
I have discussed Star Wars characters Aryn Leener, Tenebrae and Vaylin at length in my blogs. Aryn Leener is back in the game.

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Tenebrae - DOCUMENTED POWERS (2020) - WIP

S_W_LeGenD blogsTenebrae - DOCUMENTED POWERS


This blog offers a detailed account of various FORCE POWERS and ESOTERIC TECHNIQUES demonstrated by Tenebrae to manipulate his surroundings during the course of his existence - chief antagonist of the overarching BioWare SWTOR project.

A being of unfathomable power and insatiable appetite, he transcended death multiple times, shedding his physical shells as they were discovered, defeated, and destroyed... only to return in another form."

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne: Codex Entry titled "The Fall of Valkorion.")

This blog is an extension of the Valkorion Respect Thread.


  • Original name: Tenebrae
  • Alias: Valkorion
  • Original form: Sith Pureblood (biological)
  • Biological father: Lord Dramath
  • Evolved form: Entity (ability to cheat death; body hopping)
  • Former Sith identities: Lord Vitiate; Darth Vitiate; The Sith Emperor
  • Post-Sith identities: Vitiate; The Immortal Emperor; Valkorion
  • Last known identity: Emperor Vitiate
  • Sith apprentice(s): Exal Kressh
  • Notable characteristic: Immortality
  • Spouse: Senya Tirall
  • Offspring: Thexan; Arcann; Vaylin


This blog is in compliance with (CC BY 4.0): https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/


Potential readers are CAUTIONED in advance that this blog contain heavy spoilers in its constructs.


Literature Review with visual content.


"Valkorion. Tenebrae. Vitiate. Emperor of the Sith. My low-born son has worn many masks." - Lord Dramath

Tenebrae is a long-lived character donning multiple identities and he also EVOLVED over time as a being. This blog conform to following nomenclatures accordingly:

Tenebrae [Original] = Sith Pureblood

Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] = Life prolonged via Sith Sorcery (Original Body)

Tenebrae [VOICES] = Life prolonged via Transfer Life application in other living beings, and a large number of individuals converted into extensions of his will alongside.

Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor VOICE] (or Tenebrae [TSEV] in short) = a part of Tenebrae [VOICES] and MASK for the reconstituted ancient Sith Empire.

Tenebrae [The Immortal Emperor VOICE] (or Tenebrae [TIEV] in short) = a part of Tenebrae [VOICES] and MASK for The Eternal Empire.

Tenebrae [Vitiate] = Tenebrae [TSEV]'s immortal consciousness (Shadow of Revan; Rise of the Sith Emperor)

Tenebrae [Valkorion] = Tenebrae's immortal consciousness bind to The Outlander for plot convenience (Knights of the Fallen Empire; Knights of the Eternal Throne)

Tenebrae [Consciousness] = a part of Tenebrae's immortal consciousness which infiltrated the mind of Satele Shan in order to reconstruct the entity inside her mind and hollow her out for subsequent takeover (Echoes of Oblivion)

ANOTHER CHARACTER of much significance

The Outlander (who started a rebellion against The Eternal Empire encompassing numerous factions including the Jedi and Sith and became The Alliance Commander subsequently) feature heavily in contents of this blog.

Official portrayal of this character in updates provided by BioWare suggest a HUMAN MALE corresponding to the Jedi Knight background:

In-game portrayal of this character vary as per player choices and tastes nevertheless.

The Eternal Empire pushed the Jedi Order to de-centralize itself [a] and the legendary Jedi Knight of the time (alias Hero of Tython) became The Outlander at some point [b].

Revelation [a] below:

Based on the intelligence we’ve gathered, I believe the Jedi recognized the possibility of their order being destroyed by the Eternal Empire and chose to de-centralize themselves to better their chances of long-term survival.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Jedi Under Siege: State of the Galaxy)

Revelation [b] below:

But the immortal Emperor could not be vanquished so easily. He evaded death by infiltrating the mind of the Outlander, his most powerful opponent.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne: Character Profiles)


BioWare - First and Foremost for the SWTOR project.

Uploads on YouTube by its member xLetalis.





"You say you know me -- if that is true, then you know the depths of my power. Whatever you hoped to achieve here, you know-deep-inside -- that you cannot succeed." - Tenebrae [The Immortal Emperor VOICE]

Tenebrae became the most powerful Force-user in the galaxy - the master of the art of Sith Sorcery and numerous dark side abilities in general. Tenebrae was infamous for his proficiency in bending the wills of, possessing, or consuming living beings. Tenebrae evolved into a virtually immortal being - he was able to prolong his life for indefinite period via Sith Sorcery, evaded attempts on his life by creating VOICES in other living beings, and also managed to cheat death time-and-again only to return in another form. The remarkable ability to create VOICES in other living beings enabled Tenebrae to don multiple identities in order to influence galactic affairs in profound ways. He could reshape and/or consume entire worlds at will, and his proficiency in Sith Sorcery advanced to the extent that he could shatter the fabric of the galaxy itself, but he changed his mind when he noticed The Eternal Empire flourishing. His power and immortality transformed him into a being unique in the galaxy nevertheless.

Even though Tenebrae explored the most sinister, uncharted depths of the dark side, he eventually came to perceive Sith philosophy and teachings as "archaic." Tenebrae abandoned the ways of Sith and created a new civilization (The Eternal Empire) where he introduced a new philosophy for its Force-users to adhere to (i.e. limitless power which encouraged balance and exploration), and developed new Force powers in the process.

In terms of strength and capacity to manipulate the external environment = Tenebrae [VOICES] >>>> Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] >>>> Tenebrae [Original]

This section is split into following segments nevertheless:

  • Tenebrae - Sith philosophy
  • Tenebrae - Vitiate
  • Tenebrae - Limitless power philosophy



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The Sith Emperor has mastered the dark side's power to become the most dominating Force-user the galaxy has ever seen.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Codex Entry titled "The Emperor's Fallen Jedi (Knight).")

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Tenebrae [Original] acquired formidable Telekinetic abilities without formal training. He could perform a telekinetic action with a mere thought (no gesturing involved).

Example 1 - Tenebrae [Original] broke the neck of his adoptive father with a mere thought:

The father flew into a rage, attacking the boy's mother. Tenebrae stopped him, feeding on his father’s anger and hate to call upon the dark side. He snapped his father's neck with a mere thought, killing him instantly.

From (Darth Nyriss, Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan)

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Sever Force [also written as sever Force]

Esoteric application

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From (Darth Plagueis, Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side)

Tenebrae [Original] was proficient in sever Force application when just 10 years old. He defeated Lord Dramath with said application when the two came face-to-face:

Lord Dramath intended to judge the child’s power to determine if he was worthy of serving the Sith Lord, or if he should simply be executed. But Tenebrae had no intention of serving—or of dying. When they met face-to-face, Tenebrae proved the stronger. Only ten years old, he stripped his father of his power and his mind.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan)


Lord Dramath ruled the Sith world of Medriaas more than a millennium ago. Caring little for day-to-day governing, the Sith Lord spent his time hosting feasts and traveling around the agricultural planet. During a trip to the distant northern continent, Dramath had an affair with a poor farmer woman, siring a son whom he promptly forgot.

Ten years later, the Sith Lord heard rumors of a child gathering power in the northern continent, but did not personally investigate until his envoys failed to return. After days of travel, Dramath reached the source of the rumors only to face his illegitimate son, Tenebrae, the future Sith Emperor and immortal ruler of Zakuul. That day, Tenebrae removed his father's connection to the Force and imprisoned him within a powerful holocron, leaving Dramath alone to wither slowly into madness over an eternity.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne: Codex entry titled "Lord Dramath.")

NOTE (1): Lord Dramath was a planetary governor in times of the Golden age of the Sith (an achievement in itself in view of his co-existence with thousands of powerful Sith of the era), and managed to create a Sith Holocron which is by no means an easy accomplishment for a Sith:

Scholars know that a holocron is a box of crystalline lattices, which are capable of housing near-infinite amounts of priceless data. These matrices can be aligned only through precise and exhausting application of the Force. A completed holocron can be accessed only by another Force-user. To navigate a holocron's secrets, one must speak to its gatekeeper - a holographic echo of the device's builder that retains a measure of the builder's spirit. Constructing a holocron can take months, and a single misstep can collapse the device into dust.

From (Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side)

NOTE (2): Tenebrae [Original] was able to twist and pervert the Sith Holocron of Lord Dramath into an artifact which could be used to trap Force spirits and more. More details in the following blog.


ENDNOTE: This application is considered to be one of the most powerful (Light Side) Force powers.

While Tenebrae [Original] could trigger a mass die-off of a victim's midi-chlorians with sheer force of will, he eventually learned to trigger an increase in a subject's midi-chlorians (see the Midi-chlorian Manipulation section below).

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Sith Sorcery

Esoteric spectrum of techniques

Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] became the MASTER of the art of Sith Sorcery - to the extent that he could employ this talent to not only reshape a world (see ALTER ENVIRONMENT section below) but also to address extreme manner of threats from a distance.

Example 1 - Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] employed a powerful cum mysterious technique to overwhelm a rebellious Dark Council from a distance:

During a violent tempest, Darth Lokess called a secret meeting of her eleven fellow Dark Council members. Under the cover of night, the Dark Council met and heard Darth Lokess describe a brilliant and daring plan to overthrow the Sith Emperor, end his relentless exile, and lead the Empire back to war against the Republic. An army of Sith under the command of Darth Lokess were stationed outside the meeting, ready to slay any Dark Council member who refused. But they all agreed to depose the Emperor.

It remains a mystery how the Emperor learned of his council's treachery. He allowed their plan to play out, but when they gathered to confront the Emperor, his punishment was swift and devastating. Eleven members of the Dark Council died in a sudden flash on the steps of the Citadel. The last member Darth Lokess, disappeared forever, though for some centuries some claimed her screams could be heard from the bowels of the Citadel.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia)

NOTE: At any point in time, members of the Dark Council are expected to be among the most powerful Sith in the galaxy on average:

While the undying Emperor serves as the unquestioned leader of the Empire, the twelve members of the Dark Council oversee the daily workings of their vast civilization and speak in the Emperor’s name. Each is among the most powerful Sith in the galaxy; to hold a seat on the council is the highest honor and the greatest position of influence a Sith can attain.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Codex Entry titled "The Dark Council.")

Revan - also counted among the most powerful Force-users in history - who was able to dismiss a member of the Dark Council (stronger than Meetra Surik - a Darth Traya TIER Force-user) in Darth Nyriss with his raw power in a short span, felt that it was IMPRACTICAL to take on an entire Dark Council and hope to prevail:

“What did you find out?” Meetra asked as Revan extended a hand to help her up.

“It wasn’t just Nyriss who was attacked. The Emperor killed them all.”

