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Respect Electro, The Master Of Electricity!

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Maxwell Dillon

Electro is one of Spidey's oldest and one of his most recurring enemies. He's recognized as one of Spider's-man's most well known foes and for good reason. Like other villains like Sandman, Hydro man, Rhino etc Electro is someone who's raw power and potential should outclass Spider-man, which forces Peter to defeat him with brains instead of brawn. Electro's powerset allows for him to do amazing things, like his electricity manipulation which can scramble electricity waves in people's brains. Doc Ock has even stated Electro would be one of the most powerful beings on the planet if he used his powers to his full potential and didn't have such a chip on his shoulder.

Maxwell Dillion was an electrical engineer that was struck by lightning, this bolt of electricity awakened a mutant gene that transformed him into a living thunderbolt. Electro would achieve early success in his career, by briefly defeating Spider-man. However, after this he would reach failures in his life, mainly from Spider-man, Daredevil and the Fantastic Four. Max had always had people make him feel small in life, which is why he enjoyed his time as Electro. His early childhood and encounters against people like Spider-man hadn't helped this. He constantly seeks respect and fame, even allying himself with other supervillains like the Frightful Four and the Sinister Six.

Table of contents

  1. Database.
  2. Intelligence.
  3. Electricity manipulation.
  4. Electricity projection.
  5. Electricity absorption.
  6. Electronic disruption.
  7. Electricity field.
  8. Electromagnetic propulsion.
  9. Durability.
  10. Speed.
  11. Rose-upgrade.
  12. Electro 2.0
  13. Anti-matter form.


  • Stats and capabilities.
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  • (Official handbook of the marvel universe #4)
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  • (Official handbook of the marvel universe- Spider-man 2004)


  • While Max isn't Spider-man's smartest enemy, he's not incompetent.
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  • Uses his electric abilities to detect a safe (Amazing Spider-man #9)
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  • Realizes he can siphon electricty from the streets to boost his abilities (Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-man #66)
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  • Figures out Spider-man's ability to cling to walls is form of static electricity, he then proceeds to affect it and for a time, removed Peter's ability to cling to walls (Spectacular Spider-man #134)
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  • Seems to be skilled as a mechanic (Amazing Spider-man #422)
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  • Is skilled as a line man and was apparently the best one they had (Amazing Spider-man #9)
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  • Builds an electricity generator that steals power from the power grid and absorbs it into Max (Web of Spider-man #9)
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  • Uses the 'rope a dope' (which is a technique Muhammad Ali used against George Foreman) to trick Striker into giving Max more energy to absorb (Avengers academy #14)
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  • Electro's brain runs on 10, 000 bolts of electricity. While he may come across as incompetent sometimes, its possible he's quite smart (Punisher #4)

Electricity manipulation

  • Electro can manipulate electricity in a number of ways, he can affect static electricity, he can fly using electricity blasts and even affect people's brains via electric pulses.
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  • Creates an artificial electricity storm to revive Stilt man (Daredevil annual 1)
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  • Short circuits Wizard's anti gravity disks by creating an electrical storm around him (Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-man #39)
  • Electro once affected the static electricity around Spider-man and for a time, removed Spider-man's ability to stick to wall's (Spectacular Spider-man #134)
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  • Channels electricity through steel girders and wires (Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-man #66)
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  • Electromagnetically smashes multiple vehicles into Spider-man. Electro was also taught by Doc Ock the ability to ionize metal (which is ripping the electrons from metal to give it an electric charge) (Marvel Knights Spider-man #3)
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  • Electro originally needed electricity slides or electromagnetically clinging to objects, but eventually Max found a way to fly by simply blasting the ground (Spectacular Spider-man #134)
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  • Electro can even create electricity shields to protect him (Untold Tales Of Spider-man #9)
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  • Electro can even affect metal with the feedback of his blasts (Punisher #2)
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  • Defeats The Invisible Woman by creating an electromagnetic storm around her carbonizing the air and turning her into a statue (Fantastic Four #218)
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  • Repels a steel door with his electricity blasts (Amazing Spider-man annual #21)
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  • Propels multiple vehicles with his blasts (Amazing Spider-man #369)

