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Bastard!! Wankceptions

Debunking misconceptions from the Bastardizers

1. Dark Schneider and Uriel exchanged millions of attacks

This fan scanlation says that DS and Uriel each made millions of movements, attack and counters per second. However, this is a mistranslation. First, it should be known that for this chapter the fan scanlation team was translating from the foreign volumes (French, Spanish, German, etc.) while the scans themselves were from the Japanese RAWs. This is proven in the following:

1. German translator of the fan scanlation team points out there are varying translations among the foreign volumes

2. A discussion from 2009 that goes over translation differences among the foreign volumes (French, spanish, german, italian)

3. Michael89 is the Spanish translator of the fan scanlation team and he was translating from the spanish volumes. He doesn't know Japanese. The scans are from Japanese volumes which is done by God Movement.

4. Another thread going over this exact issue

The Chinese volumes say something different:

是他們以每秒數千拳的超高速互相攻擊的結果 所産生的破壞力,比超核爆還要厲害

Translation: That light is the result of their ultra high speed attacks with thousands of punches per second, the destructive force is more powerful than a nuclear explosion.

So the actual number of attacks made was in the thousands, not millions. Note that the character for "thousand" is the same (千) in Japanese and Chinese, and same for million (百万). These are very different characters and there's no way for a Chinese person to mistaken them, hence why the characters for million are not found in the panel.

Yak, who was the German translator of the fan scanlation team, also says the German volumes say it was thousands not millions

FYI ,if you do out a calculation for throwing 2000 punches per second with the length that the arm extends/retracts = 1 meter, you'll get a result of mach 11.6

2. Satan created a whole universe

It is said that Base Satan (pre-fall) casually created a mini-universe in his hand. However, after looking at the scan carefully this seems to be a misunderstanding here. What Satan did was creation ex nihilo. He created a floating ball of light/mass-energy as a puny model of the material universe God will create which is billions of light years bigger. It seems like Satan was just showing Uriel a model of the new universe through the new material it'll be made of which is 3D/physical. Satan makes it clear that he cannot replicate the energy needed to create the universe like God, as he refers to his as a mere imitation that God is going to create. This is proven later as his Augeoides (his strongest form) can't even break out of Alcatraz which requires Big-bang level energy. I also checked the chinese translation:


This is the universe that God is going to create next... However, with my ability, I can only imitate this great work.

3. Dispel Bound nullifies everything

Dispel Bound's invincibility in negating hax and power is often tauted, but also often wanked. Moreover, it's said that it's necessary for millions of attacks to be launched at once to broke through all Dispel Bound shields. In reality, Dispel Bound is less effective against people who are stronger than you (stated in the Databook) and can be broken through generic means so long as they're far stronger.

Dark Schneider and Uriel punch each others' head offs in the very first move they made.

Uriel whose power had surpassed DS's easily penetrates into his body, bypassing Dispel Bound.

Uriel one-shots all of DS's Dispel Bound shields because he's far stronger than DS.

Dark Schneider fires 9 generic elemental magic energy blasts at Uriel which destroys his Dispel Bound and deals serious injuries

Also noteworthy that Dispel Bound didn't negate Judas Priest (while DS was stronger than Uriel), Eternal Atoms, Augeoides Uriel's black crystal storm, Bloodstone, Giran Ira, or Light wings + jawbreaker or else we wouldn't even be able to see any of these hax attacks.

List of abilities that Dispel Bound can block:

Dispel Bound abilities:

radar disruption (protects against radar disruption signals and radar signals)

Anti-creation (protects against hax attacks that are specifically destructive to life/creation, bans life-creating abilities)

sonic waves (protects against sound-based attacks)

Dive (????)

Treasure-detect (????)




Blessing-block (blocks blessed attacks, bans the blessing itself)

trap detector (????)

Penicillin (????)


Counter (???? too vague)

magic existence (same as anti-magic I’m assuming)

Regeneration (negates regeneration abilities)

mind defense (blocks mental attacks and mind-based abilities)

Anti-assimilator (??? blocks absorption-type abilities??)

Reality-warping (blocks reality warping abilities)

Anti-magic (blocks magical attacks and magic-based abilities)

Anti-paralyse (blocks against abilities that induce paralysis)

danger detection (bans danger-detection signals?)

Lie-detector (????)

Antidote (either blocks antidote abilities or acts as an antidote to poison-type abilities)

Herbicide (protects against all types of herbicides)

Anti-gas (protects against gas-based abilities)

Inertia-control (protects against abilities that manipulate inertia?)

Anti-immortality (bans immortality)

Error-detect (bans error detection abilities?)

control (over body and mind) - (protects against abilities that manipulate another’s body/mind?)

Camouflage (bans camouflage abilities)

Insecticide (protects against all types of insecticide)

4. You need to destroy Eternal Atoms on the physical, astral, and soul plane

It is possible to destroy the Eternal Atoms through a chain-effect of destroying the universe completely. Bastard!! cosmology has the material plane at the bottom and foundation for the higher dimensions. Destroying the lowest dimension will disrupt the other planes of existence too where the Eternal Atoms exist.

However, it can be said that a general consistency is observed in that humans possess a multiple complex structure according to a complex that this world concurrently exists and overlaps with various dimensions and that even after the physical body perishes the spiritual body continues to exist.

The spirit is broadly categorized into seven categories, from the lowest level that is the material (physical body) to the highest essence that is the soul; in order for the fundamental psions (ether) to obtain differing frequencies, each complex (double) will cooperate with each other and maintain as a whole. The lower complexes are the mediums for expression of the higher complexes and become the physical bodies that conceal the soul in the spiritual plane of each corresponding dimension.

This is also collaborated in the description of Eternal atoms where it's said eternal atoms regenerate at the space-time level, so destroying space-time should knock out the eternal atoms.

Bastard!! Dimensional Hierarchy Description

Vast Stock of Knowledge

The Physical Body, the spiritual body, and the soul. It used to be said that humans consist of three components: the body, the mind, and the spirit, but generally speaking, it can be said that the form of the human "individual" and "soul" wears the spirit beneath with the body above that. Furthermore, strictly speaking, we can classify in detail those three components even further.

Construction of the various classifications according to Madame Blavatsky and Alice A. Bailey:

ID Plane

Monad Plane

Atma Plane

Buddhist Plane

mental Plane

Astral Plane

material Plane

*Although the universe is composed of seven structures even in Kabbalah and Indian mikkyou, there are many other classification systems. Within each class, it is possible to further split them into subdivisions and in practical terms, it seems like a good idea to consider the differences of classifying on a large scale the levels that correspond to the oscillation frequency bands of the indefinitely close fundamentals.

In Yoga, Shinto, Buddhism, Theosophy, and other various religions and cults of the world, there are various theories about the structure of the physical and the spiritual bodies. However, it can be said that a general consistency is observed in that humans possess a multiple complex structure according to a complex that this world concurrently exists and overlaps with various dimensions and that even after the physical body perishes the spiritual body continues to exist.

The spirit is broadly categorized into seven categories, from the lowest level that is the material (physical body) to the highest essence that is the soul; in order fir the fundamental psions (ether) to obtain differing frequencies, each complex (double) will cooperate with each other and maintain as a whole. The lower complexes are the mediums for expression of the higher complexes and become the physical bodies that conceal the soul in the spiritual plane of each corresponding dimension. Now let's try to look at the "physical body", "ether body", and the "astral body" that are the complexes used up until the astral plane.

(1) Lower Self (Material)

Physical body: composed of material/matter. Made up of various structures, almost all of the physical body operates independently. blah blah blah

Ethereal Body: The etheric body 9a whole other matter from the fundamental ether) is said to be among life forms higher than plants, constructed of semi-matter and has definite mass; however, it cannot be seen by the naked eye. It is composed of the four classes of ether - chemistry, life, reflection, and luminescence - and exists as an overlap with the physical body. "chi", "meridian", "aura", "nadi", "chakra", and the like are roughly synonymous and are thought to be the energy networks that force the maintenance and growth of the physical body. After the physical body dies, the etheric body slowly separates from it, experiences an interval of constancy, and then decays, but there are also those that continue to exist for several hundred years because of strong attachments to the plane of the living. Once the ethereal body detaches itself, the physical body will naturally break down. Incidentally, the projection of the etheric body.....

(2) Lower Self (Spiritual)

Astral body: As the physical body rests, the astral body detaches itself and replenishes itself with the chi of the astral plane. And it is also called the emotional body that governs feelings, hope, fear, etc., and supposedly is not present in plants and minerals but is present in animals and humans. According to Rudolf Steiner, the soul flows through the astral body and by the information received from the other world allows for intrinsic experiences. Also, the soul exists within the high oscillation frequency bands rather than in the physical body, cannot be seen by the naked eye as it takes form from the spiritual, and is not affected by the laws of physics of the 3D world. The astral body is composed of the same structure/organization of incorporeal organs as the physical body and becomes a sort of physical body for the spiritual in the 4D World of Hades/Hell/The Spirit World after the death of the physical body. It is said that the astral body has a sense of independence in that it can move freely and thus occurs the phenomena of it separating from the body called out-of-body experiences and near-death experiences. But this act of arbitrarily acting on its own is called astral body projection and is also described as used for holding secret initiations and rituals using modern western ceremonial magic. Even after separating from the physical body, the astral body and the etheric body still has countless spiritual (ectoplasmic) threads connected to the physical body. The two threads attached to the inner pineal gland (brain) and the solar plexus (navel) are called "silver threads". In case the physical body is dead, these two threads will decay several hours after death and detach from the body, afterwards there will be some individual differences but some ten days or so the person's astral body will throw off the etheral body and come to migrate to the etheral plane (lower astral plane).

Eternal Atoms description

A human's existence is made up of three parts....a body, a spirit, and what fundamentally is our life, a soul. When these three parts overlap....they become indestructible for all eternity (even after death in the material world, the etheral body remains). This is said to be fundamentally the same as the creator, God....thus, just as it says in the bible, humans are made in God's image.

*Note: The etheral body: It is the first element. The root component in the structure of physical and spiritual matter; basically, spiritual molecules. The ethereal body has a very low frequency, and can be perceived by us as things like ectoplasm or ghosts.

Originally, as inhabitants of the astral plane, angels' and demons' existence is made up spirits (astral bodies) and souls (ideal bodies). When they manifest in the prime material realm to interfere with humans, they have to satisfy a special condition (manifest through an oracle, a summoning, reincarnation, possession, etc) and then lower the frequency of their etheral body while materializing.

And if they materialize while only in their astral body, then the sheer magnitude of energy wasted can lead to the complete lost of all their spiritual matter (thus death).

Regarding humans, to defeat one's opponent generally means to destroy the physical body. But spiritual organisms have incredible regeneration abilities (massively increasing metabolism) or reconstruction abilities (reconstitution on a molecular level or reconstruction on a space-time level).

*Astral plane: The upper areas are Heaven. The lower areas are Hell.

So to angels and demons to defeat one's opponent in battle means to not only physically destroy the material body, but it is necessary to also completely and utterly destroy the astral body (spirit) and ideal body (soul).

When the Holy Trinity is completely destroyed.....this means that the soul's existence is completely disintegrated at the ethereal level and completely lost from the laws of cause and effect. As such, it is no exaggeration to say that when high class spiritual organisms fight each other, the destruction of eternal atoms is absolutely the most vital act.

At the center of the mysterious body, spirit, and soul are the eternal atoms. The Eternal Atoms are the books of fate that dictate the nature of life, and are vital to the construction of various mystery bodies/objects. In other words, these eternal atoms are the heart and core of life itself.

It's also interesting to note that in order for spirits to fight in the material plane, they need to lower the frequency of their ethereal body (which might weaken them). And if they materialize while only in their astral body, that requires an immense amount of energy that could lead to the completely loss of spiritual matter and eventually their death.

There's also an interesting case where Konron is horribly assaulted by Dark Schneider and he notes that his Eternal atoms are regenerating too slow and he'll soon be erased. Meaning it's possible for the speed and power of attacks to be too much for Eternal atoms.

Moreover in the case of Dark Schneider, his Eternal Atoms was weakened due to the strain placed upon his body, mind, and soul by the Judas Pain and Dragon Knight Lucifer and he would have been erased if he didn't transcend to his current form.

5. Dark Schneider and Uriel exchanged an infinite number of attacks

In this scan it says DS and Uriel were exchanging an infinite number of attacks and counters. But if one looks at the context, this is told from Gara's perspective. Gara is only hypersonic, he cannot tell if infinite attacks were literally made. Rather, he means that the number of attacks is countless [to him]. It is unlikely for them to have infinite speed because an Augeoides is slower than lightspeed movement-wise.

6. Dark Schneider and Uriel destroyed Hell/Black Abyss, which requires Big-Bang level energy

Dark Schneider and Uriel's combined attacks destroyed Hell, the Black Abyss, and the dimensional wall between Hell and Earth. This is commonly attributed to Big-bang level power but actually that referred to another dimension called Alcatraz.

The sealed dimension DS was trapped in is a vast abyss created by God's light, which doesn't describe Hell.

D.S. is sealed in God's Alcatraz space

Alcatraz is described as the imaginary sealed space

Beelzebub confirms Hell and Alcatraz were two separate planes

The Bastard!! databook proves Hell, Black Abyss, and Alcatraz are all different places. Everything to do with Hell is in this page.

The page after that has a section titled "Other PLACES" and on the bottom left-hand corner:

◆幽閉空間: 神力、光の秘儀で作りだした虚数空間のこと。封印空間ともいう.サタンか地獄と幽閉空間をつなぎ、脱出を計画した.

◆ Sealed space: It is the imaginary space created with the power of the divine force, God’s secret light. It is called sealed space. Satan connected Hell with the hidden space and planned to escape.

The text on the right above the black hole is a description of the Black Abyss. This confirms that these are all different and here's an image I drew up that is a possible visualization.

There is no proof that Dark Schneider and Uriel's attacks broke through the Alcatraz barrier. Another piece of evidence that the Alcatraz barrier was not broken is that beings of darkness cannot break it. Satan's Augeoides was never able to break out of Alcatraz despite being immensely more powerful than Uriel's demon Augeoides (mass of Augeoides correlates with its power and Satan's Augeoides was still way bigger than Uriel's). Therefore, neither Dark Schneider nor Uriel were anywhere near Big-bang level power during their fight.

Moreover, it seems like the Devil Lords and the floating tower they were in somehow tanked Dark Schneider and Uriel's attacks destroying Hell. If their attack was Big Bang level, it would be very strange for a defense that was never mentioned or shown to be stronger than God's power that sealed Satan.

7. Base Seraphs flew 7000+ times faster than the speed of light

Basically the original calc'er made the assumption that Uriel could not enter Hell through the Black Abyss (with rationale) and came to the conclusion that going to Earth was the only option, so that's where the Uriel travel speed feat comes from. Earth is 28,000 light years from the Black Abyss and there was a 4-year timeskip so we have our maximum time-frame. The problem is that the assumption was wrong - Going to Earth is not the only option and there are a variety of ways for Uriel through the Black Abyss:

1. Enter the Black Abyss where the gates of Hell are open thanks to Satan/Dark Schneider

2. Break a hole in the barrier around Hell like he did with Gungnir

3. Since he's a being of light he can slip into Alcatraz where Satan was sealed and which he somehow connected to Hell.

And even if Uriel had to go to Earth, he didn't need to fly there. He could directly teleport/materialize on there like all Angels did because of Anthrax.[1][2]

Base Seraphs are still FTL because they were stated to be, but the degree is unknown.

8. Anthrax is faster than light

Anthrax has been claimed to have LS/FTL reactions. I combed through the whole Anthrax arc and the only FTL feat I can find wasn't done by Anthrax but by Gara. Gara intercepted and caught Anthrax's energy beam which he called a light ray before throwing it back at her. Anthrax has never reacted to the beam. This seems to be a massive outlier as FTL movement was hinted to be impossible for 3D characters in chapter 139, and only hypersonic movement speeds existed during the Anthrax arc. Therefore, Anthrax should just be hypersonic+

9. Anthrax is continental level

Anthrax was said to have boiled oceans and ripped open the earth, and with the Dragon Knight they moved the axis of the planet and sunk continents over a 10-day period. The source comes from a bedtime legend told by a random person that's passed down from father to son. However, such stories were proven to be fabrications to hide the true battle that occurred between the Angels and the demons as the Riders of Havoc discovered. The credibility of the fight ever happening was questioned . It is much more likely that all of that destruction, if it ever happened, was caused by Satan's army and the Seraphs. Therefore for the sake of veracity, Anthrax should be Country level+ via powerscaling off of DS's Black Sabbath which is 3-digit teratons and because that's how much devastation she should have brought after her revival.

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Bleach: We Do Knot Always Love You and Spirits Are Forever With You Notes


Bleach: We Do Knot always Love You

we do knot always love you - part 1

-G13 lost half its fighting force in TYBW.

-Shino academy is a 6-year curriculumn.

-Kira was fatally injured by haschwalth's blast that destroyed 30% of his body. Mayuri gave Kira experimental body remodeling surgery.

we do knot always love you - part 2

-RG took Yhwach's corpse to the Royal Palace and bound him with hundreds of seals. Because Yhwach's corpse still had a vast amount of Reiryoku, it was able to serve as the de-facto Soul King and stabilize the collapse of the world.

we do knot always love you - part 3

-Iba is 7th Squad Captain

-Seniority of rank ~ combat experience

We do knot always love you - part 9

-Komamura remained an animal that could not speak and remains hidden in the hills behind the training field. He is considered KIA. His reiatsu is now much smaller.

-The werewolf clan children walked through Rukongai for several days before being loaded onto a cart and arrived at a huge gate. Then, they went to Omaeda Jewels. From the Omaeda shop, the children went to the 7th Division barracks which took 3 exclusive nights (36 hours) which included overcoming mountains and forests.

We do knot always love you - part 16

-Yoruichi was Shunpoing all around Seireitei while carrying orihime on her back

We do knot always love you - part 18

-Ukitake was planning to retire and make Kaien a captain

-Shunsui deemed Rukia’s abilities to meet the sufficient level for captain-ship.

-Isshin was a captain when kaien died. He has seen Rukia many times before.


Bleach Can't Fear Your Own World Notes


Bleach: Cannot Fear Your Own World

Part 1 (prologue 1)

-Implied there were multiple Soul Kings

-Ichigo was going to be sealed as the new Soul King at the worst case scenario.

-Implied the Soul King idea was formulated by founders of the noble clans

-If numerous Hollows were killed in Hueco Mundo, it would tilt the equilibrium of the 3 realms that it would eventually collapse.

-Grimmjow and Nel were heavily wounded (from Askin’s barrier)

-The RG had their reiatsu fused with their palaces and so can be revived from there if their names are called

-One person solo'ed all of Nimaiya's zanpakuto guards.

Prologue 2

-Lille survived

-Aizen is being imprisoned again a few days after the War. He regained consciousness in front of the 1st Division Barracks.

-Soten Kisshun is not suited to recover lost reiatsu and cannot heal very serious injuries. The flaw is if there's too much time that passed since receiving fatal injuries.

-Aizen is restrained to a chair and sealed but can still use Kido. The seals have been strengthened by Urahara so he is not threat.

-Ichigo should have been at the scene to seal Aizen due to his war potential.

-Lille sniped Hisagi in the Saketsu/hakusui. Although his physical wounds healed, the reiatsu he lost because of his damaged Hakusui could not be recovered as easily and he was left comatosed for several days.

-Aizen killed Tousen out of mercy. If he survived, he would succumb to utter despair.

-Punishment force members were able to carry Aizen but were intimidated by his reiatsu.

Part 2

-Tousen believes his friend Kakyou's husband killed her because she scowled him for killing a fellow squadmate over a dispute.

-Kakyou's husband is of the five noble clans, but part of a branch family.

-Central 46 controlled by the five noble clans, particularly the Tsunayashiro.

-The man Tousen was speaking with all along was Tokinada Tsunayashiro who was also Kakyou's husband.

-Tokinada hired assassins to kill him

-Tokinada plans Hikone to be the next Soul King

Part 3

-It was the Shinigami who killed Ginjo's comrades in the past, and Ukitake knew about it.

Part 4

-Renji, Hinamori, Kira all confirmed to be captain-class Shinigami. They were considered somewhat prodigies.

-Soul King's death triggered the collapse of the boundaries between the 3 dimensions, hence the earthquake. New religious cults popped up because of that event, the most influential of which is Xcution spearheaded by Yukio and his living Fullbringers.

Part 5

-Pikaro which "is" a character from Spirits are Forever With You is referenced and their relationship with Roca.

-Giselle can only temporarily zombify Hollows because Hollow reishi is incompatible with Quincies.

-An infinite amount of Reishi mass emitting from Bambietta’s surroundings were thrust towards the enemy camp, the white desert was blanketed by dazzling explosive flames.

-Giselle, Bambi, and Lil are alive. The 12th Division captured Candice and Meninas after their Vollstandig were stolen by auswhalen.

-Askin had a reputation for being lethal among the Sternritters.

-Haschwalth ordered his subordinates to save the Sternritters when Yhwach went to sleep due to the future he saw (where both he and Yhwach dies).

-Took several months for the sternritters to regain their base power and it's confirmed that their Vollstandig can use Sklavarei to absorb reishi. It can even purify Hollow reishi which is poisonous to Quincies.

-Lil thought Uryu beat haschwalth

-Zombie Bambi is as strong as Quilge

-Rubonrnn's Ress, Arbol, can suck up reishi from Heuco Mundo's roots and create an infinite number of loyal soldiers.

-Liltotto's Gluton schrift can absorb the reiryoku of anything she eats. Hollow reiryoku is poison to Hollows. She eats part of Loly's zanpakuto and can imbue her poison power into her quincy arrows. Lilttot consumed Pepe and can use his powers.

-Hallibel intercepts Liltotto's arrows and is a decent threat level to Liltotto and Giselle

-Garganta was opened and someone dropped down with great force, leveling up several hundred meters worth of sand and making a massive crater. This person was Hikone who has shinigami-hollow reiatsu.

-Hikone's Hierro breaks thousands of Rudbornn's soldiers' swords.

Part 6

-It was speculated a Quincy (Pernida) obtained the left arm of the Soul King long ago and implanted it within their body like Ukitake.

-Unohana was >2x as powerful as almost any other Shinigami

-Shunsui was the one who exposed Tokinada's crime long ago.

-Shunsui speculated that Tokinada gave Rukia the death sentence because he opposed her invitation into the Kuchiki clan.

-Tokinada tries to provoke Shunsui by mentioning Ukitake's death. He also claime he had nothing to do with the execution of his mother Ise Nanao (same name as Shunsui's niece). He mocked Shunsui for not going to save his mother if he had her executed on Sokyoku Hill like Ichigo did for Rukia.

-Tokinada knows about Shunsui's Bankai (and it's confirmed that Final dan is just a throat-cut)

-Nanao was crushed by Tokinada's reiatsu and was of a different nature to what Yamamoto did to her. Tokinada was able to see through her Injutsu Kido that Shunsui coulldn't.