“The files you showed me listed five current members of the Dark Council plotting against him,” Meetra said, looking to clarify. “Are you saying the Emperor’s Guard wiped out all five in the space of a single day?”

“I said he killed them all,” Scourge replied. “All twelve members of the Dark Council—even those who weren’t part of the conspiracy. He wanted to send a message no one would ever forget.”

“How is that possible?” Revan asked. “He attacked a dozen of the most powerful Sith Lords in their seats of power simultaneously? How many troops does he have?”

“The Imperial Guard were only unleashed on Nyriss and two others. The Emperor must have assumed they were the ones least likely to answer his summons. The other nine were called together in the hours before the attack to meet with the Emperor at his citadel. None of them left alive.”

“So what’s happening now?” Meetra asked.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan)

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Alter Environment

Esoteric application

Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] became the MASTER of esoteric techniques suited to reshape environments. He made extensive use of these techniques to completely ALTER the environmental conditions of a planet DROMUND KAAS in his image:


The powerful electrical storms were a physical manifestation of the dark side power that engulfed the entire planet—a power that had brought the Sith back here a millennium before, when their very survival had been in doubt.

Taken from (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan)

Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] corrupted the atmosphere of the planet DROMUND KAAS to such an extent that the planet experienced stormy conditions for indefinite period - deprived from sunlight in the process. The planet became a nexus of dark side energy and its environmental shift gave rise to deadly flora and fauna.

Power hungry, the Emperor spent great energy discovering and perfecting esoteric rites of darkness – rituals that wrecked the atmosphere of Dromund Kaas, transforming the ionosphere into a swirling electric storm.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Holonet)


Storms were common here on Dromund Kaas; dark clouds perpetually blocked out the sun, rendering terms like day and night meaningless.

Taken from (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan)


MEETRA FOUGHT TO KEEP the Ebon Hawk steady on its descent through the fierce storms raging in the skies above Kaas City spaceport.

She knew the storm-ravaged world had to be the world Canderous had spoken of; the one Revan had seen in his dreams. The dark side was powerful here.

Taken from (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan)

NOTE (1): Seemingly permanent shift in the climatic conditions would have had a profound impact on the flora and fauna of the planet.

ENDLESS NIGHTS, DEADLY JUNGLES, and violent electrical storms enshroud the hostile world of Dromund Kaas.

Taken from (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia)

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The violent electical storms necessitated construction of Lightning Spires on buildings in DROMUND KAAS:

The lightning spires of Dromund Kaas tower above the planet's dark jungles, attracting the deadly lightning strikes that constantly scorch the world's storm-ravaged surface. The spires protect ground forces from falling prey to deadly strikes and harness the storm's electrical energy to power Kaas City.

The lightning spires were originally conceived by Renigus Wight, a former commander in the Imperial Reclamation Service. Renigus was spearheading an excavation mission in the jungles of Dromund Kaas when a violent storm erupted in the skies overhead. His officers ran for shelter, but were too slow. A single bolt of lightning wiped out his entire crew: 49 officers, researchers and slaves. Renigus only survived thanks to the grace of a twisted ankle that caused him to lag behind the panicked stampede and miss the fatal strike.

Following this incident, Renigus retired from the service to design the first lightning spire-a beacon of safety to shield future Imperial expeditions from the planet's wrathful storms.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne: Codex Entry titled "Lightning Spires.")

Another example:

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One of the most dangerous environments on DROMUND KAAS was the Dark Temple:

Hundreds of years ago, the Sith Emperor ordered the construction of the Dark Temple as a burial place for his dead and defeated enemies, “to aid them in becoming one with the Force.” Little is known of what rituals the Emperor performed there, but the Dark Temple has become a nexus of powerful dark side energy, and a place where ancient weapons and ancient secrets of the Sith lay sealed away in cavernous chambers.

Although the Dark Temple grounds have always been a dangerous place for the weak-willed (the expansion of the Kaas City power grid into tunnels beneath the temple drove a thousand slaves mad), the temple itself remained sealed until recently, when an expedition of power-hungry Sith Lords and their servants breached the gateway.

The Dark Council did not sanction this intrusion, nor did it punish the rogue Sith; no one returned from the expedition to punish. Violent electrical storms surrounded the temple for the first week after it was opened, and since then, additional expeditions have been sent by the council to determine the temple’s status. Their reports have not been made public.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Codex Entry titled "The Dark Temple.")


Burial place, prison, and reliquary, the Dark Temple was built on the orders of the Emperor to seal away powerful artifacts and the Emperor's enemies, both alive and dead. The temple became a nexus of dark side energy as the Emperor performed rituals within, drawing strength and knowledge from his captives.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia)

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NOTE (2): DROMUND KAAS is a large (rocky) body, with the diameter of 22,450 km, as per the disclosure in Star Wars: The Dark Forces saga related content.

Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] created a powerful nexus of dark side energy on the planet DROMUND KAAS:

Burial place, prison, and reliquary, the Dark Temple was built on the orders of the Emperor to seal away powerful artifacts and the Emperor's enemies, both alive and dead. The temple became a nexus of dark side energy as the Emperor performed rituals within, drawing strength and knowledge from his captives.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia)


ENDNOTE: Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] corrupted planet DROMUND KAAS to the extent that this planet never recovered and it remained deadly even in the times of Luke Skywalker many centuries in the future (Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Ascension).

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Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] experienced a vision of the Mandalorian Wars and dispatched an agent to convince the reigning Mandalore to attack the Republic:

"So did the Jedi. The Sith species vanished after the Great Hyperspace War. One of their kind hasn’t been seen in Republic space in over a thousand years. But this red-skinned being came to Mandalore. He claimed to be the emissary of a powerful Master—a descendant of the Sith Lord who had driven Dramath into exile—and convinced Mandalore to help him search for his enemy's tomb."

Revan was speaking slowly, the words coming out only as fast as the details came into focus. His recollections were still hazy and jumbled. The original time and place of each specific memory was unclear. Mandalore had told him some of this. Other details had come from the datacron in the tomb. Most of it he had learned much later, after he and Malak had journeyed into the Unknown Regions themselves.

It was impossible to sort it all out. Out of necessity, his damaged mind had collapsed his memories into one another, merging them into a semicoherent whole as he'd slept.

"Mandalore helped the Sith find Dramath's hidden crypt," he continued. "The Sith took the remains to give to his Master, and in exchange he told Mandalore of a vision his Master had had of the Mandalorians rising up against the Republic. He told him they would conquer world after world, crushing their enemies until the Republic collapsed in on itself. He promised the Mandalorians a glorious victory, and Mandalore believed him."

"Mandalore the Ultimate wouldn't lead us into war against the Republic just because some stranger told him we'd win," Canderous protested.

"It's more complicated than that. The Sith used the power of the dark side to manipulate him. Only as Mandalore lay dying at my feet was the spell finally broken and he realized he’d been tricked. That was why he told me about this place. So I could come and see for myself."

"This doesn't make any sense," Canderous said. "You say the Sith tricked Mandalore into attacking the Republic. But why?"

"I don't know," Revan admitted. "Maybe it was a test of your strength. Or ours. Maybe the Sith are planning another invasion, and they sought to weaken the Republic."

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan)

NOTE: This was Tenebrae's first major attempt to influence galactic events.

Tenebrae [VOICES] foresaw efforts of the legendary Jedi Knight (alias Hero of Tython) to thwart his plans. Associated footage below (3:24 - 3:34):

"I see Futures in you. Futures I will not allow. Your future ends here." - Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] via Kira Carsen - a Child of the Emperor

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Force Lightning (also written as Sith Lightning)

Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] proved to the most proficient user of Force lightning. He could unleash a swirling storm of lightning bolts of extraordinary intensity and scale, and overwhelmed some of the most powerful Force-users with this application alone. Examples provided below.

Example 1 - Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] mortally wounded Revan [Reborn] with a swirling storm of lightning bolts - Revan [Reborn] would have perished, if T3-M4 droid had not intervened on time:

Revan knew he was gathering his power to unleash a swirling storm of pure dark side energy, just as Nyriss had done. The Jedi quickly calculated his options. Realizing he couldn’t close the gap between them quickly enough to stop the assault, he gathered his own energy and spread his hands before him, ready to catch and absorb the Emperor’s attack.

A dozen bolts of purple lightning arced from the Emperor toward him. Revan tried to draw them in and contain them, but the Emperor was infinitely more powerful than Darth Nyriss had ever been.

Revan's body was engulfed in agony as the electricity coursed through his body. His skin began to boil and blister, the flesh of his face melting and sticking to the superheated metal of his mask as the Emperor poured more and more power into him.

Through the haze of indescribable pain, he saw T3-M4 rushing in to help him. The droid let loose with his flamethrower, bathing the Emperor in fire. At the last instant the Emperor cocooned himself in the Force to save himself from being incinerated, breaking his focus on Revan.

The Jedi collapsed to the ground, burned but still alive, the hilt of his extinguished lightsaber lying on the floor less than a meter beyond his grasp.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan)

NOTE: To have a measure of how powerful Revan [Reborn] was at the time, please consider reading following BLOG.

Example 2 - Tenebrae [VOICES] overwhelmed Lightsaber-facilitated defenses of some of the most powerful and resolute Jedi of the Order with a swirling storm of lightning bolts:

With Grand Master Satele Shan's support, Master Braga assembles a strike team of the strongest and most resolute Jedi in the order. Their goal is to pinpoint the Emperor's hidden fortress, capture the Sith leader alive, and turn him to the light side. The Jedi do not realize that they have underestimated the true extent of the Emperor's power. It is an error that will cost them dearly.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia)

Lightsabers drawn and ready:

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Called "Sith lightning," these charges cause excruciating pain and weaken life, and it is a challenge for even the most powerful Jedi Masters to deflect such bursts.

From (Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide)


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Jedi Knights Warren Sedoru and Leeha Narezz were virtually immobilized and unable to advance early on. Jedi Master Tol Braga and the legendary Jedi Knight (alias Hero of Tython) were offering substantial resistance and doing their best to contain Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor VOICE]'s power. Each was capable of taking on and defeating multiple opponents in a fight without breaking a sweat in personal capacity but ALL were dealing with too much firepower in this case.

When up against Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor], Lightsaber-facilitated defenses were not sufficient either. After disarming all Jedi, he unleashed an esoteric blast of Force Lightning to seal the deal:

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The plan to invade the Emperor's fortress succeeds beyond Master Braga's greatest ambitions. However, the Jedi find more than they bargained for when they finally confront the Sith leader in his lair. The Emperor is more than a man - he is the living embodiment of the dark side. Armed with incalculable powers of corruption, the Emperor easily defeats the Knight, Master Braga, and their fellow Jedi, twisting them all to the dark side.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopeda)

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Force Barrier

Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] was proficient in the use of defensive applications.

Example 1 - Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] cocooned himself with the Force to nullify burning effects of a flame-thrower -this was a sneak attack.

