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Hulk Reviews: Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day

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Today on Hulk Reviews, Hulk am going to review the movie Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day (man is that a long title). This is based on a children's book of the same name. Hulk think Hulk read it once or twice, but Hulk don't really remember ANYTHING about it. Hulk remember it was about, as the title suggests, a kid named Alexander having a bad day. Hulk think they also made a sequel where the kid didn't want to move to another town or something, Hulk don't know. Hulk honestly didn't want to see this at first because Hulk thought it was going to be awful, as most children's book based movies tend to be, despite some exceptions (such as Horton Hears a Who!, The Grinch, and Diary of a Wimpy Kid). But, then Hulk heard this got decent reviews, so Hulk decided, "OK maybe". Well, last night was Monthly Movie Night with the Avengers, where Hulk and the other Avengers go see a movie in the theater once every month. The choices were this and some romantic movie Hulk had no interest in. So, Hulk chose this. And let Hulk say, Hulk was surprised at how this movie was actually pretty entertaining. Yeah. This movie was actually pretty good.

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So, yeah, the beginning of the movie follows the plot of the book. Alexander has a bad day, and nobody really cares, not even his family. But there's a twist that makes this thing longer. It's Alexander's birthday coming up, and he makes a pre-birthday wish that everyone in his family would know what it's like to have a bad day like him. And of course, his wish comes true and it becomes a living nightmare for the rest of them.

So, yeah, Hulk actually thought this was way funnier than Hulk was expecting to be. Hulk was expecting it to be painful to watch, but it was really fun. Hulk's personal favorite character was Steve Carrell, who plays the dad. Hulk found it funny how even though everything's crumbling around him he tries desperately to stay positive about it. Hulk thoroughly enjoyed seeing the Cooper family's (expect Alexander's) day get completely and utterly ruined. Though, the thing to keep in mind if any of you are going to take your kids to see this is, this movie does NOT deserve the PG rating. It's got some inappropriate humor in there for kids. And they swear I think maybe one or 2 times and there's a small instance of drug abuse when the teenage girl gets a cold.

So, yeah, overall, way better than Hulk expected it to be. Hulk am not sure how the author of the original book would react to his or her children's book being turned into a pre-teen comedy, but the results were quite possibly one of the biggest surprises this year. It's nowhere near the best, but it's decent.


Did you read the original book this is based off? Are you going to go see this movie? Did you? If so, what did you think of it?