
I think a complete re-watching of The Clone Wars may be appropriate.

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Characters (and one team) That Have the Best Rogues Galleries IMO

The villain makes the hero and these are the heroes (and one team) that have the best villains, in my opinion. Listed for each hero are my five favorite villains from their rogues galleries.

List items

  • 1. The Joker

    2. The Riddler

    3. Ra's al Ghul

    4. Scarecrow

    5. Two-Face

  • 1. Magneto

    2. Mystique

    3. Juggernaut

    4. Mr. Sinister

    5. Sentinels

  • 1. Captain Cold

    2. Professor Zoom

    3. Gorilla Grodd

    4. Mirror Master

    5. Trickster

  • 1. Venom

    2. Green Goblin

    3. Mysterio

    4. Morbius

    5. Hobgoblin

  • 1. Sinestro

    2. Black Hand

    3. Parallax

    4. Manhunters

    5. Hector Hammond

  • 1. Kingpin

    2. Bullseye

    3. The Hand

    4. The Owl

    5. Purple Man