The droid let loose with his flamethrower, bathing the Emperor in fire. At the last instant the Emperor cocooned himself in the Force to save himself from being incinerated, breaking his focus on Revan.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan)

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Drain Life Essence

"A delicate procedure that saps the life energy of another and funnels it directly into your own essence. It is extremely difficult to employ in combat and is derived from the teachings of Zelashiel the Blasphemer in the Holocron of Darth Revan."

From (Darth Bane, Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side)

Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] was proficient in the use of Drain Life Essence application. He siphoned the life-force of many of his subjects to become stronger in passing years as well as satiate his HUNGER (the unintended consequence of IMMORTALITY). He could siphon the life-force of his subjects from even lightyears distance as apparent from the example of Revan [Reborn] and the fact that he would dispatch his Hands to distant parts of the galaxy for important assignments from time-to-time [1]. He could also siphon energy from Force spirits [2].

For [1]:

REVAN COULD FEEL THE EMPEROR FEEDING ON HIM, drawing on his power to sate his endless hunger.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan)

NOTE: Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] and Revan [Reborn] were about 12 parsecs apart at the time of the aforementioned statement (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan).


Servants of the Hand share their Master's longevity, living untouched by age for centuries under his command. In return, the Emperor draws on his servant's strength in the Force and body to feed his ever-increasing power, leaving the servants withered and frail. But with no memories of their past lives, the servants have no history and live solely to serve the Emperor.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia)

For [2]:

Burial place, prison, and reliquary, the Dark Temple was built on the orders of the Emperor to seal away powerful artifacts and the Emperor's enemies, both alive and dead. The temple became a nexus of dark side energy as the Emperor performed rituals within, drawing strength and knowledge from his captives. The temple's twisted, grotesque architecture was specifically designed to focus and contain such corrupt darkness.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia)

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Drain Knowledge

Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] could glean knowledge from his subjects (living and Force spirits).

Take another look:

Burial place, prison, and reliquary, the Dark Temple was built on the orders of the Emperor to seal away powerful artifacts and the Emperor's enemies, both alive and dead. The temple became a nexus of dark side energy as the Emperor performed rituals within, drawing strength and knowledge from his captives. The temple's twisted, grotesque architecture was specifically designed to focus and contain such corrupt darkness.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia)

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Transfer Life (also written as Transfer Essence)

Esoteric application

This power allows character to transfer his or her life energy into another body. The key to immortality itself, this is one of the most difficult and evil of all dark side powers. To overcome a spirit already residing in a body is nearly impossible. This is why the power is nearly useless without the ability to clone host bodies.

From (Star Wars - D6 - Force powers)


The pneuma governs consciousness. Through this I am convinced that the energy pattern we know as self-awareness can be preserved and imprinted a second time into the neural pathways of a different brain. This process would be simplest with a cloned body that is identical to the subject's own, though in theory any advanced biological form would prove sufficient. Body swapping of this nature is riskier than simply sustaining one's own life through midi-chlorian manipulation. In dire emergency however, it could serve as an escape from oblivion.

From (Darth Plagueis, Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side)

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From (Darth Plagueis, Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side)

CONTROL difficulty = Heroic

SENSE difficulty = Heroic

ALTER difficulty = Easy (cloned body); Moderate (recent dead body); Difficult (willing living being); Heroic (unwilling living being)

Force Powers required to execute successfully:

Absorb/dissipate energy - Accelerate healing - Control pain - Emptiness - Detoxify poison - Hibernation trance - Reduce injury - Remain conscious - Resist stun - Life detection - Life sense - Magnify senses - Receptive telepathy - sense Force - Telekinesis - Injure/kill - Farseeing - Projective telepathy - Receptive telepathy - Accelerate another's healing - Control another's pain - Feed on dark side - Inflict pain - Return another to consciousness - Dim another's senses - Transfer Force - Affect mind

From (Star Wars - D6 - Force powers)

ConsiderationsTenebrae [VOICES]Palpatine [Dark Empire]

Transfer Life (Cloned body)*


Palpatine was not taking his chances and created a steady supply of clones to Transfer Life into when necessitated:

His death at the hands of Darth Vader was, apparently, merely a setback, and the evil Emperor Palpatine, steeped in the ways of the dark side, seemed prepared for any eventuality. Long before the Rebel Alliance proved to be troublesome for Palpatine, he had discovered that the corrupting power of the dark side had a detrimental effect on his physical form. Utilizing long lost magic and the science of cloning, Palpatine created a steady supply of clones of his own body, into which he could throw his being and thus rule the galaxy forever. It was into one of these clones, located on Palpatine's hidden retreat world, Byss, that Palpatine projected himself.

From (Star Wars Handbook # 3 - Dark Empire)

These clones were not perfect however and Palpatine was increasingly convinced that he would need a natural Force-sensitive body to Transfer Life in the end and he had his eyes set on the infant Anakin Solo for the needful:

Palpatine's own clone bodies were getting further and further away from the original, and thus they were decaying faster and faster. The Emperor needed a new template, a new, powerful body to inhabit and consolidate his control over the galaxy.

From (Star Wars Handbook # 3 - Dark Empire)


Because the clones can only contain his evil for limited time, Palpatine strives to take possession of a strong Jedi body. The unborn Solo child would be that vessel, and Luke Skywalker would aid Palpatine in getting it.

From (Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide: Updated and Expanded)

Transfer Life (Recent dead body)**


Transfer Life (Willing living being)

The Voice is the mouthpiece through which the Emperor delivers his orders. This possessed being sacrifices all consciousness to become a hollow vessel for the Emperor. Over the centuries, the Emperor has taken many Voices from young children to alien species. When the Voice speaks, it does so with the Emperor's cold, emotionless, and commanding tone. The Voice also wields the Emperor's incredible power and is capable of striking down anyone who displeases him. Those who converse with the Voice are overwhelmed with dread and unshakable obedience. To speak with the Voice is to speak with the Emperor himself.

The Emperor created his first Voice after the legendary Jedi named Revan attempted to assassinate him on Dromund Kaas. Though Revan's plot failed, he approached within striking distance of the Emperor. To guard against further vulnerability, the Emperor created the Voice to deliver his orders while distancing himself from the forces that conspired against him. Centuries later, this very safeguard would save the Emperor once more.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia)


For centuries, the Emperor’s Voice has delivered the Sith leader’s commandments to his servants. In fact, to converse with the Emperor’s Voice is to have an audience with the Emperor himself, whose power and consciousness have been placed within the Voice’s body. Although the audible voice never changes, the physical individual who does the speaking has assumed many formsvarious accounts describe the Emperor’s Voice as anyone from a young human female to an elderly full-blooded Sith male. Regardless of physical appearance, however, the Emperor’s Voice can always be identified by its emotionless, precise and controlled manner of speaking. Some have privately described conversations with this entity as extremely disturbing; there is often the sense that the Emperor’s Voice is listening to another conversation even when he or she is speaking.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Codex Entry titled "Voice of the Emperor (Warrior).")

NOTE: It is not necessary that all of those subjects were willing. There are hints to the contrary.


Transfer Life (Unwilling living being)***




Victim 1 - Valkorion


Tenebrae [Valkorion] explain to The Alliance Commander what he did to the original living being named Valkorion <- CLICK to CHECK

Victim 2 - The Alliance Commander

RESISTED with external support

"He is immortal but not invulnerable. This holocron is the instrument of his destruction." - Lord Dramath (Force apparition)

Although Vaylin had perished in the second battle of Odessen earlier*, Arcann and Senya Tirall were alive and bind their minds to The Alliance Commander to help him resist takeover of his mind in full capacity by Tenebrae [Valkorion]. The Alliance Commander had also sourced a powerful artifact beforehand which could help wreck Tenebrae [Valkorion] in the process and weaponized it for the needful**. Now weakened, Vaylin's consumed essence was able to manifest independently and she also joined the others in their efforts to rout Tenebrae [Valkorion] from the mind of The Alliance Commander - these struggles eventually bore fruit and Tenebrae [Valkorion] was presumed destroyed.

Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion set - CHAPTER 9

*BLOG for consultation: Vaylin respect thread.

**This was the Sith Holocron of Lord Dramath that was twisted and perverted by Tenebrae [Original] when he was but a child (see RITUAL scaling subsection above).

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NOTE: This corrupted Sith Holocron was stored in the Emperor's Vault deep inside the Sanitarium on NATHEMA. This was the vault where Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] stored artifacts which could threaten him in any capacity - the most dangerous artifacts as per him. Given the environment of NATHEMA, this vault remained inaccessible to all for over a thousand years.


BLOG for consultation: Vaylin respect thread.


Victim 3 - Satele Shan

RESISTED with external support

Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] had maintained a FAILSAFE in the form of his original body which could pave way for his return should he ever fail in the process of creating a VOICE in another living being which is the most risky feat to attempt in the lore by far. His original body was discovered and destroyed by the former Child of the Emperor Kira Carsen and the former Emperor's Wrath Lord Scourge while in STASIS circa 3630 BBY but the body was able to serve its purpose - the resulting explosion of energy knocked out the duo for a long while and when Satele Shan arrived at the scene with a number of other Jedi (group), Tenebrae [Consciousness] was able to knock them all out and infiltrated her mind in order to rebuild the entity within and hollow her out for subsequent takeover. Alarmed by this development, scores of protagonists banded together to help Satele Shan resist this immortal entity from within her mind and countless Force apparitions manifested to assist them in this endeavor when the protagonists collectively achieved the state of oneness in the course of the ongoing battle. With so much raw power brought to bear against the supremely powerful entity, Tenebrae [Consciousness] collapsed and was undone for good.

ONSLAUGHT expansion set - Game Update 6.2 - ECHOES OF VENGEANCE

NOTE: Gameplay parts are ommitted in this footage.




Palpatine's final clone was approaching the stage of biological failure and he was running out of options. He came for the infant Anakin Solo on ONDERON. He attempted to subdue the child's mother (and a Jedi) Leia Organa Solo but she was stronger now and managed to defend herself - this fight backfired on Palpatine and he lost even more strength consequently:

Journeying to Onderon where Leia Organa Solo had taken sanctuary among the beastriders, Palpatine disguised as a pilgrim and crept inside to confront the mother and child. But Leia had grown strong in the Force under the tutelage of her brother and repulsed Palpatine's attack, weakening his body considerably.

From (Star Wars Handbook # 3 - Dark Empire)

Even in a significantly compromised condition, Palpatine still had some offense left in him, killing two Padawans in his path:

But Palaptine's resolve was powerful enough to fight back, and as Luke Skywalker's Jedi trainees filed in to protect Anakin, Palpatine cut them down. In a final bid Palpatine reached out to grasp Anakin, but was shot down by Anakin's father Han.

From (Star Wars Handbook # 3 - Dark Empire)

--- and mortally wounded two more in the same confrontation:

Rayf Yasnna and Empatoyajous Brand were both mortally wounded in the confrontation.

