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Long Ago on a Magazine Rack Far, Far Away



For “May the Force Be with You Day”: On the Racks 34 years ago this May

As of May the 25 it has been 34 years since the premier Star Wars, hence “May the Force Be with You Day” these are eight magazines that you could have found on the racks that month after seeing it.

1.      One of Marvel’s odder efforts, here because it’s one of the few Science Fiction comics at the time.


2.      Cold Cash Wars, guys in augmented suits battle for corporations.


3.      Had to put Sups in, after all 49 years earlier he was the center of a media phenomenon much like what would shortly happen with Star Wars.


4.      A little embarrassing.


5.      The movie was of course The Other Side of Midnight.


6.      Kung Fu was still a big thing then, they don’t panda to it as much now.


7.      Figures they would


8.      # 4