Electricity projection

  • Electro's most common form of offence is his electricity blasts, these blasts have done quite the number on Spider-man over the years.
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  • Manages to cut through a steel vault door with his beams (Daredevil #2)
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  • When Spider-man defeated Electro by having him touch his hands and feet together, causing him to short circuit, the feedback one-shots Spider-man (Amazing Spider-man #82)
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  • Fuses Trapster's glue in mid air and proceeds to glass Sandman (Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-man #39)
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  • KO's Mr Fantastic by blasting a mass of machinery with an electricity blast. I think Reed has much better resistance to blunt force than energy blasts as well as the fact the machine may have boosted the blast (Fantastic Four #218)
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  • One shots Daredevil (Daredevil #2)
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  • Hurts Wizard with a blast (Fantastic Four #218)
  • Scan 1: Hurls Spider-man from a shop with just the concussion of his blast alone.
  • Scan 2: Even when not hit by the feedback of his blast, Spider-man is dazed from the blast (Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-man #66)
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  • Electro can even generate electricity through a fake gun (Spectacular Spider-man #134)
  • Causes massive amounts of destruction with his blasts (Amazing Spider-man annual #21)
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  • One-shots Spider-man (Spectacular Spider-man #134)
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  • One-shots Spider-man with a blast (It was a cheap shot so Peter would be easier to KO since he's not expecting it) (Spider-man skating on thin ice #1)
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  • Even when blocking Spider-man's blast with a piece of concrete it still strains him (Amazing Spider-man annual #21)
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  • Two-shots Shocker (Spectacular Spider-man #157)
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  • Electro can even electrify an entire building (Spectacular Spider-man #157)
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  • Seems to one-shot Vulture with an electricity blast (although Toomes is seen in the next few pages so its possible he recovered) (Amazing Spider-man #344)
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  • KO's Black Cat (Marvel Knights Spider-man #11)
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  • Causes a massive explosion/breaks through Senator ward's explosion (Peter Parker Spider-man #12)
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  • Badly injures/briefly knocks out Spider-man off panel (Spider-man's tangled web #10)
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  • Knocks out a beaten up Spider-man with a charged blast (Peter was briefly conscious but too weak to press his web shooter) (Marvel Knights Spider-man #3)
  • Scan 1/2: Hurts and basically owns the Young Avengers, Ironlad's armor had shut down hence why Max was holding him (Avengers the Children Crusade: Young Avengers)

Electricity absorption

  • Electro's body was transformed into an electrical generator. He can absorb electricity to boost his already impressive power.
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  • Charges himself to full power using an electrical generator (Amazing Spider-man #9)
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  • Electro while fighting can recharge his power off an electrical power station each second (Amazing Spider-man annual #1)
  • Scan 1: While amping himself off a nuclear generator he hurts She Hulk.
  • Scan 2: She Hulk needs to wrap metal around her hands to hit him, proceeds to tank a punch from She Hulk.
  • Scan 3: Makes She Hulk scream out in pain with a blast (Sensational She Hulk #58)
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  • Contains an electricity current powerful enough to stop an army (Amazing Spider-man annual #82)
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  • Absorbs the power of a prison (Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-man #66)
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  • Electro learned to siphon the energy off areas like metal and even streets to constantly recharge himself while he fights (Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-man #66)
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  • Absorbs the power of a station (Spectacular Spider-man #136)
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  • Seems to use Iron lad to recharge himself (Avengers The Children Crusade: Young Avengers)

Electronic disruption

  • Due to the nature of Electro's power he can control or shut down electrically powered objects. He can even sense electricity hence how he's able to control electricity.
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  • Electrically controls a vault and makes it open (Amazing Spider-man #9)
  • Takes control of multiple mechanical arms and makes them obey him (Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-man #66)
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  • Turns on a TV with his power alone (Amazing Spider-man #82)
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  • Electrically controls generator's in the city and takes control of a drawbridge (Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-man #66)
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  • After absorbing the energy of a electrical power station, Max threatens to send surges of electricity into people's homes. He also shows that he can electrically control life support machines from miles away in New York city (Spectacular Spider-man #136)
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  • Causes a mass blackout in New York city by absorbing the city's power, although it does eventually overwhelm him (Spider-man #40)
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  • Can cause blackout's. Max had done this when he was absorbing the energies of an electrical power station and took control of the power grid (Spectacular Spider-man #136)
  • Causes a massive explosion and shuts down the Raft's security systems, freeing all of the prisoners (New Avengers #1)

