
So I prayed to what I thought were angels, but ended up being ambulance lights.

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Thought Bubble: A Thief's Tale

This blog is part two in a three-part series based on the Thought Bubble anthology released by Image. You really won't get the content unless you've read the stories, as I won't be talking about plots in depth.

"A Thief's Tale" would have you believe that he guy is somehow a genius. The story is set up that the apples are being reserved for the gods. Only they can have them and that is what makes them immortal. Some schlub sneaks in and takes their apples and becomes a god himself. Rags to riches, no?

This guy is a complete creep. Exhibit A.


The men in the foreground are discussing the sad state of the apples on Earth. The man in the background simply listens on as the the men state that the gods have the immortal apples and there is only one way to get to them. One would think: Ah, the man is being resourceful. Nah, he's being a creep.

Exhibit B.

Shadowy Stowaway
Shadowy Stowaway

Homeboy puts on some shadow dust and waits for the gods to ride by. He then grabs onto a horses tale and gets a free ride to the land of the gods. One would think: Ah, the man is being resourceful. Nah, he's still just using the work of others to profit for himself.

To put the stamp on this guy's selfishness and jerkiness, he gets the apples and returns to Earth. In one of the apples he sees the gods sleeping. They grow older as the immortality granting apple is brought closer to the thief's mouth. He sees one get up and see herself in the mirror. He gladly takes a bite, knowing that stealing her apple has consigned her to death. The reader knows that this "resourceful" thief will now become immortal. A veritable god.

This is my problem: This man did not accomplish some heroic feat. He did not formally earn his way into the ranks of gods, showing that he was more worthy than the mere mortals he had been living with. He eavesdropped, stowed away, and then knowingly killed some hot lady by eating her apple. I feel bad for whomever gets that guy as their god because there is no telling what he'd do to get his way.

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