From (Star Wars: The New Essential Chronology)

Han Solo shot the clone and Palpatine attempted Transfer Life on the infant Anakin Solo only to be intercepted by now mortally wounded Jedi Knight Empatojayus Brand.


Victim 1 - Empatojayus Brand


Following statements are self-explanatory:

Before his soul could enter Anakin's body, Palpatine was intercepted by a newfound Jedi Empatojayos Brand. Cut off from host body, Palpatine's essence dissipated, to be consumed by madness that was the Dark Side. After so many decades of bloodshed, the Emperor was truly dead.

From (The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia)


But as his spirit rose from his body and shot towards the defenseless child, the Jedi Empatojayos Brand, mortally wounded during the battle, intercepted it and took Palpatine within himself. As Brand died, he took Palpatine with him, and the once-great Emperor of a million worlds was no more.

From Star Wars Handbook # 3 - Dark Empire


As the Emperor fell towards death yet again, he attempted to send his spirit into the baby Anakin - but Empatojayos Brand intercepted the dark essence. Clasping himself to the light, Brand held the Emperor's presence within his body as they both succumbed to death.

With all of his clones destroyed, Emperor Palpatine was finally defeated.

From (Star Wars: The New Essential Chronology)


HAN: What is going on?

LUKE: The Emperor is free of his physical body! He's trying to take control of Anakin!

BRAND: (strained) Give me the boy.

LEIA: Brand...I thought you were...

BRAND: QUICKLY!!! I will shield him.

Sound: Leia hands Anakin to Brand. Palpatine's spirit lunges at Anakin once again, and Brand puts himself between the spirit and the child.

EMPEROR'S SPIRIT: (fighting with Brand's spirit) No! I will take the child. You are not strong enough to defy me!!!

BRAND: I will find the strength!

Sound: Brand and Palpatine's spirits wrestle furiously for control with the Force. Suddenly a victor emerges, and Brand falls to the floor clanking.

HAN: He's gone.

LEIA: What happened?

LUKE: Brand, are you...?

BRAND: I...have the Emperor. He is in me:

LUKE: Can you hold him?

BRAND: I...think so. I.... am dying, Luke, and the Emperor will die with me. He will never, ever return. Farewell, Luke Skywalker.

Sound: Brand's machinery stops making noises as he dies. Anakin starts to wail again.

LEIA: Anakin! Oh, Anakin, it's all right.

HAN: Brand saved him!

From Dark Empire III: Empire's End

NOTE: Jedi Knight Empatojayus Brand was of the view that Palpatine would never return courtesy of the Force spirits of the Jedi:

"Luke…Palpatine will die with me. He will never return. The Force—and all the Jedi who went before us… will make sure of that. Goodbye, my friend." - Empatojayus Brand

A belief is not be mistaken for participation in combat however.

*Set Harth studied the Sith Holocron of Darth Andeddu (Star Wars: Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil), and utilized this application on a supply of clones that he sourced for himself (Star Wars - D20 - Ultimate Adversaries).

**An ancient entity (alias Abeloth) made extensive use of this application while attending to the matters of the Sith and the Jedi but she was reanimating dead bodies in her possession one after the other depending upon the situation and context including suffering losses in her battles with the Jedi (Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Vortex).

***Darth Bane studied the Sith Holocron of Darth Andeddu and attempted this application on Darth Zannah in a duel but failed and met his end (Star Wars: Darth Bane: Rule of Two).

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Imprinting Consciousness [NEW]

Esoteric application

Tenebrae [VOICES] developed the ability to imprint his consciousness onto a large number of unwitting individuals at some point, transforming them into extensions of his will (known as Children), and embedded these individuals within the enemy ranks to serve as his EYES and EARS across the galaxy (and more).

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Initial attempts were experimental but Tenebrae [VOICES] became proficient in this application:

By drawing on his incredible dark powers, the Emperor imprinted his consciousness onto unwitting pawns who would serve as vessels for carrying out his will. Through the eyes and ears of these "children," he would uncover threats in both the Empire and Republic while they were still nothing but whispers. And should the need arise, the Emperor could seize control of his children and instruct them to crush any plot that dared defy his will.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia)


By the time of the Great War, hundreds of the Emperor's Children were embedded within the Republic. Devoted Jedi, loyal soldiers, and influential politicians all unknowingly served as the Emperor's spies and, when the Emperor willed it, acted to tear down the Republic they held so dear.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia)

NOTE: Through this application, Tenebrae [VOICES] expanded his singular presence across the breath of the galaxy with hundreds of handpicked individuals becoming his organic nodes in the process - all of this in addition to creating VOICES in other living beings which is an extraordinary accomplishment in itself (see Transfer Life part above). To put this all into perspective:

THE EMPEROR fears only death. It was this dread that inspired the Emperor to possess beings to serve as the Voice and the Hand, the former to speak his will and the latter to serve as conduits through which he could control his Empire. To extend his reach and sight, the Emperor created his Children through which he could see and act on whim. For those who displeased him, the Emperor shaped the Wrath - the ultimate executioner, who lived only to strike down enemies of the Emperor and humble the galaxy. Finally, he forged the Imperial Guard as an army of devoted warriors, tasked with overwhelming the Emperor's foes and protecting his domain. With this power base, the Emperor seeks to shield himself from the dangers of mortality and make the galaxy before him.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia)

This is unprecedented demonstration of the capacity to manipulate the external environment involving pneuma as a whole. Related information in the Force Concealment part below.

Each Child of the Emperor was a force to be reckoned with:

“You think so? Sith fight to master the powers we Children use as infants” - Augin Blaesus

- and some were capable of overwhelming the legendary Jedi Consular (alias Barsen'thor) in single combat:

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Having demonstrated EXCEPTIONAL skill and wisdom, the legendary Jedi Consular was not only granted the rank of Jedi Master but bestowed the mantle of Barsen’thor (only 3 Jedi qualified for this mantle throughout history and only 1 lived through the experience of it). Lifting and throwing massive (multiton) objects around were minor feats for this guy. Before confronting Master Cin Tykan, a massive BLAST DOOR was blocking his path and he destroyed it easily (this BLAST DOOR was 25 feet tall and 3 feet thick in its construction). The Jedi are not into abusing their powers on average; it is difficult to tell to what extent the legendary Jedi Consular is capable of affecting an external environment but based on his heavy utilization of the special shielding technique and still having the capacity to handle Lord Vivicar, he is easily among the most powerful Jedi to ever exist. He was able to recover his lost strength and became a true Master of the Force before discovering Children of the Emperor.


ENDNOTE: The Son and The Daughter were able to do something similar to the Killiks who were involved in the construction of The Centerpoint Station many centuries ago.

When we build, we use the Force for all things, Thuruht confirmed.

She directed Raynar's attention to the next panel. It showed a band of Killiks using Force blasts to extract ore from a stony asteroid. They also seemed to be using telekinesis to move the ore into a smelting furnace, which appeared to be powered by another swarm using a ball form of Force lightning.

To mine, to move, to smelt.

Raynar understood why Thuruht needed to harness the Force. But even if he knew how to share it, he was not strong enough to share it with so many beings at once.

Thuruht was amused by his confusion. By the time we are ready to build, you will be no more, she said. The Architects will be the Ones who give us the Force then.

From (Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse)

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Force Concealment

Esoteric application

Example 1 - Tenebrae [VOICES] became the MASTER of the Force Concealment application(s). He created First Son (a powerful extension of his essence) in Jedi Master Syo Bakarn, and used this vessel to make all of his Children imperceptible to all living beings including the entirety of the Jedi Order across the galaxy:

The Sith Emperor seeks to shape all things to his will. His Children, individuals infused with part of his being, have been scattered throughout the Republic, knowingly–or unknowingly–manipulating events to the Emperor's advantage over the years. Above them all is the First Son of the Emperor, a master strategist placed within the Jedi Council itself. Cloaked in the identity of Master Syo Bakarn, the First Son has been hiding the Children from the Jedi for decades, playing a long game with the Republic. His actions suggest a man possessing remarkable patience, ruthlessness and power. However, as Sophia Farash claimed, Master Syo has been unaware of the First Son’s existence–suggesting he and the First Son are two separate personas.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Codex Entry titled "The First Son (Consular)")


The Jedi remained blind to the Emperor's children due to the presence of the First Son, the being who was first imprinted with the Emperor's power. While the First Son lived, the Emperor's secret army remained hidden and undetected beneath the Republic's nose. By the time of the Great War, hundreds of the Emperor's Children were embedded within the Republic. Devoted Jedi, loyal soldiers, and influential politicians all unknowingly served as the Emperor's spies and, when the Emperor willed it, acted to tear down the Republic they held so dear.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia)

ENDNOTE: Palpatine concealed his own darkness from the Jedi Order but the First Son took this matter to another level in comparison. The legendary Jedi Consular (alias Barsen'thor) helped unmask and mitigate this threat with an army of powerful allies at his disposal as well as his own exceptional skills in ways of the Force. However, even he could not sense these agents in person.

Chapter Three: Children of the Emperor

Faced with undetectable infiltrators and a full-scale Imperial onslaught, the Consular and the Rift Alliance work together to recruit new Republic allies. The Consular rallies an army of powerful allies on the distant worlds of Voss and Belsavis and leads their charge to the embattled world of Corellia. There, the Children of the Emperor have fully awakened and spread chaos in the Republic ranks. Perhaps worst of all, the Childrens’ leader, the “First Son” is revealed to be a trusted and longtime member of the Jedi Council.

Acting on the Consular’s advice, the armies of the Rift Alliance gradually push back the Empire’s forces on Corellia to uncover the First Son’s hiding place. The determined Consular launches a last-ditch assault against the First Son’s lair. In a climactic final battle with the galaxy at stake, these two masters of the Force cross sabers. The Consular ultimately defeats the First Son and emerges victorious. Without the First Son’s protection, the Children of the Emperor are revealed to the Jedi, allowing the Republic to steel itself against the Empire. Meanwhile the Consular is saluted as a hero of the order, ready for whatever challenges lie ahead.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia)

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“The Emperor has the ability to dominate and enslave the minds of those who serve him,” she explained. “It’s one of the reasons he has ruled for so long. Those that are transformed become fanatical zealots who live to serve; they are not capable of betraying him.” She glanced back at the door behind which they had left the Jedi. “I suspect that instead of executing Revan as he publicly proclaimed, the Emperor turned him into a puppet of his will and sent him back to the Republic to gather information.”

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan)

NOTE (1) Force-sensitive living beings are nigh-immune to Telepathic intrusions, and an effort to breach mental barrier of one can backfire:

The deep subconscious of a Force-sensitive person is shielded by a protective barrier which prevents another Force wielder from penetrating his or her inner mind. This shield pushes violently back at an intruder, sending him or her stumbling back. This “shield” is an involuntary defense mechanism maintained by every Force-sensitive person. It is one reliable way to determine which people might have the potential to become a Jedi.

