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Avar Kriss Respect Thread

Whenever you feel alone...whenever darkness closes in...hear our signal and know that the Force is with you. Know that we are with you. This is our promise. This is our Covenant. For Light and Life...
Whenever you feel alone...whenever darkness closes in...hear our signal and know that the Force is with you. Know that we are with you. This is our promise. This is our Covenant. For Light and Life...


Jedi Master Avar Kriss was the Marshal of Starlight Beacon before its destruction. She received the appointment as a result of her heroic efforts during the Hetzal crisis. She would then lead the combined Jedi & Hutt offensive against the Drengir in the Outer Rim, which culminated in the Jedi's victory at the Battle of Mulita. Soon after Avar was a major proponent of the chase to capture Lourna Dee, which would after a period of time lead to her removal as Marshal of Starlight. Following the Beacon's destruction, Avar is currently trapped within the Nihil Occlusion zone where she is attempting to lead a resistance against the Nihil.


  • Accolades
  • Lightsaber Skill
  • Force
  • Battle Meditation/Song of the Force
  • Agility
  • Durability
  • Miscellaneous


Avar has been noted as one of the most powerful and respected Jedi of her era:

The High Republic Character Encyclopedia - credit to JediSympathiz3r
The High Republic Character Encyclopedia - credit to JediSympathiz3r

Lightsaber Skill:

Cuts through into an underground cavern and bisects a Drengir:

Star Wars: The High Republic #3
Star Wars: The High Republic #3

Deflects several blaster bolts from Hutt soldiers:

No Caption Provided
Star Wars: The High Republic #5
Star Wars: The High Republic #5

Kills two Nihil:

Star Wars: The High Republic #13
Star Wars: The High Republic #13

Briefly duels Keeve:

Star Wars: The High Republic #13
Star Wars: The High Republic #13

Slices through a mech suit's energy blade, then deflects its attack:

Star Wars: The High Republic #13
Star Wars: The High Republic #13

Clashes with Lourna Dee:

Star Wars: The High Republic #13
Star Wars: The High Republic #13

Slices Lourna Dee's hand off:

Star Wars: The High Republic #13
Star Wars: The High Republic #13

Deflects multiple blaster bolts from General Veiss/Nihil mercenaries:

No Caption Provided
Star Wars: The High Republic: Shadows of Starlight #2
Star Wars: The High Republic: Shadows of Starlight #2


Levitates above the deck on the Third Horizon:

The Jedi Master slowed her breathing, reaching out to the Force that surround her, suffused her. Slowly, she rose, ceasing once she floated a meter above the deck.

Light of the Jedi - page 33

Releases Ceret from the influence of the Drengir:

Star Wars: The High Republic #3
Star Wars: The High Republic #3

Busts open a door:

Star Wars: The High Republic #4

Lifts Myarga the Hutt into the air, while spinning her lightsaber to shield from blaster bolts:

Star Wars: The High Republic #5
Star Wars: The High Republic #5

Forces a Drengir back:

Star Wars: The High Republic #6
Star Wars: The High Republic #6

Pulls Lourna Dee's ship back in an attempt to stop her escape:

Star Wars: The High Republic #11
Star Wars: The High Republic #11

Slams a Nihil into the wall using the force:

Star Wars: The High Republic #13
Star Wars: The High Republic #13

Repulses Zeetars flame thrower, then crushes it with the force causing to explode killing Zeetar:

Star Wars: The High Republic #13
Star Wars: The High Republic #13

Uses a force blast to shred/disassemble a mech suit, exposing Lourna Dee:

Star Wars: The High Republic #13
Star Wars: The High Republic #13

Battle Meditation/Song of the Force:

Avar Kriss has a unique form of telepathy akin to Battle Meditation:

She could feel Avar at the back of her mind - not in words, more of a sense of the woman's presence. Master Kriss had a skill set rare among the Jedi: She could detect the natural bonds between Force-users and strengthen them, use them as almost a sort of communications network. It was inexact, best for transmitting sensations, locations, but it was still a useful ability, particularly in a scenario when a hundred Jedi were all trying to save a system at once.