Part 7

-Hikone returned horribly mutilated.

-Seinosuke Yamada changed the nature of his Reiatsu to heal Hikone's wounds where Hanataro could not. He may be on par with Unohana's kaido but below Orihime's power.

-Hikone could absorb spiritual, physical, and willpower from anyone heshe touches.

-It took Liltotto, Giselle, Grimm, Nel, and hallibel combined to beat Hikone (due to Hikone's inexperience allowing them to catch her off guard)

-hallibel noted that Hikone was a solid captain-level fighter and her physical/reiatsu stats are on par with Hitsugaya at best. Her Zanpakuto power is very dangerous.

-Grimmjow was in Resurreccion and was injured in the fight. He missed his chance to kill Hikone because Ikomikidomoe opened up Garganta. Grimmjow becomes stronger after a near-death experience.

-Giselle inserted her blood onto Hikone but wasn't able to zombify her, which means Hikone is as strong as a captain.

-Liltotto caught Hikone off guard with a quincy arrow which was repelled by Blut Vene.

-Akon claimed the Fullbringers weren't exactly captain-level in strength. Tokinada was a former Shinigami and his original Zanpakuto had been confiscated. But his noble clan has a unique zanpakuto that can be inherited by the clan head.

-"Reverse, Kuten-Kyokoku" (the clan zanpakuto is similiar in name to Shunsui's zanpakuto who is his rival).

-Tokinada provokes Byakuya by mentioning Hisana and Rukia.

-Tokinada's plan is to get a Soul King who can give the noble clans consent to independently govern all 3 worlds.

-Tousen met Aizen several hundred years ago, right after he met Tokinada.

Volume II

Part 1

-Soul King brought Soul Society into existence and also rules over the Human World

-Among the nobles, the world before the "lynchpin"/history before Soul King's birth is not told.

-The pills were infused with hollow reishi

-That man Urahara undoubtedly possessed untold numbers of these 'coincidental strategic measures’. Or rather, he had the ability to invent a plethora of clever tactics which were one step ahead of the game depending on the circumstances surrounding a particular situation. Where does the essence of this man of many mysteries known as Urahara Kisuke lie? What is it exactly that allows him to create ever-adapting countermeasures that serve as a central pillar?

-Implied that Jinta and Ururu are like Nemu

-The Shihoin handles armaments that were bestowed upon them by the Soul King, while the Tsunayashiro oversees the past itself (ex. Great Spirit Book Library). They document Soul Society's entire history.

-An arrow of high-voltage lightning was fired. The arrow was far slower than an actual lightning strike, but it was still super-fast. The arrow would have hurt the Fullbringers. Ginjo swats the arrow aside.

-Ginjo notes the arrow is much slower than lightning. The speed of lightning is influenced by air humidity and atmospheric pressure, so its speed can change.

-Candice fires real lightning from the skies at the Fullbringers

Part 2

-Candice used a transfer technique through the Wandenreich shadow + mayuri's tech to throw a lightning bolt at point-blank. Her Electrocution far surpasses natural lightning strikes.

It could be seen by mayuri from a fair distance.

Part 3

-A huge tree that looked like it can "pierce the heavens" dissipated candice's lightning, and can be seen miles away by mayuri.

-Ginjo's Getsuga Tensho cut through a hill far away in the distance, destroying part of its slope.

-The huge tree came from Tsukishima manipulating its past so that he nurtured it alot until it grew to a tremendous size.

-NaNaNa is alive

-The Underbelly's weakness is it cannot be used against constantly changing reiatsu patterns

-Karakuraizer referenced

-Implied that the Tsunayashiro clan was involved in the development of the Fullbringers (that is they triggered the Hollow attack on their parents and influenced their survival).

-Meninas uproots the huge tree and throws it at Ginjo

-Although Meninas’ power could have been judged as potentially being on par with Zaraki Kenpachi when it’s a simple contest of strength, in the next instant, a 'power’ that rivaled her’s repelled the charred tree back into the sky.

-Giriko's buffed form was the one that threw the tree back at her

-Giriko's ability governs time. He offered the gift of a vast flow of time to Tsukishima which he inserted into the tree to make it big. In exchange, he was able to make his body super-strong like never before.

-Giriko tanks Meninas's punches and overpowers her.

-Mayuri was noted of a reishi abnormality three spirit-miles ahead west-northwest from his position.

-Garganta opened up in the far west.

-Grimmjow repels Candice's lightning and large boulders thrown at him at blitz speed.

Part 4

-Nel opted to stop Grimmjow

-Heuco Mundo is more of an advantage to the Arrancar. Ichigo was able to demonstrate his maximum potential only in Heuco Mundo because his Hollow element was at its strongest.

-Byakuya and Zaraki hyped as particularly strong captains against Yammy

-Shinigami who have the strength of a vice captain and above, abide by a rule that seals a portion of their power when heading towards the Human World.

Part 6

-Tsukishima confirmed that Grimmjow got stronger. Said he was merely an easily defeated opponent. Ginjo observed that Grimmjow was a different caliber of an opponent.

-Ginjo intercepts Grimmjow. Grimmjow is slightly faster than Ginjo. Grimmjow's Sonido = Shunpo of a highly skilled Shinigami.

-Grimmjow is so fast that he leaves behind a mirage/hologram. A solid illusion while his reiatsu fades the instant he moves. This is his Sonido, which lets him slip through the reiatsu perception.

-Grimmjow was also a little caught off guard by Ginjo's Fullbring speed. Sonido, bringer light, and Hirenkyaku are all stealthy and can take an opponent by surprise.

-Tsukishima cut Grimmjow's Hierro

-Grimmjow was able to resist Tsukishima's past manipulation because hollows lack empathy and they are willing to kill their friends.

-Candice claims she can burn Grimmjow to ashes

Part 7

-Luppi's full reiatsu was noted to be powerful. Grimmjow's full-power base Cero was overpowered by Luppi's Gran Ray Cero which warped space itself and split open the skies above Soul Society, but it was enough to let Grimmjow dodge.

-Luppi is far stronger than before

-Tsukishima was able to dodge Luppi's Cero better because he had greater knowledge of it.

-Luppi's GRC destroyed a small hill miles away.

-The two who were battlewise, were able to detect with just a single glance, that the strength belonging to the other was considerably different compared to the past.

-Luppi slaps away Grimmjow's Cero, but Grimmjow used Sonido which specializes in launching surprise attacks against an opponent by bypassing reiatsu perception. He used this approach against Luppi.

-Grimmjow fires GRC on Luppi and came out with only a few incinerated tentacles. If it was pre-timeskip Luppi, he would have been vaporized.

-Ginjo believed Grimmjow's GRC = his Getsuga. Giriko noted Grimmjow's reiatsu may be stronger but Ginjo can handle it.

-The Quincies could die if they were caught in GRC

-Grimmjow got stronger through fighting/eating Arrancars and Menos Grande, increasing his reiatsu.

-Do those guys honestly intend to shoot down even the sun in the sky?

-Shinji says he can handle Grimmjow and Luppi only with his mask if they're the same as before.

-Hikone's reiatsu is below base Aizen and pre-RG Ichigo's, but is still powerful. Hikone's casual Shunpo ~ Shinji's full Shunpo.

Part 8

-Luppi's body was also wounded from GRC

-Grimmjow dodges Luppi's tentacles

-Luppi tentacles's Ceros were much stronger than a base Cero and has a vigor similar to a Bala.

-Hikone has the potential to be as strong as base Yhwach

-Tokinada, Ukitake, and Shunsui were classmates at the Academy.

(above parts numbers were based off of Miss Storm caller’s tumblr. The following part numbers will be based off of schneizel’s reddit threads. Her part 8 is his part 10).

Part 10

-Karakura Town is in the heart of Tokyo and has over 1 million people, making it a large city.

-Aura can make weapons heavier, blue and distort objects in the surrounding. She does not use a specific ability.

Part 11

-Hisagi catches Aura off guard with shunpo

-Aura's reiatsu is almost imperceptible

-Aura survives decapitation and she re-attaches her head

-Aura made Hisagi's chain and kido wedges loose

-Urahara thought he and Hisagi were needed to take out aura

-Aura can manipulate the air and all the cells in her body. Aura has physical skills on par with Aizen.

Part 12

-Only reason why Luppi was chosen as the faux Espada over ex-Espada was because he had the same aspect of death as Grimmjow.

-Luppi referred to as a legit "number 6".

-Luppi tagged Released Grimmjow with tentacles

-Grimmjow slashes through Luppi's GRC while he was charging it and fists his chest

-Luppi fires a [Gran Ray] Cero at point-blank. Grimmjow simultaneously releases his reiatsu as a shockwave to counter it. Both were seriosuly wounded by the explosion.

-Mayuri's drugs inside Luppi's blood got into Grimmjow and affected him. It was his only way to defeat Grimmjow.

-Luppi can fire 8 GRC's, one from each tentacle

-Hitsugaya has poison resistance/drug tolerance. Grimmjow's resistance was gained from his experience with Askin/Urahara.

-Mayuri could have amped the drug to override Grimmjow's resistance

-Grimmjow was going to counter Luppi's GRCs with Desgarron. The surroundings would blow up if the two attacks collided.

-Shinji casually dodges Grimmjow's Cero

-Arazome Shigure was referenced by Shinji which is a zanpakuto from a filler-only character (Reigai arc)

-Ikomikidomoe's voice sounds like Baraggan's. It's a hollow-like zanpakuto.When released, it became a vasto lorde, composed of tens of thousands of Hollows. It is bigger than KTM.

-Yoruichi's zanpakuto is very strong and prefers h2h.

-Aizen knew long ago about Yhwach and his motive

-Aizen wants to replace the Soul King and become the new lynchpin who will symbolize all the sins of the Shinigami. Aizen did not want people to lose their significance as a person.

-Rangiku's soul resonated with the Hogyoku and responded to her "nail" which originated from the SK's body. Rangiku had a large chunk of her soul robbed from her.

Part 13

-Aura turns glass into sand by drawing out its soul

-Gerard and Pernida were returned to the Quincies

-Aura has the Soul King's chain inside of her.

-Hisagi believed that Mashiro was not inferior to Shinji and Kensei because she was a former Vizard.

-Difference in [physical] power between her and Hisagi was big.

-Shinji's Bankai hinted to be "Excessive"

-Urahara uses Juzatsunagi which dyed the sky of sk of Karakura red with explosive flame, covering the clouds.

-Aura can turn into smoke. Hitsugaya is the best suited to beat her

-Hado 90's >> Gran Ray Cero

-Aura manipulated the soul of nitrogen in the air to block Hado 91

-Hisagi can sense Aura's reiatsu now

-Urahara had to use Hado 91 against Aizen

-Aura transformed the surrounding air, reconstructing the atmosphere from a grey skey into a grey water. The sky above Karakura turned into an "ocean". It was a "sea" and a "big river". Hiyori compared the flowing water to Hallibel's ability before it turned into a sea dragon

-River of magma turned into a fire dragon

-Urahara uses Hado 99 which was a forbidden Kido that absorbs reiatsu while crushing its surroundings. The sea dragon vaporized.

-Hisagi withstands the impact of the explosion and can keep pace with Urahara (who was kinda drained).

-In a battle between Shinigami and Hollow, 'size' mattered; being huge did have some kind of advantage

-For example, the Sternritter with the Schrift 'M', Gerard Valkyrie, the 'Miracle', was large enough to and had sufficient power and durability to counter Bankais.

-This law was set in motion in order to not disturb the barely stable balance between the worlds; the very balance which had been greatly disrupted by the Quincies.

-Ikomikidomoe is just as strong as Hikone

-Ikomikidomoe's dense reiatsu conjoured several tornadoes

-Kuten Kyokoku can seemingly block and reflect attacks

-If it merely bounced off attacks, then once the opponent gauged its ability, then they would be able to dodge it.

-Muramasa from the anime is referenced

-Tokinada was moving at lightning-speeds for keeping up with Onmitsukido members

-Ikkaku felt a heavy flow of reiatsu from District

-The title of 'Kenpachi symbolized the one most proficient in 'zanjutsu'

-Lil swallows some Hollows

-Hikone tanks Candice's lightning

-Gremmy was known as the strongest Sternritter. No one can win against him barring Yhwach. Gremmy's brain was ageless and genderless. The Visionary was god-like. Gremmy lost to Zaraki because he imagined a body that was unable to contain strength matching Zaraki's. As a result, his body collapsed and he wished to no longer imagine anything anymore.

-Lil felt Gremmy brain's reiatsu stop

-Gremmy's brain imagined Hikone into existence

Part 14

-Shunsui had sacrificed Unohana to unlock Zaraki's full potential as a necessary step to winning the war.

-Seinosuke bears a grudge against Shunsui for this.

-Hikone is the product of the culmination of parts of the Soul KIng. At his nucleus there is a blend of 10,000s shinigami and human konpaku (including quincy).

-The top researchers in Soul Society are Urahara, shutara, and mayuri.

-Hikone has Gremmy's brain as his core which gave him personality.

-Gremmy was put in a cage heavily sealed by Yhwach's arrier

-Everybody was afraid to look at Gremmy except for Liltotto.

-Hikone has the same reiatsu as Gremmy due to having his brain.

-Liltotto's arrow pierced through Hikone's Blut Vene + Hierro

-And if the Hollow factor is intertwined with the Quincy factor, the collapse of the soul would accelerate as the two are not meant to combine in the first place.

-Hikone blitzes Liltotto with Shunpo, Sonido, and Hirenkyaku

-Yoruichi shunpos behind Tokinada and twists his arm

-Tokinada uses a soul ticket to escape

-Ginjo is a candidate for Soul King

-Hikone did not fight seriously

-Hikone fires a GRC to overpower Luppi's vines and the Sternritters' arrows, but Nel and Liltotto devoured it together. Nel was able to fire the Cero back.

-Nanao faltered under Grimmjow's reiatsu

-Ryodoji family from memories of nobody movie referenced by Tokinada.

-Aura acknowledged Urahara as a frighteningly powerful captain

-Only Urahara rivals Tessai in Kido skill

-Halibel and Nel acknowledged Kukaku as being strong after she raised her reiatsu

Part 15

-Zaraki wonders if Grimmjow is stronger than Nnoitra and notices that he isn't much different in strength.

-Zaraki and Grimmjow raised their reiatsu in preparation for their fight and Shunsui steps in to step them

-Aura and Tokinada observed the battles at FKT

-Yukio isolated Karakura Town (which was stated to be a city, but said to be a town two sentences later)

-Shutara made sure nothing could be set around the Reiokyu

-Tokinada's other zanpakuto controls the raging torrent of temporal-spatial currents.

-Ikomikidomoe creates hundreds of thousands of Hollows, each with a "staggering" reiatsu (Adjuchas level at their best)

-Shinji acknowledges Giriko's skill

-Ikomikidomoe's Hollows can absorb the dense reishi of the Kyogoku and multiply indefinitely

-No way for Sternritters to handle hundreds of Iko's Hollows

-Giriko can set a space where he cannot be attacked for 20 seconds or else....

-zaraki has the strongest reiatsu out of anyone who entered the kyogoku

-Aura's reiatsu-less smoke/air form makes her intangible

-Hollows tried to overcome Sakanade by using echolocation sounds and closing their senses so they can focus purely on their raw reiatsu-sense.

-But Sakanade so strong that it even reversed the direction of the echoes and the attacks

-Implied this was due to training what he can reverse. Shinji claimed he can reverse hot into cold.

-Aizen overcame Shinji's Sakanade by getting used to it and figuring out all of its gimmicks

-Hirako can activate and deactivate Sakanade at will to further confuse enemies

-Shinji has a very wide AoE with Sakanade

-Like Shunsui's Bankai, Shinji's Bankai affects everyone caught in its reiatsu. Shunsui compares its lethality to the 7th Kenpachi Kuruyashiki's bankai Gagaku kairo (reference to Spirits Are Forever With You)

Volume III

-Hikone's soul was formed from parts of different beings: Hollows, Quincies, konpaku. Thousands of different soul pieces like a Hollow aggregate.

-Reiokyu remains afloat in the sky by some mechanism

-The palace of the fake Reiokyu can fit most of the Gotei squad barracks

-Yhwach's fusion of the 3 worlds would have stopped circulation of the souls.

-Shinji's Bankai removes the concept of allies, so everyone the afflicted sees is an enemy. Effective against multiple targets, but useless in 1v1.

-While Sakande affected the optical & auditory senses, the Bankai hypnotized the spirit itself which is beyond a normal internal struggle.

-Kido attacks work against Aura

-Reishi concentration affects reiatsu sensing.

-Zaraki's reiatsu was so strong that Hisagi could detect it despite the reishi concentration

-The dense reishi concentration prevented Hisagi from feeling Hikone's strong reiatsu despite being close to him

-Hikone's reiatsu is now on a completely different level from the last time Hisagi felt it.

-Hisagi implied Zaraki's reiatsu > Hikone's

-Tokinada blocks Kageoni because he already knew the technique

-Hikone's dense reiatsu overwhelmed everyone including Zaraki and Shunsui. Hikone's reiatsu significantly increased in a short period of time.

-Hikone's reiatsu overwhelmed Candice

-Ikomikidomoe changed

-Hikone created a Quincy bow and strengthened it by using Blut Arterie and shot out a Cero arrow. If the arrow were to hit Liltotto, it would lead to a fatal injury since Hollow reiatsu is poisonous to Quincies.

-Grimmjow noted that Ikimikidomoe's reiatsu is higher than the Vasto Lorde among the Arrancars.

-There used to be an ancient Hollow during Baraggan's time who was far beyond the Arrancars. That Hollow turned into a zanpakuto residing within SS.

-The Espada release their Ressureccion

-Ikomikodomoe's reiatsu increases as the Arrancars attack him

-A dazzling light created from explosion of reiryoku

-hallibel's water shield somewhat reduced Ikomikodomoe's reiatsu explosion blast, all the Arrancars were heavily injured by it.

-The Quincies were able to survive it by maximing out Blut Vene, and because they were farther away from the explosion center.

-Zaraki swatted the explosion away

-Shunsui hid in Tokinada's shadow due to the explosion casting a long shadow behind Tokinada

-Due to Hikone being able to stabilize the Hollow reiryoku and keep his soul intact (due to the fragment of the Reio) he can become the Reio like Ichigo and Ginjo.

-Yubikiri Genman: First lie - Fingers get paralyzed, Second lie - your whole body feels like it is getting crushed by a fist, Third lie - Unimaginable pain as if viscera was being stabbed from the inside

-Kuten Kyokoku (fake Shikai) can reflect attacks from another zanpakuto. In the case of Yubikiri Genman, it bumps the lie number down by one.

-Shunsui's Shunpo > Tokinada's

-Enrakyoten (True Shikai) requires Tokinada to put his life at risk

-Enrakyoten can manipulate light and Tokinada healed his injuries

-Hikone's reiatsu jumps constantly and is very similiar to H2 Ichigo's

-Hisagi is weaker than the captains

-Tokinada wishes to create a Hogyoku and make Hikone the Reio

-Aizen wanted to use the Hogyoku to overthrow the Reio

-Hikone blocks arrows from the Quincies with Hierro & Blut Vene

-Liltotto notes Hikone isn't as dangerous as Ichigo

-Meninas makes Hikone collapse from one punch, but her fist was crushed.

-Bambi's bombs made Hikone's skin explode, but her instant regeneration healed most of it.

-Liltotto warns Giselle of Hikone's hollow reiatsu

-The Sternritters are starting to feel fatigue.

-Zaraki's reiatsu intimidates Hikone. Zaraki notes Hikone is the most powerful one here.

-Zaraki scatters Hikone's Cero arrow with a shockwave.

-Zaraki pierces through Hikone's Hierro/Blut Vene

-Hikone's max speed + Blut Arterie punch sends a shock through Zaraki's body. Although he got serious pain, Zaraki swung his sword but Hikone blocks the sword and hits him 10 times in an instant. Zaraki still tanks them regardless, and wounds Hikone. He adapts to Hikone's durability and his reiatsu skyrockets.

-Ichibei says the lynchpin will always stand in the sky

-When the spiritual world had still not completely taken its current shape; when the Shinigami had no weapons to call their own; Menos Grande prospered within Hueco Mundo.

-Ikomikodomoe was a particularly powerful ancient Hollow who fought against the first Vasto Lordes, which included Baraggan. Ikomikodomoe made its way to SS and dominated the Shinigami. It had unlimited evolution capacity, just like AA. Although Iko was still an Adjuchas, Baraggan called for a truce with it.

-Iko finished its battle with the Shinigami which included Yamamoto but then it flew to the sky to try to eat the Reio; however, it was defeated by Ichibei and sealed by Nimaiya.

-The eradication of the sheer number of souls inside Iko was enough to disrupt the balance of the world. Millennia afterwards, Iko was freed by Tokinada.

-Ikomikodomoe is very fast and regenerates by absorbing reishi from the surroundings

-Dordonii is much stronger now because of Szayel and mayuri's mods (same for the other arrancars)

-Noted that Nnoitra's Hierro had the greatest degree of impenetratability

-NaNaNa's Underbelly paralyzes ikomikodomoe, preventing it from using its ability.

-Ikomikodomoe survives Grimmjow and Luppi's combined attacks

-Hikone calls out Iko's true name and becomes a Shinigami-Hollow hybrid, with reiatsu quintupling at the very least to make it comparable to full-potential Zaraki's.

-Hikone's reiatsu was different from Aizen's but it was enough to be suited for Soul-King status.

-Hisagi feels Hikone's reiatsu

- Tokinada's blade is invisible

-Tokinada reacts to Yoruichi's sneak attack

-Kensei tags Tokinada when he wasn't in a position to dodge and blows away his internal organs. Tokinadan regenerates

-Gagaku Kairo is the Bankai of the 7th Kenpachi, and so dangerous that Shunsui ran away from it.

-Shunsui can drag people into his shadows

-Tokinada can use Senbonzakura and Wabisuke

-Enrakyoten can copy zanpakuto powers

-Tokinada can use Hisagomaru (healing) and Tsuchinamazu (to impale Kensei and the arrancars and quincies with earth spikes) and Haineko and Cascada

-Reiatsu potency ~ zanpakuto potency

-Tokinada activated Hisagomaru before Kensei attacked him by cutting his own body

-Shinji can feel Hikone and Ikomikidomoe's reiatsu

-Shinji notes that if Tokinada can use Sakashima then G13 is finished.

-Tokinada instantly vaporizes Cascada with Ryujin Jakka, but it wasn't as hot as Yama's.

-Shunsui says Tokinada's reiatsu = Byakuya and Yoruichi's

-The nobles naturally have immense reiatsu, but they did not reach the outskirts of common sense unlike Yama

-Enryakoten can handle the reiatsu of those who made history like Ichibei and Aizen

-Shunsui's fear of KS made his reiatsu fluctuate

-Tokinada uses Daruma-san: When the enemy has launched an attack using reiatsu, this technique traces their reiatsu and travels towards them using the shortest distance possible. The fact that the technique was activated meant that if Tokinada was ‘seen’, the opponent ‘wins’ and lands a fatal blow. In other words, if Tokinada is ‘not seen’, then the opponent ‘loses’.

