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Who is the "First Lantern?" Clues from the Past

This week, the existence of the "First Lantern" was confirmed in Green Lantern Annual #1. However, his identity still remains a mystery. Who is this enigmatic character? Do the events of Blackest Night answer that question?

If you are a Green Lantern fan, pretty much all you have been talking about is Baz, the Third Army, and the First Lantern. Thanks to previews and this week's annual, we know that Baz is an Arab-American that the ring belonging to Sinestro/Hal will choose as a replacement, and we have seen how the Third Army is raised. So only the First Lantern remains shrouded in mystery. However, if you look back to the pre-DCnU event "Blackest Night," the race of the First Lantern may have already been revealed.

While many of DC's characters were truly rebooted by Flashpoint and the New 52, the Green Lantern mythos remained completely intact. So, all previous continuity pertaining to the Corps is still relevant. Back in Blackest Night #7, one of the Guardians' greatest secrets was revealed; Earth was the true center of the universe, the planet on which life began, and home to the Entity (the being that created all life). However, humans were kept out of the Corps until Abin Sur purposefully crash-landed on earth to allow for their induction to the Corps. But, what if Hal Jordan wasn't the first human to be a lantern? What if the "First Lantern" was/is a human being?

Knowing that earth is the center of the universe, home to the Entity, and the planet on which life began, it would make perfect sense for the Guardians to have chosen a being from that planet to herald their Green Lantern Corps. And a quote from an interview at with Geoff Johns helps to support my claim. Johns said, "The being inside has been imprisoned there for a long, long time. The Guardians consider him their greatest threat, but also their greatest source of power." By definition, their source of power is emotion, specifically will power. And who have the Guardians always feared for their impulsivity and great capacity for emotion? HUMANS. But it is that ability to feel such emotion that makes humans such great lanterns, a fact the Guardians knew and one that may have influenced their choice for the First Lantern.

Only time will tell, but the past has shown us enough that the First Lantern being a human isn't much of a stretch.


Person of Interest: Batman Split in Half

One of the most memorable quotes from Batman Begins has to be what Bruce told Detective Gordon when they first met in the movie. As Bruce holds a presumed gun, which was actually a stapler, to the back of Gordon's head, he gets Gordon to explain what will be necessary to take down Carmine Falcone. Gordon, unable to believe one man can do such a thing, says, "You're just one man." Bruce replies, "Now we're two."

What if you could take Batman's two aspects, the extremely skilled crime fighter and the genius with unlimited funds, and split them into two people? Well, if you could, those two people would look a lot like John Reese and Harold Finch from CBS's new show Person of Interest.

I don't watch television much, so the only way I hear about new shows is through friends and family. As usual, I had heard nothing of the show, Person of Interest, until my dad called me and recommended it for me. One night when I had nothing better to do, I decided I'd give it a try. From the first minute I was hooked. The show focuses around two men, John Reese (Jim Caviezel) and Harold Finch (Kevin Chapman). Basically, and this won't spoil the show, Harold Finch is the inventor of the program that the government uses to track and prevent terrorism. The "machine" as he calls it, see and hears everything. It monitors phone calls, emails, texts, bank accounts, internet use, street cameras, store cameras, everything. The machine then compiles the information and looks for anomalies indicative of terrorism. However, the machine became so sophisticated and efficient at finding such criminal acts, that it found possible offenders and victims in all types of criminal activity, not just terrorism. When he discovered this, he changed the programming so that the machine would delete the "irrelevant" information every night at midnight and keep only "relevant" terroristic information. For years he let this go on until he lost someone close to him. Unable to move on from the guilt of knowing that the machine could have seen this and he could have done something about it, he created a backdoor in the machine's programming so that it would send him the social security number of people that the machine determined to be at risk of becoming a victim or offender. Unable to do anything about this on his own, as he is disabled, he used the machine to track down a man that could do the physical things he could not. This is where John Reese comes into play. Apparently, Mr. Reese is a former high level government operative, possibly CIA, NSA, or maybe even more specialized, like a member of Delta Force. Like Mr. Finch, John has lost someone close to him, and because of it, he quit working for the government. He has been on the run as a bum for years. Mr. Finch finds him and convinces him to help him save these people that the government finds irrelevant. Mr. Finch, the genius with unlimited fund, and Mr. Reese, skilled combatant and detective, find these people that the machine provides to them, and either saves them or gives them the justice they deserve.

Throughout the first episode, action sequences and dialogue would remind of The Dark Knight (aka: the greatest movie known to mankind/the Joker is the coolest villain of all time). I thought to myself, "Man, these guys are like Batman split into two people! They ROCK!" So needless to say, it was slowly creeping its way up my favorite shows list. As I said, I don't watch much television, so I had no idea that this show was created by co-writer of The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises, Jonathan Nolan! I was also unaware that the executive producer on the show is JJ Abrams. Add Jonathan and JJ to the mix, along with Jim Caviezel who played Jesus in The Passion of the Christ and the Count in The Count of Monte Cristo, and you have officially just created my favorite TV show.

As comic book fans, you need to check this show out. It takes a new and modern look at vigilante justice, much like The Dark Knight did, and does so in an action-packed, hour-long episode at a time. And with each show, the comparison to Batman only grows stronger and stronger. I won't say any more because I don't want to ruin it for you! If you check it out or have seen it already, let me know what you think in the comments section below!


We Lost Wally, Why Not Guy?

With the relaunch/reboot of the DC Universe, costumes were revamped, relationships were dismantled, and some characters were wiped from history. A big surprise to some was the exclusion of Wally West from the DCnU. This really didn't affect me as I am not a huge Flash fan, but I know many of the Flash fans were a little upset about this. I am, however, a Green Lantern fan. The past few years of Green Lantern comics have been the greatest. We had the amazing Blackest Night event followed by Brightest Day, and then the phenomenal War of the Green Lanterns where Sinestro gets mean in the green again.

If you have been keeping up with the DC relaunch, you'll have noticed that some characters have changed more than others. Superman has seemingly been completely rebooted, leaving all previous continuity behind, while the Green Lanterns haven't really changed at all. Green Lantern #1 just picked up right where War of the Green Lanterns left off. So it was no surprise we didn't lose any of the corps members in the relaunch. Although it wasn't a surprise, it was a letdown to me.

From the first time I encountered Guy Gardner I was annoyed with him. Over the years, that annoyance has grown into pure hatred. I do not understand his purpose, I see no benefit from having him in any of the comics, and his attitude is unfit for any corps member. I find it hard to believe that he would have even been recruited to the Green Lanterns in the first place. So, when I heard about the relaunch/reboot, I thought, "Could it be??? Will we finally be rid of the ignorant, angry, should-be-red-lantern? Or at the very least will he lose his STUPID VEST and get a uniform that resembles the other 3599 Green Lantern uniforms?" NOPE, neither of those happened. We lost Wally West who served as the sole Flash for years but we got to keep the dude who reminds me of the old bully you always see in bars on TV, reliving his high school years because he hit the highlight of his life at 17.

I love DC and I think the relaunch was the best thing they could have done. But I also feel that the whole purpose of the event was to normalized the universe in order to give the characters more modern looks and to provide less complex continuity for the amazing new writers to take advantage of. Overall, that did happen and it is GREAT! Yet Wonder Woman still looks the same, Hal Jordan only looks different when Jim Lee draws him, and yes... we're still stuck with Guy Gardner.