Light of the Jedi - page 46

The link can cover a great distance between Hetzal and its surrounding System:

No answer from the other Jedi, but she didn't need one. She could feel their assent through the link Master Kriss maintained back on Hetzal Prime. It was faster than speaking, more effective.

Light of the Jedi - page 48

More in depth description of her ability:

The Force sang to Jedi Master Avar Kriss, a choir that was the entirety of the Hetzal system, life and death in constant, contrapuntal motion. It was a song she knew well-she heard it all the time, everywhere she went. Here, the melody of the Force was off, a discordant jangle of death and fear and confusion. People were dying, or felt the dread of their imminent demise.

Threaded through that song-the Jedi, and the brave personnel of the Republic, and the heroic citizens of Hetzal itself, using the resources they had to try and save the people of these worlds.


Avar Kriss was still on the ship's bridge, still serving as the point of connection for the Jedi in the system, letting them sense one another's presence and location and emotional states. Sometimes words or images came through unbidden, but only rarely. It was all just a song, and Avar sang and was sung to.

Still, she was able to gather a great deal of information from what it told her. She knew that fifty-three Jedi Vectors were currently active in the Hetzal system. She knew which Jedi were working on the planet - for example, at that moment , Bell Zettifar, Loden Greatstorm's promising padawan, was approaching the surface of Hetzal at extraordinary speed.

Light of the Jedi - pages 52-53

She can sense other Jedi arriving to help from other systems:

The chain of connection through the Force even told her that others of her order were on their way, doing their best to respond to Minister Ecka's original distress call despite being so far from Hetzal. Closest was Master Jora Malli, future commander of the Jedi quarter on the just completed Starlight Beacon, along with her second-in-command the imposing Trandoshan Master Sskeer. Stellan Gios was powering in from his temple outpost on Hynestia as if summoned by her thoughts of him a few momenta before, whipping through hyperspace in a borrowed starship. And more besides.

Avar sent out a note of welcome, and called to every other Jedi she could reach, near Hetzal or not. Distance was nothing to the force. Who knew how they might help.

Light of the Jedi - page 54

She is able to receive messages of a sort from other Jedi when connected, here she senses the beings inside the debris that Te'Ami is seeing:

"No," Avar said, disturbed at the urgency of what Te'Ami was trying to pass along. Her emotions roiled and the song of the Force shimmered in her mind, becoming quieter, less distinct.

Focus, she told herself. You are needed.

Avar Kriss calmed her emotions and listened. Now, thanks to Te'Ami, she knew what to look for. She called the other Jedi's face to her mind - green skin, high domed skull, large red eyes - and it took her almost no time to find what Te'Ami had tried to show her. In fact, now that she was looking, it was obvious. Avar spread her awareness through the system, pushing herself to the limit.

I can't miss one, she thought. Not a single one.

Light of the Jedi - page 55

Avar detects the tibanna fuel amongst the other anomalies:

The Force was still singing in her mind, and right in the middle of it, still, a huge, blank spot. A silence. Something that she was missing.

The admiral stepped to a comm station to take the call from the chancellor. Avar did not take her eyes off the screen.

What am I missing? she asked herself. What?

Something caught her attention-one of the hyperspace anomalies, deep in the system, not far from the largest of Hetzal's three suns.

Light of the Jedi - page 86

Avar sends a message to all the Jedi connected through the force:

A huge flash of alarm shot through the system-wide net of awareness being maintained by Avar Kriss. Again, no words, but if the sensation could be translated, it would be just these words: "Jedi. You are needed. Now."

Light of the Jedi - page 94

Avar Kriss coordinates all the Jedi in the Hetzal system and few from beyond in using the force to not only find a tibanna fuel cannister hurtling through space, but to divert it from a collision course with a sun: (this is split into three parts due to its length)

Part 1: Establishing the network:

Avar sent the concept through the link with her fellow Jedi. Each would receive it in their own way, a series of impressions that she hoped would resonate properly with each of them. A very simple plan, really:

There is a thing, moving very fast. It is very large, and very heavy. It needs to change direction. We will all find it together, and we will apply the Force to it together in just the same spot in just the same way at just the same time, and we will move it so it does not hit the sun.