-Tokinada uses misdirection tactics with Kinshara and Shinso.

-Tokinada can hypnotize anyone who looks at the various zanpakuto that he controls under KS.

-Hisagi senses Zaraki's reiatsu

-Shunsui endured the flames of Ryujin Jakka

-Since most of Tokinada's reiryoku was being poured into KS's ability, other zanpakutos became weaker

-Hikone is as much of a threat as KS is

-Tokinada's reiatsu is far less than base Aizen's, so there is a limit to his KS.

-Tokinada can see anything recorded by te Visuals department, including every fight in FKT.

-Tokinada needs to pay detailed attention to Hisagi's voice and method of combat to produce an absolute illusion that Shunsui cannot see through.

-Reikaku ~ hearing

-Hogyoku is supposed to turn Hikone into the Reio. The Reio is between the static and dynamic.

-Reio is neither dead nor alive. The Reio is a sacrifice. The world originally did not have a boundary separating life & death. There was the original guardian who was between Hollow and Human, and the ancestor of the quincy, shinigami, and fullbringer.

The original world was ambiguous, with neither life nor death and no definite progression or regression. It took 100 million years for the world to cool down before hollows became part of the circulation of souls. Hollows ate humans which stopped the circulation. All these souls were combined to form a Menos. The Reio destroyed the new Menos to resume circulation. The Reio had powers of omnipotence and omniscience, and Ichibei were among the first gifted to meet him.

The world was split into the living and the dead by the Reio, who transcended everything. He used the Almighty to split the world into three dimensions. He was sealed inside a crystal. Mimihagi and Pernida were torn off from him. His heart, internal organs, and legs were dismembered.

The Reio's will reached out to Ichigo to guide him to the Reiokyu. Part of his soul is in the Reiokyu.

-Reio was the origin of the Quincy's power

-Hisagi dodges Ryujin Jakka, would have been roasted to death if he didnt.

-SK is 1 million+ years old

-Tokinada uses Tengen & Hyoinmaru.

-When given the moment, Shunsui sharpened his senses to observe the flow of reishi and could tell that Enrakyoten was depleting Tokinada's reiatsu/life-force. Clan zanpakutos forever kill the soul of its user

-A shinigami who masters Enrakyoten possess unrivaled strength surpassing Shinigami, Hollow, and Quincy.

-Hisagi protects himself from Benihiko using his chain

-Tokinada's Ryujin Jakka cannot melt Kazeshini because his reiatsu isn't on the same level as Yama's. Reiatsu ~ heat

-Hisagi can perceive everything with reikaku alone

-Yamamoto's Ryujin Jakka > Tokinada's KS

-Tokinada has to balance his reiatsu distribution to Ryujin Jakka and Kyouka Suigetsu

-Confirmed that Hisagi got much stronger since FKT

-Kazeshini overpowers Senbonzakura despite Tokinada having same reiatsu as Byakuya, and takes out Aura's arm. Aura gets hit by Grimmjow and Candice.

-Hisagi pushing his reiatsu beyond his limit takes its toll

-Tokinada switched with Aura when he used Senbonzakura, and created an earth mold of himself.

-Aura is intangible

-Aura amplified Yukio's powers. He placed a virus in his past, countering Tsukishima's Book of the End & making him his servant.

-Tsukishima says he's close to Ichigo, and both are potential Reio candidates. This is about aiding the power of the lynchpin that keeps the three worlds together.

-Ginjo shattered Tokinada's Zangetsu, which is just a zanpakuto with its appearance because Enryakoten isn't strong enough to copy its power with Tokinada. His reiatsu was strong enough to reduce Ginjo's strike to a small wound.

-Ginjo notes even if was the real Zangetsu he would have been defeated instantly.

-Impossible to activate complete hypnosis if the target is touching the blade

-The stronger the reiatsu of the opponent, the initial condition of KS changes.

-Hikone, Zaraki, Ginjo, and Aura has greater reiatsu than Tokinada. Shunsui has same reiatsu as Tokinada.

-Aura combined shinigami and quincy konpaku using a fragment of the Reio

-Usually, it is not possible to distinguish the reiatsu of a zanpakuto

-Aura's intangibility was connected to her reiryoku, and Tokinada absorbed it.

-Tokinada can use Uro Zakuro, the zanpakuto of Soya Azashiro a prisoner in Muken. Uro Zakuro was the closest to Aura's ability, and Yumichika's zan was a counter.

-Even with 50%+ reiatsu gone, Aura partially diffused her body as air tentacles to touch the various Enryakoten blades to prevent KS.

-Tsukishima flipped his bookmark into the flames [Ryujin Jakka]; rewriting the past as: ‘the fire was extinguished ten seconds ago’.

-Ginjo goes bankai, increasing his reiatsu.

-Tokinada remarked: Such mastery over your Hollow powers! Yes... I expected nothing less from a Rei-o candidate such as yourself!

-Fullbringers are born from a fragment of the Reio. When mixed with human konpaku, it would have a Hogyoku-like effect in that it manifets the desires of those around it. It activates Fullbring that can turn attachment into ability. It is a special reiatsu.

-If you become the Rei-o; with the powers of a Fullbringer, a Shinigami and Hollow, then you can either destroy this world or change it

-Yukio never placed a virus in his past

-Nobles killed Ginjo's friends to collect fragments of Reio, and wanted the one inside Ginjo.

-Ginjo's massive Getsuga Tensho was comparable to Ichigo's. It greatly altered the terrain of a faraway rocky mountain

-Tokinada deflects it with Akeiro Hisagomaru. All the wounds that it healed was converted into an attack.

-Hisagi lops off Tokinada's arm

-Confirmed KS manipulates reiatsu perception

-Tokinada's KS can be cancelled out by releasing reiatsu of Aizen's level

-Hisagi masked Kazeshini's reiatsu with the cloak so Tokinada can't react to it

-Shunsui can store zanpakuto inside his zanpakuto

-Kido Cannon from Memories of Nobody is canon.

-Tokinada collapses the castle and plans to teleport it to human world where it'll destroy Karakura Town.

-Zaraki was the only one who could destroy the castle with Nozarashi before it teleports

-Aura lifts the fragments of the castle

-Hikone instantly appeared behind Aura, blitzing across a huge distance. His movement seemingly twisted gravity and inertia.

-Nel kept Grimmjow in check. Everyone was scared shitless of Hikone.

-Zaraki blocks all of Hikone's rapid attacks, confirming he's a reaction/attack speed monster.

-Zaraki could crush Hisagi with his extraordinary reiatsu if he wanted. Seems like Zaraki has greater control over his reiatsu. Zaraki's reiatsu is stronger than everyone in Kyogyoku.

-Only warriors like Ichigo, Aizen, and Zaraki could deal with Hikone. Urahara and Mayuri potentially coud resist him. Ginjo could possibly match Hikone. Him and Aura are not sufficiently powerful to stop the lower portion of the castle from tumbling down.

-Hisagi's skills and strength have greatly increased in a few days during his training in TYBW.

-Hisagi thought Hikone was stronger when they first met

-The power of 'Kazeshini' flowed into Hisagi. It was not to raise his reiatsu, but it merely showed the concept of 'Kazeshini' to Hisagi.

-Hisagi instantly re-attaches his body parts. He regenerated from Hikone's Cero blowing a hole in his chest, vaporizing his heart & Saketsu. Hisagi's body was held together by chains.

-The reiatsu of the entire Kyogoku changed because of kazeshini. Hikone can't speak.

-Hikone couldn't feel any reiatsu under Kazeshini's AoE. Kyogoku reishi which was far stronger than what's in SS and HM had halted all forms of movement.

-Hisagi's regeneration was so fast that it was as if the attack was time-reversed.

-Hisagi's chains were attached to a black orb of chains high in the sky

-True essence of Kazeshini is the chain

-Hisagi regenerated from Hikone's massive Cero instantly despite it vaporizing his entire body

-hikone extended Blut outside his body and tried to take over Hisagi's nerves, but it was blocked by chains.

-Black orb instantly regenerated itself

-Aizen confirmed to be immortal and invulnerable flesh

-Zanpakuto weaknesses: Zangetsu's violent expenditure of reiatsu, Senbonzakura's safe zone, Katen Kyokotsu's wound-sharing and AoE.

-Hikone could not break the chain around his neck. if he tried to leave, new chains were further coiled around his neck and would drag him back underneath the black orb.

-Hisagi's chains bite into Hikone's skin with tremendous surface before cutting it off. Although it was far weaker than Zaraki's blade.

-Everyone under Kazeshini's AoE becomes immortal

-Point of Kazeshini Fushi no Kojyo is to stagnate the world, forbid life and death, binding even the reishi in the atmosphere.

Therefore, Kazeshini traps the world within a chained prison where no circulation takes place; neither regression nor evolution. Ironically, this scenario that forces the stagnation of life, is the exact same world in which there exists no boundary between life and death.

-The regeneration is supplied by targets' reiatsu. Reiatsu is drained from the enemy if the user regenerates from their damage. The Bankai will end once the enemy uses all their reiatsu, which would kill Hisagi as well.

-It's a war of attrition, third parties are needed to finish the act.

-Kazeshini Fushi no Kojyo returns the affected back to their original state before the ability is activated.

-Hisagi could also use the chain to immobilize Hikone's movements

-Hisagi's blade can cut through Hikone's neck

-Hikone confirmed to have Zaraki-level reiatsu

-Ikomikodomoe attacks weakened Hikone, but Aura intercepted it. Her physical abilities were far from perfect as she was concentrating all of her reiatsu in stopping the fall of the castle.

-Iko absorbs reishi because he took some of Hikone's Reio fragment

-Its reiatsu became much more dense and scattered the dense reishi of the Kyogoku

-Shikai Zaraki cuts down Iko

-Some fodder girl stabs a half-dead Tokinada

-Muken: An infinite darkness stretches out in all directions atop a jet-black floor, allowing no light to penetrate through the multi-fold barrier.

-In order to become a Captain of the Gotei 13, it is said that the usage of a Bankai is an absolutely necessary criterion.

-Hisagi's Saketsu and Hakusui are damaged after he used his true zanpakuto.

-Tokinada's had shaved off most of his soul

-Mayuri has modified his revived servants so that they have accelerated neurotransmission (faster speed/reflexes).

-Grimmjow still thinks he can fight ichigo, but Luppi says he can kill them both.

-Chuhlhourne says Hallibel and Nel are twice as strong as him.

-Garganta is an infinite black cavity

-Roka appears again

-"The canopy of your soul had greatly been dissipated and battered. I called in Roca-chan and had her treat you in hurry. The air here is quite dense in reishi and that will help you recover your abilities quickly, okay?"

-Garganta is an infinite black cavity

-Roka appears again

-"The canopy of your soul had greatly been dissipated and battered. I called in Roca-chan and had her treat you in hurry. The air here is quite dense in reishi and that will help you recover your abilities quickly, okay?"

-Hisagi speculates that every Shinigami has the potential to break through their limits and achieve the same soul strength as the Soul King. it could be that Urahara created the Hogyoku to enhance every Shinigami.

-This further confirms that soul strength/spiritual power is needed to be the Soul King in terms of keeping the world in balance.

-Urahara can erase/rewrite memories, but the spell only acts on the physical state of mortal flesh such as living humans. However Urahara may be able to break that.

-12th Division wiped out an entire village to restore equilibrium of souls

Start the Conversation

Noblesse Notes

1 - Rai opens window with TK and shapeshifts clothes.

10 - Rai has telepathy

32 - Rai makes a vampire kneel just by ordering him to

35 - Rai/Frank negated vampiric regen. Rai used mind control which places a huge burden on his mind.

43 - Jake telekinetically chokes some humans

47 - Jake's regen is negated

58- mary dodges bullets

78 - Rai makes humans sleep with a wave of his hand

86 - Frank catches bullets

99 - vampires can use hypnosis. Frank can resist a weak form of it.

105 - M-21 resists mind control

106 -Rai casually resists mind control

118 - Frank dodges sniper bullets and bullets at point-blank.

121 - Regis dodges bomb explosions and can slow people's perceptions down with mind control

123 - D-pill grants mind control resistance

128 - Seira dodges an explosion

131 - Frank dodges bullets. Seira casually cuts a cannon shell in half.

133 - Frank dodges bullets at point-blank to the back of his head from transformed Takeo. Rai paralyzes everyone, and chokes Shark.

134 - Crans takes a pill and breaks out of mind control. His punch makes a large crater.

136 - Crans's power and speed doubles. Rai hypnotizes Crans again. His Blood field consumes Crans.

140 - Noblesse can erase memories with their mind control

143 - smoke has hypnotic effects

148 - Yuri's laser beam carves out buildings, Frank dodges it

149- Frank blocks Yuri's laser.

163 - Rael blitzes Regis

170 - Frank vs. Rael makes a huge explosion dwafing several buildings.

171 - Seira & Regis made barriers to protect themselves. Frank and Regis can destroy the entire city

172 - Noblesse hypnotized masses of people

175 - Mind control was resisted

185 - Usually bullet cannot harm Noblesse

188 - Long trench is made

189 - Lazark uses clones

192 - Rai mind controls family leaders

193 - Family leaders break out of mind control by activating soul weapons

194 - Rai summons the true Ragnarok with his blood.

199 - Ludis's barrier tanks 127mm cannons and blitzes across hundreds of meters.

219 - chunk of building gets destroyed by one punch. bullets are tanked.

229 - Regis powers up and makes a huge crater

231 - Collision between faux and true death scythes created a shockwave that rose to the clouds

243 - Possessed Frank tanks Ragar and Gechutel's attack. Gechutel fully charges his power and knocks Frank out of his dark spear.

244 - Rai transmutes Frank's clothes

254 - Energy ball shatters chunk of a building. Takeo's bullets damage nerves. Tao survives Yuri's energy blasts.

260 - Seira splits a building

261 - Rai smothers out a suicide explosion

265 - Elder cuts down several buildings with a swing of his hand

266 - Elder blows up a building and cuts a helicopter in half. Seira counters one of their attacks.

268 - Frank tanks 8th Elder's blast that pulverized a city block

269 - Frank overpowers 8th Elder

271 - Lazark dodges 8th elder's laser beams

272 - Dark spear tries to consume 8th elder's body.

278 - Rai barehands the attacks of the clan leaders. Urokai & Zarga destroy the Bloodfield, leaving a massive crater.

279 - Rai creates several blood twisters. Rai's attack creates a flash that can be seen from outer space (island-continental level), and leaves a massive crater.

291 - Urokai vs. Frank creates an explosion that makes a massive crater + reaches the clouds

294 - Frank's attack on Rai makes a huge crater that pulls up enough dust to cover a mountain. Rai barehands that attack.

308 - Rai ruins Ignes's eyes

309 - Dark Spear consumes 9th Elder. Loctis makes a huge trench with one swing of his whip, Rai blocks it with a barrier. The debris from his strikes can cover a mountain. Rai tanked his attack in his Blood Demon form.

310 - Rai generates blood cyclones. His blood phoenix easily plows through Loctis's strongest attack and makes a huge explosion, cratering the ground massively.

311 - Muzaka awakens. Muzaka cleaves a mountain in half, Rai blocks it.

313 - Raizel vs. Muzaka collision created a flash that illuminated the island

319 - Kentas deflects Takeo's bullets barehanded

320 - Karius overwhelms Lunark in CQC and smashes him through buildings.

340 - Dark spear attacks the mind/soul. That also means Frank has some mental resistance, because he withstood immense strain on body, mind, and soul. Takeo and Tao also have mental resistance/resistance to possession.

341- Karius's arrow makes a huge explosion. Werewolf M-21 tanks it.

350 - Regis vs. Grui resulted in a large explosion. Regis & Rael vs. Grui resulted in an explosion that dwarfed the entire island and can be seen from the atmosphere.

355 - Rai tanks Grui's blast which plows through the clouds

356 - Grui rips open the ground and pulverizes a huge amount of dust

368 - Kuharu emits a massive explosion

369 - Lagus uses Dolor to increase body weight via Aura

371 - Gradeus splits the earth

377 - Ludis traps Gradeus in his shield barrier. Kei paralyzes the werewolves with his will.

381 - Lagus's attacks are laced with poison. Normally Gechutel would be able to resist it.

380 - Gradeus carves out a large chunk of a mountain with one swing of Messad. Ludis blocks his axe with his shield and lands hits on Gradeus. Gradeus gets stronger the more damage he receives.

382 - Kei smashes Drakon through a mountain

384 - Gradeus carves a huge amount of rock with the shockwave from his axe. Rosaria can teleport.

386- Rosaria's laser clears the clouds. Raskreia clears the clouds to intercept Drakon's blast.

387 - Rosario's laser brings up a huge amount of dust that covers a mountain. Her Divine Judgement makes a massive crater which nearly killed Gradeus. Lagus regenerates Gradeus.

389 - Lagus's blood mist is poisonous

392 - Frank's dark energy is like a toxic poison

393 - Rai telekinetically crushes Lagus in his bloodfield

396 - Bloodstone Lagus dispels Bloodfield

398- Bloodstone absorbs life force from nearby living creatures

399 - Dark Spear consumes Gradeus

411 - M-21 punches Gayare through several building, the intensity of which melts holes in buildings.

412 - Gayare's attack would supposedly destroy the entire city. The werewolf sisters had to create a barrier to contain the blast.

413 - Gayare's blast had a 10km radius

421 - Gayare punches Kentas through hundreds of meters worth of rock

423 - Gayare's blast splits off the peak of a mountain. Kentas was matching him.

424- Gorma smashes hundreds of meters worth of rock.

425 - Frank unleashes a massive dark blast that could probably cleave mountain

434 - Rosaria's Divine Judgement busted Maduke's castle on top of a mountain.

435 - Frank survives Dorant's energy blasts that made a huge crater

437 - Rael wounds Dorant, and Karias carves out his shoulder.

438 - Frankenstein completely subjugated the Dark Spear. His attacks negated Dorant's regeneration.

440 - Dark Spear's regeneration negation doesn't work very well against Muzaka

443 - Rosaria can paralyze people

444 - Titan blows away the whole facility

445 - Raizel palms Titan's laser, and makes its arms explode.

448 - Frank takes a laser from Titan. Raizel goes full power beyond his limit and warps Titan and Ignes's bodies.

449 - Raizel warps Titan out of existence, imploding its body

463 - Frank sneak attacks Garda.

464 - A severely weakened Muzaka carves out a huge chunk of Maduke's body, which he regenerated. Maduke is at least as strong as prime Muzaka.

466 - Muzaka grows stronger via rage

467 - Regeneration speed ~ Stamina. Maduke implanted bloodstones in his werewolves.

468 - Raizel telekinetically twists Bloodstone Maduke's arm until it's blown off. Frank pierces maduke.

469- Maduke's laser explosion can be seen from the clouds and covers a huge chunk of the island/country. Frank can slightly slow down Maduke's regen.

471 - Maduke regenerated most of his body that was destroyed by Raizel & Raskreia. Maduke's lood fog can absorb energy from all life. Maduke tries to resist Raizel's implosion attack with pure power, but Muzaka transfer his energy to Raizel.

481 - Raizel telekinetically threw Muzaka around.

482 - Raizel fists Muzaka's chest

489 - 3rd elder makes a massive mountain explosion with just his eye glare

498 - Armageddon satellite makes a huge explosion that could be seen from outer space

499 - Raizel's telekinesis reaches outer space, crushing the satellite.

502 - Dark spear consumes the life force of the user and any nearby creatures

505 - First elder would have lost to Frank w/o Bloodstone.

507 - Frank defeated first elder.

510 - Aris's whip slices through a city-block

513 - Raizel used some form of telepathy with Muzaka

516- Rael slaps away a building busting attack

521 - Yuri shoots down fighter jets with finger beams. Raizel's telekinesis holds up an entire large building.

524 - Armageddon satellite has a 2km-blast radius

525 - Armageddon has a 12km-blast radius. Raizel reacts to the laser at close-range and holds it back. Raizel then telekinetically destroys the satellite.

526 - Frank gets off a plane right before it's shot down.

527 - Raizel must travel at least one orbit around the planet to destroy all of the satellites scattered about Earth's orbit, and before Crombel activates them.

534 - Muzaka counters the Armageddon laser, creating an illumination that could be seen from outer space

536 - Combined attacks of Rael, Regis, and Seira pulverized first elder.

537 - Kuzaka travels with Rai and perform the same feat in chapter 534 to destroy the last satellite.

538 - Crombell powers himself with Bloodstone. Crombell cast an illusion on the humans.

540 - Rael, Regis, Seira, and M-21 hurt Crombel.

A supercharged arrow attack from Karius blows off Crombel's arms. Frank kills Crombel.

541 - Nukes will hit major cities all around the globe. Crombel is absorbed by dark spear.

543 - Muzaka & Raizel reacts to and barehands a nuke missile. Raiskreia, Rozaria, and Kei Ru does the same.

545 - humans memories were erased. Turns out everyone survived the explosion.

Start the Conversation

UQ Holder Notes

UQ Holder

4- Touta regenerates from decapacitation

8-Kuromaru’s creates a sonic slash.

10- Jinbei collapses the building they were in after throwing a sword that’s x50,000 its normal weight

14- Karin levels the ground with a kick

23- Supersonic Kaito

24- touta regenerates his heart. Negi moved at the speed of lightning. Touta throws kaito through a building.

26 - Nagumo teleports karin to the moon, where she tanks falling from hundreds of meters.

27-Touta levels the ground and some tanks with one punch

30- Eva covers an entire city with ice to put out the fire

33- Kirie can reset time to a saved point

35 - fate petrifies Kirie

36 - Ikkuu has a space weapon that can destroy an entire city.

38 - Fate seemingly warps space. Fate's barrier tanks the satellite cannon. Touta cuts through the barrier with 500 ton sword.

41- Eva creates an ice sphere a few km in diameter

47- Intangibility & telekinesis are used. Ikkuu fires a mach 10 bullet which phases through Santa. While intangible, Santa can assimilate/fuse with others and possess their bodies. Santa can impart his intangibility onto others. Santa’s intangibility can be passive, and he can bury people inside a surface with his intangibility power.

50 - Karin’s exorcising attacks can harm spirits, but Sayoko reforms.

54 - Sayoko can regenerate from having half her body cut off by regenerating from her surroundings. Sayoko uses a soul-eating zombie virus that can even affect immortals and control minds. It negated Touta’s regen.

55- Sayoko can’t infect Touta with her miasma. Sayoko’s miasma affects the whole world.

57 - Santa lifts an entire ship. Sayoko fires a huge laser at Santa.

58 - Divine Thunder is large building/city block level.

63 - Touta deflects bullets with his sword at point-blank

71- Touta is sent crashing into huge crates which levels a row of them. Sword cancels out all magic, even immortality.