Electricity field

  • The experiment that gave Max his powers also gave him the ability of an electric field around his skin, anyone who touches him is at risk of being electrocuted.
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  • Spider-man knocks himself out trying to even grab Electro (Amazing Spider-man #9)
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  • Electro can even feel anyone who enters or touches his electricity field (Amazing Spider-man #9)
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  • Seems to shrug off a punch from Spider-man due to his electric charge (Amazing Spider-man #82)
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  • Spider-man states that Electro can burn off his webbing instantly thanks to his electricity field (Amazing Spider-man #369)
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  • Hurts Captain America and makes him fall to the ground just from simply being touched (Amazing Spider-man #187)
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  • Electro's electric field electrocutes and KO's Tiger Shark due to both of them being in water (although it was a double KO) (She Hulk #5)
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  • His electricity field one-shots classic Quicksilver (Web of Spider-man #2)

Electromagnetic propulsion

  • Electro also has the ability to cling himself to electric wires to grant the ability of flight.
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  • Manages to fly down cable wires of a elevator and was said to be able to reach the street in seconds by Daredevil (Daredevil #2)
  • Scan 1/2/3: Fly's by electromagnetically clinging himself to power line's, cable wires, etc. Although Electro no longer needs to do this and can achieve flight just fine now. (Amazing Spider-man #82, Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-man #42 and Amazing Spider-man #334)
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  • Is able to run up walls thanks to his power. He can do this by electromagnetically clinging himself to wires in a building. (Spider-man unlimited #9)


  • While he's definitely not Spider-man's most durable villain, Electro does have increased strength and durability.
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  • Takes a punch from Spider-man (Amazing Spider-man #9)
  • Scan 1/2: Takes a beating from Spider-man and Captain America and no, he wasn't KO'd here (Amazing Spider-man #187)
  • Scan 1: Takes getting smashed into a pole by Spider-man.
  • Scan 2: Takes a punch from Spider-man with Max even confirming he has increased durability.
  • Scan 3: Takes a punch from Spider-man while he was wearing a rubber costume (Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-man #66)
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  • Takes a punch from Spider-man (Spectacular Spider-man #136)
  • Scan 1: Takes a cheap shot from Shocker.
  • Scan 2: Tanks a beating from Shocker's vibro-gauntlets, admittedly this is probably his best durability feat (Spectacular Spider-man #157)
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  • Takes getting hit by Doc Ock's arms (Spider-man Funeral for an Octopus #1)
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  • Takes getting hit by a metal door from Spider-man (Amazing Spider-man #337)
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  • Takes a cheap shot from Kaine (Spider-man unlimited #9)
  • Scan 1: Takes a beating from a pissed off Spider-man.
  • Scan 2: Survives having part of a building explode and is still conscious (Marvel Knights Spider-man #3)


  • Electro can fire electricity bolts up to insane speeds and move up to speeds of 140 miles per hour while flying even before his upgrade.
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  • Turns sand thrown by Spider-man into glass (Amazing Spider-man #9)
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  • Spider-man notes how fast Electro can be when he wants to be (Amazing Spider-man #82)
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  • Reacts to and fuses Trapster's glue before it can reach him (Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-man #39)
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  • Severs Spider-man's webbing before it can harden, with Spider-man even noting Electro has good aim (Amazing Spider-man #82)
  • Scan 1: One shots a group of fodder before they can react.
  • Scan 2: Electro quickly moves from vehicle to vehicle thanks to his electricity slides.
  • Scan 3: Tags Spider-man with a blast (Spider-man was wearing a rubber suit hence why he didn't get badly hurt) (Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-man #66)
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  • Tags Spider-man with an electricity blast and leaves him pretty hurt (Spectacular Spider-man #157)
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  • It's stated that Electro moves at speeds of 140 miles per hour while he was flying using electro magnetic propulsion to cling to near by power lines (Amazing Spider-man #344)
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  • Casually melts bullets fired by police officers (Untold Tales of Spider-man #11)
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  • Manages to throw Spider-man off balance by firing an electricity blast (Avengers classic #11)

