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The Solution

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The Solution

Beautiful and divine as summers sunlight

Nevada test site - time after the Grim incident, a man wept. Hundreds of military suits and powerful government officials across the globe shared his moment of joy. Glued to the ground, behind the bunkers walls they froze in awe. They saw the power of Brutus Dagaal-Ares and what he had to offer the world, God particles. The element was exposed to adamantium figures modeled with capes and Olympian built bodies, a representation of what the world has come to fear. Not the arsenal of nuclear bombs, not war among men but the fear of when our justice loving heroes finally turn against us. Equally measured in durability to rival the god like beings that roamed this earth, the beings that were simply the predicament of the world. Simply vanished in a flash as if the models were ordinary men being vaporized by what looked like to be a explosion that erased all matter on contact. A sigh of relief, everybody gratifyingly applauds the triumphant achievement and raised their glass to Brutus's success.

For entire generations, the world had been imprisoned, maimed, and killed for trying to best themselves against these God like beings. But now after seeing the complete obliteration of the indestructible entities their eyes started to gleam, faces registering everything from exhilaration to fear. They kept their memories of this achievement as souvenirs and possible bed stories to their future grandchildren about the day Brutus saved them all. It was beautiful, It concretized, one might say, the end of the metahuman problem through the globe.

We already live in a world of barely contained fanaticism's. Superhuman groups seek to impose totalitarian dogma not merely on one nation, but on the entire world. Metahuman terrorists incite murder, calling for the assassination of ex-president Brutus, a powerless man whose words offend them. Rogue heroes and protesters bomb palaces. nGod Separatist movements leave a trail of divus radiation and blood in defense of their identity. And So called heroes, nothing more than terrorists think nothing of destroying buildings and pulverizing homes, as if the death of a city would somehow win points from the people who lived in it.

Because of the era of superheroes, many in the world assumed that fanatic, irrational,hate mongering ideologies will vanish from the earth as societies become more civilized. But as they tear down our cities and block our progress to adapt, we think to ourselves as we have reached the stagnant stage where heroes are no longer needed. They simply halt humanities evolution into an era of hate among ourselves as the metahumans battle for power. They needlessly and irrationally fight against each others morals, saying that they fight to save the world, but they never want it to change. Nothing, says Brutus Dagaal-Ares, ex president of united states, no longer behind a desk but with power of global peace from the resources he has gained as president. A smug face to his audience. An internationally respected futurist, Brutus made a toast to the audience that witnessed the solution for our children's tomorrow, and for the future of mankind.

"We remember them as merely relics of the past. War criminals with power beyond belief, portents of modern day society have now met their match as Brutus Enterprises gives you the solution. Thank you for your support! I promise I won't let mankind down."