72- Kuromaru’s Raikoken levels a huge amount of water

74 - An entire building is blown up with a bomb

78- Dana is a master of illusions and space-time manipulation

79 - Touta and Kuromaru regenerated half of their bodies in 3 minutes

82 - Dana’s spiders can hurt ghosts by eating spiritual matter

83- Dana can BFR anything to any dimension. Her palace is in a rift between dimensions.

84-Touta destroys Dana and she regenerates from another dimension. An angry Dana can casually town bust.

86- Dana throws Touta and others 500 km in 10 minutes

88-Ruin Ishkur is as powerful as negi

89 - Ruin Ishkur can naplan an area of several hundred meters in diameter

90 - Touta used Sinus Magnus to reflect Dana’s spell back at her. Touta absorbed Ishkur’s attack to replicate Negi’s lightning mode.

91 - Their power devastated the land.

92-Dana creates illusions and can conjour up the past

94 - Touta was about to be crushed by space-time and erased from existence.

95 - Touta tanks Dana’s attack with his ki. Dana can destroy space itself. Touta regenerates from spatial disintegration regardless.

103- shadow-sealing.

105- Kirie froze time via a glitch in her power

112 - Lifemaker can possess the minds of anyone who kills her

113- Touta slashes extreme water-pressure dragons apart, but they regenerate.

114- Lifemaker and Negi have huge mental resistance

119 - Negi resists Lifemaker’s mental possession

125- Cutlass moves in stopped time.

128 - Albireo Imma uses a mini black-hole, and sends Tota to the past.

130- Lifemaker's Phantasmagoria: An illusory space that takes place inside her mind. Techniques of equal level are needed. It's a battle of mental strength.

131 - Asuna resists Lifemaker and destroys her Phantasmagoria. Santa is immune to gravity manipulation. Cutlass stops time for 30 seconds.

132 - Karin's light fist was speculated by Jack Rakan to be lightspeed. Albireo's necromancy can affect spirits. Fate tears out Negi's spirit. Negi breaks out of eternal freezing.

133 - Santa tries to possess albireo’s mind but there are many consciousnesses of the dead inside of him that overwhelms Santa. Albireo had to endure all that madness. The dead inside Negi give him infinite stamina.

135-Jinbei can switch positions of anything

137 - UQ Holder-verse is a parallel world to Negima-verse. Asuna took on the role of the cornerstone to stabilize Mars & Inverse Mars, and went to sleep for 100 years.

138 - 50km-diameter asteroid.

139 - Fate believes he can petrify 10000-20000 of the 78,000 demons. Negi destroys a good chunk of the asteroid. The entire asteroid is Nagi's body, so he can appear instantly anywhere on its surface. Negi and Nagi continue to fight over the asteroid for 5 hours. Negi created a magic circle that maintains infinite energy.

140 - Negi/Asuna’s slash destroys Lifemaker and the asteroid

141 - Cutlass can freeze people in a local time-stopped space, for 100 years. Cutlass levels a huge chunk of the ground.

142 - Cutlass uses a teleportation charm. Jinbei can twist chunks of his opponent’s body away with Switcheroo. Whenever Gengoro dies, a new clone of himself appears out of thin air.Right after Gengorou revives, he is invincible to any harm during a period of 3 seconds. Jinbei shuts down Cutlass’s consciousness to stop her from transforming. Cutlass has a backup cyber brain. Dana manipulates space-time to catch Cutlass from 400+ meters away.

143 - Kirie’s ability rewrites time. Ikku is unsure if his jets can reach mach 10 in space. mach 10 reactions uncertain.Orbital elevator takes 30 minutes to run 300km. Everybody lacks confidence they can run that fast.

144 - Jinbei teleports mach 30 missiles right in front of Kuromaru and he slices them apart in a split-second.

146 - Gengoro releases his stock lives as clones. He seems to be able to react to a nuke and withstand it for a second. It took Gengoro all of his lives to contain the nuke. Everybody tanks atmospheric re-entry.

148-Lifemaker's magical energy = the asteroid. Sealing is ineffective. Lifemaker can corrupt souls and enslave others. Lifemaker is going to teleport the entire asteroid (conditional). Lifemaker resist timestop.

149 - Lifemaker has infinite empathic capacity, feeding off the negative feelings across the solar system.

150-Negi illuminates part of Saturn’s ring

153 - Lifemaker creates a planet like Mars. Eva regenerates from a puddle of blood.

154 - Eva blocks Ba’al’s instant light blades. Jinbei teleports chunks of flesh with Switcheroo. Ba’al can toss people into the rift void, but Eva sends the attack back. Eva freezes an entire city.

Start the Conversation

God of High School Notes

God of High School

1- Most of an island got carved out. R destroys a row of trees with the shockwave of a casual punch.

5- A giant palm was revealed to have flattened the island

6-Shockwave from Han Dae wi's punch blows away a few men

7- Gang Man suk's kick leaves a big dent in the wall

12 - Jin Mori's kick cracked the ring floor and dented the wall.

20 - Jin Tae Jin vs. the Six fight destroyed 10% of North Korea's land.

38- jin mori leaves a huge crater on the floor

40 - Jin Tae Jin’s kick carves out a huge amount of rock

41 - Destruction of Jin Tae Jin vs. massive sword shown.

50 - O dodges a laser gun

53 - Bak Mu-Bong forces Q to kneel

58 - Beast is more dangerous than a nuke.

77 - Park Mu-Bong can island bust

80-Old Style Taekgyeon: Ki is focused on the palm to damage the opponent with powerful vibrations

82 - Park II-Pyo and Jin Mori generates a mini-twister with their kicks

86 - Jin-Mori and Park II-Pyo (after he became the Key/Ninetails Guardian) wreck the ring

94 - Park II Pyo's shockwave resonates throughout the whole arena

96-Result of Jae-Kal taek and Park II Pyo’s destruction

98 - anti-teleportation

104- Jin Mori kicks Jae-Kael taek into a hill.

105 - Huge crater from Jin Mori beating down Jae-Kael taek

107 - Jun jae san teleports the whole population of Seoul. He uses alchemy to transmute 567 nukes into a super-massive missile to kill God. He also summons a meteor behind the missile. Sang man-Duk and Jun Jae San survive the explosion.

108 - Casual massive-crater feat from post-Key Jae-kael taek. Massive pillar shoots from the moon to the Earth.

109 - Yeo Ui grows big enough to be tens of km long and induced a tsunami. God Jae-Kael Taek redirects the water from the tsunami and from the entire South Korean atmosphere to destroy "the land". Jin Mori summons Geun Du Eun which is a country-sized thundercloud to shoot lightning to kill Jae-kael Taek.

110 - It's explained Jun Jae San turned to nukes into an alchemic bomb which he sparked with a meteorite and created a barrier around the stadium to contain the explosion that would kill God. However, the barrier was released which extended the destruction to all of Seoul. Jae-kael taek survives the damage and transforms.

115- Jin-Tae Jin tanks an explosion

117 - Jin Tae Jin lifts over a giant gorilla. Jin Tae Jin's kick matches the gorilla's fire blast which resulted in a massive explosion.

118 - Jin Tae Jin tanks the massive explosion from Jin Mori’s awakening

119 - Extent of Jin Tae Jin vs. Sang Man Duk’s sword back in chapter 41 shown again

121-Sacred Sword Walmung carves out rock throughout a city block. Han Dae WI reacts to Saturn's gun.

123- Yeoui shakes multiple city blocks

124 - Jin Mori controls lightning

127 - Lightning breaks buildings and makes a huge crater

132 - Jin Mori dodges lightning

135 - The air from Uma’s punch destroys ⅓ of Byron’s body. His weapon can absorb people which allows him regeneration. Uma resists this. Collision splits building + rock pillar.

136 - Uma generates a massive tornado. The entire landscape from Uma vs. Byron is destroyed. Byron’s real body is his spear, and he regenerates his whole body after eating one of Uma’s horns.

137 - Byron’s attack splits a huge amount of rock before exploding. Jin Mori outspeeds that attack. Uma’s real body is inside a gourd and he can overpower Byron’s Earthquake with a sneeze. Byron’s suicide explosion is 50x stronger than a nuke, and Uma casually smothered it out.

138/139 - Uma beats up mountain-sized Angels. She cuts down mountains in 1 second. Pandora can reflect Uma’s massive attack and can poison/pertify anything she touches. She can also cause people to hallucinate and make people disappear in a puff of smoke.

140 - Uma’s Pacho can remove air and prevent people from breathing. Angels explode to kill Uma.

144- Gang-man Suk destroys a lot of land

147 - Yu-Mira's Heaven Splitter split the clouds and a mountain.

149 - The Gods’ swords cause massive destruction. Pandora stops one of these swords and throws it back at a god in the sky.

150 - Pandora Reflect's effectiveness is reduced acording to the power of the attack.

152 - Hyunmoo hammer would have shattered the Sage Realm planet into pieces had Jin-Mori's cloud not stopped it.

153 - Ardun reacts to Ruyi Jingu, which reaches outer space (of Sage Realm) in seconds and destroys 5% of the Natak army. Jin-Mori clones himself 100 times and spams Ruyi Jingu which takes up a large chunk of the planet.

154- Giant mountain golem overpowers Ruyi Jingu right as it extends and smashes Jin-Mori through a mountain. Jin-Mori lifts the golem up with his pole.

155 - Jin-Mori’s shockwave enters outer space

156 - Lightning Blade splits Ruyi Jingu and the Sage Realm planet nearly in half. Jin-Mori can grow a piece of his weapon inside others even if it's just a tiny shard.

158 - Park II Pyo cuts down 6 mountains.

160 - Sky Whale blows up a huge chunk of the planet and clones itself all over the planet.

161 - The Kinto-Un spreads rapidly throughout the planet's atmosphere. The gourd absorbs everyone in Sage Realm. All the sky whales detonated which has the power to planet bust.

162 - Lee Soo-Jin can change the laws of physics within a certain AoE, essentially making her God. She reduced the planetary explosions' radius to the point the planet would only explode a little afterwards.

165 - Lee-Soo Jin and Jin-Mori’s punches level enough debris that it can be seen from the Sage Realm planet’s atmosphere

166 - Jin-Mori resists the King’s sleep spell

167 - Uma can possess people

170 - Judge R's wind arrow pierces through several buildings and collapses them

176 - Jin-Mori's clone can use 5-60% of his full power. On average, he is weaker than a Bishop.

177 - Remove Omega kills zombies hokuto shinken style

178- Speed inconsistency

184 - The Buddha dwarfs the moon

187 - JinMori’s clone’s Yeoui extends across a small island

193-MicHanl carves out a huge amount of rock with a mouth blsat

194 - Yeoui penetrates the moon

195 - Kusanagi splits the earth and MicHanl

196 - Destruction caused by Kusanagi vs MicHanl shown. MicHanl regenerates having having 1/3 of his body destroyed.

198-Hui Mori dodges a sword that was thrown by Nephilim from outer space at point-blank. Yeoui one-shots Nephilim.

200- Orochi snakes pop out of Yu Mira’s wound

201 - Jin-Mori’s Thunderbolt outspeeds both Sons

202- Alpha/Dante’s attack cuts across an island. Yeoui blocks it.

204-Dante breaks off a huge chunk of the island with the shockwave from his punch. Yu-Mira + Han Dae-Wi + Hui-Mori break the island into pieces.

205 - Yu-Mira’s swing produced a shockwave that split buildings that were kilometers. Pieces of the island fly into the air.

206 - The King used psychokinesis to defeat Uma and can open the dimensional gate

208 - Jin-Mori & King destroys two planets that were about to collide with another due to King’s psychokinesis.

210-Jin-Mori flies to a planet. Yeoui digs into a planet and smashes through 9993 floors.

214 - King controls gravity.

219 - Yu-Mira reacts to Anna’s eye lasers and cuts it

220- J-Doggy has a world record of 100 meters in 8 seconds, grip strength of 160 kg, and can steamroll through 2400 pounds

224- Samuel wrecks Hui Mori

226 - Hui Mori’s Thunderbolt causes a city-wide blackout

227 - Hercules Samuel stops Yeoui from expanding with his grip

228 - Hui Mori has poison resistance.

230 - Jin-Mori slices apart huge floating balls dozens of time sacoss huge distances

234- andre deals 1440 attacks in a second. Han Dae-Wi’s black turtle fist sends out air across the whole tournament ring.

237 - Mubong can change topography with gravity manipulation.

252 - Bishop Romari has mind control influence with his voice and resisting it requires massive energy.

253 - Pantomime: A technique Judge Q uses as Lineal descendent of the Joker after he got spades Straight flush in shuffle. It "copies" his opponent's attacks and turns them into a deck of 52 cards. If the 52 cards are used up, the 53th card, the joker, can be used to apply all damage taken by Judge Q back to his opponent 100-fold.

254 - Mubong has some sort of gravity manipulation

257- The Ark destroys many city blocks.

258 - Dante has hundreds of souls at least. Blade of Tathegata defeated the lord of the heavens and his 12-billion man army in one fight during the 1st heavenly war. King slices across the whole country + island, splitting mountains, buildings, clouds, seas,

259- Mubong reverses gravity. King can control gravity, electromagnetic force, strong and weak force. Moreover he can grant every power that exists on Earth to himself like inertia, friction, attraction, and acceleration. King reacts to Hui Mori's Thunderbolt.

260- King's Inertia + zero frictional force allows him to react when he noramlly cannot react. King's zero friction can negate shock but he can still be speedblitzed. King shatters the building piece with weak force.

261 - Kim Oong-Nyuh uses cange of the sage to move the clouds on a nigh-planetary scale. King bent space using gravity to reflect force back towards his opponent.

262 - King uses weak nuclear force to bypass durability (tore through Hui Mori’s arm).

263 - King switches over to Dante’s body

264 - Park Mu-Bong, Seo Han-Ryang, and Kim Doo-Shik were speedblitzed by the King. King uses strong nuclear force to create a mini-"Big Bang" and is implied to be able to destroy Asia.

265 - The Big Bang could be seen from Sydney and Russia and the atmosphere, and it disintegrates buildings. King was the one who induced the global Flood. Lee Soo-Jin kicked through the Big Bang which created a shockwave throughout all of Korea. Lee Soo-Jin's sovereignty allows her to override the king's manipulation over natural forces for 1 minute.

266 - Full power of Mori Hui and King sends out a shockwave throughout the Ark (and splits it in half)

267 - King and Hui Mori were pushed to their limit.

271 - Angels and their tower were summoned to Earth from the clouds. Gods are summoned to Earth. The Unknown is >Earth-size. 666 Satan is the new master of the first realm.

272 - Prime King is as strong as the gods. Zeus flew to outer space in seconds and throws lightning bolts that could be seen from France/Argentina. Disciples of the first division throw swords from the atmosphere which killed people in China. Uriel's hair extended all the way to Saudi Arabia. The overall destruction carved out the oceans and countries.

273 - Zeus continues to nuke Earth. Hades is pseudo-intangible. Zeus punches Kim Doo-Shik to China in a second which split the waters between them. Zeus re-arranges Korea into New Olympus using buildings and people from other countries via gravity manipulation.

275 - Near-dead Hui Mori dodges Zeus's punch and bites off some of his skin. Seo Han-Ryang intercepts Zeus's punch. He puts up a fight against Zeus before getting blitzed.

276- Kim Doo-Shik returns to Korea and smashes Zeus through crags and buildings until he lands in Mt. Mireuk with Zero Punch. Zeus instantly blitzes behind him.

277 - Seo Han-Ryang carves out the landscape with Panhandler and cuts Zeus’s chest. Han Dae Wi stops Zeus’s punch and crushes him with gravity x100. He is the new King.

278- Zeus resists the increased gravity. Han Dae-Wi turns it up to x1000 and Zeus still stands. Zeus tries to use Thunder Breaker but Han Dae Wi uses strong force to melt his flesh and destroy the land. Sage's Robe tanks the blades of the greek gods. Zeus can still fight as a headless skeleton, but Han Dae Wi vaporizes him.

279 - Han Dae Wi manipulate inertia to freeze attacks.The Unknown inhales and sucks in the clouds of the Earth and pulls everyone on the ground into the air. Country-size air from his eye is fired, and King's pet overpowers it making it backfire on the Unknown.

280- Jin Tae Jin stops Sang man Duk' sword with one foot.

282 - The gods are on the same level.

283 - Han Dae Wi uses the king planet toss which pulled Mars into Earth in seconds. Uriel flies to outer space which spun the clouds on Earth at high-speed and she stopped Mars from moving (but gets burned by the heat). Odin summons Gungnir and shoots a huge amount of water from Earth's oceans into outer space to cool Mars's heat. Han Dae Wi had repelled Satan all the way to the moon, putting a massive crater in it. Satan copies Han Dae Wi's planet toss by pulling Jupiter into Earth's orbit in a second which smashed Mars into pieces. Han Dae Wi tries to push it back with repulsion but Jupiter keeps on pressing. Yeoui pushes Jupiter back away from Earth's orbit at high speed.

286 - Third Heavenly Realm has 400,076,000 apostles.

288 - Jin Mori drops Yeoui on Beelzebub and shatters it in its expanded state. Jin-Mori planned to seal the gods in the gourd.

289 - Yeoui weighs around 80,000,000 tons. The real Yeoui was so heavy that it caused Uriel's arm to literally fall out and the impact cracked the ground. Jin-Mori switched himself with his clone instantly after he expanded 100 Yeoui's. Jin-Mori's clones spam Thunder Breaker which kills the gods.

290 - Took 7 minutes for Jin-Mori to beat the gods, it took 3 minutes for Satan. Satan and Jin-Mori attack each other. Jin-Mori punches Satan into the ocean.

291 - Satan punches Yeoui in half. Jin-Mori flies to outer space with air coming out of the gourd.

292 - Satan absorbs light/heat from the Sun and punches Jin-Mori into the Sun. Satan and Jin-Mori can tank being near the Sun's surface (with Jin-Mori being able to stay there for 49 days). Satan creates "infinite" clones (201 quadrillion) [can still survive being near the Sun's surface) Jin-Mori multiplies his power and kills all of Satan's clones with his energy alone. Satan says Jin-Mori can destroy Earth with his real power. Satan tries to multiply his power 250,000x too but Jin-Mori blitzes him and presses a blood vessel. Jin-Mori disintegrates Satan. Phase 3 Satan absorbs all of the flames on the Sun's surface (the corona) and fires a huge attack which Jin-Mori overpowers with a kick. For an instant, everyone on Earth thought the Sun got dark. Jin-Mori's blew away all the flames on the Sun's surface.

293 - Jin-Mori went from the Sun to Earth's vicinity out of nowhere. Satan obliterates several mountains on Earth from hundreds of kilometers away. Satan has "two lives" with which he can resurrect himself even if he gets disintegrated. Satan splits the oceans, Han-Dae Wi redirected his attack by bending space.

295 - Han Dae-Wi shattered the Unknown

296 - R is pseudo-intangible and can absorb people to get stronger.

297 - The Earth's mantle is rising to the surface because of the gods' fusion with the world collapsing. R's Tam starts spreading throughout the whole planet. Nox planted the energy stones to make a magic circle that would draw all vital energy on Earth towards him. R's Tam surrounds the whole planet and can bend the laws of the natural world.

301- R can even use the powers of Odin and Satan

302- Jin-Mori splits the clouds and ground with a kick at low power. Yu-Mira has king's power.

305 - Mubong's holy grail sucks away Jin-Mori's power. After eating Samjang, jin-mori defeated tathagata. There is a multi-country sized explosion that reaches outer space.

306 - Yeoui splits Korea into two

316- Doctor uses sleep hypnosis

317 - Han Dae Wi destroys the wall with weak force

332- Mori Dan and mori jung fight on par with each other even after the former awakened his true power. Jin-Mori survived the explosion 17 years ago

337 - The Tam absorbed weak force manipulation.

339 - Mubong can summon the gods and the King from copying Han Dae Wi’s power. he can also resist his power.

342-Kadri can petrify people with medusas’s power

346- Nymph can control temperature to the point of lowering the ignition point of his opponents as long as they make a sound.

347- Midas transmutes damaged parts of the body into gold

349 - jin-mori falls on a hill because of the weight of yoeui which destroys it and creates a massive sandstorm.

353 - Garuda uses hypnosis hallucination and control minds

355-Garuda slows down time to stop bullets. He rains down shooting stars. Mori Dan lifts a meteor fragment and he shatters it with the shockwave of his kick which seemingly bent space.

359 - Mori Hui > Mori Dan

365 - Space is bent again with Dean’s kick

380 - Jin-Mori resists Mubong’s gravity which crushed the ground (this is the same force that crushed the island in chapter 1). Mubong destroys a few city blocks.

381 - Mubong reverses gravity on Yeoui. Mubong uses Longinus sacrificium which is supposed to kill him and Mori Dan. It made a huge crater.

383 - Dean can copy borrowed powers

384 - Dean tanks Yeoui and stops it with one hand

385 - Mori Dan rips apart the dragon armorsuit.

388- Mori Dan blitzes Mubong but his kick is stopped by Judge P.

397 - Kim Doo-Shik tanks suicide explosions.

398 - Doo-Shik's zero punch mkes a sonic boom

400 - Han Dae-Wi uses subzero temperature.

Start the Conversation

Saint Seiya Notes


Volume 1

-Atomization via Cosmos

-With proper control of Cosmos, they can split planets and smash stars. Blows are comparable to a shower of meteors. However, they focus the chi energy.

-Supersonic shockwave split the sky

-4000 kgf. Strike >100 times per second.

Volume 2

Andromeda chains - 10000 volts

Volume 3

Phoenix can inflict mutilating illusions

Split a building

Volume 4

Black burn marks

Hyoga and Ikki have mental resistance

Volume 5

Travels through outer space. Silver knight takes 32 seconds to cross unknown distance.

Silver knight Caused an earthquake under Mount Fuji

Silver knight part the sea

Meteor punches can be concentrated into one attack for x100 more power

Million ghost attack - mach 2

Volume 7


Bronze knight - Mach 1

Silver knight - Mach 2-5

Gold knight - lightspeed

Light speed punches create vortex

Volume 8


Illusions manipulate space-time dimension

Sends people to alternate dimension

Andromeda chains can cross inter-dimensional space

Soul mist is a portal which sends people to the underworld

Volume 9

Gemini has Mind control

Lightspeed punches - 100 million blows per second

Volume 10

Pond of blood will drown anyone who wounds shaka

Shaka can send targets’ souls to any of six different dimensions

Dimensional illusions (has quadrillions of square degrees in AoE)

Heaven-dancing dharma- paralyzes targets and destroys their six senses

Ikki has resistance to dimensional BFR, soulfuck, and mindfuck via sixth sense (psychic defense) and phoenix resurrection

Ikki’s suicide cosmo has an AoE of 10 trillion degrees (destroyed Shaka’s dimension)

Libra cloth weapons hyped to be able to smash planets

Hyoga has immense pain/posion endurance

Volume 11

Shura can split open the earth and create a chasm that reaches the depths of Earth

Shiryu can fly all the way to space

Hyoga shattered the ice coffin that several gold knights can’t break with raw strength

Hyoga can fire absolute zero frozen air

Andromeda has poison resistance and can split the sea

Volume 12

Dimension of Exile requires concentration to maintain

Erasure of five senses

Gods hyped to be planet busters

Volume 13

Phantom demon attack = phantom demon emperor attack. Both can be broken by actual pain

Galaxy Explosion - Can destroy all of the stars and planets in the Milky Way (on-panel, was shown to destroy a dozen planets). Gemini Saga tanked this point-blank.

