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The Book of Shadows- Whinecrest- Carmicheal

The Book of Shadows of Whinecrest-Carmichael


The spells contained within this book will update automatically, this depends on the owner’s maturity in magic.

It is the Old Law and the most important of all Laws, which no one may do or say anything which will endanger any of the Craft, or bring them in contact with the law of the land, or the Law of the Church or any of our persecutors. In any disputes between the brethren, no one may invoke any laws but those of the Craft, or any Tribunal but that of the Priestess and the Priest and the] Elders. And may the Curse of the Goddess be on any who so do.

These spells have been passed down to the final remaining families, should the book fall into the wrong hands, say the magic spell that will eliminate the ink from the pages.

Rules of the Old Laws

·Do what thou wilt, but beware of consequences

·Your enemies are those that, break the laws

·Watch, listen and withhold judgment, in debate let your silences be long, your thoughts clear, and your words carefully chosen.

·Do not judge those of other paths, but offer them love and aide

·Use the power to banish benevolent spirits.

·The practice of Black Magik is forbidden, violators must be banished to hell.

There are 3 Tiers of Old Law Magic.

1.Basic (Spells 1-10)

2.Intermediate (11-20

3.Advanced: Spells 1-30

4.Black Magik (Summoning of Spirits)


Spells are broken down into 6 major components, some spells can be combined to increase the effect.

Spells that hinder the earth start with Terra

Spells that involve the sea or sea creatures, Aqua

Spells that involve the Wind, or air, Aero

Spells that involve animals, Meta

Spells that involve matter, Ani

Spells that invole Spirits Neco

The Spells

1.Neco Talis – When recited correctly, this spell will render a person under your authoritive control. Because of the taxing nature of this spell, it will wear off after two hours has elapsed.

2.Meta Neco Topolis – When recited, the subject animal must also be stated for the spell to work, this will transform a human being into an animal. This is a 24 hour spell, and will leave the human subject bare.

3.Aqua Ani Regales- This spell will suspend water, making it ready to walk.

4.Neco Salira – This spell will allow a lost soul to return to the living for one-hour.

5.Ani Tempest- This spell will freeze the world around Sky, leaving her, and anyone touching her unaffected.

6.Ani dobalis- This is a duplication spell, this will transform any matter into two symmetrical parts (When Duplicating PEOPLE the spell becomes Neco).

7.Neco Agles – This spell will age, any person, animal (With Meta) or item (With Ani). *If said, backwards, it will make the subject younger.

8.Neco Rosalas – This spell will place a person to sleep, it can also be used to place a person under deep hypnotism

9.Ani Ramato – This spell will caused an object, and anything touching said object to vanish. (Does not need Neco or Meta in front)

10.Neco Amor- This spell will render two spirits in love

11.Neco Verdad- This is a truth spell

12.Ani Temporal- This spell will allow a person to go back in time.

13.Neco Ani Van – This spell will banish an unidentified evil spirit.

14.Ani Neco Ruse – This spell will cause two people to switch powers.

15.AniIntel – This spell will increase the knowledge of a person

16.Neco Ani Tumor –A spell used to fight a Spirit Hunter.

17.Ani Aqua (Also a Basic Skills) will project water

18.Ani Terra (““) Will cause a seismic activity.

19.Ani Aero (“ “) will allow the protection and projection of the wind.

20.Ani Burn (“”) will allow the protection and projection of fire.

Advanced Skills

·Healing Spell- From the head, down to the knees heal the cause of this disease.

·Luck Spell – Life can be as wild as a Buck, give my friend extended luck.

·Life Spell- Those who laughed and cried with strife, must return one chance at life. (24 hour spell)

·Thoughts Spell- Alliances age and change with time, let all of your thoughts now be mine.

·Disguise Spell – I call upon the laws of power, to mask us now in this hour.

·Dispel a Spirit Hunter Spell – Ashes to Ashes, Spirit to Spirit, away from here, I banish this evil. (Must have weakened the Hunter first)

·Dispel a Renegade Vampire Spell- Fang-like teeth and, face so pale, send this demon straight to hell.

·Reverse Renegade Spell – Here I stand, a light unto thee, bring the cherished back to me.

