating an enemy cell, my identity was revealed and I was forced to defend myself."

"Revealed?" The bloodless lips twitched. "I do not sense the foul stink of the Jedi about you."

"No, Master. I was exposed by another----one whose people were once allies in our war against the Republic."

That was the gambit she had settled upon, to turn the blame for the incident back on the person who had caused it.

"So." Darth Chratis stepped free from the confines of his sarcophagus. The soles of his feet made a sound like dry leaves being crushed. "A Mandalorian."

"Yes, Master."

"You fought him?"

"Yes, Master."

"And he defeated you."

That wasn't a question, but it demanded a response. "That is true, Master."


Her assailant had disarmed her and pinned her with a net resistant to all her efforts to escape. A dart had paralyzed her, leaving only the ability to speak.

Source: Fatal Alliance

In her second encounter with the Jedi Padawan and Sith Apprentice, Stryver still is able to come out on top, stunning the Jedi with a disruptor and stabbing him with a shockstave, as well as defending herself from all of the Sith's attacks until their fight was interrupted and Stryver was trapped under slabs of rock. She would later escape, though:

Shigar stood at one corner of an equilateral triangle, with the young Sith and Dao Stryver occupying the others. The Mandalorian hesitated, clearly surprised to see them both.

"It's a small galaxy," reflected Shigar.

"You know him, too?" The Sith's hostile facade cracked just for an instant.

"You should both have let it be," said the Mandalorian. "This doesn't concern you."

"You were killing people on Coruscant," Shigar said. "Of course it was my concern."

"Stay out of this," the Sith snarled. "He's mine!"

"I've beaten you once already," Stryver said. "Being killed won't honor your mother's actions."

The young woman turned a shade of red brighter even than her hair.

The Mandalorian raised his left arm and blasted her with his flamethrower.

Shigar ducked and rolled, wondering about the scene that had just played out. Fate had delivered all three of them to the same place at the same time. They were all after the same thing----whatever it was inside the vault----and they had a narrow window before the Hutts realized what was going on and brought the entire weight of the palace's security forces to bear on them. Stryver would want to move quickly and decisively. Yet he had stopped to chat to the Sith girl. Why?

It was clear that all the talk of her mother had been a ploy to distract her. Her rage was fully enflamed now, which would make her stronger, if she survived the next few seconds. Shigar juggled several options. Retreating to the vault and leaving them to it was one, but there was only one exit from that position, meaning that he would to face Stryver eventually. And the Mandalorian had bested him, too. Better to fight now, when there was at least a chance that the Sith might serve as a distraction.

Flames roared after the girl's cartwheeling silhoutte. Shigar came at Stryer from the opposite side, swinging his lightsaber to deliver a crippling blow to the shoulder. Stryver raised his arm to block, and Shigar's blade skated along the powerful Mandalorian armor, leaving a bubbling welt but not penetrating. A hatch in Stryver's pack opened and a collapsible shockstave fired into his hand. Shigar came in for another strike, and the shockstave stabbed at his chest, blasting him from his feet.

On Stryver's other side, the Sith burst from the flames, lightsaber upraised and hatred blazing in her eyes. Her leap took her over the flamethrower's deadly jet and was timed to deliver a spearing thrust to the Mandalorian's domed helmet. He ducked with startling speed for one so big and thrust the shockstave up at her. She cut it in half, kicked him off-balance, and returned for another slash.

Shigar was back on his feet, circling to take Stryver when an opportunity arose. Again the flamethrower burned, but the element of surprise was lost. The Sith girl easily batted aside the flames. Instead Stryver cast a razor net at her. She ducked its piercing barbs and attempted to shock him with lightning. His insulated suit took the charge and grounded it into the floor, blackening and buckling it. Shigar took the chance to Force-push Stryver to his knees, but the Mandalorian was as solid as a mountain, and he had other weapons he hadn't revealed yet.

From a thigh hatch, Stryver produced a stubby pistol. He pointed it at Shigar and fired a single time. Shigar dodged but not so quickly that the fringes of the shot missed him completely. He was tossed like a leaf into the wall and slid to the ground, temporarily stunned.


Stryver turned the weapon on Ax, who dodged more effectively than the slow-witted Jedi had. She had recognized the weapon instantly and knew how dangerous it was. Disruptors were outlawed in every civilized part of the galaxy. She wasn't surprised to see one on Hutta, in a Mandalorian's gloved hand.

Ax also knew that handheld disruptors were effective at short range only and could manage a bare handful of shots. If Stryver kept firing and missing, the weapon would soon be useless. So she kept moving around her enemy, practically running on the walls of the battle-blackened security air lock, goading him on by hurling broken glass at his joint seals. Twice, he narrowly missed her, and even the fringes of the beam sent powerful shock waves through her flesh. Only her rage kept her going. She used the pain to fuel the dark side.

The third time he fired in their little dance----the fifth shot overall----she barely felt its aftereffects. The weapon's charge was dying. Grinning with triumph, she turned her circling run into a headlong launch. Time to bring the fight back to him.

He met her attack with a vibroblade aimed at her throat. She screamed, trying to drive her blade through his armor with all the strength of her muscles and willpower combined. His buzzing blade was so close it brushed her skin, raising a fine spray of blood, but still she didn't let up. The Mandalorian was reeling back on his feet from her attack. This was the best shot she'd ever had.

His jetpack activated with a whine. Suddenly they were moving, jerking upward as though lifted by a giant puppeteer. Taken by surprise, Ax lost her grip and fell away. Stryver rose above her on twin jets of fiery exhaust. She rolled to avoid their intense heat and covered her eyes from the glare.

Stryver stopped when he reached the domed recess that had once held the tinkling chandelier, and hovered there, punching commands into his weapons systems. Ax had just enough time to realize that he now had the advantage of height before a strong hand gripped her wrist and dragged her aside.