Simple...but enormously difficult. Space was large, and there were many Jedi, and coordinating their efforts so they did not fight against one another or cancel one another out or touch the force at slightly different moments...well. That was the task. No use complaining about it.

Avar's lightsaber lifted from its holster, gliding up into the air through the Force. It floated up until the hilt was before her face, the crosspieces level with her eyes. The lightsaber ignited with a snap and a hiss, a bright-green beam spearing straight up at the blue sky and illuminating the field of blue grain around her.

The weapon began to rotate, slowly, like the blade of a windmill. It made a sound as it moved through the air, a low, droning hum. Avar breathed-in, out-and the blade slowly sped up. The tone of its passage through the air changed, no longer a low drone but a higher pitch, a lovely round note. The lightsaber moved faster, its blade now too fast to see; a green circle of light with a shining metallic centre.

It was beautiful, but Avar closed her eyes. She did not need to see. She needed to hear. Her lightsaber was not just a weapon. Here, now...it was an instrument.

The note of the blade rose, becoming a clear ringing, the normal crackling hum and whine of a lightsaber in combat replaced by a pure, glassine tone.

Her awareness was the song of the saber, and she tuned the speed of its rotation until the note it produced was precisely in sync with-

Yes, Avar Kriss thought. I hear it.

Her mind snapped outward, the sabersong chiming in a harmony with the larger chorus of the Force, in a single instant becoming the entire system and everything within it, and more particularly every single Jedi, each connected to the Force in their own way.

What she heard was a song, Elzar Mann saw a deep, endless, storm-tossed sea. The Wookie Burryaga was a single leaf on a gigantic tree with deep-dug roots and sky-high limbs. Douglas Sunvale saw the Force as a huge, interlocked set of gears, made of an endless variety of materials from crystal to bone. Bell Zettifar danced with fire. Loden Greatstorm danced with the wind.

This was not the simple network she had built earlier. This was deeper. All of the Jedi were the Force, and the Force was all of them. And she, Avar Kriss, could touch them all, no matter how they saw the Force.

Light of the Jedi - pages 105-107

Part 2: Finding the Object

Now though, she had to find their target. The module of Tibanna racing toward the sun. It was difficult now, with so many Jedi singing in her mind, a chorus of Force symphony blasting at full volume. So many people, so many beings, so much life. Every grain in the dimly sensed field around her piping like flutes.

Somewhere in all of that was the module of liquid Tibanna racing toward the sun to destroy them all. It did not sing a song of its own, but that was itself something to be sensed. A silence, a caesura, a fermata of precisely the correct duration and size.

There, she thought.

She had it, without a doubt. It was-gone. She'd lost it.

"Blast it!" she said out loud, and everything wavered and almost faded away.

She'd lost the anomaly, and now couldn't find it again, not within the chaos of everything else moving within the system. It was like looking at a particular flower in a wind-tossed meadow, looking away, then looking back and trying to find the precise blossom again.

Time was fracturing away, shards of moments flying off into nothingness, never to return. She had to find it. She had to-she could not fail. It was her responsibility. No one else could...

No. What had she said?

We will find it together.

She had a system full of Jedi working alongside her. They each had their own connection to the Force-perhaps different from hers, but no less powerful.

Avar Kriss asked for help, and help came.

Estala Maru found it first. Avar could see the Force through her eyes-to Maru, the Tibanna bomb was a single light in a single window in a single small building of an endlessly spiraling nighttime city. But once Estala had it, it was only a matter of pointing the other Jedi to look in that direction as well, and then they all did.

Light of the Jedi - pages 107-108

Part 3: Moving the Object:

But now the task did fall to Avar.

She drew her awareness back, gauging how close the bomb was to hitting the star - it would not be long. The heat of the sun was already causing steam to rise from the forward edge of the tank's outer shell.

They had to act.

There is a thing, moving very fast. It is very large, and very heavy.

It needs to change direction.

We will apply the Force to it together in just the same spot in just the same way at just the same time.

Avar Kriss showed the Jedi what to do, and as one, the Jedi reached out to the Force. They did not hold themselves back. They acted with disciplined desperation, leaving nothing in reserve.