·Dispell a Warlock Spell - We call upon Medusa's bones, turn their flesh into stones.

·Remove Magic Spell - Magic Forces Far And Wide,Enchant These So Those Can’t Hide Allow This Witch To Use Therein, So She Can Reveal The Evil Within


Silver Winds


“Go…don’t look back, no matter what you hear…JUST …KEEP…RUNNING!” the old man screamed, the sounds of dogs on the hunt, startled her; yanking her children by the arm; they ran through the dense forest; guided only by the waning light of the moon.

“Mum, I’m tired…” Sky whispered, clutching the sweaty palms of her tense mother. “Keep going dear, we’re almost there!” she replied, out of breath, but the will to save her children bypassed her pain.“Terra Arbol” she whispered, as they ran; the tree that sped pass, fell lifelessly to the ground. The two blood hounds diligently chasing them, were hindered by the collapsing sentries.

“Here through the river, we’re almost at the border” As they all entered the river; the sound of a double barreled shotgun put a loud ringing noise in their ears, once the ringing stopped, she saw the consequences of it.

Her son’s blood splattered crossed the semi-weathered rocks, his body slipped beneath the surface of the water; she turned to see the gun men reloading his weapon. “Sky…get your brother….and go…” She whispered, slowly placing her hands up.

“Don’t move!” the hunter said, once again bringing his weapon up. His blood hounds sat patiently by his side awaiting an order. “Why, did you do this to me” He said, being brought to a subtle sob. The blood hounds that once stood patiently, became nervous. "THAT…and you ATE him” With the built up grief in his chest, he felt as if someone poured salt on his wounds.

This hounds continued to whine, only now they were barking nervously. “Mr. I did not eat your son…” she whispered, glancing in the water. The blood that once flow freely from the, back of her son disappeared, she now feared what the canine’s feared.

“Mr. if you do not leave right now; I can’t guarantee your safety…” The mother whispered, glancing back to see her daughter, quivering in a white gown. The presence of fear surpassing that of the great white Canadian winter.

“You’ll join your husband in hell!” he screamed, slowly squeezing the trigger, but his veins soon went cold, A boisterous growl resonated from the bottom of the river, a noise which was the final straw for the dogs; they took off into the bowels of the dark forest.

“S-sky..r-r-run…” She shuddered, trying to prepare herself for what would come next. “RUN NOW! AND DON’T STOP RUNNING UNTIL YOU’RE TOO TIRED TO RUN ANYMORE!!!!!!” The sound of her mother yelling startled her, but was enough to send her flying through the other side of the forest.


“As I ran all I could hear was the sound of my brother, my flesh addicted brother tearing into the man that shot and killed my mother; or maybe he was tearing into my mother; because she killed the man. It didn’t matter, I listened to her screams until I ran too far to hear them. My sandals weren’t serviceable anymore, and I was becoming increasingly hungry. Hunger was something I could deal with for now; but rest was something I needed immediately.

I closed my eyes and saw them, the Vampires, the Witches, and the Warlocks; I saw what made us turn on each other. The hunters. My mom entrusted me with the a book of spells; spells every witch would need to know to ensure survival, she told me…whatever I do….don’t let myself become a vampire, and don’t let myself get hunted.”

Name: Skyla Carmichael

Age: 217

Nationality: French Canadian

Origin: Witch/Vampire

Parents: Deceased

Siblings: Grant(Brother) Whereabouts unknown.

Skyla (Favors Sky) is the daughter of Abelia Ball, and Adrien Carmichael, her mother is of rich witch ancestry, while her father is of vampire nobility. Her family lived safe within the confides of the "Dark Forest", which was a spell protected safe haven for witches, Vampires and Warlocks. Adrien stumbled out of the forest one day into the town; and was brutally murdered by one of the villagers.

Because her father was now dead, young Grant's ability to suppress his inner vampire continued to take control of him, resulting in the eating of a farmer's child. The villagers retaliated by, chasing Grant back to the forest; shattering the protection the forest once had.

Grant's urges transformed him completely into a Renegade vampire (An uncontrollable); where he then ate his mother, and the farmer. Sky escaped into the United States where she has lived for more than 200 years. Sky has the abilities of both her father, and her mother; however is she was to transform into a renegade vampire; she would not be able to switch back.

