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Dr. Doom 74%
Apocalypse 70%
Two-Face 67%
Mr. Freeze 67%
Dark Phoenix 66%
Magneto 64%
Mystique 59%
Poison Ivy 59%
The Joker 56%
Venom 54%
Green Goblin 51%
Juggernaut 51%
Catwoman 47%
Lex Luthor 44%
Riddler 29%
Kingpin 22%
Blessed with smarts and power but burdened by vanity.
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What type of person do you attract?
Your Result: You attract artsy people!

Those free spirited artists with great imaginations find you interesting. They are usually interesting themselves, so its not a bad thing, but they CAN be a bit wifty and choose odd goals. If you like life to always be a bit 'different' from the norm, but not too extreme in any one direction, these are the people for you. If you seek logical decision making skills and good money management, you may want to change something in the way you appear. Artsy people are fun for adventure and exploring, so, have fun! (smoking weed helps too)

You attract unstable people!
You attract models!
You attract geeks!
You attract Yuppies!
You attract rednecks!
What type of person do you attract?
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You Feel Like You Don't Fit In 85% Of The Time

You struggle, because you have not found your place. You wonder if you ever will. The world was not made for someone like you. That does not mean, though, that you cannot claim a piece of it as your own. You are unique, something many of your peers lack. You may not see it as an asset, but it can be. If you can learn to accept and embrace your uniqueness, you will one day find fulfillment. Remember that it always looks darkest before dawn. Stay strong.

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What Be Your Nerd Type?
Your Result: Social Nerd

You're interested in things such as politics, psychology, child care, and peace. I wouldn't go so far as to call you a hippie, but some of you may be tree-huggers. You're the type of people who are interested in bettering the world. You're possible the least nerdy of them all; unless you participate in other activies that paled your nerdiness compared to your involvement in social activities. Whatever the case, we could still use more of you around. ^_^

Literature Nerd
Gamer/Computer Nerd
Artistic Nerd
Science/Math Nerd
Drama Nerd
Anime Nerd
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You paid attention during 86% of high school!

85-100% You must be an autodidact, because American high schools don't get scores that high! Good show, old chap!

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            <div class="fr mr-20"><span class="black-12-b" id="jsButtonShowComments_1623279">    0 comments   |   </span><span class="black-12-b" style="display: none;" id="jsButtonHideComments_1623279"> <a class="black" onclick="hideComments( 16,23279 )" href="javascript:void(0)">Hide Comments</a>   |   </span> <span class="black-12-b" id="jsButtonOpenWriteComment_1623279">    <a class="black" onclick="openWriteComment(  16,23279, '' )" href="javascript:void(0)">Reply</a></span>
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                                <div id="gray">                        <div id="DIV_blog23105">            <a name="blog23105"></a>                <div class="blog-title">                    <div class="raised">                                                    <span class="black-18-b" id="jsBlogTitle23105"><a href="http://www.comicvine.com/myvine/Nny/&blogId=23105"></a><a href="http://www.comicvine.com/myvine/Nny/&blogId=23105">Nny's Favorite & Least Favorite Things</a></span>                                             <span class="black-12"> - Posted on May 28, 2007</span>                                                                    <span id="buttonOpenEditBlog23105">                        <a onclick="editBlog( 23105 )" href="javascript:void(0)">Edit Entry</a>                       </span>                                                                    <a onclick="dbDeleteBlog( 23105 )" href="javascript:void(0)">                                                    Delete Entry                                                </a>                       </div>                </div>                <div class="blog-entry">                        <div class="markdown"><p></p><p>Likes:

Spaghettios (he calls them "skettios"),

Cherry Soda,

Cherry Slushies (he calls them Brainfreezies),


The moon,

The emotionless functioning of insects,

Watching people getting abducted by aliens,

All kinds of movies,

Little chubby babies,

Pop rocks and soda,

Drawing Happy Noodle Boy




The physical and mental need for ANYTHING,

Being abducted by aliens,

People who've "GOTTA HAVE A SMOKE!",

Certain words (i.e. wacky, zany, freaky),

Losing his mind,

Satan's attitude,

Getting shot in the head,

Drawing Happy Noodle Boy

                    <br class="clear-both">                                            <div style="display: none;" id="jsBlogMessage23105">Likes:

Spaghettios (he calls them "skettios"),

Cherry Soda,

Cherry Slushies (he calls them Brainfreezies),


The moon,

The emotionless functioning of insects,

Watching people getting abducted by aliens,

All kinds of movies,

Little chubby babies,

Pop rocks and soda,

Drawing Happy Noodle Boy




The physical and mental need for ANYTHING,

Being abducted by aliens,

People who've "GOTTA HAVE A SMOKE!",

Certain words (i.e. wacky, zany, freaky),

Losing his mind,

Satan's attitude,

Getting shot in the head,

Drawing Happy Noodle Boy

                    <center><div id="jsBlogLink23105"></div><center>                                            <div class="fr mr-20"><span class="black-12-b" id="jsButtonShowComments_1623105">    0 comments   |   </span><span class="black-12-b" style="display: none;" id="jsButtonHideComments_1623105"> <a class="black" onclick="hideComments( 16,23105 )" href="javascript:void(0)">Hide Comments</a>   |   </span> <span class="black-12-b" id="jsButtonOpenWriteComment_1623105">    <a class="black" onclick="openWriteComment(  16,23105, '' )" href="javascript:void(0)">Reply</a></span>
<br class="clear-both"><div class="mb-20" style="display: none;" id="jsEditorDiv_1623105">    </div></center></center></div></div></div><input name="action" value="jsAddComment" type="hidden">    <input value="" name="blotzId" type="hidden">    <input value="commentForm_1623105" name="formName" type="hidden">      <input id="parentBlotzId" name="parentBlotzId" type="hidden">      <input id="grandBlotzId" name="grandBlotzId" type="hidden">     <input value="16" name="refTypeId" type="hidden">      <input value="23105" name="refId" type="hidden">     <input value="Nny" name="userName" type="hidden">     <input value="1623105" name="unique" type="hidden">                     <div style="display: none;" id="jsSnideAddComment_1623105">            <span>You will not be able to post again for: <div id="jsSnideAddCommentTime_1623105"></div> seconds</span>        </div>        <center>            <textarea style="width: 90%; height: 150px;" class="mt-10" name="comment"></textarea><br>                            <div class="m-10" id="jsCommentSubmitButton_1623105" align="center">                 <input value="Post Comment" onclick="dbSubmitComment( 16, 23105 );" type="submit">                 <input value="Cancel" onclick="cancelEditComment( 16, 23105 );" type="submit">             </div>                            <div class="m-10" style="display: none;" id="jsCommentEditButton_1623105" align="center">                  <input value="Edit Comment" onclick="dbSubmitComment( 16, 23105 );" type="submit">                 <input value="Cancel" onclick="cancelEditComment( 16, 23105 );" type="submit">            </div>                            <div style="display: none;" id="jsCommentEditorLoadingImage1623105">                <img src="http://www.comicvine.com/images/icons/loading.gif">            </div>        </center>                       <div id="jsLoadingImgSubmitButton_1623105" align="center"></div>     <div id="jsCommentEditor_1623105"></div>

                                <div id="gray">                        <div id="DIV_blog23104">            <a name="blog23104"></a>                <div class="blog-title">                    <div class="raised">                                                    <span class="black-18-b" id="jsBlogTitle23104"><a href="http://www.comicvine.com/myvine/Nny/&blogId=23104">Nny's Die-ary</a></span>                                             <span class="black-12"> - Posted on May 28, 2007</span>                                                                    <span id="buttonOpenEditBlog23104">                        <a onclick="editBlog( 23104 )" href="javascript:void(0)">Edit Entry</a>                       </span>                                                                    <a onclick="dbDeleteBlog( 23104 )" href="javascript:void(0)">                                                    Delete Entry                                                </a>                       </div>                </div>                <div class="blog-entry">                        <div class="markdown"><p></p><p>The following snippets are from Nny's Die-ary. Most of them are either from the comic or the Internet.</p>

You can cry until there is nothing wet in you.
You can scream and curse until your throat rebels and ruptures.
You can pray, all you want, to whatever god you think will listen.
And still, it makes NO difference.
It goes on, with no sign as to when it might release you.
And you never know that if it ever did relent . . .
It would not be because it cared.

Dear Die-ary,
Today I stuffed some dolls full of dead rats I put in the blender. I'm wondering if, maybe, there really is something wrong with me.

Dear Die-ary,
Today I found out that removing a person’s brains through their ear is much too messy. I think I’ll have to come up with new ideas. I’m hungry ... I think I’ll go bake cookies ... after I kill a mime. Damn those people are annoying!

Dear Diary,
I know better than to simply assume a complete justification for my actions, but . . . what a week.
What a great fuckin' week. :)

Dear Die-ary,
Worse still are the feelings that I'm still not right upstairs. Something inside my brain is flicking all the sanity switches to their full upright and off positions. I'm like close to just losing it on someone, and I don't want it to be my friends. I just wanna find a way out of this world. Perhaps I can. Bunny? I'm not happy.

Dear Die-ary,
I'm bored...Let's go have an adventure with the steak knife!

Dear Die-ary,
I seem to be dead.

Dear Die-ary,
I've been to heaven and hell... And I still don't know if there is a god or a devil. Still... It's something to write about.

Dear Die-ary,
Today some friends came over.

Dear Die-ary,
There's nothing terribly wrong with feeling lost, so long as that feeling precedes some plan on your part to actually do something about it. Too often a person grows complacent with their disillusionment, perpetually wearing their 'discomfort' like a favorite shirt. I can't say I'm very pleased with where my life is just now . . . but I can't help but look forward to where it's going.