We will move it.

Not far from the Fruited Moon, Te'Ami lost consciousness, yellow ichor streaming from her mouth.

We will move it.

A group of five Vectors flying in tight formation lost control of their Drift, too much of their focus devoted to the effort to shift the Tibanna bomb. Two much of the craft collided before control could be reestablished, and the three Jedi aboard those ships were lost.

We will move it.

Now, Avar thought.

Across the system, Jedi reached out to the Force, Some closed their eyes, some lifted their arms, some stood, some sat meditating on the ground while others hovered above it. Some were in starships, others on the surface. Many were alone, but others were with members of their Order, or were surrounded by small groups of people who could sense, somehow, the import of what was happening, even if they could not themselves touch the force.

Dozens of Jedi acting as one.

The galaxy thrummed. An invisible hand grasped the Tibanna bomb in a firm grip and threw it to one side. Gentle, but precise, like tossing an egg to someone you hoped would catch it without the thing shattering all over their hands.

Avar listened.

They had succeeded. They had moved the Tibanna.

But they had also failed.

The tank had not moved far enough. It would still hit the sun, and even now, she could sense the liquid heating inside the container, pressure building, preparing for an explosion that would presage the larger blast to come.

Again, she told the Jedi, those of whom could still hear and respond. Many had fallen unconscious at the strain of the first attempt, which meant the burden on those who remained was that much greater.

We have to try again.

Avar could sense the weariness in the song, of all her companions in her great Order, these heroes who had all stayed to save people they had never met and probably never would, people who would never know the choice or the sacrifice being made on their behalf. None of that mattered.

She felt her fellows toss aside their exhaustion, lift themselves up, and renew their focus.

Not only that, but she sensed that other Jedi had brought their focus to bear as well - from Coruscant, from across the galaxy. Even Yoda, wherever he was with his little crew of younglings - his great, wise mind sang its own part of the chorus, heartbreakingly beautiful, a voice of pure light belying his physical appearance. Not this crude matter indeed.

Avar would not have believed such a thing was possible - but as she had told the admiral, through the Force, there wasn't a blasted thing that couldn't be done. Her great Order was with her, as she was with them, and the Force was with them all.

We will move it.

Another moment chosen, another great effort.

We will move it.

She felt the Jedi saying the words with her, each in their own way, through their own particular lens of the Force. No, not saying. Chanting. Singing.

We will move it.

More Jedi falling - mostly just collapsing where they stood, or spiraling off in their Vectors. Some managed to regain control, but others were lost forever. Rohmar Montgo. Lio Josse.

Jedi Knight Rah Barocci tottered and fell of the tower farm on the Rooted Moon where he had been helping a family whose daughter had suffered a seizure in the stress of the evacuation order. The daughter was calm, her crisis over, but Rah fell twenty stories and did not recover in time to save himself.

With every Jedi lost, the work became harder.

Elzar Mann, standing alone on a rocky promontory overlooking a pharm where the new miracle drug bacta was produced in extremely limited quantities, felt the strain, the inertia of the Tibanna bomb that did not want to be moved.

To Mann, the Force was a bottomless sea, never ending, in which all things swam. Brightly lit in its upper reaches, fading to darkness below, but all one great ocean. He reached out to it, letting himself race along its currents, going deeper than ever before, seeing and sensing things he had never known before. The sea never ended, and there was so much of it he hadn't seen. Strength flooded through him, his exhaustion vanishing. He added that power to that of his fellows, giving them everything he could.

We will move it.





And it will not hit the sun.

The Tibanna entered the outer photosphere of the Hetzal systems largest star. For a moment, a long moment, the song stopped. Avar Kriss heard nothing but silence.

The gragment burst out of the sun, only having touched its outermost layers, heated but intact, on a path that would take it harmlessly out of the system.

The song burst back into life.

Jedi Master Avar Kriss fell to her knees there in the field on Hetzal Prime. Her lightsaber hilt, now deactivated, hit the ground a moment later, embedding itself in the soft soil.

Avar let herself breathe. Two long breaths, then three. The she raised her comlink.

"Thank you, " she said.