The Dark Forest

In 1796, Witches, Warlocks, and Vampires were being hunted, by spirit hunters; these were the ghost of people that possessed the soul of a living being. The sole job of a spirit hunter is to find and kill the spirits of the damned. (Renegade Witches, Goblins, Demons; Vampires, Warlocks). The Dark forest was a place created by, fearful Witches and Warlocks, to keep them safe from being raided by hunters.


Emerald Fusion pt2

“You said this training will only take a couple of day’s right?” Emerald asked Maki trying to gauge how long it would be before she could see Earth. “Sort of” Maki responded still typing info into the super computer. “How is Sort of a good answer?” Emerald asked starting to get very pissed off about the dispersion of information. “Well to us you’ll be training for maybe 2 or 3 days. It’ll feel like weeks to you”.  Maki finally answered confusing Emerald even more; Maki kept trying to add Emerald to the star database but it kept saying she was already logged in. “Are you 100% sure you’re not a Ninjan?” Maki asked starting to get frustrated. “That’s what your boss said; She said I was a human” Emerald responded. “Ok I’ll get this set up later for now let’s get you a trainee uniform”. Emerald walked slowly behind Maki down to the fitting area. “This room doesn’t really see a lot of action; we don’t get many new recruits.” Maki said looking through a bunch of files. “Here sign and date here; I think I was the last one” Maki said with her hands on her chin still looking for something.

“Here you are” Maki said removing a white uniform down off the clothing carousel. “This is your official training uniform; if you complete training you will be given a new one.” Maki continued walking around handing her various items and what not; that is until Emerald had a question. “When will I get a power cell?” “Well you’ll get your power cell on the day you graduate from this trainee status; however I don’t know why you’ve already been added to the STAR database”. Emerald knew asking more question would result in confusion major, but she asked anyway. “What’s the STAR Database?” The huge space vessel slightly rocked back and forth; this was an indication of a coming asteroid field. “Here buckle down” Maki said handing Emerald a seatbelt. “STAR database is a program us up use to decipher a number of things; race, species, home worlds and everything. It was developed by Asha Difur also known as Sha 223. What’s creeping me out about the whole thing is until just recently humans weren’t allowed to be processed through STAR database; however you already have a long term account.” Maki explained completely confused. “I’ll ask the elder about it later for now just hang tight; I’m going to the observation deck”

Observation deck

“She was attacked by Hayden Miles; I didn’t know the renegade Ninjan was still in this part of the universe” Cleo said speaking to Mina Esposa. “Hayden has been seen in multiple parts of the universe as of late.” Mina replied taking a sip of her tea. “Maki requesting permission to speak” Maki said sneaking up on the two women without them noticing. “No…; yes you may” Cleo started but then Mina overruled her. “I tried listing Emerald in the STAR database but she already has a profile; It was only a few months ago that we allowed humans to be put in the star database so how is this possible”. Maki said taking a step back to show she was done speaking. “That is very peculiar; give her a full on physical examination” Maki nodded in agreement and then left the observation deck.

Returning back to Emerald, Maki broke the news to her in the best way possible. “I’m going to have to strip you down and do a physical exam.” Emerald didn’t really like the sound of it but she knew it had to be necessary. “How do your powers work?” Maki asked trying to make the girl feel comfortable more so to take her mind off of being inspected. “I’m not really sure it was up until a few months ago that I even realized I had powers.” Emerald responded adding to the whole mysterious background. “Can I tell you something?” Emerald said trying to see if she can trust Maki. Maki looked up she had just started to inspect Emerald’s knee and thigh area. “You’re not going to tell me you like girls are you?” Maki said jokingly. “NO!” Emerald said quickly bursting out into a chuckle. “I’ve been having weird dreams” Maki stood up and wiped her forehead. “Dreams like?”

