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DCCR2011 Top 10 Most Powerful Jedi of all-time: 1-4 (rest coming soon)

Well as, this is the top 10 most powerful/skilled Jedi of all-time. I will be taking the route @shootingnova took with bis first most powerful Sith Lord thread, with this list so I hope you'll enjoy.

Side Note: This list will be mainly a Star Wars Legends list, as canon doesn't really have much at the moment. I will also be splitting this up into several different blogs because I'm to lazy and pressed for time to do them all at once. With that being said, lets begin shall we?

Most Powerful

1) Luke

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Was there ever any doubt? Luke is the son of the Chosen One Anakin Skywalker, and being so, he inherited his fathers awesome Force potential. Via accolades and feats he easily the most powerful Jedi of all-time and is the leading candidate for the most powerful Force sensitive sans entities the galaxy has ever seen (though Palpatine may have something to say about that).


  • Stated as having the Force potential of his father, the Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker
  • Being stated as being the most Powerful Jedi in the galaxy during the Yuuzhan Vong War.
  • Stated as having more potential than Emperor Palpatine.
  • Mused by Vader to have even more Force potential than even himself as Anakin Skywalker.


  • Manipulated several Proton Bombs thousands of feet in the air.
  • One shotted several Vong Warriors with a telekinetic wave.
  • Toppled a AT-AT via telekenetic power.
  • Crushed Mountain sized fortresses, rebuilt it, crushed it again, and scattered it's remains in the sea.
  • Held up an falling ISD.
  • Stomped Caedus with the Force..
  • Manipulated a Dovin Basal created Black Hole.
  • Walked on Lava and shielded himself from falling lava.
  • Deflected an AT-AT Chain Laser.
  • Can teleport anywhere in the known Galaxy via Fold Space.
  • Has manipulated the weather.
  • One shotted Yuuzhan Vong Warriors with Electronic Judgment.
  • Via Alter Environment, can control temperature and cause a creature three times the size of an X-Wing and resistance to blaster bolts to explode.
  • Telepathically scanned the minds of an entire Solar System of beings.
  • Used TP to connect his mind to Black Hole, who was in another Dimension (Hyperspace).
  • Caused Darth Caedus to flee, by implanting on his mind the illusion of an entire fleet of ships.
  • Used telepathy to hypnotize being, put them to sleep, implant/take away memories, etc, etc.
  • Used Doppleganger
  • Caused himself to become completely invisible to everyone in the Unrelieved sans his son Ben Skywalker

I could keep going on and on, but this alone proves my point.

2) Yoda

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Yeah, Yoda is pretty much a no brainier for second in my opinion. He has gone toe-to-toe with the most powerful Sith Lord to ever exist, and basically stalemated him. He is the avatar of light, the model Jedi in the Order - and quite frankly a badass.


  • Being called the most powerful Jedi in the Order during his time
  • Stated as being the most powerful and devastating foe the Darkness have ever known
  • Stated by several sources to be near, or a flat-out equal to the confirmed most powerful Sith Lord ever to have lived; Darth Sidious.

Feats (Some taken from Silver's posted by Canon blog)


  • Destroying two droid C-9979 landing vessels
  • Causing an avalanche
  • Perceiving events and eventualities throughout the galaxy
  • Altering the tides of battles by influencing armies and fleets
  • Absorbing and redirecting Force Lightning
  • Projecting Force Light
  • Rendering himself immovable against forces moving ships
  • Practically stomping Ventress with the Force
  • Tossed around Senetor Pods
  • Force pushed Palpatine

3. Kyp Durron

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....I admit. Here is where it starts to get a tad murky, some may argue, Revan, Anika, or Jacen belongs in this spot - but I'm a firm believer of Kyp. Kyp Durron, in my opinion, is in the tier of Yoda when it comes to pure Force power. He has been praised by his peers for his power, and is sporting feats are nothing short of amazing.


  • Stated as being very power and skilled in the Force
  • Was stated as having "freighting" Force power by Luke Skywalker
  • Stated by Luke as being the most powerful Force presence he's felt with Obi-Wan and Yoda
  • Surpassed all the other Apprentices on the Jedi Academy by Lightyears with only a few weeks training.
  • Corran Horn concedes that even his best is nothing compared to Kyp's - and he even went on to say he was intimidated by his Force power
  • Stated by Luke Skywalker to have the potential to be the "greatest Jedi of them all"


  • Knows Force drain
  • Can summon Force Lightning
  • Used Alter Environment to one shot a Leviathan
  • Used a dead Corellian space Freighter as a telekinetic weapon.
  • Tossed Builders at Flying TIE Fighters
  • Was stated to have the power to pull the Sun Crusher from the surface of the planet
  • Invented the Shadow Bomb technique
  • Hurled Corran Horn across a hanger bay with the flick of his wrist
  • Manipulated a Black Hole generated by a Dovin Basal
  • With help from Exar Kun, separated Luke souls from his body
  • Plot routs through Hyperspace via Astrogate without any Jedi training, formal or informal whatsoever
  • Can erase/implant memories in others.
  • Cast images in others mind

4) Jacen Solo

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Well this is where the real controversy comes in at. Jacen, via novel blurbs was second only to Luke in the NJO, but I can't remember if that pertained to Force powers or all around. Regardless, the debate between Kyp vs Jacen, and by extension the second most powerful Jedi in the NJO rages on.


  • Stated as being the second most formidable/powerful Jedi in the NJO
  • Was stated to have great Force potential
  • Was ranked alongside Luke Skywalker as a threat to the Yuuzhan Vong
  • Achieved Oness and became the most Powerful Jedi the galaxy has ever seen.


  • Used Force deflection to repel Star Destroyer Laser canon fire.
  • Casually absorbed blaster fire in the palm of his hands
  • Telepathically erased Ben Skywalker's memory.
  • Manipulated an X-wing casually.
  • Used esoteric Force powers such as Flow Walk Art of the Small, Fold Space, Fighting Sight, etc, etc.
  • Has used Memory Rub
  • Has shown the ability to create Illusion, implant emotions in others, etc, etc

Well, that's about all for now. I may come here later on and add feats accordingly since I was kinda pressed for what do you think Viners do you agree? Disagree? Opinion people?

Thanks for reading if you did BTW.