Light of the Jedi - pages 108-111

Avar uses her ability to guide the Jedi as to where the Nihil ships are appearing from:

She had it. The Force had shown her the song of the Nihil, how they were flying and fighting. She could hear it clearly - and that meant she knew not just what was happening, but also, to some small degree, what would.

Avar reached out to the Jedi fighting in their Vectors through the net she created, giving them guidance, helping them hear what she heard, so they could anticipate where the Nihil ships would appear - and end this fight once and for all.

Light of the Jedi - page 339

Senses Keeve has entered the Drengir's Hive Mind:

Star Wars: The High Republic #6
Star Wars: The High Republic #6


Leaps out of the Third Horizon onto the surface of Hetzal Prime:

She sprinted down the exit ramp and leapt, out into the open air. The ship was hovering above a field of some blue grain she was not familiar with - all she knew was that it was absolutely gorgeous. She used the force to slow herself, somersaulted, then landed lightly on the plowed soil between two neat rows of the stuff.

Light of the Jedi - page 102

Jumps of a Drengir infested Rancor:

Star Wars: The High Republic # 6
Star Wars: The High Republic # 6

Evades Lourna Dee's attack:

Star Wars: The High Republic # 13
Star Wars: The High Republic # 13


Is Force pushed by Keeve:

Star Wars: The High Republic #13
Star Wars: The High Republic #13


Folds her hair into a mandala knot using the force:

Her shoulder-length yellow hair, seemingly on its own, moved back and away from her face. It folded itself into a complex knot, a mandala, the creation of which was itself an aid to focus.

Light of the Jedi - page 33

Avar helps Elzar Maan to use the force to create rain clouds:

The small patch of heated air rose higher, both Jedi creating currents to waft it into the sky above the plateau. This did very little to cool the navidroid array, though that was not really the idea here.

As the hot air rose, it reached cooler zones higher in the atmosphere. The heated air carried moisture with it, evaporated from the surface. Those tiny molecules of water found one another, touched, connected.

Elzar and Avar did it together, nudging the air, helping it do what it wanted to do anyway, helping the individual bits of water become one. Ezlar felt something like exultation. Not pride - that was not the Jedi way - but joy in a difficult job done well, by two people connecting on a deep level, without any need to explain to each other what they were doing.

They had always been this way, ever since their padawan days. Their connection made many things better - but if he was being honest with himself...it also made some things worse.

The two Jedi worked. Elzar felt exhaustion creeping over him. He and Avar were only working with a small region of the atmosphere, a relatively tiny volume of air. Shaping it, molding it, trying to bring it to a critical mass that would let the moon's weather systems do the rest of the work - essentially creating a seed - but it was still grueling. Sweat poured from his body, and he knew that was only partially due to the heat rising off the array. Every breath became an effort, and his chest felt like it was being pressed in a vise, as if the air moving above was being sucked directly from his lungs.

But Elzar Maan did not stop, nor did Avar Kriss, and slowly, something began to appear in the sky above the plateau. Huge, gradually darkening as the moments passed,

A cloud.

"It's...it's raining," he heard Senator Noor say.

And suddenly, with a rumble of thunder, it was. Rain, pouring down over the array. Steam hissed up from the overstressed navidroids, and Keven had to swipe the side of his hand across his datapad to clear the water so he could read it. Temperatures were dropping rapidly, across every node. The navidroids were hardened for operation in vacuum - a bit of water wouldn't hurt them.

Clouds of steam drifted up from array, and Keven turned to look - first at the Jedi, Avar Kriss and Elzar Maan, who knelt side by side, arms lifted, eyes closed, trembling with sustained effort as the rain soaked their tunics. The Jedi looked as if they were trying to lift a starship with their bare hands.

Light of the Jedi - pages 248-250

Can ride a Rancor into battle:

Star Wars: The High Republic #6
Star Wars: The High Republic #6



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Good Thread

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Great work! I don’t really follow the HR but I should check it out.

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Nice thread

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@rhubarb: No problem! I’ll be looking forward to them.

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Updated 24/01/2022

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Cool thread and she looks very like a very cool character

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@rhubarb: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia states that she's one of the most powerful Jedi of her era

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