“I’m not sure if it’s even a dream I know it’s an oath someone used to chant to me before I went to bed.  “The only path is that of right, those who do wrong, Prepare to fight for if you are within my sight, prepare to feel Renegade's Might!”  Emerald chanted as if she was in a trance. “You sure you weren’t watching Pokémon?”  Maki said trying to make a joke. “It’s serious…” Emerald said trying not to laugh. “Now that I think of it…I’ve heard that somewhere…” Maki said trying to think on where it could’ve been. “I have to get this data entry to Mina, so hang tight and when I come back I’ll take you to your Training op and read you your operations. Maki walked away still trying to decipher the dream.

“Cleo…I’ve run the data on Emerald it’s compressed and ready to be signed off on. Cleo took the data and uploaded it into the STAR system; which then updated the information already in their about Emerald.  “Will Power?” Cleo said confused. “What does will power have to do with anything?”Maki said with her hands on her hips.  “Will Power is only a registered power in the sectors of space before the Ninjetan Galaxy…Emerald is a Green Lantern”. “Say…word” Maki said forgetting where she was. “She doesn’t have a ring; there is no way she could be a lantern fighting a Ninjan without a ring.” Maki said showing off her intellect of the stars. “There was one Green Lantern who had all the powers of the lantern ring and never wore one…” Cleo said now in deep thought.  Maki thought about the oath and then connected the dots. “Renegade Lantern….” Maki whispered; it was then an eerie presence swept through the Cortega vessel and sent Maki into a chill spell.

“Her Father was Renegade Lantern?” Maki asked still trying to solidify her thoughts. “I believe so, Once he impregnated Emerald’s mother his ability to draw from their power battery should’ve passed on to her; that’s why she just manifested her powers, Xiox has a weird revolution in the solar system it actually brings it across the Ninjan outer rim; it does one revolution and then returns to the other side.

“When it crosses the axis it gets close to Oa…” Maki said in a whisper.  “So do we still take her as a part of the CF; I mean technically she’s not a green Lantern.” Cleo said turning to Mina whom had just entered the floor. “Yes we’ll take her” Mina said as if she were still thinking about the whole thing. “Cody…” this stopped Maki in her tracks, she had never been called by her real name, she especially didn’t think Mina knew what it was. “Charge her up” Maki nodded and then ran back to the clothing room where Emerald stood in her uniform.  “Girl you look good” Maki said pulling her by her hand. “What I’m about to do for you is going to change your life forever” Maki walked Emerald down a long corridor and opened a high voltage lock door. “I can feel my power” Emerald said feeling stronger.   “Good” Maki said opening the door and letting her step inside. “You’re going to need it”

Inside the room Emerald felt amazing; there was a green surge of energy all through her body, the power was an intense feeling it was almost too much for her to bear. Her pupils filled with surging green light. “It’s…too much!” she screamed extending all her limbs so that the power would flow evenly throughout her body. After about twenty minutes Maki cut it off and entered the room. The change was visible Emerald body had been transformed Green from the power; but she could switch this on and off whenever. She had a stronger looking build and she even spoke more confidentially.  “Oh yeah I’m a kick ass now” She said smiling. “Are you ready to get this underway?” Maki said happily. “Damn straight!”  Emerald replied. “Let’s go”

To be continued. 

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Emerald Fusion part 1

 As some of you guys may or may not know, I'm killing off my Ziccarra character. As the rpg that I chose to do that in i will be simultaneously bringing this character in to replace her. 


 Twenty Years ago. Space Sector D Ninjan Outer Rim: Planet Xiox

“Get up!” screamed the very powerful Ninjan Queen standing before the young girl. The young woman was hunched over with her face in the mud writhing in pain. The Ninjan storm systems caused a torrential downpour to cast a foggy yet muggy feeling on their battlefield. “You want to be a Weapon! Show me you’re POWER!” Z screamed again firing a huge sonic burst at the woman. The wind smashed directly into her body causing her to whirlwind out of control. Her body hit the ground hard causing it to quiver a bit; she could do nothing but look into the opaque skies and watch as the rain pounded against her face. “Ugh...I’ve got to fight back” she said still trying to push herself off the ground. With intense speed Z appeared right before her and kicked her directly in the skull once again knocking her back a little ways. “To think…I allowed you to live in my empire…” Z opened her hand again this time attempting to use her dark powers. “Please…stop” the young women begged for her life. “Please Stop? Please Stop? There IS no MERCY” Z screamed releasing a dark beam of energy in the form of a ball.

