
I think a complete re-watching of The Clone Wars may be appropriate.

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DC Characters I Want to See Get a Netflix/Amazon Show

Considering the effectiveness of Marvel's Netflix shows (imo better than a majority of the already solid MCU movies), I think a lot of DC Comics characters could work amazingly well as Netflix/Amazon/Hulu shows. These are just a few that I'd like to see the most.

List items

  • This is pretty much a no-brainer. A noir-style show starring The Question could be stunning.

  • Constantine on NBC was a solid show imo but I think going the Netflix route could allow the showrunners to adapt Hellblazer more faithfully and it would result in a great viewing experience.

  • Using the JH Williams III and W. Haden Blackman Batwoman series as a template, I think you could tell some great stories with Kathy Kane in a television format.

  • Zatanna is a magic character like John Constantine but with a little more ties to the superhero community. I think you can play with that dynamic a bit with a tv show. She has one foot in the underground and one foot in the Justice League.

  • Making a action comedy series starring Booster Gold saving the world without anyone knowing it could be genius.

  • I love the Teen Titans and I think the Wolfman/Perez or Geoff Johns version of the team could work well on tv. It would allow for greater exploration of the characters than the movies really could.

  • A super-violent Deathstroke show is a fanboy dream.

  • Midnighter is a Batman that kills and enjoys his job. The possibilities for a show are endless. Especially if using Steve Orlando's incredibly series as a template.

  • This one is just a dream for me. I love vampire fiction and Andrew Bennett could be a similar series as something like Blade from Marvel.

  • I'd like to see a grizzled Wildcat series. Have him be later in his career and possible training an apprentice.