The magnitude of the backlash generated by the shield depends on the character’s strength in the Force. A person who is merely Force sensitive will shove the intruder back several feet. Someone with actual Force skills will produce a more intense reaction. Those with little training will send the intruder reeling back across the room. Someone who is well-trained, or who has a great deal of raw talent in the Force, might actually send the intruder flying across the room.

From (Star Wars - D6 - Force Powers)

NOTE (2) Telepathic applications are really demanding set-of-activities.

The disciplines of Mind require intense concentration and are mentally taxing. Physical strength will not help you here, only psychic clarity.

From (Darth Bane, Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side)


Tenebrae - by and large - managed to breach mental barrier(s) of well-trained Force-user(s) with barely an effort. Examples of Tenebrae's accomplishments with Telepathy provided below.

Example 1 - Tenebrae [Original] broke Lord Dramath with barely an effort while only 10 years old:

Tenebrae broke Lord Dramath's mind, but not before revealing that he was actually his son.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia)

Example 2 - Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] warped the minds of the legendary Jedi knights Revan and Malak with barely an effort, luring them to the ways of Sith:

By the time Revan and Malak approached the Emperor in his throne room, they were already at the precipice of the dark side. It took only a fraction of the Emperor's loathsome power to complete their fall. The Jedi succumbed utterly to the Sith leader's domination and returned to the Republic to spark a new conflict: the Jedi Civil War.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia)


The legendary Jedi Revan and Malak confront the Sith Emperor in his throne room on Dromund Kaas. In mere moments, the Jedi lay defeated and consumed by the dark side of the Force.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia)

Example 3 - Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] used his telepathic abilities to communicate with his subjects from a distance:

There was a long silence, and Scourge had the distinct impression that the Emperor was somehow communicating with someone outside the room.

A few seconds later the doors to the throne room opened and Captain Yarri strode in, accompanied by a Sith wearing the same dark robes as the Emperor.

They approached Scourge, and the robed Sith held out his hand expectantly. Scourge handed him the disks.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan)

Example 4 - Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] brushed the mind of Lord Scourge and exposed him to unprecedented set-of-nightmares in a split-second moment, bringing the Sith Lord to his knees on the spot:

“If your information proves false, however,” the Emperor added, “you will suffer a fate more terrible than anything you can imagine.” As he spoke, the dark circles of his eyes seemed to fill with a swirling red mist, and for a brief instant the Emperor gave Scourge a glimpse of his true self.

Scourge cried out in anguish as the Emperor’s mind brushed against his, then he collapsed to the floor, shaking like a child. The touch lasted less than a second, but in that time he witnessed indescribable horrors that dwarfed anything the dark side could conjure even in his worst nightmares. And beneath the formless terrors lurked the unbearable Void, the pure emptiness of total annihilation.

It was over as quickly as it had begun, the awful vision retreating into his subconscious like a repressed memory as Scourge picked himself up off the floor.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan)

Example 5 - Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] probed the mind of Revan to extract meaningful information from him:

Revan could feel the enemy inside his head. He could sense the unmistakable darkness of the Emperor sifting through his thoughts and memories, seeking, probing, digging for answers.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia)

Example 6 - Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] damaged and/or ruined the minds of many Jedi who attempted to track him down over the course of years:

The Jedi dispatched scouts and spies to learn as much as they could about this new enemy and its enigmatic leader. However, the Sith Emperor was a master of subterfuge and misdirection, continually thwarting all efforts to uncover his dark secrets.

Most Jedi who ventured into Imperial space vanished without a trace, but a few managed to send back disturbing messages to their Masters. These fragmented communiques showed the Emperor's Jedi pursuers descending into fear, madness, and evil when faced with his power. It quickly became clear the Sith Emperor was more then a brilliant military strategist and cunning political leader. He was a living embodiment of the dark side of the Force who delighted in destroying the minds and spirits of those Jedi who came too close to him.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia)


Jedi Master Tol Braga's strike team was not the first group to succumb to the Sith leader's oppressive influence. Hundreds of years ago, the Jedi Revan and Malak discovered Dromund Kaas and confronted the Emperor. They fell to the dark side and returned to Republic space as Sith Lords. Since then, dozens more Jedi have followed the same path into evil.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Codex Entry titled "The Emperor's Fallen Jedi (Knight).")

NOTE: Tenebrae [VOICES] could overwhelm even the strongest of all Jedi with just his telepathic abilities:

The Emperor can wither and ruin even the strongest Jedi's connection to the light side.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Codex Entry titled "The Emperor's Fallen Jedi (Knight).")

Example 7 - Tenebrae [VOICES] warped the minds of a Jedi Strike Team led by Master Tol Braga (these were among the strongest and most resolute Jedi of the era), luring them all to the Dark Side:

Jedi Master Tol Braga's strike team was not the first group to succumb to the Sith leader's oppressive influence.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Codex Entry titled "The Emperor's Fallen Jedi (Knight).")

Example 8 - Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] AFFECTED the minds of an entire Dark Council during a meeting:

For generations, the Emperor would remain withdrawn from society. When he finally appeared, the Emperor spoke only to the Dark Council, reducing the most powerful Sith in the Empire to trembling sycophants in his presence.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia)

Example 9 - Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] reached out to Exal Kressh from lightyears distance and forced her to her knees:

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Example 10 - Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor) used his telepathic abilities to activate his Children throughout the galaxy when he deemed it necessary:

By drawing on his incredible dark powers, the Emperor imprinted his consciousness onto unwitting pawns who would serve as vessels for carrying out his will. Through the eyes and ears of these "children," he would uncover threats in both the Empire and Republic while they were still nothing but whispers. And should the need arise, the Emperor could seize control of his children and instruct them to crush any plot that dared defy his will.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia)


For the rest of their lives, these unwitting pawns would serve as the eyes and ears of the Emperor. And should he desire their action, the Emperor could reach out and control them to enact his will. Thus the Children of the Emperor were born.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia)

Example 11 - Tenebrae [VOICES] overcame strong will of Commandant Iven and turned him into an examplary Imperial Guard:

Iven first drew the attention of the Imperial Guard as a hardened slave who fought for his life almost daily in the combat arenas of Ziost. Sent to the Imperial Guard academy on Yavin 4, he quickly impressed by dispatching dozens of fellow cadets along with multiple training commandants. But Iven's murderous, unchecked rage was defiant in nature. He resisted the indoctrination process and the Emperor's dark draw longer than any other--until the strain of resistance became too much and his mind snapped.

Once in the Emperor's thrall, Iven became the most ruthless of all the guardsmen, never allowing his intentions to be questioned nor abiding attempts to be reasoned with. In his later years, as a training commandant himself, Iven had a candidate kill rate of over 80 percent, making for a smaller--but ultimately stronger--Imperial Guard.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Shadow of Revan: Codex Entry titled "Commandant Iven.")

NOTE: Tenebrae is arguably unparalleled in the use of Telepathic powers.



Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] established a powerful telepathic link with a large number of his subjects who became a part of his personal powerbase ranging from humans to even machines.

"Remember that all those who have direct access to the Emperor—the Emperor’s Voice, the Emperor’s Hand, the soldiers in the Imperial Guard—are under his spell." - Darth Nyriss

Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] bonded with the Imperial Guard and could bolster their abilities:

The Emperor chose worlds strong in the dark side for his academies--locations where his influence was strongest, where he could form a bond with his would-be guardsmen. In these academies, the candidates would undergo a relentless, merciless training regimen that included regularly scheduled battles to the death. Regardless of what kind of person entered an Imperial Guard academy, if they survived they would emerge as a honed-to-perfection killing machine molded to the Emperor's will.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Shadow of Revan: Codex Entry titled "Imperial Guard Academy.")


On his last visit to Dromund Kaas, he and Malak had learned everything they could about the Imperial Guard. Though not attuned to the Force in the classical sense, the elite soldiers had a connection with the Emperor, allowing them to draw strength from the dark side. They were formidable opponents, even for a Jedi.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan)

To make sure that the Imperial Guard would never turn on him, Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] reinforced his bonding aspect with them with an unspecified ritual:

“Impossible,” Scourge declared. “The Guard are bound to the Emperor’s will at the end of their training by a powerful ritual. They would never betray him!”

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan)

Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor] bonded with a group of Sith purebloods who came to be known as the Emperor's Hands:

The mysterious group known as the Emperor's Hand comprises 12 enigmatic Sith purebloods. The Hand's existence is shrouded in secrecy to all but the upper echelons of the Imperial power structure. To those who powerful few who meed the Hand, they are individually known as "servants." The Hand obeys the Emperor with absolute devotion, operating in the shadows to oversee and execute his master plans.

The Hand is led by Servant One, a wise, insightful, and cold delegate, who was the first member bound to the Emperor. He is eternally accompanied by Servant Two, the Hand's prophetic visionary, whose close connection to the Emperor's mind has eroded much of his sanity. The rest of the servants carry out the Emperor's will from obscurity, emerging only in times of crisis.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia)


Few on the Dark Council are even aware that there is another layer of power between themselves and the Emperor: a mysterious group called the Emperor’s Hand. These men and women work entirely behind the scenes to carry out the Emperor’s most secret orders. They alone are in constant contact with their master and know his true purpose. Through the power of the dark side, the Emperor’s thoughts are theirs, and their wills are his to command. The Hand does not involve itself with the Empire’s day to day workings. Its members are not pawns to be sacrificed or slaves to serve anything less than their master’s grandest design. The Emperor’s Hand only moves when it is time to strike a decisive blow.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Codex Entry titled "The Emperor's Hand")


Electronic Manipulation

Esoteric application

Tenebrae (The Sith Emperor) was able establish a bond with a special class of droids which served as his unseen eyes at some point:

As with much concerning the Emperor, very little is known of the droids designated "Opticron". In fact, very few are even aware they exist.

From the exterior, they appear to be standard-issue Imperial probe droids, but further investigation would reveal an amalgamation of technology both exotic and arcane. Much like the Emperor's Hand, these droids are connected through the Force in some way to the mind and will of the Emperor himself. They are his unseen eyes, watching that which he cannot--until he returns from the brink.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Shadow of Revan: Codex Entry titled "Opticron Droids")

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Esoteric application

This is one of the most difficult Force powers to employ in combat situations, and it must be "kept up" (Star Wars D6 Force powers).

This power creates a doppelganger of the Force-user. Though the doppelganger is merely an illusion, but it will interact with people and appear to be real. The user can sense all normal senses through the doppelganger, including a “feel” of normal substances. Doppelgangers also register normally on all droids’ audio and video sensors. Those with the doppelganger believe it to be a real person. The doppelganger acts with half the skill dice of the person that created it. Every five minutes, the user must roll again to maintain the doppelganger. If the user stops using the doppelganger or it is fatally injured, it simply fades into nonexistence.