A stream of missiles struck the ground, exactly where she'd been lying. The Jedi had saved her, and she wrenched herself from him, even as she felt a twinge of gratitude. Surely he hadn't done it out of the vile goodness of his heart! No, she told herself. He knew he couldn't defeat Stryver on his own. It was either save her or be the next to die.

Concussion missiles blew her and the Jedi into the security air lock's inner door. They separated to avoid another round, which blasted the door back into the antechamber, exposing the four vault doors and the hole through which Ax had entered. She had a split instant to note that one of the vault doors was glowing bright red, then a rain of blasterfire came from an entirely different part of the room and she realized that someone else had joined the party. The Hutts, presumably, had noticed that their treasure was at risk.

Before she could take advantage of the shift in the battlefield, the Jedi launched himself at Stryver, deflecting missiles away from him as he came. The missiles exploded into the ceiling, bringing down huge swaths of masonry on all three of them. A large chunk struck the Mandalorian, dropping him from his superior vantage point.


Stryver was down but not out, and the Mandalorian had wiped out an entire cell of the Black Sun syndicate on Coruscant single-handedly.

Source: Fatal Alliance

Stryver then engages hex droids on Hutta after being trapped by large pieces of debris, testing their abilities before taking two out by using electrified nets:

The pool of molten metal that had once been a door cast a bloody backlight on the figure that stepped out of the vault. It didn't look like any kind of being Shigar had seen before. It stood two meters high and seemed at first to be an ordinary biped, with skinny arms and legs of equal length. Then it unfolded another pair of arms attached to its midriff, spaced equally between shoulder and hip joints. It bore no resemblance, however, to insectile species like the Geonosians or the Killik. Its body was a perfect hexagon, stretched vertically. There was no head. Black sensory organs dotted the central body like the eyes of an arachnid, gleaming in the light. Apart from those organs, its skin was silver. He couldn't tell if it was a creature in an environment suit or some kind of construct.

With unerring steps it crossed the pool of molten metal on feet that were duplicates of its hands. It turned 180 degrees, revealing a back that was identical to the front. When it reached the wreckage of the inner door, it stopped there and swiveled slightly, taking in the ruined security air lock and the beings it contained: the Mandalorian, the Jedi Padawan, the palace guards, the Twi'lek, and the Sith.

"We do not submit to your authority!" it screamed, dropping smoothly into a new posture. The body became a regular hexagon instead of a stretched, almost rectangular torso, and its legs bent into a crouch. All four of its arms splayed out to target different parts of the room.


The hands of the creature spat darts of blue fire that ricocheted off armor and lightsaber blades and exploded whenever they struck flesh or stone.


A second creature stepped from the vault's steaming interior. It didn't say anything. It just screamed and fired.

Shigar jumped as high as he could to evade the converging energy pulses. Staccato blue streams followed him, tearing a shallow, meter-wide furrow in the wall and ceiling. He glimpsed Larin's face below him. She was standing in full view, pumping shot after shot into the second creature's body. Its silver skin dissipated them like raindrops, and he began to worry that he wouldn't be able to outrun the creature's vengeance forever.

A trio of tightly spaced concussion missiles from Dao Stryver saved Shigar from bisection. They turned the antechamber into a furnace, finally cutting off the deadly beams.


The creature backflipped, landing on six legs, and stood up again, this time on its hands. It looked exactly the same as it had before.

Behind it, the first one crawled out of the rubble in which it had landed.

A third creature stepped out of the vault.


"Go for the joints," Potannin advised her, but she ignored him. The hands were doing the damage. If she could take them out, that would reduce the threat to Shigar. At the moment, only he and Stryver were doing anything to stop the killer droids from getting out of the antechamber.


"Watch Stryver," said Jet.

"Why?" Ula had seem enough of the Mandalorian in action for one lifetime.

"He's holding back, almost like he's testing them."

"Testing who?"

"The droids, of course. Why would he test Shigar? They've fought twice already."


Evocii and other aliens were running everywhere, fleeing both the droids and the Mandalorian firing at them. His concussion missiles brought down ceilings and walls in the droids' path, stopping them from getting too far ahead.


When Stryver was within range, he used his net launcher to bring the semi-visible droid down. He hadn't tried this tactic before, she noted. Furthermore, the net was different from the one he had used on her. Why he had changed changed his tactics was, however, less important at the moment than the fact that they were working. The net's mesh was electrified, and delivered a powerful pulse of energy to the droid-thing's silver skin. The six-legged creature spasmed and twitched, shedding sparks into everything it touched. Its keen took on a new, desperate note as its camouflage failed.


The final droid was peppering the Mandalorian with its newly potent pulses, keeping well out of range of his net launcher. Stryver in turn had managed to maneuver it into a cul-de-sac and pinned it between him and a trio of Nikto security guards. Their blasters were ineffectual against the thing's armor, but they had a distracting effect.

Shigar came up behind the Mandalorian and considered how best he could help. The roof was low and much less sturdy than that of the security air lock. Reaching out through the Force, he loosened a key beam and brought a shower of bricks and ceiling tiles down onto the droid. The distraction was sufficient for Stryver to get close enough to cast the net.

The droid went down with a shriek of pain and anger. Stryver pumped three concussion grenades into its chest, not caring about the Nikto standing nearby. Shigar pushed past him to finish off the droid himself, before anyone else could get hurt.

Prior to delivering the killing blow, he tried talking to it.


Stryver leaned past him and plunged his collapsible shockstave into the thing's chest. Its legs flailed, and it squealed so piteously that Shigar almost felt sorry for it. Then its vocabulator function degraded and its voice became little more than piercing electronic tones. He was glad when it finally fell silent.

Source: Fatal Alliance

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