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Remulus Dreypa Respect Thread

Having made a respect thread for Karness Muur, I decided to do one for his rival as well - Remulus Dreypa.

Respect Remulus Dreypa:

"The stars are my domain. And I will have them again."


Dreypa was a powerful figure in Old Republic history, along with the likes of XoXaan and Karness Muur:

"The story begins not with Sith -- but with fallen Jedi. And a gathering of such warriors, nearly four thousand years ago -- at the Battle of Corbos. Many powerful figures fought there. Karness Muur. Remulus Dreypa. XoXaan."

Source: Lost Tribe of the Sith: Spiral: Part 2

As a practitioner of Sith Alchemy, Remulus Dreypa is one of the most powerful Sith Lords in history:

The most powerful Sith Lords possess a talent for the dark alchemy of the Sith.

Source: The Dark Side Sourcebook

Remulus Dreypa wields unprecedented power in the eyes of the Lost Tribe of the Sith:

"Such -- such power! Have you ever seen the like?"

"No -- never."

Source: Lost Tribe of the Sith: Spiral: Part 3

Darth Wyyrlok III regards the original Dark Jedi Exiles as powerful dark siders:

"These powerful dark siders made a last stand on the planet Corbos against Jedi hunters and powerful dark side rivals. We know this ended the Hundred-Year Darkness."

Source: Legacy 30: Vector: Part 11

Force Sense

Force Sense is a basic power allowing Force sensitives to sense their surroundings, feel determine the thoughts or feelings of others, feel ripples in the Force signifying important events of the presence of the dark side, or even the future.

Dreypa senses panic in Eorm:

"I sense panic brewing in Eorm - a good first test."

Dreypa senses that nobody among the Lost Tribe of the Sith has "followed the true Sith path" for years:

"Yet I sense no one here has followed the true Sith path for years!"


Telepathy is the power to sense, communicate and manipulate thoughts, whereas Empathy is the power to sense, communicate and manipulate emotions.

Dreypa uses the Force to spellbind the Lost Tribe of the Sith:

"Kaliska, he's... he's spellbinding."

Force Lightning

Force Lightning is the ability to unleash deadly crackles of electrical energy that cause excruciating pain and weaken life.

As an Ancient Sith Lord, Remulus Dreypa is a master of Force Lightning:

Through their focus on these elements of the Force, the Sith have developed terrifying powers, such as the ability to drain a being of its life force, or unleash their hatred as crackling bolts of energy. The Sith Emperor, history's most powerful dark side master, performed a ritual of incredible scope to consume the life energy of every being on his homeworld. Ancient Sith were also masters of these arts - Lord Naga Sadow was able to affect the stars themselves, and caused the red supergiant Primus Goluud to go nova.

Source: The Old Republic Encyclopedia

Dreypa uses a combination of Force Lightning and Pyrokinesis to destroy a village, killing Sith Lord Galathos and his warriors in the process:

Dreypa kills several Lost Tribe Sith with a burst of Force Lightning:

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Dreypa kills several S'kytri with Force Lightning:


Pyrokinesis is a rare Force power enabling one to generate and manipulate fire.

Dreypa controls fire along with his Force Lightning to destroy a village:

Force Drain

Force Drain is a Force power enabling one to siphon the life energies and/or Force powers of the target.

As an Ancient Sith Lord, Remulus Dreypa is a master of Force Drain:

Through their focus on these elements of the Force, the Sith have developed terrifying powers, such as the ability to drain a being of its life force, or unleash their hatred as crackling bolts of energy. The Sith Emperor, history's most powerful dark side master, performed a ritual of incredible scope to consume the life energy of every being on his homeworld. Ancient Sith were also masters of these arts - Lord Naga Sadow was able to affect the stars themselves, and caused the red supergiant Primus Goluud to go nova.

Source: The Old Republic Encyclopedia

Sith Alchemy

Sith Alchemy is a Force-oriented practice allowing one to alter physical (and sometimes Force-related) features of living beings.

As a member of the Dark Jedi Exiles, Dreypa used the power of the Force to twist life into monstrous creations:

"Like many dark siders of that time, he used the power of the Force to twist life itself into monstrous creations."

Source: Legacy 30: Vector: Part 11

Remulus Dreypa received a talisman crafted by Sorzus Syn that was similar in design and appearance to that of the Muur Talisman, and with the same base function of preserving (or trapping) the wearer's spirit after death:

"My experimentation with the Heart of Graush and my alchemic mastery of raising Sithspawn will culminate in the first Great Amulet to be worn by one of the Lords of the Sith. Its power will transform the feeble-minded into braying rakghouls, whose actions are the result of the wearer's desire. It will also preserve the wearer's spirit should he fall in combat. Though Karness will receive the first, I will complete more than one amulet. The second will go to Dreypa, so those two fools can battle other unceasingly."

Source: Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side

However, upon arriving on Kesh, Dreypa used his own mastery of Alchemy to alter the talisman further in order to help him survive. When he was locked in his oubliette, the Dreypa Talisman allowed him to preserve his sanity:

"My oubliette would have stolen my sanity -- if not for this amulet!"

Just as Karness Muur's Talisman enabled him to create and control rakghouls, Dreypa's Talisman enabled him to create and control Leviathans:

"Dark Side spawn -- which I brought to this place to mature, four thousand years ago. And which I now with Syn's amulet command!"

Sith Sorcery

Sith Sorcery or Sith Magic is a Force-oriented practice that involves a wide spectrum of arcane and esoteric powers.

Dreypa uses Sith Sorcery to invoke Leviathans out of larvae nearly instantly, and control them:

Dreypa is shown throughout Lost Tribe of the Sith: Spiral: Part 4 and 5 to possess utmost control over the Leviathans. For instance, he is capable of directing them to climb buildings in pursuit of a ship:

Combat Skill

Remulus Dreypa is among the ancient Sith Lords, whom Kreia claims are vastly superior swordfighters to the Jedi and Sith of her age. Specifically, she claimed that the Exile (at the time, at least) and herself were "children playing with toys compared to the prowess of the old masters".

"If you were to face an ancient Sith Lord in combat, you would learn that we are as children playing with toys compared to the prowess of the old masters."

Source: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords

Chris Avellone, the head writer of Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, has confirmed that Kreia's predictions are accurate:

"Kreia is setting the stage for what we imagined KOTOR3 to be, and as we had a sense for the power that we wanted those Sith Lords to reveal, her predictions are accurate. And yes, she had a number of Sith holocrons that she had read (the ones on Telos)."


Remulus Dreypa, XoXaan and Karness Muur were among the Dark Jedi who fought in the Battle of Corbos. Having survived the conflict, they must have slain a number of Jedi there, as Dreypa would later recount:

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