From (Star Wars D6 Force powers)

CONTROL difficulty = Very Difficult

SENSE difficulty = Very Difficult

ALTER difficulty = Heroic

Force powers required to execute successfully (Star Wars D6 Force powers): control pain; emptiness; hibernation trance; life detection; life sense; magnify senses; receptive telepathy; sense Force; telekinesis; projective telepath; control another's pain; transfer Force; affect mind; dim another's senses.


Tenebrae (Sith Emperor) could produce Dopplegangers of himself in a duel to create a diversion or distraction. He used this technique in a major duel Hero of Tython and his allies inside the Dark Temple. Each Doppleganger could function independently and had to be struck down lest it may score a kill:

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NOTE: Although Tenebrae (The Sith Emperor) does not achieve a breakthrough with this technique in the duel, this demonstration of power is significant in its own right given the demanding nature of the application.

Tenebrae (The Sith Emperor) had commenced his galaxy-devouring ritual [earlier], but this ritual was thwarted by the efforts of Hero of Tython and his allies:

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From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia)

Tenebrae (The Sith Emperor) had suffered a major setback consequently:

You’ve learned that the Emperor is on Dromund Kaas, temporarily weakened by your efforts thwarting his plan for galactic annihilation. Striking at him now is your best chance to defeat him once and for all.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Jedi Knight - Act 3 - Doomsday)

- and that setback most likely hindered his ability to fight effectively for a while.


Protection Bubble

Tenebrae [The Sith Emperor Voice] was proficient in the use of defensive applications. He conjured a Protection Bubble in a major duel with Hero of Tython and his allies inside the Dark Temple, to repel their attacks for a while.

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Example 2 - Tenebrae (The Sith Emperor) all but atomized a heavily customized droid T3-M4 without a gesture:

A tremor rippled through the air as the Emperor unleashed the full power of the Force against the defenseless droid. T3 never stood a chance. The little droid exploded into a million pieces, internal circuits and external casing obliterated in a single instant.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan)

Example 3 - Tenebrae (The Sith Emperor) froze a Lightsaber-strike of Lord Scourge mid-air without a gesture:

The Sith Lord raised his lightsaber to deliver the coup de grâce. He brought his arm down, but it suddenly stopped as if an invisible and impossibly strong hand had seized his wrist. He glanced back at the Emperor in surprise.

"Put away your blade. You have passed the test," the Emperor said.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan)

The aforementioned expression of power is also identified as Bind:

Force users skilled in telekinetic can seize others from afar, preventing them from moving or attacking.

From (Star Wars: Force and Destiny: Core Rulebook).

Example 4 - Tenebrae (The Sith Emperor) wrecked the gargantuan Dark Temple with his telekinetic abilities and managed to escape to planet YAVIN 4, even when he was at his lowest point of strength and reduced to intangible essence due to loosing his Voice in a major duel with Hero of Tython and his allies as well as additional number of setbacks across the galaxy including the loss of First Son at the hands of the Jedi Consular Bersen'thor.

Below is a visual of the massive chamber of the Dark Temple that is falling apart:

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NOTE: THAT is incredible given the fact that the Dark Temple was purposefully designed to imprison Force-users and even powerful Sith spirits with extremely thick walls and Sith Sorcery in the mix.

As a reminder;

Burial place, prison, and reliquary, the Dark Temple was built on the orders of the Emperor to seal away powerful artifacts and the Emperor's enemies, both alive and dead.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia)


Hundreds of years ago, the Sith Emperor ordered the construction of the Dark Temple as a burial place for his dead and defeated enemies, “to aid them in becoming one with the Force.” Little is known of what rituals the Emperor performed there, but the Dark Temple has become a nexus of powerful dark side energy, and a place where ancient weapons and ancient secrets of the Sith lay sealed away in cavernous chambers.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Codex Entry titled "The Dark Temple.")


Force Suppression

Esoteric application

Tenebrae (The Sith Emperor) demonstrated the ability to suppress the Force-sensitivity aspect of another Force-user from AFAR.

Her father's control curbed her tendencies toward violence and anarchy, but beneath her upbeat and lighthearted exterior lurked a restless hunter, hungry and ambitious. When most of the Emperor's power was locked away on Yavin 4, he was no longer able to hide Vaylin's strength from her, and she finally got a taste of her full capabilities.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire: Codex entry titled "Vaylin.")



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Some of these Jedi were said to have returned as pure consciousness, communicating specific and verifiable information to the living. Ghost stories are so common that they are laughable, but pneuma leads me to believe that such a thing is possible.

From (Darth Plagueis, Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side)

NOTE: Tenebrae (Vitiate) = Tenebrae's consciousness

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Drain Life Essence

"The galaxy is choked with beings. Billions die every instant. It is better to make use of this resource. At my retreat on Byss, the life force of its colonists supplied an energy pool to sustain my dark side experiments."

From (Palpatine, Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side)

Tenebrae (Vitiate) could employ Drain Life Essence in such a way that he could FEED on deaths of countless individuals across a world to replenish himself and/or to fuel his power starting from planet YAVIN 4:

"Impossible... the ritual haven't even begun..."

From (Revan, Star Wars: The Old Republic: Shadow of Revan)


The scores of dead have nourished me. I am awakened. And I bring with me--death!

From (Tenebrae (Vitiate), Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Emperor)


Obsessed with achieving immortality, the Sith Emperor has targeted his own former subjects on the planet Ziost, with every death seemingly extending his dark power.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Emperor)

Folding Space or Force Storm (Wormhole) or Intermediate?

Esoteric application

The aperion governs the cohesion of the matter, from the atoms of a pebble to all planets and gravity in the universe. This includes the dimension of time. Through aperion, space-time may be manipulated on a grand scale - that is if a user channels sufficient energy through his aggregate midi-chlorians while maintaining focus and accuracy.

I believe an individual could step instantly from one place to another by folding space, regardless of the intervening distance. Similarly one could be able to fold time - not to temporarily displace a physical object, but to shift one's consciousness backward and forward along time's flow. Such a thing would permit the study of all knowledge through history, and even the secrets recorded in the long lost library of Silversisi.

From (Darth Plagueis, Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side)

A demonstration of Folding Space by Darth Jadus for reference:

Tenebrae (Vitiate) demonstrated the ability to teleport from one planet to another, traversing lightyears distances in the process. For example, he teleported from planet YAVIN 4 to planet ZIOST in a manifestation of Folding Space which produced effects similar to that of a Force Storm (Wormhole); creating earthquakes and strong winds, and the final release of energy caused many casualties in the surroundings while it lasted.

"Impossible... the ritual haven't even begun..."

From (Revan, Star Wars: The Old Republic: Shadow of Revan)

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"We suffered many casualties upon the Emperor's return..."

From (Darth Marr, Star Wars: The Old Republic: Shadow of Revan)

Tenebrae (Vitiate) was much below his BASE LEVEL of strength while in the process of folding space to invade Ziost:

The man now called Vitiate by those who once served him was not strong enough to usurp all life on Yavin 4 after his reawakening. However, he did gain power enough to flee the jungle moon and survive. Now that he has found in Ziost a suitable target to replenish himself--now that he appears to grow more powerful by the hour--what now? When will his unforgiving depletion of Ziost end? And when it does end, what fate will befall the rest of the galaxy?

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Emperor: Codex Entry titled "Vitiate")



Example 3 - When Tenebrae (Vitiate) invaded planet ZIOST, he began to possess countless soldiers and scores of Force-users operating on this world to create CONFLICT in order to feed on resultant deaths and grow in power by the hour.

Unleashed from his sanctuary on Yavin 4, the former Sith Emperor has now struck the Imperial world of Ziost. Using his immense power in the dark side of the Force, he has dominated the minds of the planet’s Imperial troops--as well as an elite cadre of militaristic Jedi--and has set them against the populace, engaging in a bloody slaughter.

Taken from (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Emperor)


Obsessed with achieving immortality, the Sith Emperor has targeted his own former subjects on the planet Ziost, with every death seemingly extending his dark power. Speaking through those he’s possessed, he controls powerful pawns like Master Surro, the leader of a team of elite militarized Jedi known as the Sixth Line.

Taken from (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Emperor)

NOTE: Visuals of many soldiers and Force-users including the powerful Jedi Master Surro under possession of Tenebrae's intangible presence on ZIOST.

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As the Sith Emperor gradually dominates the free will of everyone on Ziost, both Lana Beniko, Minister of the newly formed Sith Intelligence, and Theron Shan, a spy for the Galactic Republic, are trying to stop the chaos.

Taken from (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Emperor)


The Emperor escaped destruction on Yavin 4, and now his presence has been felt on the planet Ziost, once powerful throne world of the Sith Empire. You are called upon again to face this galactic menace when your allies realize that the entire planet’s inhabitants have been mind-controlled.

Taken from (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Community News "Welcome to Game Update 3.2: Rise of the Emperor")

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Sith Sorcery

Esoteric spectrum of techniques

Example 2 - Tenebrae (Vitiate) made extensive use of Sith Sorcery to conjure nigh-omnipotent beings of pure dark side energy on ZIOST, to facilitate his violent activities across the planet:

Given enough intellect, knowledge, fortitude and power, Sith alchemy can be used to achieve the seemingly impossible, such as transforming flesh and bone to form vicious Sithspawn such as the imposing Massassi and the unstoppable Terentatek. But Monoliths are something beyond Sithspawn: they are everlasting monstrosities built not on a foundation of living tissue but of dark side energy itself. Enduring and merciless and quite possibly unkillable, Monoliths plainly illustrate the immeasurable power of their creator and are best avoided at all costs.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Emperor)

NOTE: Even the smallest of all Monoliths on ZIOST was formidable enough to tear through the structures as if they were nothing. It also spooked and forced the protagonists to abandon an important sector.

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Some of the Monoliths conjured by Tenebrae (Vitiate), were absolutely gigantic (could swallow humans whole), and had considerable powers of their own. These were identified as Colossal Monoliths.

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Tenebrae (Vitiate) left at least one Colossal Monolith to haunt post-apocalyptic ZIOST to remind potential visitors of the horrors he had unleashed in this world before and consequences of their trespassing:

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Glimpse of a Colossal Monolith lurking near a gigantic temple in post-apocalyptic ZIOST. Besides being huge and virtually indestructible, it also had the ability to siphon life-force of potential trespassers [1].

[1] Evidence in the following link: https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/abl/syphon-energy


Telekinesis (multi-tasking)

Example 5 - Tenebrae (Vitiate), using Master Surro as a host, lifted a group of individuals from the ground and cast them aside with the exception of one (in red armor), keeping him suspended in the air throughout the ordeal, only to strike him down in the next moment.

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NOTE: The female, among the subjects, was a Sith Warrior.