Ikki survived the first one, and was disintegrated by the second - so he has solar system level+ durability?

Seiya one-shotted Gemini Saga with comet punch, surpassing his Galaxian Explosion

FTL Athena shield light

Volume 14

Poseidon’s pillars hold up the seven oceans and can’t be damaged like normal. They are more durable than combined strengths of 12 Gold Knights.

Volume 17

Dimensional BFR

Life force draining

Power reflection given enough power

Music that directly attacks the mind

Volume 18

Seiya atomized a pillar with galaxy level durability

Soul sealing

Poseidon has nigh-universal aoe cosmo

Volume 19


Paralysis resistance

Underworld bfr

Volume 20

Galaxian Explosion can destroy illusionary dimensions

Psychokinetic paralysis

Hades butterflies transport your body and soul to underworld

Volume 21

Athena’s cosmo has teleporation resistance

Athena’s Exclamation: Maximum peak cosmo of 3 Gold Knights concentrated to one point- enough to rival power of big bang

Volume 22

Hades’s shield takes away 90% of your power

8th Sense: can travel to land of the dead alive (in a living physical body).

Volume 23

Dimensional bfr

Andromeda chains can resist

Gemini canon can use powerful illusions


Balance of curse: sound waves weaken the body and rips heart out. If deemed robbery evil, body and soul will be erased from existence.

Volume 24

Orpheus music can send minds to different dimensions

Hades ilusions

Puppet body control

Galactica illusion

Volume 25

Aiakos tossed Ikki to the atmosphere

Ikki has mindfuck resistance

Phoenix referred to his Phoenix wings as planet crushing

Lord Hades’s soul ~ The Universe

Hades can move the planets and moons into an ecliptic line

One-shotted Ikki just by staring multiple times

Ikki can resurrect himself from death

Volume 26

Athena has resistance to soul posession

Athena’s trident caused an explosion that could be seen from the planets in the Solar System

Gold cloths each contain sunlight energy from the Sun. So each Gold Knight is star level-ish.

Suicide galaxian explosion destroyed planets

Gods can pass through super-dimensional space where time/space is in constant flux

Cosmic marionation - controls bodies like puppets

Volume 27

Thanatos and Hypnos can kill people from trillions of light years away with psychic attacks

Distance from Wall of Lamentation and Elysium = Ten Billion Galaxies + 100 Billion Miles of Darkness

Bronze Knights crossed that distance in a few minutes

Requires temperature that is several hundred times colder than absolute zero to freeze Thanatos

Terrible Providence - blasts people far into the galaxy

It took the Gold Cloths a minute at most to cross the super-dimensional space

Volume 28

Seiyas voice could be heard from across the galaxies

God Cloth Seiya blitzed Thanatos

Reflected Thanatos’ energy blast right back at him

Hypnos can use an illusionary dimension that puts people into eternal sleep

Shiryu and Hyoga have illusionary sleep resistance

Hades can teelport objects to him and use telekinesis

Hades tanked 5 God Cloths and overpowered Athena

Seiya wounded Hades

Athena oneshotted Hades

Next Dimension

9 - Hades manifested his castle wherein and around Gold Saints are reduced to that of a boy's. Tenma couldn't even budge the specters because of his reality warp barrier. Griffon Vermeer is above Gold Saint level, and Shion said his power is greater than anyone he's faced. Griffon beats 2 Gold Saints simultaneously.

10 - Griffon’s Cosmic marionettion can bend any part of body

13 - Taurus and Capricorn Izo are Gold Saints on a higher level than Dohko and Shion.

14 - Hades’s sword is invisible

16 - Chronos, god of time, can travel to the past and is non-corporeal. He also transcends space/time. Artemis warps space and sends Athena and Shun back outside her temple.

19- Chronos's residence is a nebula in which one can see all the nebula in the universe. This is where the past and future intersects, and the door of space-time. Chronos can rip apart any universal level and send all nebulas in the universe at them. Shun’s chains can cross space that transcends space/time and he pulled Athena back from the torrent of space-time that would have crushed her and scattered her throughout the universe.

20 - Hecate travels thousands of light years to come back to Chronus within minutes. Chronus disturbed Athena’s telomeres and turned her into a baby when she was sent to the past.

24 - Suikyo destroys Shion's Crystal Wall by hitting a weak point that destabilized it.

26 - Ikki can cross space-time and destroy minds

27 - Ikki notes Suikyo is stronger than any Gold Saint he met. 28- Ikki lands demon fist on Suikyo. It reduced him to half-strength. Suikyo eventually resisted the illusion. 31-32: Gemini Gold Saint's Cosmo warps space and can create a maze-like illusion. It can also redirect attacks back at the user.33: Tenma gets caught in Another Dimension but Shun pulls him back with his chain34: Suikyo notes that Gemini Abel may be the strongest of Gold saints.

36 - Gemini Abel used demon fist on Suikyo. He erased his memories and sent him to another temple. 38 - Surplices lets you move freely between the living and dead worlds.39 - Suikyo was able to develop resistance to Abel's Demon Fist because of Ikki's illusion fist.

41 - Gemini Cain blitzes Ikki because he's a bronze saint stuck at sonic speed while gold saints at lightspeed. Gemini Saint is strongest Gold Saint.42 - Ikki barely did anything to Cain as he was strongest saint he ever fought. Galaxian Explosion can shake an entire galaxy. Ikki survived it, but barely.

44 - Shun’s chain can cross galaxies, yet it was beaten by Leo Kaiser’s lightspeed punch.

46 - Labyrinth of Gods is infinite

49 - Virgo Shijima's temple is a space of absolute silence which destroys the spirit of those who enter it. Shijima can resist this. Shijima shows Suikyo the following doors: Aging Door, Disease Door, Eternal Suffering Door, Death Door

50 - Athena's Cosmo freed Suikyo from Shijima's dimensional barrier.

56 - 13 Gold Saint's Cosmo seemed to have controlled Shaina's mind. Shaka dispelled Shijima's anechoic chamber that would have destroyed Tenma and Shun's minds. 57 - Shaka's residual image and Gold Cloth appeared because of Shaka's blood in Shun's Cloth that awakened before an equal Virgo Saint. Shaka's soul crossed 200 years of space-time. Tenbu Hourin, Virgo's ultimate technique, renders targets unable to attack or defend and they will die.

58 - Shijima's Ungyo is a sound representing the end of the universe. Its divine sound causes the world to bo swallowed by darkness. Shaka's Agyo, which represented the birth of the universe, releases light that countered Shijima's darkness. The resulting conclusion was Samsara, where countless of universes are being created and destroyed at a constant rate, and would have continued on for eternity. Tenma and Shun jumped into this collision, where they will wander in another dimension forever.

61 - Kid Athena's Cosmo was able to cast an illusion on Pisces Cardinale's mind.

64 - Griffon’s Cosmic Marionettion controls Ikki

65 - Deathtoll can BFR people to another dimension. Omerta’s coffin sucks anyone in and traps them inside.

67 - Vermeer's thread of the underworld cannot be destroyed by Ikki's fire. Ikki hit Vermeer with phantom fist, but his mind was strong enough to not be destroyed by it though he was paralyzed.

69 - Ikki blitzed by Kaiser's lightspeed fist

70 - 13th Gold Saint the strongest. Athena's cosmo clears out the poison. 72 - Hyoga stops AZ. He uses AZ against Mystoria's AZ.74 - Odysseus’s revival made orbits of whole galaxy go crazy. You can even see planets cracking.

75- Odysseus's revival starts shaking Earth and heavens, all of Sanctuary. Dohko thinks it'll be the destruction of the whole universe. Shiryu escaped from his dream of happiness in the space-time distortion abyss because of the dragon cane. Shun's chain crossed space-time and saved Tenma from the abyss. 76 - Ecarlate paralyzes Shiryu with restriction. Ecarlate is invisible.77 - Shiryu resists the pain from scarlet needle. Shiryu can still get up from an attack that should have destroyed his nervous system. Ecarlate's molecules are like the molecules of a crystal, allowing light to pass.78 - Shiryu's willpower recognized. Shiryu can still fight even with blood coming out and all his senses gone. Shiryu broke Ecarlate's stinger and can still move after being hit by Antares.81 - Athena's cosmo stops the goddess arrow. Odysseus amplified Gestalt's delirium to the point it caused him and others to see him as a centaur. Athena was able to resist this. Odysseus can destroy Sanctuary (which requires universe+ power)

82 - Ophiuchus Temple threatening to destroy the entire Sanctuary. Ophiuchus Temple's hypnotherapia waves can heal wounds anf fatigue, but it knocked everyone out. 83 - Odysseus's snakes are non-corporeal. Shun woke up from his slumber before anyone else

85 - Odysseus's Order of the Awakening prevented certain Saints from falling asleep. Odysseus goes to Underworld to get Ox.

86 - Odysseus can bring back past injuries of his targets that he has healed. Bronze Saints were able to resist the hypnotherapia because their flow of time is different.

87 - Odysseus's surgery paralyzed Gemini Saint to remove the evil inside his body.

88 - Another Dimension can't be effective if space-time is being distorted. The Gemini Saint, the strongest of the Gold Saints, must hit Odysseus with his full power. Odysseus can perform Apoptosis on a target's brain and turn them into an empty shell. Galaxian Explosion can make the universe tremble.

89 - Odysseus regenerates from being blown apart by GE

90 - Odysseus immune to Underworld waves because he came from Hell

92 - Odysseus dodges Kaiser’s lightspeed fists

93 - Shijima's astral projection threatens to destroy ikki's brain cells even when deaf. Odysseus destroys Shijima's chamber.

94 -Odysseus's wand opened Shijima's 4 doors and he was decomposed completely into dust, but he regenerated afterwards.

95 - Odysseus placed Shijima in a dream all along. Odysseus tries to control Ikki's mind

Episode G

2 - Aiola's Lightning plasma = lightspeed fist thousands of attacks.,

4 - atomic destruction. Galan manipulated by Pontos’s Cosmo via arkhein. Galan's Cosmo starts to resist Pontus''s cosmo. Aiola can destroy light itself and surpass speed of light by focusing all of his Cosmo.

5.1 - Aries Shion's Stardust Revolution can destroy the universe and reshape it. His Cosmo is as strong as Big Bang.

6 - Cronos commands time & death. His weapon killed Uranus the primordial god. Aiolos was strongest of the Gold Saints. 7 - Aiolia creates a rift in the air and discharges a high current in that gap. Aiolia throws countless high-speed feints/fists, but Hyperion countered with one punch. Hyperion's Ebony Vortex changes atmospheric pressure to boil blood. 8-Aiolia fired several thousand punches instantly. Hyperion surprised Aiolia can split the ground. Aiolia burned his Cosmo to the max and created a miracle by repelling the attack of a more powerful enemy. Aiolia moved at lightspeed which is faster than Hyperion and his vortex. 9 - Aiolia’s Golden Cosmo broke Soma in 2 hits

9.2 - Galaxian Explosion can destroy galaxies. It can destroy everything, including incorporeal specters. Gemini Saga's Cosmo can deform space and open a door to another dimension (AD). 10 - Aries Mu can dissolve in space. He can cut through space and reappear from another dimension. Psychokinesis allows telekinesis and paralyzing via directly attacking the brain. But Aiolia can resist with Gold Cloth

11- Iapeto can split through space to create voids that show the universe(s). The distorted dimension can suck people into other worlds. Mu can teleport people. It’s implied fights are settled by whoever has the stronger cosmos. Aries Mu who has god-like Cosmo can use Crystal Wall to block distorted dimension. Starlight Extinction: By increasing one’s Cosmo, a light is created that can absorb distorted dimensions. Iapeto can summon a giant whose attacks can pass through dimensions

Iapeto's dimension was a universe


( Boku no... ! Boku no! ! Boku no uchū ga kiete shimatta! ! !)

(My ... My... My Space/Universe has disappeared !!!)

12 - Mu's Cosmo expanded infinitely and was observed to be the universe. Aries Mu’s Stardust Revolution created a universe from which meteors rained from. Chronos is non-corporeal and can project an image with his Cosmo. Gemini Saga uses demon fist on Shura.

13 - Shura's Cosmo resists the demon fist. Shura notes that Galaxian Explosion made a galaxy fall apart. Shura resists another demon fist, but eventually succumbs.16 - Phlox of Klyanos can summon lava 1200+ degrees C. Only gods can resist such high temperature.

17- Death Mask cancer Saint creates a light that sends anyone (body and soul) to the afterlife. Can kill even immortals.

17.5 - Aiolos dissipitates Typhon’s Cosmo

17.6 - Infinity Break: Light that is over 1 million degrees Celsius in temperature (can kill Aiolos). Proof that cosmo energy ~ heat energy

19 - Camus’s Cosmo can stop molecular movement

20- Cloth gives petrification resistance

21 - Focusing cosmo requires concentration.

24 - Saga says Aiolia can destroy galaxies. Galaxian Explosion compared to a supernova. If the gravitation of its own mass surpassed the galaxy itself, a great explosion will pulverize everything. Saga says only he and Aiolia have the power to destroy galaxies.

28 - Kreios’s Aster Blade cuts through body, soul, and Cosmo. Aster Choreia sucks out blood and Cosmo, and gives powers/techniques/memories/Cosmo to Galaxy Kreios. Shura can still move even with a damaged soul

27 - Theos Sema makes humans bloodlusted. 29 - Saga/pope mastered demon fist. Cosmo concentration.

30 - Saga tore apart Cronos’s Cosmo body. Cronus’s Teleos Oracle: Mind control curse. Resistance means death. However, Gemini Saga can resist mindfuck. Kronos can physically grab the edges of distorted dimensions to resist BFR

31- Saga’s Galaxian Explosion would have blown up Krono’s Cosmo form (which killed Uranus) had Athena statue’s Cosmo not protected him. Cronus calls Saga’s GE’s power to be immeasurable. Kronos’s infinite Cosmo can regenerate his temporary body. Saga’s Golden Dagger can harm non-corporeal bodies without physical form.

33- Aiolia’s dark divine lightning can harm Cronos and break Zeus’s seal/equal his lightning. But his Photon Burst was the one that killed Cronos’s cosmo body.

34 - Themis’s Brabeus Talanton: Passes judgement by using weight of target’s own Cosmo as a gravity-like pressure force to crush the sinner. Magnitude of force ~ burden of sins

36 - Kronos’s Golden Sand can capture space and time and reverse them. It can revert the world including living things back to prehistoric times.

37 - Camus can stop the movement of Atoms with his cosmo

38 - Okeano can infuse Cosmo inside his water attacks to manipulate people’s blood flow.

39 - Iapetos can attack from other dimensions.

43 - Pontos can control people’s bodies with Cosmo, but Aiolia broke out of it

44 - Pontos can use lightspeed attacks which hit Aiolia

45 - Dunamis can break atoms and can decompose lightning. Dunamis is like a physical barrier. Aiolia can keep on fighting because of Cosmo. Ars Magna - humans cannot damage physical body of a god because of its divinity. Aiolia regenerated his atomized heart/arm with Cosmo.

47 - Aiolia outspeeds Pontos, moving faster than light. Dohko projects an image of himself via Cosmo.

48-Iapetos attacks from another dimension and his attack teleports everyone to Tartarus. Dark energy/matter is made of Eschatos Dunamis, which expands the universe throughout infinity. It is the energy of the gods. Titans made world. Each one has a universe + planet in their domain. Titans can have their planets absorb eschatos dunamis. The planet moves faster than lightning.

49 - Shaka enters Iapeto's dimension and destroys his Cosmo soldiers. Iapetos absorbs all the infinite souls/cosmos of his giant. Iapetos destroys Shaka's Kan which repels any type of attack. Iapetos's chaos blade/eschatos dunamis can create the universe.

51 - Shaka removes Iapetos's senses, but his Dunamis/ichor will let him regenerate them.

52 - Shaka can teleport out of dimensions.

53 - Titans much more powerful in their own dimension. Aster Blade can cut stars and oricalco.

54 - Kreios’s attacks can tear apart the stars

55 - Ichor gives regeneration powers. Camus protects the planet.

56 - Shura blitzes Kreios, moving at lightspeed.

57- Koios creates/materializes a planet

58 - Koios blitzes aiolia. Titans can regenerate from damage even if they die. Photon Burst/Drive can open the universe and is modeled after the Big Bang.

60 - Koios can absorb photons and redirect attacks

61 - Mnemosyne can manipulate memories. Titans’ memories were sealed.

63 - Hyperion's solar wind can vaporize rock and move at 700 km/s (mach 2000).

64 - Full Power Hyperion blitzes Aiolia at lightspeed and leaves afterimages. It’s the first time Aiolia encountered a lightspeed Titan

68 - Koios blitzes Aiolia with a lightspeed fist

69 - Pontus regenerated Hyperion’s body from pieces with his dunamis allowing him to control his body if he was dead. His astral projection was so strong that his Cosmo was still greater than the Titans.

74 - Aiolia Surprised that megas drepanon can tear the ground. Mega Drepanon can bypass defenses to cut through flesh/Cosmos directly.

75 - Sound waves from Cronus’s blade can attack Cosmos and body

76 - Cronus reverses time on Earth

77 -Aiolia blitzes through Cronus's sound wave by going lightspeed. The sound wave would have fried his brain, but he resisted it.

82 - Drakon uses magic to make himself immune to physical attacks. Only scarlet needles can bypass it.

83 - Cronus destroys his hourglass which controls time, which distorts/collapses time in the past, future, and present. Cronus represents tim as 3 flames and once they're all blown out (takes 3 minutes normally) time will be destroyed. Cronus can enhance his CQC stats with Dunamis unlike other Titans.

84 - Cronus blitzed Aiolia at a speed that he thought was lightspeed. Cronus is so fats that Aiolia it looked like he was teleporting to him. Cronus moves faster than light and can make his attacks teleport to his target. Cronus's punches can damage Cosmos.

85 - Aiolia was faster than Cronus’s FTL teleported punches

86 - Aiolia dodges Cornus's FTL attacks using the 7th Sense + combat adaptation.

87 - Cronus is FTL


1 - Gold Cloth tanked 1000 degrees supersonic magma. Speed of a Gold Saint = lightspeed.

2 - Shura’s casual base unclothed speed is faster than light

4- Hades and the Faceless can cut the “silver threads” that connect people to their life. The Faceless no longer have physical bodies. Shun’s chain is non-corporeal.

5- Evil Eye: Petrifies/paralyzes those who see the gaze, affects both mind and soul. Donning the Virgo Cloth let Shun resist that.

9 - Gold Saints far surpass lightspeed.

10 - Shura swings Excalibur far faster than lightspeed.

11- Shura’s Excalibur can exceed the speed of the initial expansion of the Universe.

16- Saint Seiya confirmed to be a multiverse

17 - Sigurd's Holy Sword Tower can break through Shiryu's non-corporeal defenses.

28- Logia intan- turns into supercritical fluid. Water turns into a 4th state of matter at 647 K. Renders her unfreezable. Gold Cloth protects Hyoga.

31 - Capricorn gold cloth = hard as steel. The space-time of a universe creates black holes to erase those that shouldn’t exist in it and sends them to another dimension. astral

33 - Shura returned from afterlife as the demon baphomet, overcoming the world trying to erase him, the neurotoxin, and loss of consciousness.

34 - athena's Ichor brought Shura back.

38 - Leader of the faceless protects his mind with a powerful barrier, granting him resistance to mental attacks

30- FTL+ strikes. Divine breath of fafnir/seal of extinction: paralyzes both cosmo and body

40 - Shura can resist paradoxical erasure because of Athena’s Ichor. Seiya can travel through dimensions

42 - Shiryu manipulates blood in his body to resist the paralysis

50 - Cancer Deathmask’s Soul separation: splits souls and sends them to the Underworld

56 -Chakravartin is immune to physical attacks because of his astral armor.

61 - Excalibur can cut through spirits, astral forms, and non-corporeals

Eclipse Calibur/Sword of Hades: Broke through aparajita, the non corporeal astral armor

63 - Aiolos seemingly ignites the Underworld. GE makes galaxies tremble.

64/65 - Power of Hades maintains the Underworld. If he loses control, then it’ll begin to collapse and crumble. Weakened Eclipse Calibur could not stop Lightning Telios

67 - Athena Exclamation can break through boundary between living and underworld. Lightning Flame can be as powerful as AE if condensed, but if not it’s faster. AE Invoked can rend the universe. Aiolos 9th Sense/Lightning Void - opposes athena exclamation. Lightning Void is a blast of nothingness. Aiolos has destroyed timelines.

68- Cosmo can telepathically change people’s memories

Faceless's body is amorphous but not ethereal.

72 - Aries Mu breaks down cosmo barrier and kills people with psychokinesis from another planet. Kiki's Earth-sized crystal wall blocks Stardust Revolution.

73 - Vortec Crystal - highly localized gravitational collapse

77 - Shiryu moves at lightspeed in his casual base form

78 - Mordred shines a light and anyone caught in it will feel an intense pain throughout their body which can destroy Cosmos and Soul. Aldebaran resists this w/o his Gold Cloth. Aldebaran gets hit by a spiritual attack that compels him to die.

79 - Alternate Aiolia resists Zeus's possession of his mind/body. Aiolos awakens the 9th Sense.

80 - Hades made Seiya disappear completely. Seiya's soul is wandering out of the reincarnation cycle and is in an empty void where there is no time (it is outside of space-time). Multiverse confirmed.

81 - Cygnus Hyoga can paralyze Hades. Ikki hits Hades with phantom fist to awaken Shun.

82 - Aldebaran resists an attack that would have erased his existence from all dimensions

86 - Gravity waves from space. Black hole beneath the Earth.

87 - Camus can create a Cosmos body and Milo can destroy it with a miracle.

88 - Deathmask tanks AZ.

89 - Aiolos controls camus's hand from another dimension

90 - God Cloth Camus stops movement of all atoms. Hyoga can offset the cold air.

91 - Isaak takes in camus's Aurora annihilation.

92 - Hyoga generates a temperature below AZ.

93 - Camua vs. Hyoga threatens to destroy the line dividing the living world and dead world. Deathmask goes to destroy logic of death. Deathmask nullifies 20 billion evil souls.

94 - Shura cuts souls, Deathmask sends them to Underworld

96 - Even without a physical body, Zeus’s spirit lives on.