The blast landed right in front of the woman and sent her airborne. As she spiraled high into the air; she couldn’t get her bearings on where the hell she was; all she knew was she was soon going to hit the ground. She began to free fall towards the ground until she was caught; Caught by a green net. “Wh-what is this?” she said looking around extremely thankful. Glancing in the sky she saw them; all 223 of them. “Yes! The Cortega Force” she screamed joyfully as Maki the mission leader was exiting her from the battlefield.

Maki took her back to the Cortega Force home base orbiting high above the planet Xiox. “That’s one hell of an ass kicking you took there” She said helping the young women off the ground. “What’s your name?” Maki asked trying to take some of the shock off. “My name is Emerald” she responded rather scared. “Well Emerald you are one lucky person; I don’t know what the hell you did to piss off the NINJAN QUEEN but you’re lucky we were moving through here; you could’ve been killed”. Maki said escorting the woman around the HQ. 

The two eventually ran into the section leader; Cleo Sterling she was Maki’s boss and as an admin she didn’t have to wear her uniform. “Who the fu** is this?” she said with an attitude. “This is Emerald we rescued her from an attack by the Ziccarra Liafador” Maki explained. “Why would the Ninjan Queen go out of her way to attack her” Cleo remarked trying to insult Emerald. “Because she’s not the Ninjan Queen” another woman said walking in; she had pink skin with long brown hair. “Hello Emerald my name is Mina Esposa; I’m the leader of the Cortega Force” Emerald shook the woman’s hand respectfully and then asked a question.

“If that wasn’t the Ninjan Queen then who was it?” Mina dismissed both Cleo and Maki and then turned towards the window, which had the planet, Xiox right below it. “It was the Ninjan with many faces” Mina said holding her hands behind her back. “Hayden Miles…” Emerald responded trying to think why Hayden would attack her. “Now what’s a human doing this far into space?” The almost regal woman asked trying to tie up some loose ends.

“Human? Me?” Emerald said confused. “I always thought I was a Ninjan”. “The truth of the matter is I don’t know what I am” Emerald finally admitted she had lived on Xiox and Parshua for so long she didn’t even bother to question her nationality.

“You’re a human from the planet Earth; about years ago you were kidnapped as a child and brought into space as a recruit” Mina said opening an office and direction EM to take a seat. “A recruit for what” Emerald said confused. “You were selected to be a member of the Cortega Force” Mina answered gracefully; whilst making some tea. “There was a rouge member of ours name Calor Corazon; who turned on us and while you were a mere child left on the planet Xiox. The way Mina spoke almost made Emerald forget the fact that she had been taken away from her real family. “YOU GUYS KIDNAPPED ME; BROUGHT ME INTO SPACE AND THEN LET SOME CRAZY EMO CHICK RELEASE ME INTO SPACE ALL BY MYSELF!” Emerald exploded. Her face turned a bright red and her veins could be seen pulsating through her veins. “Take me back to Earth!” Emerald demanded. “I’m sorry my dear this section of the force is known as the Alpha force we don’t operate in that sector”. Mina said creating more and more rage in the face of Emerald. “Then make me a member of the Cortega Force!” she said this time with a lot less aggression in her voice.

“I’m not taking no for an answer” Emerald said locking eyes with the woman to show how serious she was. “Very well… have Mak” before she could get Maki’s name out; Maki and Cleo both fell through the office door one on top of each other. The two had been eavesdropping the whole time. “Oh man this isn’t the sauna!” Maki said trying to pull Cleo up from the ground.  “Maki your assignment is to get this young woman ready to head to Bravat Squad.” Maki bowed and then quickly pulled Emerald out of the room. “Trust me you don’t want to be here longer than you need to be” Maxi said walking down the hall. “Trust me you don’t want to go to Earth I’ve been before it smells like Pizza and ass; The Bravat squad really doesn’t see much action in that side of the world, but I’ll get your ready to go” Maki said showing Emerald where she’d be staying at for the next few days. “My real name is Cody Hartman; when we are by ourselves just call me Cody” she said smiling and walking off. “Tomorrow’s a long day you better get some sleep.”