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Darkseid, the Destroyer.

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Darkseid, the Destroyer.

For those of you that don't know me well enough, Darkseid is probably my favorite character of all time. So naturally, I end speculating on any future storylines he could take part in, and with the end of Darkseid War I have plenty to work with.

With the end of Darkseid War a few things have shifted in the DC cosmos:

  1. The Anti-Life Equation has been dispersed because of Grail's action and her mother's sacrifices.
  2. Mobius, the previous Anti-Monitor has seemingly been destroyed.
  3. The Mobius Chair has been left without an operator as Owlman and Metron have been disposed of for lack of better words.
  4. Darkseid has been reduced to a baby, and is now being raised by Grail in the same way her mother raised her.
  5. Lex Luthor has been left as the heir to Apokalips

Forgive me if I left out something but these are things that are most relevant to my theory... The theory that Darkseid will indeed replace the Mobius in fulfilling the role of the destroyer.

The Role of the Destroyer

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To start things off, DC's multiverse seems to have the Anti-Monitor function as a universal version of Galactus. He destroys universes, so that they can be reborn. Metron even goes as far to say this to the Anti-Monitor himself.

"Yes, you destroy universes. Universes that are then reborn. You have done this countless times, Mobius."

But now that Monty has been both freed of the Anti-Life Equation and wiped from the face of the Earth this role has been left vacant... A with Convergence bringing everything back into continuity I'd say some universes need to be reborn. In short, the multiverse needs an Anti-Monitor just how Marvel's universe needs a Galactus.

This brings me to my next point....

The Equation

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As it was revealed by Mobius himself, his power to consume universe and fulfill the role of the destroyer came from the Anti-Life Equation. All it would take for someone else to take up the role of the destroyer or the Anti-Monitor would be for them to attain the ALE for themselves... We have already seen this when Grail used to ALE to amp Steve Trevor and Darkseid respectively.

It only makes sense that Darkseid would end up on this path to becoming the new Anti-Monitor given his eternal quest for the Anti-Life Equation. But the only problem with this is that Grail seemingly destroyed or at least dispersed the equation at the climax of Darkseid War.

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At first glance it just appears that the Anti-Life Equation has been destroyed, but after rereading the isssue a couple times I've come to interpret the scan in a different manner. The scan mentions that the ALE fights back which I just assumed to be the resulting explosion after Myrina's (Grail's mama) sacrifice. But as I've gone through more and more Pre-52 New God comics, I'm going to go ahead and guess that the ALE way of fighting back is by dispering it self among mankind.

In the older depictions of the Fourth World, the Anti-Life Equation was often found in the minds of various human beings. (A notable example being Billion Dollar Bates). For some reason the ALE always ended up dispersed the minds of mankind in some fashion. For me, having the ALE be dispersed here, would be a logical step in setting up the next Fourth World storyline.

Becoming A Destroyer.

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So how do we get from Baby Uxas to Darkseid the Destroyer....

Well first off is the fact that Grail is raising Darkseid just like her mother raised her. But given the way that turned it is likely that Baby Uxas ends up giving into his Darkseid persona just she did. Likewise, he'll end up pursuing the ALE mirroring her scheme in Darkseid War. The fact the he has experienced the ALE power first hand should be more than enough inspiration for the Dark God to continue this journey.

This is just my opinion, but I'm pretty sure that Uxas will end up pursuing the ALE instead going to reclaim his role as God of Apokalips. And since Lex is still Darkseid's heir this role will be fulfilled in some way or another in the future.

With the ALE being dispersed on Earth, it is more than likely than history will end up repeating itself by having Darkseid probe the minds of earthlings in order to find the Anti-Life Equation. Just like he has done in the past, Uxas will end up finding the Anti-Life Equation likely through involvement with the New 52 iterations of Billion Dollar Bates and the Intergang... But instead of simply gaining control of all life, I think that Uxas will find himself in the same role as the Anti-Monitor.

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