Rose Upgrade

  • Electro during the 90's received an upgrade thanks to funding from the Rose, while this upgrade was due to electricity (which means he should logically have it since he can amp himself off electricity) he gained the ability to manipulate brain waves. Although in my opinion, he should be able to do this. It's probably because he never bothered to do it again/lack of intelligence.
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  • Causes an electrical power station to explode, due his power being unleashed. (Amazing Spider-man #422)
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  • Can propel himself through the air as if he was flying (Amazing Spider-man #422)
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  • Manipulates the electrical impulses in Spider-man's brain, causing him extreme pain and also nearly killing him (Amazing Spider-man #422)
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  • Manages to tank telepathy from Nate Grey by manipulating the brain waves he attempted to incorporate into Max's brain (Amazing Spider-man #435)
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  • Causes a massive explosion and stuns Nate Grey (Amazing Spider-man #425)
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  • It takes all of Spider-man's speed and agility to avoid Electro's blasts, saying he can't keep this up for long (Amazing Spider-man #425)
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  • Takes a beating from Spider-man, although he is holding back. Spider-man also had to create a Electro proof suit to fight this new Electro. (Amazing Spider-man #425)
  • Scan 1/2: Electro's electricity field makes it near impossible for people to come close to him without being electrocuted or feel immense heat (Amazing Spider-man #422)

Electro 2.0

  • During the event ''The Gauntlet'' multiple Spider-man villains like Electro received upgrades, Electro's abilities were further increased and he even gained the ability to transform himself into pure energy at will. This section will cover his transformation during that event and then afterwards.
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  • Turns his whole body into electricity and avoids Spider-man's webbing (Amazing Spider-man #613)
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  • Creates an electrical field that blocks multiple pieces of rubble dropped on him (Amazing Spider-man #613)
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  • Blocks water fired from Spider-man and knocks him out with a electricity blast (Amazing Spider-man #613)
  • Scan 1: Travels through monitors and into a TV station (Amazing Spider-man #614)
  • Scan 2: Electro can even electrify a entire building as he does it to stop police officers and people from entering the DB (Amazing Spider-man #614)
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  • Travel's through a socket (Amazing Spider-man #614)
  • Scan 1/2: Attacks Spider-man from behind with Peter even stating he can't take much more. Also stating that if he got hit while grounded, Electro would have one shotted him (Amazing Spider-man #614)
  • Scan 1/2: Owns Firestar and Gravity (Allies #2)
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  • Absorbs energy from Firestar and proceeds to blast through both of them (Allies #2)
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  • Electro has much better resistance to water than he did in the past, getting hit with some water only makes him say 'ow' (Amazing Spider-man #2)
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  • Takes being smashed through multiple floor's of the DB (Amazing Spider-man #614)
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  • Makes Sandman scream out in pain just from simply falling in to him (Superior Spider-man team up #5)
  • Scan 1: Takes down the Quinjet by short circuiting it.
  • Scan 2: One-shots Hawkeye and Spider-Women (Amazing Spider-man #683)
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  • Takes out Spider-man with a blast (Amazing Spider-man #5)

Anti-Matter Electro

  • After being embarrased by Thor during the End's of the Earth, Electro contacted A.I.M scientists to convert his body into anti-matter, so he could have revenge on Thor.
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  • Makes Thor scream out in pain (Avenging Spider-man #19)
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  • Seems unaffected by some of Thor's lightning (Avenging Spider-man #19)
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  • Blasts through Thor, although Thor is just hurt and not dead. It's also stated that if Thor used lightning one Electro, photon's and electron's would collide and cause a massive explosion. Killing everyone in New york. It's also stated that without lightning, Thor would die against Electro eventually. (Avenging Spider-man #19)


Overall, Electro seems to me like a decent low mid tier. While he may not properly demonstrate his more wide variety of powers most of the time, he still has very impressive abilities that can be put to good use. His electricity blasts have done quite the number on Spider-man over the years and his ability to turn himself into electricity can make him become unable to be physically hurt. His Rose upgrade feats and Anti-matter abilities show what Electro can be like when written correctly, he would not only be one of the most powerful Spider-man villains, but one of the most powerful villains on the planet.