
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings, Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!

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What were you thinking when you received the request to relaunch M2K with the many others of the fanfic fraternity?

Took over for Chris Munn in 2007 on Avengers - obviously you have been writing a long, long, long time. Did you have backlog issues that were not published yet or did you find new inspiration for the series by rereading Avengers?

I have to bring up Captain America. Do you have a process for writing both since Cap is also on Avengers? How do you separate your Captain America ideas with that of the Avengers ideas for such a long time? I have mentioned you have been writing a long time, right?

Let us move forward a little regarding the M2K relaunch, again. Due to the down time, Marvel has changed in that time. How much of the new direction of the 616 do you think will reflect in the relaunch or do you think the core of what made you an Avenger fan is what fuels your stories?

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