102.5 - Aiolos tanks Galaxian Explosion and kills Saga.

103 - Hades sustains the Underworld's existence as a disembodied soul.

105 - Aiolia destroys Hades's chain that held together the Underworld, which also led to the collapse of the timeline as Aiolia's Lost World can now devour it.

Lost Canvas

Sound paralysis

Pisces has poison immunity

Poison fragrance destroys 5 senses, parlayzs body, and puts it to sleep

Hades broke athena’s barrier

Hades can paralyze gold saints

Rosary soul sealing

Lost Canvas sucks out all souls

Ultrasonic waves paralyze nerves

Death messenger: a curse which when recited, stops the heart beat

Pandora has dimensional bfr

Cosmo energy ~ heat energy

Manigoldo can suck out souls

decaying/decomposing hax

Blue flames directly attack souls

Super-dimensional space bfr where the distorted space-time tears apart anyone without resistance

Thanatos can conjour spirits that cna hurt body and soul

Gods have resistance to soulfuck

Thanatos’s soul can possess other bodies

Space was bent to redirect attacks

Capricon saint can cut open dimensional rifts

Seiya broke out of an illusionary dream with sheer willpower

Oneiros has 4 souls inside of him, giving him regeneration powers. His guardian’s oracle can destroy souls, preventing reincarnation

Hynpos can turn dreams/illusions into a real experience

Asmita can destroy the stars of a galaxy

Violate shadow paralyzes anyone who walks on it using dead corpses

Leo’s eyes can determine strengths/weaknesses. He raised his cosmo above violate’s to overcome her shadow corpses.

Aiacos burns down the target’s nervous system

Sagitarius’s 8th sense allowed him to overcome the galactica death glare

Alone absorbed Hades’s power and used it to create a Big Bang, which hollowed out part of a moon

Hades either outran it or tanked it

Sisyphus overcame balance of curse

He can still use the athena proclamation without a heart by burning his cosmo past the7th sense

Destruction of gate requires big bang level energy

All of Hades’s attacks can reach to the soul

Lost Canvas/Alone’s Cosmo turns those who turn around into stone - petrification

Hades can seal all energy/power given a part of the target’s body via Lost Canvas

Libra Saint carries star-destroying weapons

Defteros can create dimensions and erase memories

Gemini Aspro’s cosmo can break through dimensional space

Galaxian Explosion can destroy the stars in a galaxy

Gemini Aspros can use demon emperor fist

Gemini brothers said they can destroy the galaxies themselves

Mephistopheles can stop time and create a crack in space-time that whoever passes through it will disintegrate into quantum particles

Reincarnation: Target is tormented by past sins/crimes and then dies in shame

Rising Darkness: creates a hot environment that dehydrates the opponent

Leo can lift people up to space

Sweet Chocolate: Pandora summons harpies that devour life/soul

Parita can directly rip out souls

Golds Cloths provide soulfuck resistance?

Leo can use the Athena Exclamation by himself. Rhadamanthys tanked/overpowered it. That is the power of a God.

Zodiac Exclamation > Athena Exclamation, but Rhadamanthys still tanked/stopped it.

Leo became one with the wind and two-shotted Rhadamanthy’s heart

Athena’s Cosmo - anti-petrification

Mephisto can warp space and send people to a void without space or time

Gemini Aspros has spatial manipulation resistance because he can control dimensions

Gemini Aspros was stated to be able to crush the Milky Way

Mephisto can stop time

Gemini Aspros can negate time manipulation of the environment by isolating a certain amount of space and transporting it to another dimension at the speed of light. This makes time non-existent. This also makes dimensional manipulation impossible.

However, Mephisto can materialize one’s body clock and reverse time to before they were born.

However, because it wasn’t Aspros’s true body and he is immortal, the flow of time has no effect on him

Mephisto can reverse damage by reversing his own body clock

Gemini Aspros can open the hyperdimension

Tenma punched right through Alone

Gold Saints can return to life as spirits

Athena teleports the 3 of them to Earth


13-Direct relationship between Cosmo and heat.

16 - Great Priest Huesda's armor absorbs Scarlet Needle.

17 - Kardia’s Cosmos/heat crushed a mountain range with a fraction of his power

21- Degel can use grande kol’tso, which drops the target to nigh-AZ temperature

24 - Degel disperses Chalcedny’s illusions

26 - Krest’s Freezing Shield reflects Aurora Execution (Degel has AZ resistance). The Shield has AZ, can freeze Gold Cloths, and can’t be broken by other Gold Saints.

28- Manigoldo summons spirits that takes out the opponent’s soul

29- Avido’s Kisouen burns souls into shreds

31 - Allegre’s Holy Spout purifies souls

33 - Kisouen works in the World of the Dead and also burns the physical body.

34 - Konsou Ha uses souls as gunpowder for explosions.

35 - Manigoldo purifies many souls and sends them to the Afterlife.

36 - manigoldo also sends Avido's soul to the World of the Dead.

41 - El Cid's strikes cut at the atomic level

42 - Zanouki can cut dimensions

44-Felser can move at lightspeed. Zanouki can hit people with just a thought.

48 - Dohko tanks sound waves

52 - The Evil Eye absorbs all light and heat, including the vitality of a Gold Cloth.

53 - Light from Regulus's Cosmo literally disintegrates darkness itself (along with power of spirits)

54 - Asmita enters Hell

55 - Hades's will surrounds Hell. Asmita breaks Atakava's illsuionary barrier with monster summons.

56- Atavaka absorbs Ahimsa (soul) into his body along with many others. Atavaka's spiritual body is intangible and his real body is elsewhere.

57 - Atavaka survives Tenbu Hourin, by directing its ability to his souls. Maten Muhourin robs Asmita of his 5 senses and inflicts the pain of the souls into him. Asmita uses Dharma Wheel which removes 8th sense and sends all the souls and Atavaka through the samsara cycle.

64 - Arkhes created very realistic illusions

68 - Defteros hides his true body in Another Dimension (intangibility like Hit and obito). galaxies appear from Defteros's fists.

69 - Degel and Defteros scared of the ground heating to lava. Aspros sealed off the arena inside Another Dimension, trapping everyone within.

71 - another Dimension is space-time expanding and it BFR'ed Earheart and the ship. Earheart breaks a hole in space-time to escape.

72 - Arc Geminiga is a dimensional magnetic field that distorts space and crushes cells. Earheart can kill people with dimensional attacks jsut by looking at them.

73 - Earheart controlled Chris as specter. Aspros used Demon Fist to disrupt Earheart’s mind control. Galaxian Explosion destroys a ship.

74 - Earheart sucks away Chris's Cosmos/life force and takes her Surplice.

75 - hakurei uses sekishiki. Manigoldo stops Shion’s soul from being sent to Hell

77 - Mephistopheles turns someone into a child. Mephistopheles seals off an entire town from the flow of time, trapping it in another space-time. Chronos's seal slows down perception of time and absorbs people into time. Shion is getting older. manigoldo frees Shion's soul which is free from the time manipulation.

78 - Shion resists Real Marvelous by using a technique that projects him elsewhere. Shion kills kairos clone with the collected power of the Aries Saints.

79 - Mephistopheles can freeze people's time. He has placed Sanctuary in his time prison.

80 - Shion teleports Mephistopheles to him with Starlight Extinction

81 - Mephistopheles stops time to escape Stardust Revolution. Mep rewinds time of Sanctuary and resets everyone to pre-birth. Shion escaped by teleporting himself to Another Dimension, a space that moved at lightspeed. Shion returns from Mep's time vortex.

82 - Poseidon implied to be a peer of Hades and Athena. Krest astral projects.

83 - Hakurei opens the Sekishiki. Sage tries to send Hakurei to yomotsu. Hakurei shed his body and became a soul. Sage was brainwashed.

84 - Waves of Hell removes the brainwashing butterflies that affected the silver saints.

85 - Sage creates a clone of himself made out of souls and used that to remove Francisca's soul from his body.

86 - Hakurei's silver flames specifically drain Cosmos.

87 - Libra Cloth can destroy stars


Chapter 1

2.2 - Kiki's telekinesis crossed dimensions to bring Seiya his cloth.

One translation says Seiya launched an infinite number of punches, while another just said his punches multiplied. Thoas says Seiya's punches look like they are moving like a snail to him.

2.3 - The heavens are led by Zeus, the supreme god, the oceans by the marine emperor, Poseidon, and the underworld by the emperor of darkness, Hades. In addition to the three kingdoms controlled by these gods is the Earth, which is defended by a goddess of equal power:

2.5 - Zeus is declared to be the strongest God.

3.3 - No matter how strong a body can be it can’t withstand an attack from a Saint, the essence of destruction, capable of splitting the atoms. The only way to block such an attack is to posses a power equal or superior to that of Saints. We’re talking about the interior power here called Cosmo.

4.2 - Thoas throws his fist at lightning speed, which Shun's chain reacts to. Thaos moves at supersonic speed. Nebula chain is immune to illusions. Direct relationship between Cosmos and speed.

4.4 - "Burn my Cosmos! Seiya shouted, ready to attack. A Big Bang occurred. This was the power to create miracles. A person pushing his Cosmos to its climax could awaken in the Seventh Sense and reach a power comparable to the energy that gave birth to the Universe.

The power of this Revered Being is so immense that Athena has affixed a seal that can not be destroyed, at least unless she deploys an energy rivaling the one that gave birth to the universe! (either means universal or multiversal)

4.5 - Athena completely destroyed Typhon's body. Athena and Typhon fight, releasing energy similar to the collision of two galaxies via 7th Sense. Athena's power is comparable to Typhon's. Typhon's Cosmos shakes the Earth.

4.6 - Typhon's hurricanes scares the Saints. Typhon says athena cannot kill him. Typhon gets a new body after sufficient sacrifices. Athena cancels out Typhon's attack. Typhon mentions he's still not at full power.

Epilogue: t's been over ten days that Typhoon has been eclipsed ... and the eruption of Etna was so powerful that the mountain was squashed! We could only escape it thanks to Athena.

Chapter 2

Prologue - Typhon's body is frail and hasn't recovered his true power.

1.1 - Typhon's Will can possess/mind control people by making people follow his orders out of terror. Giants stopped the time of their bodies.

1.7 - Full Power Typhon > Athena and Saints. Zeus fled from Typhon.

2.2- Athena’s blood in Bronze Cloths protects Saint from the Phlegra barrier that steals Cosmos and life force

2.7 - Ladon was compared to a supernova.

3.2 - Orthros roared and propelled his body by violently striking the ground with his foot, which sank into it leaving a deep trace. The Giant fired like a cannonball, easily breaking a rock pillar 5 meters in diameter during his rush. Such power surpassed even that of trained Saints of Athena.

On canoncity of novel:

Episode Zero

1 - Aiolos was on the same level as Saga.

2 - Aiolos paralyzes Aphrodite's shadow with an arrow, but Shura resists it and severes the arrow. Shura mentions Aiolos can one-shot him despite being weakened by Aphordite' roses and Shura's Excalibur.

3 - Aiolos is trapped in Gemini's Labyrinth and would have been defeated by Another Dimension if Saga hadn't cancelled it.

Start the Conversation

Dragon Ball Notes

1 - Goku tanks a bullet. Body as strong as steel.

4 - Goku tanks more bullets to the back

5 - Head harder than a metal axe

8- Yamcha beats up Goku with wolf fang fist, breaks stone. But then a depowered Goku beats up Yamcha lol.

11-Yamcha dodges Chichi’s laser

14- Roshi obliterated Mount Frypan

17-Rabbit Boss/Carrot Master turned Bula into a carrot by touch. Power Pole stretches to the moon in minutes/hours and Goku left the rabbit gang there

-21st Budokai arc-

27-Goku,Roshi, Krillin tanks bullets again

28 - Krillin can run 10 m/s. Base Roshi can run almost twice as fast.

39 - Goku throws a dinosaur into the air

47 - Goku cancels out Base Roshi’s Kamehameha.

51 - Full Power Kamehameha blows up moon within 30 seconds and drains Roshi

-Red Ribbon Army arc-

55- Goku dodges bullets

62 - Goku deflects a bullet

65 - Goku tanks bullets

70 - Goku dodges some kind of bullets

73 - Base Roshi casually catches bullets from a submachine gun until it runs out of ammo

77 - Said that Goku became much more powerful in the Red Ribbon arc than in Budokai arc

85 - Tao Pai Pai kills general blue with his tongue lol. Tao pai Pai throws a pillar 2300 km away and he said he’d be back in 30 minutes. Tao actually outspeeds the pillar he threw as he landed on it after he threw it. In the next page, Tao can already see Karin Tower.

86 - Tao can already see Goku at the start of next chapter. Travel time was probably much less than 15 minutes. Tao blitzes Goku

87 - Goku climbs Karin Tower which took about one day

88 - Karin is stronger than kid goku

89 - Karin Tower stretches all the way to the highest clouds. Goku went down and back up in 3 hours. Karin says Goku has far surpassed Roshi.

90 - After 3 days of training, Goku has completely surpassed Tao who took him out in 3 seconds.

92 - We see Goku adapting to Tao’s strength

96 - Goku dodges Commander Black’s lasers. He also kicks away a missile, which was strong enough to blow up the top of a mountain. Goku blows through Black’s mecha suit.

97 - Roshi thinks Goku has surpassed him. Roshi doubts that he has the stamina to take out the whole RR army.

107 - Son Gohan is about as strong as post-karin Goku

110 - Goku catches a missile and throws it back

-Tien/22nd Budokai arc-

113 - Goku swims all the way from the opposite pole of the Earth (stamina)

124 - Tien uses Solar Flare on Roshi

126 - Roshi says Krillin is just approaching the superhuman level.

127- Goku disappears from everyone’s eyes, moving too fast to be seen (blitz trope).

128 - Tien tags a Goku who was too fast for him to track

129- Goku performs his alleged FTL feat. Since Goku can move so fast that Tien cannot see him, it’s possible that he snatched the glasses before Tien even used Solar Flare. Or it could be that the light was still emanating right after Tien using it, so he couldn’t see Goku clearly. Either way, Goku blitzed everyone in the tournament.

132 - Kikoho >> Kamehameha.

133 - Tien uses ki concentration. His attack blows up the whole arena ring and its foundation.

-King Piccolo Arc begins-

135- using Mafuba on King Piccolo was so strong that it killed Roshi’s master

138 - Yajirobe throws a boulder at Goku.

144 - King Piccolo stomps Goku completely

146 - Base Roshi almost seals King Piccolo, but misses.

150- Piccolo destroys a few city blocks, but fodders observed that the “city disappeared”. Piccolo claims that he can destroy the whole world.

151 - Water of the Gods can unlock the hidden potential deep within one’s self, but if you already reached your limit, then it won’t do much. This also shows that potential gets retconned all the time.

152 - Piccolo says that he wiped out an entire city with a casual wave of his hand

156- Goku tanks a ki blast from Piccolo

158 - Piccolo appears to concentrate his ki

159- Piccolo’s full-power blast erases a whole city. Tien was able to get Goku and fly into the air before the blast hit, saving him. Goku can hurt Piccolo who was concentrating his remaining ki. Goku survives Piccolo’s last ki blast (<city level).

Though it’s true Roshi never fought Piccolo in his buffed form, he knew he was shit to Piccolo w/o Mafuba (which failed anyway).

161- Tien says that Piccolo destroyed a town.

163 - Mr. Popo casually stomps Goku. Popo > Piccolo

164 - Popo says “move faster than lightning”. To keep track of high-speed movement, you have to perceive with eyes & sense ki. Feel the slightest movements in the air. Kami beats Goku with a finger-flick. He is >>> Popo.

-Piccolo Jr./23rd Budokai Arc-

165 - Goku trains for 3 years on Kami’s Lookout. Roshi admits he’s far inferior to Goku.

170 - Tien >> Tao

177 - Tien > King Piccolo.Goku was training with weights on (250 lbs.Krillin thought it was a ton)

178 - Goku’s advantage is in his stamina/endurance. Invisibility doesn’t work on Z-fighters.

180- Piccolo levels huge amount of water

181 - Piccolo uses Reverse mafuba

184- Piccolo fires a ki blast at Goku which blows up part of a mountain range in the far distance

187 - Despite using up a lot of ki, Goku’s stamina and physical stats are unaffected. Announcer says Piccolo is as big as a mountain (hyperbole).

189 - The stronger Goku’s opponent is, the more he grows.

190 - Piccolo’s Super Explosive Wave nuked the island. Goku withstood it at close-range.

192 or 193 - Goku outran piccolo’s ki blast

-Saiyan Saga- 5 year timeskip

195 - Raditz catches a bullet from farmer w/shotgun. Piccolo has PL of 322, which is far lower than Radditz’s. Raditz tanked a point blank ki blast from him. Raditz’s PL > Goku’s > Piccolo’s.

197 - Raditz one-shots Goku

199 - Gohan’s PL = 710. Goku’s PL = 334. Physical restraints have an effect on power level. When Piccolo removed his weights, his PL jumped to 408. Goku went up to 416. Raditz blitzes both Piccolo and Goku

200-Radditz mandles Piccolo & Goku simultaneously. Raditz fires two mountain-busting ki blasts which both of them dodge

201-Goku’s PL jumped to 924 when focusing Kamehameha. Stated he can concentrate ki to one point. Piccolo’s PL > 1330. Raditz was able to cancel it out. Goku tanks a ki blast from Raditz. Z-fighters can manipulate ki at will.

202 - Raditz barely dodges SBC which carved out a mountain and is extremely fast.

203 - Gohan’s PL > 1307. Broke out of spacepod which can tank atmospheric re-entry and FTL speeds. Ki levels fluctuate with emotional state.

204 - Saiyans will arrive in 1 year from another planet/star system

205 - King Enma’s place is in Other World, where all the souls line up. Enma overpowered Raditz. King Kai > Enma. Snake Way = 1 million km.

206- Gohan destroyed a whole hill.

207 - The souls of those killed by a demon clansman do not cross over, they are trapped drifting between heaven and earth.208-Gohan razes mountains in the far distance., Piccolo vaporizes the moon

209-Roshi and Krillin injured by bullets when asleep. Base Roshi’s PL = 139, Krillin’s PL = 206. Tien’s PL = 250, yamcha’s PL = 177.

211- Took Goku about 6 months to run Snake’s Way. 158 days of training with King Kai = thousands of years of training on Earth. The human Z- team > Kami.

212- Spirit Bomb can draw even from the energy of the Sun. It can destroy Earth. Shenron cannot grant wishes beyond Kami’s power (like kill the Saiyans). It’ll take Goku 1-2 days to cross Snake Way, 90-180x faster than pre-training. Saiyans arrived morning after Goku left Snake’s Way at 11:33 AM.

213 - Nappa’s nuke could be seen from space and by Tien from miles away. Nappa vaporized the whole city at the very least. Z-team’s PLs > 1000. 12:20 PM, Saiyans meet Earthlings.

214 - Krillins’ PL = 981, Gohan’s PL = 1083, Piccolo’s PL = 1220. Tien > Saibaman

215 - Saibamen = Radditz = PL of >1200. Vegeta blew Saibaman up with 2 fingers. Gohan could see movements his eyes couldn’t by sensing ki. Yamcha beated Saibaman.

216 - Krillin killed 3 Saibaman. Piccolo one-shotted one of them. Krillin slightly burned Vegeta and Nappa. Nappa while charging up shook the whole Earth and overrode Chaotzu’s telekinesis

217 - Nappa tanked Chaotzu’s suicide, mutilated Tien, and two fingers made a very deep trench.

218- Tien’s Kikoho hurt Nappa. Nappa dodged Piccolo’s ki blast

219 - 3 hours later (Goku arrives)

221 - Krillin’s Kienzan cuts down a hill and dodges nappa’s ki blast

222-Goku will arrive in 4 minutes. His PL > 5000

223 - Angry Gohan’s PL > 2800. Nappa is way above that.

225 - Goku’s PL > 8000. Blitzes Nappa and his ki-ai > Nappa’s ki blast.

226 - Goku’s kamehameha overpowered Nappa’s strongest attack. Goku’s Kaioken multiplies power and speed and he 1-shotted Nappa

227 - By controlling all the ki in body, strength, speed, durability, and ki power multiples several times over (ki concentration).

229-Serious Vegeta shook the entire Earth

230-Kaioken x3 triples power level, it broke Bulma’s scouter

231- Vegeta says he will blow up the planet.

232 - Vegeta creates an artificial moon. Oozaru = 10x powerup

243-It’d take 4339 years to get to Earth using Earth technology

-Namek Saga-

245 - Kami’s spaceship can get to namek in 1 month (34 days)

248- Krillin and Gohan’s PLs were around 1500

249-Vegeta’s PL is > 24000. Originally it was 18,000 at the very best. Vegeta states that there is a direct relationship between power level and speed. Vegeta blows up Cui with 2 fingers.

251 - 100x gravity. The spaceship can fly to namek from earth in 6 days.

257 - Vegeta speedblitzes Dordoria. After each battle, a Saiyan grows stronger the stronger his opponent is. Vegeta one-shots Dordoria.

262-Zarbon destroys mountains/islands. Vegeta > Base Zarbon > Dordoria

263- Monster Zarbon stomps Vegeta (physical strength feat)

264- There’s no darkness in Namek because it has 3 suns

265-Piccolo is a prodigy of the dragon clan

269-Vegeta says he will blow Earth up into pieces

271 - Ginyu Force =/> Vegeta. Gohan’s potential unlocked

272- Ginyu Force arrives after 5 days

273-Burter stated to be the fastest in the universe. Guido can stop time for an instant.

274 - Guido paralyzes Gohan and Krillin with telekinesis. Both have PL’s over 10,000.

275-Vegeta’s PL ~ 30000. His ki blast dwarfs Namek’s islands.

277-Krillin sneak attacks Recoome, and Gohan outruns his ki blast. Eraser Gun dwarfs Namek’s islands. Recoome one-shot Krillins with a kick and blows away Gohan’s ki blast.

280- Recoome Mach Attack. Goku speedblitzes the Ginyu Force and one-shots Recoome

281- Jeice and Burter have same ki level as recoome. Goku suppresses his power level but raises it for an instant when he attacks that not even the scouter can track it.283- Frieza can blow up Earth. Goku's PL is around 60,000 and Ginyu is higher than that284-Ginyu's strength is above Goku's, but his speed is slower. kaioken x2 doubles Goku's power level285 - Base Goku's max PL should be 90,000. Ginyu's top PL is 120,000286- Nail's Pl is 42,000. Base Frieza's max PL is 530,000287-Vegeta stomped Jeice and Ginyu. Krillina nd Gohan could fight against 23,000 PL Ginyu.295-namekian fusion w/Nail increases your power several times over

296-Second form Frieza’s PL = 1000000

299-Krillin cuts off 2nd form Frieza’s tail

300 - Piccolo ~ 2nd Form Frieza at full power

304-It’s said Frieza can blow up planet namek. Frieza’s death beams blitzed Vegeta and Piccolo

306-Vegeta fires a full power blast that would blow the whole planet away, Frieza kicks it away.

