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My Review of Captain America: The First Avenger

Awesome is spelled C-A-P-T-A-I-N A-M-E-R-I-C-A
Awesome is spelled C-A-P-T-A-I-N A-M-E-R-I-C-A
   Marvel has outdone themselves!  I just got back from seeing one of the best superhero movies ever!  Without a shadow of a doubt, there will be no need to revamp or re-do this classic in the future; it's perfect ;-) 
   I know many (including myself) had doubts about whether or not the former Human Torch actor, Chris Evans, could pull off the larger-than-life, All-America soldier.  But with this movie, I most certainly apologize for my misgivings.  Mr. Evans can be Captain America all he wants ;-) 
   The whole feel of the entire movie was smooth and seamless, flowing but very much a big WOW to the senses.  There was soooooo much action, a nice classy romance, friendship, battles, bad guys, humor... the movie was well-rounded, and had this special flare that was truly incredible. 
   I highly encourage everyone to go see this! It's an amazing movie, even for non-comic lovers.  But for those of us who have been drooling every time a Captain America commercial hits the tv screen, it is a rare gem of a  movie :-)  So classic, yet big enough for modern movies...larger-than-life, yet very down to earth and relatable (Steve Rogers's humble and small beginning is most certainly an inspiration for myself, as Captain America is meant to be). 
   In specifics, the bad guys  (HYDRA, led by the Red Skull) were awesome.  Not too sissy, not wimpy enough just to make the Cap'n look good...nope, they were tough nails too, especially their leader.  I most certainly congratulate Hugo Weaving on his deliciously evil job as the Red Skull. ;-)  But not only were the enemies good, the friends were better.  Bucky Barnes had his role (and a very nice origin for him), Dum Dum Dugan showed up and shot some Nazis (laughing w/ his bowler hat on), Howard Stark had a big role to play, and of course the more-than-a-friend, no-nonsense Peggy Carter, who is tragically left behind as the Captain is frozen for 70 years into the future (their parting truly was tragic...I was quite tempted to think about tearing up).   
   But overall, the movie was very in-your-face epic and I'm so glad Marvel made it.  And for those of us who like to stay after all the credits of Marvel movies to see what's up next, most definitely do that with this one ;-) there's quite a juicy tid-bit to keep us pondering on till the Avengers next year.
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