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THAT is also a demonstration of multi-tasking with telekinetic powers, a rare occurrence.

Example 6: Tenebrae (Vitiate), using Master Surro as a host, sent a powerful Sith Lord Lana Beniko crashing into a wall with a Force push, knocking her unconscious for a while.

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Force Concealment

Esoteric application

Example 2 - Tenebrae (Vitiate) was an intangible essence, and it proved impossible to contain through conventional means. The Empire attempted to get a fix on Tenebrae's intangible presence during the course of his exploits on ZIOST:

The Empire's highest ranking officers and dignitaries are now in a state of heightened alert, and the Dark Council has assembled a contingent of powerful Sith seers to get a fix on the Emperor's presence. When he makes his move, it is believed he will not distinguish between former friend or foe, as they will all eventually become his food and none will remain.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Emperor: Codex entry titled "The Emperor's Return?.")

- but to no avail.

Darth Marr admitted DEFEAT in the following message:

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NOTE: No known method of restraining Sith spirits (or Force ghosts) was working in this case.


Electronic Manipulation

Esoteric application

Tenebrae (Vitiate) prevented holographic communication between the chief protagonist and the supreme chancellor of the Republic Leontyne Saresh prior to consuming planet ZIOST:

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NOTE: Depending upon the class of chief protagonist assumed, the holographic figurehead will change accordingly but this make no difference whatsoever.


Drain Force

"It is a technique that is almost as old as the Sith themselves…it is a means of severing connections between life, the Force, and feeding upon the death it causes. It cannot be taught…it can only be gained through instinct, through experiencing its effects, first-hand." - Darth Traya


Companion blog: Devastation of ZIOST


NOTE: Tenebrae (original) had experienced such effects in a terrifying ritual that he enacted on his homeworld MEDRIAAS back in 4999 BBY to achieve corporeal immortality. Please check the companion blog for details.

Tenebrae (Vitiate) consumed planet ZIOST with his immense power in the dark side of the Force (Drain Force implied) to prevent ongoing evacuation efforts [1]; his expression of power materialized in the form of a Death Field; eviscerated life-forms, killed flora, consumed oceans, corrupted the planet's atmosphere, and caused planet-wide seismic activity which in turn exacerbated the scale of destruction on the surface. Intensity of the attack was such that even the space station(s) orbiting ZIOST shook throughout the ordeal.

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NOTE: The protagonist depicted in the aforementioned visual content is the Emperor's Wrath II. Physical appearance of the protagonist is SUBJECTIVE and not to be taken at face value.

Global cataclysms are not unheard of. Whole worlds teeming with life have been rendered lifeless by meteorites, broken apart by instability in the planet's own core--even atomized by the destructive force of a supernova. But the eerie calm of a world stripped of life yet left otherwise intact is another matter altogether. Whispered rumors have persisted of planets snuffed out through intricate Sith rituals or by way of deadly, arcane machines--such as the device Revan sought to employ on Yavin 4--but Ziost represents a clear display of the corrosive power of the dark side of the Force taken to its extreme.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Sith Emperor: Codex Entry titled "Death of a World.")

Use of word but indicate following:

"used to introduce a phrase or clause contrasting with what has already been mentioned." - GOOGLE

"used to introduce an added statement, usually something that is different from what you have said before." - Cambridge English Dictionary (https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/but)

[1] Following:

"Saresh finally saw reason before things got too bad, got a bunch of our troops out of there--still, we lost so many, never mind the rest of Ziost...."

From (Theron Shan, Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Emperor)


"It was a blur. We tried to evacuate as many as we could. Considering so much was out of control, I'd say we did alright...

...but Vitiate is stronger now. Sith Intelligence is in complete disarray. It's all coming apart."

From (Lana Beniko, Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Emperor)


Meanwhile, an older threat still looms: the former SITH EMPEROR, revitalized after annihilating all life on the planet Ziost, has similarly vanished without a trace.

From (Epilogue, Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire, Chapter 1)

ENDNOTE: Throughout history, only Darth Nihilus was able to consume a planet with an application of Drain Force (Star Wars: Unseen, Unheard) - made possible by his excessive HUNGER condition (Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide), an entity in itself (Darth Traya, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords).



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A being of unfathomable power and insatiable appetite, he transcended death multiple times, shedding his physical shells as they were discovered, defeated, and destroyed... only to return in another form.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne: Codex Entry titled "The Fall of Valkorion.")

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Dark Blast

New technique

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"Fires a blast of telekinetic energy at the target."

Tenebrae (The Immortal Emperor) developed a new Force power called Dark Blast, and incorporated Force Lightning into it to enhance its potency. This application materialize like a concentrated stream of pure dark side energy while in motion and produce an explosive effect while touching the subject, and the attack is so sudden and precise that even some of the fastest moving Force-users are caught offguard while subjected to one.

Example 1 - Tenebrae (The Immortal Emperor) one-shotted Darth Marr with Dark blast technique.

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"Valkorion destroyed my flesh, but not my reason of being."

From (Darth Marr, Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire: Chapter 12)

NOTE: Darth Marr was a long-lasting member of the Dark Council and one of the powerful Force-users ever with abilities that were stated to be 'second-to-none' to that of the Sith in his era including Darth Malgus and the Dread Masters. He was a dominating figure in the battlefield much like Darth Malgus, capable of vanquishing entire armies of the Republic all by himself. He easily bested powerful Darth Lachris in a confrontation cracking her skull in the process (a test to guage her abilities) who in turn proved her mettle in the battlefields of Balmora and was able to challenge the mighty Barsen'thor and her allies in single combat for a while. Darth Marr was also one of the fastest Force-users of the time; he could move so fast that even well-trained Force-users could barely register his movement.

Example 2 - Tenebrae (The Immortal Emperor) knocked out Arcann with Dark blast technique.

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NOTE: Arcann being one of the sons of Tenebrae (The Immortal Emperor), was one of the most powerful Force-users ever. His 'command of the Force' was such that he was able to counter an exceedingly powerful expression of Force Lightning without his lightsaber much like legendary Jedi Masters Revan (Reborn) and Yoda respectively. However, Arcann demonstrated superior raw power in this capacity as he was able to counter a vast expression of Force Lightning whose stray bolts disrupted entire shipping activity in the vicinity causing many casualties in the process (fleet-busting potential); see Force Lightning subsection below.

Revan (Reborn) FAILED to handle a powerful blast of Force Lightning from relatively inferior incarnation of Tenebrae (The Sith Emperor) centuries earlier in spite of his demonstrated proficiency in this matter. Yoda was barely able to handle a powerful blast of Force Lightning from Palpatine (Episode III), forfeiting the battle afterwards.

Example 3 - Tenebrae (Valkorion) switched to Dark blast technique while confronting Arcann through the body of The Outlander, sending him packing off the platform miles below into the abyss:

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NOTE: Tenebrae (Valkorion) was COMPROMISED while using the body of The Outlander as a conduit to unleash his Force powers on the subject; he was RISKING killing his host while channeling too much power through him. Therefore, he had to excercise much CONTROL and RESTRAINT for the needful.

"An unexpected setback, but I learned much today. Father's power has changed. It's weaker." - Arcann

Example 4 - While Tenebrae (Valkorion) could use the body of The Outlander as a conduit to unleash his Force powers on the subject, he could also turn his guns on his host:

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NOTE: This was a Dark blast in its purest form without Force lightning fed into it. The application knocked out The Outlander for a while. Valkorion wasn't trying to KILL his host by the way.


Force Barrier

Tenebrae improved his understanding of the defensive applications over time, and eventually developed a technique to repel Lightsaber strikes at point blank range.

Example 2 - Tenebrae (The Immortal Emperor) demonstrated the ability to repel (strong-handed) Lightsaber strikes with bear hands at point blank range and barely an effort.

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Force Illusion and Flow-walking (multi-tasking)

Esoteric applications

The aperion governs the cohesion of the matter, from the atoms of a pebble to all planets and gravity in the universe. This includes the dimension of time. Through aperion, space-time may be manipulated on a grand scale - that is if a user channels sufficient energy through his aggregate midi-chlorians while maintaining focus and accuracy.

I believe an individual could step instantly from one place to another by folding space, regardless of the intervening distance. Similarly one could be able to fold time - not to temporarily displace a physical object, but to shift one's consciousness backward and forward along time's flow. Such a thing would permit the study of all knowledge through history, and even the secrets recorded in the long lost library of Silversisi.

From (Darth Plagueis, Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side)

Tenebrae (Valkorion) became a master of Force Illusion and Flow-walking techniques at some point. He used these abilities in combination to make The Outlander aware of numerous developments in the past and relive some moments, and also in the present, across the galaxy while the latter was in CARBONITE FREEZING.

Associated footage below:

"Illusions can kill." - Tenebrae (Valkorion)

ENDNOTE: The Aing-Tii monks were particularly famous for their proficiency in Flow-walking technique (Star Wars: Dark Nest I - The Joiner King).


Space-Time Manipulation

New technique

The aperion governs the cohesion of the matter, from the atoms of a pebble to all planets and gravity in the universe. This includes the dimension of time. Through aperion, space-time may be manipulated on a grand scale - that is if a user channels sufficient energy through his aggregate midi-chlorians while maintaining focus and accuracy.

From (Darth Plagueis, Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side)

Tenebrae's powers grew to the extent that he offered The Outlander opportunities to completely alter the course of events in dire situations while residing in the latter's mind.

NOTE: Only a handful of beings in the Star Wars saga demonstrated Space-Time Manipulation such as The Bedlam Spirits.

Below is an example of Tenebrae (Valkorion) bending the arc of time and space to communicate with The Outlander during the course of a battle and offering his assistance to completely alter its course. Please note that the physical appearance of The Outlander is SUBJECTIVE in any visual (not official).

The Outlander is depicted accepting his offer below:

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"You are outmatched. Death is all but certain for your Sith friend....

I could save her. I only require the briefest moment of control.

Accept my help or watch her die. Choose quickly: time has not stopped."

From (Tenebrae, as an apparition of Valkorion, Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire, Chapter 5)

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Tenebrae (Valkorion) make it possible for The Outlander to completely alter the course of this battle with his intervention.

Using the body of The Outlander as a conduit, Tenebrae (Valkorion) unleashed an esoteric wave of dark side energy which affected different targets in a different way; it stripped the Knight of Zakuul of his/her life and disintegrated the mechanical Skytrooper while touching each. It also produced a telekinetic effect by knocking down barriers planted by the Knights of Zakuul beforehand.


Knights of Zakuul were well-trained Force-users on average and adherents to the limitless power philosophy which encouraged sharing of knowledge and did not restrict them in regards to what they are supposed to learn:

Zakuul Knights don't limit themselves to studying one side of the Force, instead teaching balance and exploration. Knights have their own relationships with the Force, but are encouraged to share their findings with the rest of the order. No area is deemed "weak" or "a dangerous path"--they are all parts of a larger, limitless power.

From Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire: Codex Entry titled "Knights of Zakuul.")

That is why the Jedi and/or Sith were unable to overcome of the Knights of Zakuul in numerous battlefields during The Eternal War (confirmed by Satele Shan and Darth Marr respectively); the Jedi tend to restrict themselves to ways of the Light whereas the Sith undermine each other with infighting.

The Outlander and his/her allies such as Sith Lord Lana Beniko and Senya Tirall (herself one of the most powerful members of the Knights of Zakuul), were collectively formidable enough to LIFT the massive Gravestone superweapon while it was entrenched many meters below the surface, and each was capable of taking on and defeating multiple opponents in a fight without breaking a sweat in personal capacity. It would take a much formidable force to handle this TRIO in a confrontation therefore. They were on the brink of being overwhelmed by sheer skill and numbers of the Knights of Zakuul on the other hand. About a dozen Knights of Zakuul were involved in addition to numerous droids and some mechanized Walkers in the mix. Tenebrae (Valkorion) ONE-SHOTTED them all however.


Force Lightning

Example 3 - When The Outlander and Arcann were exchanging blows with each other on The Asylum, Tenebrae [Valkorion] sensed danger and manipulated the space-time continuum to offer his support to The Outlander - his offer is accepted for the sake of argument. Using the body of The Outlander as a conduit, Tenebrae [Valkorion] unleashed a swirling storm of lightning bolts on Arcann and expanded it into a Force Storm - Arcann was disarmed and the outpouring bolts struck scores of military-grade starships in use by smugglers mid-flight and electrocuted each in the process, causing much collateral damage in the region.


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"Incredible... life signs aboard all ships in the spar's proximity have been neutralized."

From (Scorpio, Star Wars: The Old: Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire: Chapter 7)

Each stray bolt from Tenebrae [Valkorion] carried so much residual energy with it that when it struck a military-grade starship from the outside, it short-circuited the entire vessel in an instant. There was much COLLATERAL DAMAGE in this battle consequently - shipping activity in the region HALTED afterwards. More on this in the RECAP below.

NOTE (1): Different classes of military-grade starships were operating over the region at the time:

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Each stray bolt from [Valkorion] carried so much residual energy with it that when it struck a military-grade starship from the outside, it short-circuited the entire vessel in an instant. There was much COLLATERAL DAMAGE in this battle consequently - shipping activity in the region HALTED afterwards. More on this in the RECAP below.

NOTE (2): Every starship have layers of shielding to cope with stresses of traveling in space including the need to enter- and exit- from atmosphere of planets on a regular basis as well as harmful radiations of different types. Smugglers do their best to source and use military-grade starships because these feature higher levels of protection than the norm; smugglers are known to partake in risky activities to earn money (credits).

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Even FULL STREAM of Force Lightning directed towards a smuggler's starship does not guarantee disabling outcome. Although a single bolt of this Sith Inquisitor was sufficient to incapacitate young Lord Malgus for a while when deflected towards him by the Jedi Master Kao Cen Darach in a fierce duel. Even at this point in time, Lord Malgus was one of the greatest warriors of the Empire (not lacking in defenses).

NOTE (3): A mere stray bolt from Tenebrae [Valkorion] was far more lethal than a FULL STREAM of Force Lightning unleashed by a powerful Sith Inquisitor; difference is like between DAY and NIGHT.

NOTE (4): Palpatine (Episode 9) was not able to ONE-SHOT military-grade starships while attacking them directly and channeling all the Sith; not even the (single-pilot) TIE starfighter class.

- Further evidence of the fact that military-grade starships feature higher levels of protection than the norm. Tenebrae [Valkorion] is very clearly capable of producing a far more lethal expression of Force Lightning than Palpatine at his most powerful ever depicted (Episode 9).


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1. Tenebrae [Valkorion] manipulated the space-time continuum to ALTER the course of battle with Arcann for his host The Outlander.

2. Tenebrae [Valkorion] was actually COMPROMISED in this battle; he could not bring his ACTUALIZED POWER to bear against Arcann in this battle because the body of The Outlander was not up to task of handling his powers and would have crumbled under the pressure. In other words, Tenebrae [Valkorion] was risking KILLING his own host The Outlander with a more significant expression of power.Although Arcann was knocked off the platform, he recovered from the FALL many miles below, and conveyed to Vaylin in a meeting that their FATHER is COMPROMISED while residing in the body of The Outlander - an opening which either could exploit to own advantage.

"An unexpected setback, but I learned much today. Father's power has changed. It's weaker." - Arcann

4. Tenebrae [Valkorion] was looking forward to address the aforementioned weakness by TRANSFORMING the body of The Outlander from within however which he does at a later stage. More information in the following BLOG.

5. It is SAFE to assume that Tenebrae [Valkorion] - when housed in a physical body suited for his strength - would be capable of defeating an entire Republic and/or Imperial FLEET with his Force Storm.

If Tenebrae (Valkorion) were to attack starships directly, I am sure that he would have disintegrated many because there is massive difference between residual energy of a stray bolt and raw power behind a continuous flow of a bolt, and a FULL STREAM of bolts is going to pack substantially greater punch than raw power behind a continuous flow of a bolt by extension. Fortunately for the starships operating above, Arcann was on the receiving end of the FULL STREAM of bolts from Tenebrae [Valkorion].


Electronic Manipulation

Esoteric application

Tenebrae [Valkorion] prevented prevented holographic communication between The Outlander and his ally Sith Lord Lana Beniko on ONDESSEN:

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Alter Environment

Esoteric application

A glimpse of Tenebrae [Valkorion] creating glowing manifestations and strong winds on ONDESSEN:

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Example 7 - Tenebrae [The Immortal Emperor VOICE] used his telekinetic abilities to eviscerate a powerful restraining device that was used to hold Darth Marr as a captive:

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NOTE: Arcann used his Lightsaber to destroy the other restraining device that was used to hold The Outlander as a captive. These restraining devices were exceedingly durable and resistant to Force powers to large extent.

Example 8 - Tenebrae [Valkorion] ragdolled and pinned The Outlander to a rocky formation against his will:

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REMINDER: While Tenebrae [Valkorion] could use the body of The Outlander as a conduit to unleash his Force powers on the subject, he could also turn his guns on his host.


Midichlorian Manipulation?

New technique

Tenebrae [Valkorion] demonstrated the ability to ENHANCE the Force-sensitivity aspect of another Force-user (Midichlorian Manipulation implied). For instance, he enhanced the Force-sensitivity aspect of The Outlander (The Alliance Commander by now) to make him incredibly powerful in the ways of the Force; The Alliance Commander will now have the strength to challenge Tenebrae's powerful children Arcann and Vaylin in single combat respectively - beyond the capacity of any Jedi and Sith otherwise.

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After undergoing the aforementioned transformation, The Alliance Commander felt greater attunement to the Force and began to experience powerful visions as a consequence.

"A bond to the Force as intense as yours brings with it powerful insight."

From (Satele Shan, Star Wars: The Old: Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire: Chapter 12)

On the flip side, Tenebrae [Valkorion] was preparing The Alliance Commander's body to hollow out and host his consciousness and transform him into his next VOICE:

"You were an exemplary pawn, one I forged into a vessel of supreme power--worthy of preserving my spirit."

From (Tenebrae (Valkorion), Star Wars: The Old: Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne: Chapter 9)

NOTE: The aforementioned example does not represents the first case of Tenebrae 'preparing' an individual to host his intangible essence for long-term basis after enhancing one's connection to the Force:

"I found Valkorion centuries ago. He was a great warrior. A champion of ancient Zakuul. It was only natural I hollow him out to use as my vessel."

From (Tenebrae (Valkorion), Star Wars: The Old: Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne: Chapter 2)

Tenebrae [Valkorion] explain to The Alliance Commander what he did to the original living being named Valkorion <- CLICK to CHECK

ENDNOTE: Darth Plagueis found a way to manipulate midi-chlorians of his subjects as well as his own in his own relentless pursuit for IMMORTALITY but Palpatine assassinated him before he would become too powerful to handle (Star Wars: Darth Plagueis). More information in the following blog.


Shielding Technique

New technique

Tenebrae [Valkorion] SHIELDEDThe Alliance Commander, and his allies, from the harmful effects of Medriaas (NATHEMA) - a VOID in the Force - while The Alliance Commander, and his allies, were exploring this world in pursuit of Vaylin.

"My power is limited here, but I will do what I can to shield you and your companions from the worst effects of the void."

From (Tenebrae (Valkorion), Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne: Chapter 7)

NOTE: Ironic in the light of the fact that Tenebrae was the one actually preventing ECOLOGICAL RECOVERY of the post-apocalypse MEDRIAAS during the course of these events:

"The void could be effecting him. Or there could be more to Nathema than he's told us."

From (Lord Lana Beniko, Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne: Chapter 7)

- and for over 1300 years by extension:

The ecological revitalization of Nathema has been nothing short of miraculous. Vibrant plant life has not only taken root but flourished, dramatically altering the planet's once-desolate landscape.

Force-users no longer experience the unsettling "wrongness" that they once felt whenever setting foot on the planet. The air has become fresher, and the weather more dynamic.

That this has all occurred since the death of Valkorion cannot be a coincidence, though experts cannot agree on any precise environmental mechanism that could have brought about such an abrupt change.

From (Star Wars: The Old Republic: The Nathema Conspiracy: Codex Entry titled "Zildrog.")

Tenebrae's second apparent demise circa 3630 BBY paved way for the ecological recovery of NATHEMA.


Force Blast

Esoteric application

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"A charged up powerful attack that utterly annihilates anything it touches."

Range = ~1000 meters

As per the description, Tenebrae [Valkorion] could produce a blast of power so massive and lethal that it would utterly destroy anything caught in its path (material or immaterial). Therefore, this is one of the most powerful offensive applications under his belt.

Evidence in the following link: https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/abl/force-blast-8

NOTE: The aforementioned application is Valkorion-exclusive and FAR MORE POTENT than the power he granted to his host The Outlander for use under normal circumstances:



One consideration is that The Outlander could not bear the pressure of Tenebrae [Valkorion]'s powers when taken to their extreme which is apparent from his condition after Tenebrae [Valkorion] unleashed a Force Storm through him to counter Arcann on The Asylum (see Force Lightning subsection above).

ENDNOTE: Exar Kun - one of the most powerful Sith Lords in history - had to employ a powerful Sith amulet to unleash a Force Blast on a subject (Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith); he used this technique to kill a Sith Wyrm along with scores of Masassai warriors, and to destroy the Force spirit of the relatively ancient Sith Lord Freedon Nadd (Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith). Tenebrae [Valkorion] does not require one and his application would utterly dwarf that of Exar Kun in scale and implied potency as per the description.


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