307-Goku performs his alleged “Cross half of namek in seconds FTL” feat. Goku deflects Frieza’s death beams

309-Goku kicks Frieza through an island

310- Piccolo says Frieza could blow up the whole planet if he wanted to. Goku outruns the explosion of Frieza’s Imprisonment Ball.

312 - “Their powers are far beyond our comprehension”. Directly stated Kaioken x10 multiplies by power by a factor of 10. KKx10 Goku still gets stomped by 50% Frieza.

313-Frieza reiterates that he can blow up Namek after cutting the whole planet. KKx20 can somewhat match 50% Frieza.

314-Spirit Bomb might crush the whole planet

315-Goku’s drawing ki from other planets (FTL speed).

316- Spirit Bomb explosion can be seen from space. It’s clear namek is a large planet. Frieza survives Spirit Bomb

318-SSJ1 Goku overwhelms Frieza and tanks all of his ki blasts.

320-Frieza tries to blow up namek, the flash of which envelops the whole planet. But he holds back too much power because he was afraid of getting caught in planet’s explosion. Instead of instantly blowing it up, Frieza destroyed its core which will trigger namek’s destruction in 5 minutes.

325-Full Power Frieza is a little stronger than Goku, but it drains stamina quickly.

329- 1 year timeskip. King Cold and Mecha Frieza can one-shot Earth.

-Android Saga-

330-Frieza can blow up Earth. Mecha Frieza got more powerful. King Cold isn’t much weaker than 50% Frieza.

334-Goku tanks/stops Trunks’ sword strikes that cut Frieza

336-IT requires you to visualize a person and sense out their ki. Goku survived by going into one of Ginyu’s space pods.

337- 3 years timeskip. Vegeta trains in 300g

339-Z fighters dodge Gero’s eye lasers which blew up half of the island

341- Goku completely outclasses 19 even when not at full stamina. He outspeeds him and wounds him with every hit, while 19 can’t even land a single blow.

343-Vegeta confirms Androids are nowhere the threat they were made out to be. Vegeta demolishes 19.

346-Piccolo > Android Gero even after absorbing Vegeta and Piccolo’s ki. This is because Z-fighters can amplify their ki into huge bursts (ki control basically).

350-Trunks fires a ki blast that blows up Gero’s lab. 18 rips out 16’s pod and dodges out before she gets hit by it

352 - If Vegeta were to let loose, Earth would be destroyed (implied ki control)

353 - At their full power, 18 is stronger than Vegeta or they are about equal. 18 tanks Vegeta’s ki blast. Vegeta loses stamina with every move

354-18 tanks Trunks’s sword strike.

355- Androids in past timeline are much stronger than Androids in future timeline

364- Even after absorbing 15,000 people and taking some of Piccolo’s Ki, kami Piccolo is still far stronger than Cell (who killed Trunks). Piccolo > Vegeta

367-Piccolo’s Hellzone Grenade blew up the island. 17 tanked it with forcefield

368 - Piccolo and 17 are equals

369-cell’s objective is the destruction of the whole universe

370-after absorbing 10000s of lives, Cell is far stronger than 17 and Piccolo. 16 and Cell are equals.

373 - 17 is a speedster. A punch to the face from 16 barely made Cell budge. Cell took out 16 with one ki blast. Tien’s Kikoho singed Cell’s head and kept on pushing him back.

376 - Cell vaporizes an island

377 - ROSAT as big as Earth. Ascended/Beyond Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2nd Grade, SSJ1 Stage 2, Super Saiyan Grade 2, ASSJ

383 - Cell speedblitzes Vegeta 384 - Ki concentration. Final Flash was going to blow up Earth and obliterated 1/3 of Cell's body. But Vegeta narrowed the beam width. 385- Cell tanks all of Vegeta's ki blasts and beat him in 3 blows.387 - Super Saiyan 3rd Grade's (USSJ) surpasses non-serious Cell in ki/strength, but he's far slower in speed.393 - Cell tanks the whole military's missiles and bullets. Wipes them out with a handwave. Goku can teleport to Other World396.5 - Future Gohan weaker than Goku when he met Trunks. Androids can city bust. 399 - Goku reacts to a non-serious Kamehameha that went into outer space in just a few seconds. It would have destroyed Earth400 - Semi-Serious Cell is a little stronger than FPSSJ Goku

401 - Goku's Kamehameha would have destroyed the whole Earth

405 - Cell is still stronger than Gohan when fighting somewhat seriously.

407 - Cell Jrs. are on same level as post-rosat ASSJ Trunks and Vegeta

408 - Gohan one-shots the cell juniors

409- Full Power Cell shook the whole planet. Gohan is still much stronger than him.

410- Cell goes to destroy Earth. Gohan overpowered his blast which flew into outer space

411- Buffed Cell still weaker than Gohan

412 - cell’s self-destruction would have destroyed the whole Earth

414 - Cell crippled Gohan's arm with a ki blast that was probably not even at full power when Gohan tried to save vegeta415 - Cell has enough to to bust Solar System. He blows to destroy Earth, whole planet shaking violently. Losing his arm made Gohan lose half of his ki.416 - Gohan was holding back because he did not want to destroy the planet. It's implied he still has enough ki to match Solar Kamehameha even after losing half of his ki. Gohan let out all his power when Cell was distracted by Vegeta.

Buu Saga

421 - SSJ Gohan casually catches bullets from a submachine gun427-Base Gohan nearly hit rusty SSJ1 Gohan. SSJ Gohan can spar competititvely with rusty Gohan428 - 10/40 tons too much for base Goku

431 - It was hard for 18 to hold back her strength

439- Yamcha calls Krillin the strongest human. Piccolo admits that Shin Kai is much stronger than him (meaning Shin is easily SSJ1 level).

444- Gohan is far weaker than when he fought Cell.Shin Kai was able to catch Gohan off guard and immobilize him for a few seconds.

445 - Majin Buu destroyed several hundred planets in a few years. Vegeta thinks that saiyans can do that as well. Each Kaioshin can one-shot Frieza, but all 4 were killed by Buu.447 - Shin Kai considers Dabura to be strong. Babidi uses mind control magic to manipulate the evil in people's hearts and use that emotion to control them. 448 - Dabura is probably stronger than base Saiyans and Piccolo. His saliva petrified Krillin and Piccolo. 449- Shin was surprised at how powerful base Saiyans truly are.450 - Vegeta says Dabura isn't as strong as Shin hyped him out to be. Goku says Dabura would have been a strong opponent 7+ years ago (so easily SSJ1 tier) and full power Dabura should probably be at about the same level as Cell. Shin says it was hard for him to paralyze Gohan and he might not have been using his full power. Goku can fight in the dark by feeling air currents.451 - Super Saiyan ki = light energy. Vegeta thinks to himself that Goku has surpassed SSJ1 too.452 - Vegeta says him and Goku are stronger than Gohan now that he slacked off training. Gohan used to be fierce when he got mad. Shin says that he has been surpassed by the Saiyans (in their Super Saiyan states). 453 - SSJ1 Trunks + Goten is about same level as 18. 455 - Goku says Dabura was a lot stronger than he thought he'd be. Vegeta says they can beat Dabura. Gohan was stronger 7 years ago. Dabura is stronger than SSJ1 Gohan, but not by much. 456 - babidi controlled vegeta's mind and released his hidden powers to overcome his limits (potential unleashed). Base Goku dodged/withstood Majin Vegeta's ki blast.457 - SSJ1 Goku is far stronger than Shin. Vegeta can resist Babidi's mind control.458 - Vegeta says SSJ2 Goku > SSJ2 Kid Gohan and it's implied that Vegeta isn't far off. 459 - Goku says Majin Vegeta is as strong as he is. But pre-majin, Goku was far stronger.

461 - Non-serious Buu probably around SPC level. Vegeta claims that's below them. Buu took out Dabura in two hits.462 - Shin can push Buu's head back and survive hits from Buu. 463 - Dabura pierces through Buu with his spear via sneak attack. 464-Buu turns Dabura into a cookie. Piccolo can regenerate in seconds if his brain isn't damaged. 465 - Piccolo says Vegeta => SSJ2 Kid Gohan. Vegeta was beating up Buu but then he unleashed his full power and Vegeta was severely injured.466 - Trunks kicks Buu away via sneak attack468 - Final Explosion blew Buu up into pieces but he regenerated from them.469 - Goku says he doesn't stand a chance against Buu, because Vegeta and him are almost equals in terms of power.Fusion Dance requires same size and strength. Way stronger than sum of parts.

470- Buu transmuted a whole city's worth of people into candy471-BUu destroyed a whole city with his breath. No Kaisohin has been able to budge the Z-sword.472 - SSJ1 Gohan pulled out the Z-sword and can lift it in base. The Z-sword is the most powerful sword in U7. Kibito could not even lift it. Goku repeatedly says that he cannot beat Buu.473 - Trunks says SSJ2 Goku ~ SSJ2 Vegeta474 - Charging up SSJ3 shook the whole planet. Its ki can even be felt from the Other World.475 - SSJ3 Goku is physically stronger than Buu, but the latter's regen + adaptability makes it a struggle. Questionable if Goku used the full power of SSJ3 (probably not because of time constraints). Goku's attack erased 1/10 of the planet. Fat Buu is right below SSJ3 Goku's power. 476 - Using SSJ3 in space-time makes you consume much more energy. When asked if full power SSJ3 could have beaten Buu, Goku says that Buu may be too strong. Goku says that he did not use his full power because he wants to let the young ones protect the Earth. Gohan can wield the Z-sword easily after a few days.478 - Base Goku can wield the Z-sword479 - Katchin is the hardest metal in U7 and it broke the Z-sword. Training with the Z-sword restored Gohan to his peak fom. Elder Kai can draw out the hidden abilities far beyond one's limits.

482 - Gotenks circles around the Earth 4-5 times or "a few dozen times" and took a nap in less than 29 minutes. 485 - Evil Buu's ki blast dwarfed a mountain range. Evil Buu >> Good Buu. Evil Buu blew Good Buu's candy beam back at him which turned him into chocolate. Became Super Buu.486 - Human bullets can riddle Super Buu's whole body.488- Super Buu is much more powerful than Fat Buu489 - Base Gotenks is still weaker than a [non-serious] Buu

492 - Physically [serious] Buu is stronger than SSJ1 Gotenks, but his ghosts can deal huge damage to Buu.

493 - Buu regenerates from vapor. Buu's ki shout opened a hole between dimensions. RoSaT = Time Dimension. 494 - SSJ3 Gotenks ripped a hole in the dimensional barrier by shouting.495 - Gotenks trapped Buu inside his ki ball and slammed him all the way down to Earth where he created a huge meteor.496- Piccolo says Buu's ki blast would have destroyed the whole Earth. At their full power, Gotenks is a little stronger than Super buu. 498 - Ultimate Gohan is much faster and stronger than Super Buu.

499-Gohan says Buu would have destroyed the whole Earth if he were to truly blow up.

501 - Buutenks is much stronger than Gohan.502 - Buutenks smacks Gohan's ki blast through the planet and came out the other side. Potara > Dance. Tien blots out Buutenks' ki blast. Buutenks tries to destroy the planet.503 - base Goku cuts Buutenks in half from behind (sneak attack) with destructo disk.

505 - SSJ1 Vegito dominates Buuhan

506 - Candy Vegito > Buuhan. Vegito generated a forcefield to resist absorption507 - Goku says Super Buu is still stronger than both Vegeta and Goku.509 - Kid Buu tried to blow up Earth with a ki blast, but Vegeta intercepted it. Buu vaporizes Earth.510 - Buu senses their ki and teleports to Other World. Goku says he could have beaten Fat Buu with full-power SSJ3, but he did not because he wanted to give the experience to the new generation.

511 - SSJ3 Goku is fighting on par (if not better) than Kid Buu. Vegeta acknowledges Kid Buu is above his level. Goku says Kid Buu's ki never drops no matter how much he obliterates him. Goku says he has to charge his ki for a whole minute to generate enough power to completely obliterate Buu.512 - Kid Buu dominates SSJ2. Goku has been charging his ki for over a minute, and it still wasn't enough. Hercules seemingly reacted to Kid buu. 513 - Goku says he charged his ki almost to full power, but then suddenly lost ki. Kid Buu spits out Good Buu. Good Buu can fight competitively against Kid Buu, but Good Buu admits that he is clearly weaker.514 - Goku reveals that charging up to his full power put too much stress on his living body and he couldn't take it, whereas his dead body was comfortable with the strain. This means that this would have worked if Goku was fully fresh, in his dead body, or had mastered using SSJ3. Kid Buu outclasses Good Buu.

*Dragon Ball Super*

*Battle of Gods*

1 - SSJ Goku continues to do image training against Frieza, Cell, and Kid Buu. Beerus blows up a planet.

2-Whis flies an unknown distance (probably galactic light years) to King Kai's planet. Champa and Vados were far off in the distant universe. SSJ3 Goku punches a huge hole through the planet. Beerus beats Goku with a finger-flick and a chop to the back of the neck.3 - Vados and Champa fly from somewhere in the universe to the Other World in like 5 seconds

4 - Shockwaves resonate throughout whole universe, but doesn’t say how many punches it’d take to destroy it. Goku destroys Beerus’s Sphere of Destruction with Kamehameha.

*Rebirth of F*

1 - Frieza can still survive even if he's chopped up into pieces. Very high vitality.2 - Implied that base Goku = SSG Goku. Goku lowers his guard to the point that he doesn't reinforce himself with ki. Vegeta and Goku dodge a ki blast from Beerus at close range. Beerus destroyed 2 suns. 3- Frieza can fight competitively with base Goku*U6 Arc*

5 - Base Goku tanks a hit from SSB Vegeta. Whis says it’s been 1000+ years since Vados trained [with?] him.

6 - Long ago, Champa fought Beerus. Champa made a planet explode with one kick and one punch. FTL speed feat. All Beerus did was run away from him, he never tried to attack. Champa tries to destroy the whole universe, but Vados and Whis took their respective GoDs with a chop to the head. 7 - Goku and Vegeta train for 3 years in HTC. Going from Earth to Beerus's planet took 35 minutes.

8 - Base Goku > Botamo9- Apparently Botamo has the power to nullify damage. Base Frost ~ Base Goku. 3rd form Frost > Base Goku.

10 - Stat-wise, SSJ1 Goku is far stronger than FF Frost. Piccolo had hold his own against a weakened Frost. 11 - ssJ1 vegeta stomps a weakened Frost while holding back. It's implied there are at least 66950 galaxies in U6. Magetta weighs over 1000 tons, which SSJ1 Vegeta cannot lift. Magetta is stronger than SSJ1 Vegeta, but he was outsmarted. 12 - Base Cabba can give a challenge to Base Vegeta, but the latter is still stronger than the former. SSJ cabba should still be weaker than SSJ Vegeta. Hit casually beats SSB Vegeta with one hand in his pocket. Jaco says Hit must be moving beyond superhuman speed. This is because of timeskip. Jaco says Hit can stop time for .1 second. Goku avoids transforming into SSB because it burns a lot of stamina. Hit is 1000+ years old. 13 - base Goku scratched Hit. Hit fights on par with SSJ1 Goku. Goku is forced to predict and react to dozens of attacks at incredibly high speed. SSG Goku is so strong that Hit can't stop his time for as long. THis is because time manipulation becomes less effective the more powerful your opponent. SSG Goku >> Hit. Vegeta could not even use 1/10 of Blue's power because Blue's power cannot be maintained consecutively (it rapidly decreases in power with time). SSG Goku > exhausted SSB Vegeta. Hit charges up to full power, which he says he can only use for 1 minute at most and he can only use timeskip once. Goku turned Blue right before Hit stopped time, allowing him to shorten its duration. His Kamehameha tore through the protective dome and went all the way into space from the planet they were fighting on. Hit was able to dodge it. Beerus says Zeno has the power to erase an entire universe on a whim.14 - Whis says Zeno can erase all of the existence and destroyed 6 universes.

*Zamasu arc*

15 - Base Black >> SSJ2 Trunks. SSJ2 Trunks =/> SSJ2 Goku. Trunks is slightly stronger, Goku can still tank his sword slashes. Goku says Trunks's stronger than SSJ2 Kid Gohan. Trunks got this strong by training for 10 years daily. Trunks can charge up his SSJ2 almost to the same level as SSJ3 Goku. Goku blitzed and one-shotted Trunks with SSG. 16 - Trunks trains with Z-sword. SSJ1 Trunks can fight roughly on par with Dabura. Dabura says SSJ2 Trunks isn't a real threat to him, yet he's getting overwhelmed anyway. Supreme Kai paralyzed Dabura which gave Trunks the chance to kill him (which took all his power). We get a panel of the whole universe 10. 17 - There are at least 5 histories in Dragon Ball. Whis says going from Earth to Zeno's palace would take 2 days, but Shin can instantly teleport there with IT. 18 - Whis and Beerus go to Gowasu's place19 - SSJ2 Vegeta is stronger than SSJ2 Black (who became stronger after Trunks went back into the past). Vegeta admits Black >> Trunks. Black's body is after Goku had fought in the U6 tournament. Beerus turns Zamasu into dust. Vegeta's FInal Flash goes into space in seconds.

20 - Black’s Zenkai kicked in and he surpassed an exhausted Blue Vegeta. After eating a senzu, Blue Vegeta fought on par with Black before he was eventually overpowered. Trunks says vegeta and goku can’t power up from zenkai’s anymore because their bodies are at their absolute limit. Zamasu isn’t on the same level as Black, but he can still react to Blue Goku. Zamasu can paralyze SSJ1 Goku with telekinesis. SSR Black beats up Blue Vegeta. SSJ2 Trunks catches Zamasu and SSR Black off guard.

21 - Mafuba's potency depends on user's stamina/endurance.

22- SSG Vegeta seemingly overpowers Black, but he turns Blue the instant he attacks. Blue provides a huge burst of power that cannot be maintained consecutively, while SSG can. Zamasu catches SSG Vegeta off guard and knocks him aside. Goku turns Blue to seal Zamasu, which used up a lot of stamina. Hence he turns SSG against Zamasu and speedblitzes Zamasu several times. Goku says that even Trunks is stronger than Zamasu.

23 - Fused Zamasu speedblitzed and one-shotted SSG Vegeta/Goku out of their forms. Vegeta turns Blue but is casually blitzed and defeated by Zamasu. A weakened Blue Goku is also easily defeated. Zamasu can move people's body telekinetically. Goku caught Zamasu off guard with a point-blank Kamehameha which blew a huge hole in his chest. Zamasu force-chokes the saiyans. Vegeta and Goku survives Zamasu's explosion in their base forms. They also dodge Zamasu's ki blasts and can tank them. Zamasu toys with Goku by throwing cubes of katchin steel at him which hurt Blue Goku more than ki blasts did to base Goku. Base Vegito catches Zamasu off guard with a massive ki blast that destroys his ki ball and right arm. The ki blast went into space. Vegito eats a senzu bean and powers up to Blue. Vegito blitzes Zamasu and clearly dominates him. He overpowers him with every hit and casually slices his arms off. Shin thinks Vegito surpassed Beerus. Charging up Final Kamehameha made vegito defuse.

24 - Zamasu can open up a hole through space to land attacks. Zamasu kicks Goku around like a soccer ball. Trunks heals Goku completely, but it drained almost all his ki. FPSSB Blue Goku fights on par with Zamasu. Condensing all of Blue's power within himself requires insane control from Goku, and can't be maintained for long.

25 - Goku condensed all of his ki into his fist to release all of Blue's power through it. Zamasu releases his ki and says he's done with the planet and universe and he'll destroy the whole galaxy. Goku uses Hakai, and half of Zamasu's body was destroyed before he distracted Goku with Mai. Zamasu repelled SSJ2 Trunks with a glare of his eye. Zamasu starts defusing but they resisted it. However, right before they became one again, SSJ2 Trunks split them own the middle where they were most vulnerable. Fused Zamasu crushes Trunks's sword. Even though they apparently defused, it looks like Fumsed Zamasu was able to imprint his power into clones. Each clone is as strong as the original. Vegeta rages into Blue and uses Gamma Burst Flash to blow up 2 Fused Zamasu's, which reached outer space. The attack took up all of his ki.

26 - Zamasu plans to destroy all the parallel worlds. Although time ring can't go to past, Zamasu has a time machine from Universe 12. Zeno erases the whole timeline and 100 Zamasu's.

*ToP Arc*

27 - Base Vegeta can read Whis's movements. A non-serious Beerus is still stronger than a normal Super Saiyan Blue. A Mastered Super Saiyan Blue is slightly stronger than Beerus who is playing around. Beerus goes serious and one-shots Vegeta. Thinking about movements before acting limits one's speed. Whis flies from Beerus's planet to Earth in 1 hour. 28 - Belmoud Hakai's one of his bitches. Champa said he hasn't been doing any battle training for decades. Quitela beat Beerus in an arm wrestling match. Beerus uses UI to dodge all of the GoDs attacks, but he is caught by Mosco. However he breaks out of Mosco's grip and dodges 3 GoDs at the last second, and kicked Champa in the air so fast that no one noticed he was using him as a decoy. Beerus throws a ki blast at the distracted GoDs. Sidra erects a barrier that tanks it and saves 4 other GoDs from being seriously injured. Belmoud kicks Sidra out once he lowered his guard.

29 - Belmoud traps all the Gods in barroers and starts blasting them. Liquir breaks out of it and fires back, which Belmoud tanks. Liquir gets caught off guard by Heles, but he reacts to her arrow at the last second. Rumsshi paralyzes everyone except for Angels and Zeno. Champa lands a blow on Sidra, while Mosco is handling Heles and Liquir. Quitela knocks down Iwne while Beerus knocks down Rumsshi. Beerus and Quitela are left standing but GP intercepted them. Belmoud played dead and is completely fine. Non-serious base toppo > SSj1 GokuSerious base Toppo > SSJ3 Goku (blitzed him)Godki Toppo = SSG Goku (Iwne said the fight was on the level of gods)Full Power godki Toppo ~ SSB Goku (Goku uses mastered SSB against Toppo thinking he can easily end the fight. Toppo dodges it which shocks Goku and that concentration lapse allowed Toppo to kick him out of the ring. Toppo said that Goku lowered his guard and if he hadn't counter, Goku might have won.) Jiren > Belmoud

30 - Beerus says Goku cannot beat Toppo, but Whis corrects him by saying Saiyans become stronger in a crisis. Jiren is on a planet faraway but then he appears and seals the target. Dyspo noted that Jiren got here pretty fast. Jiren is much faster than a spaceship. 31 - 17 casually deflects machine guns. 17 overwhelmed SSJ2 Goku which made Goku acknowledge his strength. Goku turned SSJ3 and 17 gradually landed a blow on him. Piccolo will train Gohan back into shape in 1 day. 32 - Base Kale seems to have blitzed SSJ Cabba. Goku says he wasn't using his full strength against Toppo. Vegeta syas kid Trunks is as good as future trunks that foughtn 17. Beerus says he will destroy Frieza's body and soul.

33 - Looks like all the pride troopers except top 3 are weaker than SSJ1 Goku.

34 - FF Frost seems to be fighting with Tien and Base Roshi, but he's probably holding back. Base Gohan fights off the Trio de Dangers simultaneously.Frost tanks Kikoho unscathed. Frost takes out most of U9. Piccolo handles Bergamo.

35 - SSJ1 Goku fights Toppo and Dyspo simultaneously. Dyspo becomes too fast for Goku and Toppo wears him down. Goku turns Blue and overpowers them to fight Jiren. Jiren overpowers Goku with just a wave of his hand. Jiren casually blocks Goku's attacks without budging or looking at him. A kamehameha to the back didn't even affect him. Hit kicks Jiren in the face while he was off guard.

Hit's time-skip worked on Jiren as well as it did on Goku. Hit became much stronger and can fight against Jiren who's still casually handling him. Goku and Hit team up against Jiren who's still casually handling them simultaneously.

Hit charges up to full power which makes Jiren attack. Hit uses Time Lag which slows down anyone within a few meters of him. He can only use this once. Hit pushes a time-lagged Jiren back with every hit. However, Jiren has been holding back. This means he was intentionally letting Hit overpower him and/or he powered up that he returned to his normal level. Serious jiren knocked Hit off with one punch.

36 - Vegeta casually swats Dyspo aside and knocks down Toppo but with high-diff. Botamo tanks 17's attacks. Piccolo can sense out invisible people.

37 - SSJ Caulifla breaks through Katchin and seemingly blitzes Frieza. But Frieza seemingly blitzes her back and confirms Caulifla >> Namek Goku. Caulifla dodges a punch from Golden Frieza and takes attacks from Frieza. Caulifla is able to knock back a distracted Frieza. Base Kale is able to blitz Golden Frieza from behind. Base Kale > SSJ Caulifla. SSJ Kale blitzes Frieza and stomps him. MSSB Goku > Kale > Frieza, but then kale increased her strength to surpass Goku's (who most likely lowered his guard). Frieza also says he wasn't serious.

38 - Kale nearly knocks out Vegeta and Toppo with one hit. Cocotte burns Kale's back a little. Kale's attacks are linear and telegraphable. U11 adapted themselves to her attack patterns. Kale drops in power after hitting her limit. Kefla >> Full Power Kale. Kefla punches Dyspo in the face. Gohan swats away Kelfa's ki blast.

39 - Gohan realized all his potential during the tournament and can fight on par with Kefla. Vegeta beat down Full Power Toppo. Kefla admits inferiority to Gohan despite being fused. SSBKK Goku can tag and hurt Jiren albeit not significantly. Roshi dodges several of Jiren's punches but is grazed by a couple which injures him.

42- Gicchin was killed by demons that can't be revived by angels' power. Base Goku and Vegeta's full-power attacks was the biggest ki attack produced in the whole tournament. 17 survived his ki explosion. 17 confimed to be about as strong as Vegeta and Goku.

Vegeta said it'd take him 5 seconds to fly to herculopolis (in base).

Galactic patroller speeds behind Goku and knocks him out with stun gun. Same for VEgeta.

43 - Fat Kai dodges comets. He stops one comet with telekinesis. Moro absorbs planet's life energy. He killed 320 planets. Fat Kai seals away moro's magic. Moro is 10-million years old.

44- -Moro uses TK against SSJ Vegeta and is faster than him. SSG Vegeta dodges his TK.

45 - SSG Vegeta is hurt by Planet Namek's life energy. Moro can react to SSB Vegeta and takes a kick. Vegeta claims SSB is still far above post-amp Moro. Moro can passively steal energy while fighting.

46 - Goku takes a blast of lava. Moro eats Vegeta's ki blast.

47 - Merus dodged Moro's blasts and captured him. angry Buu overpowers Moro. Buu is immune to Moro's energy absorption.

49 - Moro can create illusions of himself. Vegeta says Saiyans can't survive in the vacuum of space. Goku says Moro will soon be too powerful for him and Vegeta to handle. God power was passed onto Evil Boo. Moro can read memories. SSB is still more powerful than Moro.

Start the Conversation

Bastard!! Notes (chp 87-139)

Chapter 87

Anthrax can BFR evil-hearted people to God’s dimension

Anthrax can regenerate from atomization

Chapter 88

Anthrax’s beam = 870,000 degrees

Relevant Quotes:

Dominions - Second Sphere - First Level

Arc Engine uses life force/energy from the soul/spirit energy.

Chapter 89

Dominion - 4th level angel

Info about Angel hierarchy

Chapter 90

Luche’s energy levels stated to be beyond comprehension

Angels can freeze time within a local space, something considered impossible even for D.S. Angels can move within this frozen time space. Lucien cancelled out this timestop.

Relevant Quotes:

Lucien was said to have died 400 years ago in the battle between God and Satan.

Lucien is an astral body that is still tangible/physical.

Luche describes Alcatraz

Chapter 91

Light energy~ positive soul energy

Angels have same intangibility (phased through the floor)

Abigail refers to the sealed Dimension as Alcatraz and Lucien confirms

D.S. meets Satan

Chapter 92

Relevant Quotes

Info about Michael - he highest dimensional plane is “Heaven”.

Chapter 93

Legend about the Dragon Knight Lucifer and Anthrax fight questioned.

Abigail confirming the sealed Dimension is Alcatraz

Chapter 95

More info about Angels

Chapter 96

D.S. arrives in hell

Relevant Quotes

Abigail once again referring to Alcatraz as the nether dimension

Chapter 97

Black Abyss is introduced

Uriel and Virtues see Satan starting to break out

D.S. declares the airspace of the realm to be sealed off, and that it’s the bottom of the shaft of curved spacetime.

Chapter 98

D.S. one-shotted a demon that’s x6600 stronger than Anthrax

Chapter 99

Vertex: A demon sealing spell.

Crowbar: A 13-layer demon god sealing spell that sucks out the power of a demon and exorcises it and “unmakes” the soul.

Damned-Nation: Fires a magical blast that is a distortion in space-time

Judas Pain is introduced

*Narrator information: Human magic is the secret of God’s divine power that fallen angels gave to humans, altered because humans lack spirit energy. Magical energy comes from the spiritual plane

Chapter 100

Info about the Black Abyss

Satan escapes from Black abyss

Chapter 101

4-year timeskip

Earth and Hell are connected somehow

A gate to Hell is opened up

Info about Konron

Relevant Quotes:

Devils cannot materialize in the human world because their powers are compromised.

Chapter 102

Devil Lords sense Satan getting closer to Earth

Black Abyss is broken apart by Satan

Central Galaxy Guardian Fleet is all wiped out

Chapter 103

Spell Bound is introduced by MacPain. Konron’s Spell Bound protected him against MacPain’s threads and bathory’s bug attacks.

Breaking Spell Bound requires anti-magic or to physically break each shield in CQC with dispel magic.

Michael says Eden has become connected with Hell

Raphael says Satan absorbed the massive amount of energy released from the Black Abyss.

Mere punches are said to be able to destroy the Eternal Atoms

Chapter 104

Konron overpowers D.S.’s magic shields

Chapter 105

Uriel’s beams damaging Konron and said to destroy his body and soul

Chapter 106

Info about the Eternal Atoms

Eternal Atom work on the space-time level

Destruction of the Eternal Atoms means existence is completely erased and removed from the laws of cause and effect

Executioner Uriel throws Gungnir, which can annihilate a continent in Hell and shatter dimensional barriers.

Chapter 107

Uriel’s shattering of dimensional shields caused them to change setting to Konron’s castle which is in the first level of Hell

Konron says Gungnir’s max power is only star level

Satan blitzes Uriel

Chapter 108

All matter and energy, including the divine power of angels and demons, are just different frequencies of ether element vibrating. Konron’s Void Howling can even weaken Eternal Atoms

Chapter 109

Angels’ Augeoides are sealed in cocytus.

Chapter 110

Uriel’s downfall caused dimensional walls to warp

Chapter 111

Michael’s Leviathan has the power of a supernova and can turn Earth and Hell into dust

Chapter 112

D.S. absorbed Michael’s supernova fire

Chapter 113

Konron’s Void Howling only works on angels

Beelzebub says Hell is released

Chapter 114

MacPain can see D.S.’s movements

D.S. activates the Judas Pain

Chapter 115

D.S. ripping Konron apart and blasting way his Spell Bound with Halloween

Info about Augeoides

It’s stated that the spirit and body are held together and given vitality by the soul

Augeoides is flesh existing on a higher dimension. Augeoides can manipulate the infinite energies of the Universe and destroy quasars/black holes/stars. Augeoides can manipulate inertia/space to deflect physical attacks.

Beelzebub says D.S. was dropped into Alcatraz which was connected to Hell by Satan. D.S. is the liberator of the gates of Hell’s War Gate.

Beelzebub talks about Hell’s War Gate, the indestructible dimensional lock, which requires the Judas Pain to open.

Chapter 116

D.S.’s Exodus melted the ice hell of cocytus

Raphael says D.S.’s spells are increased by several million times

Konron notes that he is evaporating and his Eternal Atoms will sonn be destroyed

Raphael notes D.S.’s immortal toughness from Judas Pain absorbing hell matter and turning it into an infinite amount of energy. His body can now reflect/absorb almost any spell.

Chapter 117

Raphael notes an incredible amount of energy from D.S.

Chapter 119

D.S. has mind-reading

Chapter 120

Human souls are divided into divine energy and malignant energy. The war between demons and angels is based on this duality. There is an entropy effect where wherever humans align to, the stronger the side they align to is.

Because D.S. is Adam, not even Satan can kill him inside of Hell.

Raphael says Judas Pain will eventually dominate D.S.

Demons will retain the power they had as Angels

D.S. killed Konron by eating him in his stomach

D.S. v Uriel begins with both of them mutilating each other

Chapter 121

MacPain can’t see Uriel or D.S.’s speed

Dispel Bound is explained

D.S and Uriel destrorying each other’s Dispel Bounds with high-speed attacks

Raphael states the light is caused by explosions produced by their high-speed attacks. Millions of attacks are made, instantly changing between destruction&creation.

D.S. destroyed Uriel’s chest

Uriel’s power increased 1000 times

Chapter 123

D.S. uses Judas Priest despite Dispel Bound.

Uriel resisted the disintegration of his Eternal Atms - an immortal power

D.S. smashes Uriel apart with one punch

Raphael notes the incalculable light energy from D.S> and Uriel’s fight

Uriel’s Eternal Atoms disintegrated again

Chapter 124

MacPain notes Hell is far more dense than Earth

Raphael explains Judas Pain

The Judas Pain = Black Abyss. Power of Judas Pain compared to a black hole, specifically the Black Abyss. JP was described to be powerful enough to destroy the galaxy, which refutes the Black Abyss requiring anymore than galaxy level power to destroy.

Judas Pain is a crack in space-time

Chapter 125

MacPain notices Uriel sneaking up behind D.S while regenerating

Beelzebub frees Uriel’s Augeoides

Uriel summons his Augeoides, fully regenerates, and rips D.S. apart

Uriel regenerates from the astral mass of his Augeoides

Raphael notes D.S. stopped regenerating as a result of Judas Pain overuse

Michael says she has the biggest Augeoides yet she cannot compare to Uriel’s Augeoides which can wipe out the whole galaxy

All of D.S’s Dispel Bounds were destroyed by a single hit from Augeoides and he reverted to his base form

D.S summons Dragon Knight Lucifer

Chapter 126

D.S. and Uriel fuses with their mechas. Fusion with the DKL also puts stress on the body/soul.

Raphael notes defeating Uriel requires an immense amount of energy

Raphael notes D.S completed his role as the liberator of Hell by linking Earth and Hell

Gungnir and Demolitioner Gun are their most powerful attacks

A human notes that Hell itself is shaking

Devil lords note that everything is being disintegrated.

D.S> an Uriel’s collision shattered the dimensional wall between Hell and Earth

Chapter 130

Ten Wise Old Men can measure the energy levels of the Seraphs and D.S

Michael notes that the Black Abyss was destroyed and the wall of Hell was momentarily destroyed

Michael notes Uriel can regenerate infinitely so long as he is on Earth (probably by extracting minerals from Earth)

D.S> uses Giran Ira: If D.S. did a dimensional leap or distorted space, the entire country would have vanished

D.S and Uriel directly clash and damage each other

D.S’s 9 Demolitioner Guns break Dispel Bound and obliterate Uriel

Ten wise old men measure Uriel’s energy levels increasing by x 130 multiple times

Uriel begins disintegrating

Uriel can fire thousands of black objects that consume the space around them

Chapter 131

The negative space energy around D.S> and Uriel attracts everything into it and turns everything into nothing

D.S. broke apart a dimension with dimensional separation to counter Uriel’s negative space absorbing energy for .1 second

D.S. uses BLoodstone

Gara says infinite attacks and counters

*Gabriel black text bubble

Chapter 132

D.S. emerges with a new body after ten wise old men speculated he used up all of the power of his soul

Chapter 133

Satan creates a mini-universe

God accepts all possible consequences from our free decisions

D.S. punches the core in which Uriel was in

D.S and Uriel punch through each other

D.S. recreates Amrael

Chapter 134

D.S. said to be the closest to God

Chapter 135

Sealed dimension - Alcatraz

Chapter 136

Hell’s War Gate is introduced

Chapter 137

Info about Bastard!!verse’s cosmology -

Talk about 4D and 3D

Chapter 139

summary: Diane unleashes a LS/FTL attack that can deconstruct physical + spiritual matter. DS dodges all of it and taunts Diane. Diane getes really angry and unleashes her full power. She breaks some kind of demon ring on and nukes an entire floor of Hell and the tower Satan and the Devil Lords are in. DS was never hit by the attack and escapes with Diane chasing after him. Devil Lords wonder what kind of power that Diane used.

DS gets mad about Diane going ape-shit on him. DS wandes the deepest level of Hell where he sees frozen bodies everywhere. All of a sudden DS hears the same voice he heard in the beginning of his fight with Diane. The voice guides DS and it is revealed that the voice is actually Gabriel who is sealed n Hell.

notable feats:

>Diane can use what is basically Judas Priest

>All astral beings are FTL, because the spirit transcends 3D/space-time plane allowing them to break the laws of physics and science.

>Hence, DS has a FTL speed feat

>Diane's attack hurt Satan

>Diane confirmed to be on the same level as the Devil Lords at the very least

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Bastard Notes!! [Chp 1-86]

Chapter 0

D.S. generated an explosion that obliterated two giants

D.S. tanked actual lightning

Venom: Summons bacteria from a Hell circle that instantly decomposes the target into a skeleton

Relevant Quotes

D.S. started war 15 years ago and used a reincarnation spell on the verge of death

Chapter 2

D.S. can fire actual lightning

Can summon a giant 100,000 ton golem

Relevant Quotes:

Divine magic is a defensive barrier spell that blocks/counters magic.

Powerful magic requires a catalyst (like darsh’s blood)

Chapter 7

Anselm: Fires magical rockets that targets the most vulnerable parts of the body

Chapter 9

Sodom: A magical spell that cuts the target into pieces

Chapter 10

Relevant Quotes:

Magic takes up huge amounts of focus, stamina, and mental strength

Chapter 11

Efreet can turn into a fire pillar > 2000 degrees

D.S.’s Guns and Roses can match Efreet’s fire spells

Efreet is immune to D.S.’s fire attacks and can absorb them to power up

D.S. can create a forcefield that can block heat

Exodus: A fire blast that can also be used to propel D.S. like a rocket. When added onto Efreet’s Helion spell, the heat is increased to 20,000 degrees which can vaporize rock.

Relevant Quotes:

Efreet resides on the Plane of Fire, one of the four elemental planes.

Four types of magic: Personal magic derived from inner life force, White magic is from gods and inner faith, black magic, and elemental magic.

Chapter 12

D.S. gained the Efreet sword

Chapter 13

Megadeath: A magical explosion. Causes an earthquake and thunderstorm

Emotional state can be used to increase D.S.’s magical energy reserves

Chapter 14

Reacted to a supersonic sound wave while severely weakened

The collision between D.S. and gara’s attacks caused an earthquake

D.S. destroyed Gara’s castle and part of the rock pillar they were on

D.S.’s arm can re-attach itself.

Chapter 15

D.S. can create a dream-like illusion in Arshes Nei’s mind while she’s sleeping from far away and project his astral form into it (though Nei got out of it with a lightning spell).

Chapter 16

D.S. can fly

Voivoid: An orb of electricity that can boil blood

Sean Ari’s talisman magic can also negate magical powers

Chapter 17

D.S. can cast an illusion and create a body double

Chapter 18

Talas: A magical blast that turns whoever it tags into stone. Acts slowly though as it still couldn’t fully petrify D.S. in a full chapter.

Chapter 19

Relevant Quotes:

D.S. can break free from petrification spells with his regular spells so long as he knows the source god.

Chapter 20

Cockatrice can turn organic matter into stone with its touch or breath. D.S. cannot nullify it as it has nothing to do with magic

Chapter 22

Relevant Quotes:

Lars became the Dragon Knight who beat Darsh 15 years ago along with 3 other heroes. It’s said that he was also killed by Darsh in that fight.

Chapter 24

D.S. continually uses new bodies to live for 400 years

Di-Amon’s vampire body has decent regeneration and agelessness

*Narrator bubbles are always in white boxes

Chapter 26

D.S. broke through a seal that trapped his mind/soul with his own willpower once he was emotionally aggravated.

D.S.’s Riot lightning spell can damage the target’s motor control

Chapter 27

Di-Amon’s spirit rises as a bat and feeds upon the spirits of the dead to fully resurrect himself. He’s still physical/tangible though.

Accused: D.S.’s nail enters the target’s flesh and reduces the target’s body into dust.

Chapter 29

Nei’s lightning sword can slice mountains in half

Arshes Nei can use illusions

Gara can move so fast that he can create illusionary clones

Chapter 30

Gara broke the lightning sword in half

Chapter 31

Relevant Quotes:

D.S. broke the divine seal that darkness shouldn’t be able to break because he learned to love.

Chapter 34

Arshes Nei’s Def Leppard: A bottomless portal to another dimension and it absorbs all magical energy within range (nullified D.S.’s flight magic).

Chapter 35

Efreet can block the mountain-slicing lightning sword

Efreet and lightning spirit getting sucked into the Def Leppard caused it to go away

Chapter 39

Halloween: A magical blast that can reach 10 MegaVolts and can fry millions of men in a few seconds.

Chapter 44

Dead Sea Scans - Yak & Aldric are translators. Haterade is typesetter

D.S. regenerated his heart after Anthrax’s awakening strengthened him

Chapter 48

Black Sabbath: Creates a spellbound field 1 million degrees in temperature before sending the target to another dimension

Chapter 49

Suicidal Tendencies: Ede Ee can generate a miasma with country level range that rots/decays everything.

Chapter 50

Ede Ee has an ageless, immortal body, can rip out a weak minded human’s soul with a glance, and is immune to ordinary magic.

Chapter 51

Satan’s Ring/Gigan Ira: A pseudo black hole that sucks everything within city range into another dimension

Chapter 52

Devil’s Hammer can suck out energy of an entire city and use it to supply Satan’s Ring

Chapter 53

Ede Ee is non-corporeal and his material body is only an astral form. He exists on the spiritual plane as well, where his true form is.

Chapter 54

Murasame blade consumes half of the energy of the devil hammer

Chapter 55

Gara’s lightspeed attack cut Ede Ee’s astral and material body. Soul ~ Astral spirit.

Efreet and Nue were in the Giran Ira dimension

Chapter 56

D.S used Efreet to blow Ede Ee’s body up. Hints as Efreet being able to damage astral spirits

Chapter 57

Ultra Omega abigail: fusion of the 3 demonic artifacts

Chapter 62

Darsh toppled over a 100,000 ton giant

Chapter 63

Led Zeppelin: A magical sphere is created in which souls from Hell are summoned to devour the target. Abigail broke through the spell prison and tanked the souls.

Chapter 65

Abigail can absorb two Halloween’s power.

Halloween ~ Black Sabbath in power

Chapter 67

A half-dead D.S. blasted through Omega Abigail’s membrane with Exodus

D.S. can survive having half of his body obliterated

Chapter 68

Anthrax’s magical nuke destroyed the whole city

As shown later in chapter 70 and 75, a near-dead D.S. with half of his body teleported everybody in the city to another kingdom to survive Anthrax’s nuke.

Chapter 69

Anthrax’s breath destroyed mountains. Boiled oceans. Ripped open the Earth. Burned cities.

Dragaon Knight defeated Anthrax 400 years ago. The fight moved the axis of the planet and sunk continents.

Chapter 70

2-year timeskip

Ingweil’s supersonic slash was dodged by Kay Hayn

Kay’s Taras was disrupted by the wavering of her heart/emotions

Chapter 74

Man O War sent macPain flying to another city/region. Gara was also teleported to another continent.

Chapter 76

Elven portal has energy to open a gateway across space-time to teleport to king crimson glory, a floating elven city ship

Kal-Su can phase through walls and create astral projections

D.S. can split into chibi clones of himself and then become one again

Bol Gil Bol can merge with shadows

Chapter 77

His Kagenui binds shadows by piercing the target’s shadows. Since it’s not paralysis or petrification, it cannot be undone by a spell.

D.S. can see through illusions

Chapter 78

kal-Su can regenerate from D.S.’s venom (high-mid or low-high regen) and split D.S. in half as a result of Anthrax’s energy

Anthrax can take control of people’s mind/soul

Testament: Absolute zero spell that freezes everything on the subatomic level.

D.S. created a massive vacuum vortex that sucked the freezing air to counter AZ; however, he was still hit by a little of it

Kal-Su’s Super Conduction created an electric vortex around him (electro-magnet) that can trap even the heat from an atomic reaction. It dropped Halloween below its critical temperature where it lost its electrical resistance.

Chapter 78.1

Specified that Yngwei’s speed of light strike is just hyperbole and doesn’t go at the speed of light.

Macpain’s profile

Chapter 79

Anthrax cut off the gravity around Judas Castle and lifted it up into the sky

Shockwaves can shatter cities

Gara caught Anthrax’s energy beam and threw it right back at her

Chapter 82

Anthrax can create an entire fleet of demons

Anthrax can instantly teleport and destroy 65% of the planet in 168 hours.

Chapter 83

The ten wise old men created D.S. a doll without a soul/artificial human 400 years ago.

Chapter 85

Anthrax tanked a nuke

Chapter 86

D.S. can casually dodge Anthrax’s energy beams

Anthrax nullified the Arc’s firepower by bending space

D.S. tanked an energy beam from Anthrax and also fired a magic attack into a hole in Anthrax’s space distortion field which melted half of Anthrax’s face off

D.S. can use Kal-Su’s Testament

Judas Priest: Atomized Anthrax and blew away a large portion of King Crimson Glory.

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