Dear Die-ary,
This Saturday night was an interesting one. Even more interesting than normal!

Dear Die-ary,
Love. That's what this entry is about. I read this whole page of quotes on love today, and was sick to my stomach. Now I'm going to share some with you.
When you love someone, all your saved-up wishes start coming out-Elizabeth Bowen
To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world-Bill Wilson
Love is like a mustard seed; planted by God, and watered by men-Muda Saint Michael
Okay . . . that last one didn't even make sense . . .

Dear Die-ary,
I can feel again. Not everybody is that fucked up and cold. It's good when you think something really bad, and it seems more and more possible every day - until one day, gracefully it proves you wrong. All of this has led me to draw a conclusion: I was out of my fucking mind and I need to seriously see a psychiatrist about this problem with my mind and its malfunctions.

Dear Die-ary,
Some f*cking jock was rude to me today. I'm gonna tear out his eyes with chopsticks!

Dear Die-ary,
Of course it's going to take time to heal the many scars I've collected along the way . . . but at least I don't much want to kill myself anymore.

Dear Die-ary,
Please listen quietly as the gun goes off and shatters your skull.

Dear Die-ary,
I have nothing to say today. Bye.

Dear Die-ary,
Today is Halloween. Many people are dressed up, and there is enough candy floating around to induce diabetic coma into a small but significant percentage of mainland China's populace. I chose not to dress up, however, as I don't really have much skill or knack for costumes that don't involve large quantities of fake blood (no, really, I promise it's fake).

Dear Die-ary,
I stared, motionless, before the mirror. As always, I stayed until I'm convinced that there is no glass, nothing, separating me from the room I see on the other side. I imagine that everything is different. Over there. Better. There are people, in that world, who I would like. But, like always, my hand hits the glass. I know that if I'd only waited one more second . . . shit.
I think I'll go kill a party clown.

Dear Die-ary,
For every action there is a reaction. For every effect, there is a cause. We often go through our lives without knowing the reasons for our actions. Sometimes we don't weigh the possible consequences as a result. Some carry on not knowing the reason why, not knowing their purpose to their own existences. The meaning of life is open to individual interpretation as no two people's lives have the same exact meaning. The answers are not always so easy to find to some of the questions asked in life. Others the answer is no great mystery while some simply cannot be answered simply because they have no real answer to them and one would go mad looking for an answer. Life may not be completely understandable, it's reasons are never as simple as black and white. Logic may not make sense of a situation. Rationality may not help you understand your life. You may feel that life has led you astray... but everything happens for a reason... it may not be completely clear at the time as to why it's happening. Some things just happen in life, there is no great rhyme or reason or justification for it, it just is. A self aware existence can be a funny thing. Life is subject to change without warning or notice leaving you to deal with the damage. As frustrating as it is, sometimes it can't be helped. Shit happens as the old saying goes. Just best to be prepared in case. Too often people grow sick or tired or bored of their life and rather than do anything to change it themselves for the better they spend the rest of their existence wallowing in their own misery. Expecting problems to solve themselves is not the way.My life it seems has been slowly and gradually shifting in my favor. Put enough good karma to the wind and you reap the benefits of what you sew. Rather than waste one more minute wondering how it is things I've gotten so lucky that things are actually looking up for once; realize that it is a good thing and don't question. Life still remains one of the last great mysteries of the world. It's unpredictable, unruly, unyielding and unrelenting, it could turn on you or for you at any second without warning or hesitation. A blink of an eye can change it all for you, no stopping it... but hey, that's life. It'd take all the fun and enigma out of it if you always knew where you were headed and what you were doing next. Randomness and spontaneity are what drive the world and make life more interesting for all of us. What happens next? Only time will tell...

Dear Die-ary,
I opened my eyes, so it would appear I slept. It must have been weeks since I last slept. I felt the usual confusion upon waking-Everything from before my eyes opening feels unreal and utterly questionable. Wasteful sleep, annihilating all certainty, consuming precious consciousness like fire ever-ravenous. I question sleep and all its motives, this time, However, My protests are silenced, as I seem to have benefited, this time the fire burned away more then just confidence in memory, but the strings are burned away as well. In trade of clearly remembering an unpleasant past, I've regained control of my will-A new thing to accustom myself to. Funny thing is, Pinocchio’s a real boy now but his wiring's all fucked up. No chance of salvation-still, one can try to slow down their descent. Emotions overwhelming too many distractions from within. First on the reform agenda is to re-awaken the insect, and assume a lovely coldness with ice in place of swirling noise. Control awaits!
I shall now make myself a sandwich. God help the neighbors if they have no cheese.

Dear Die-ary,
I had lost my diary, but now I found you! Oh have I missed you so! Also today I have seemed to regain some control of my will. The voices are gone for now, and it’s very quiet. But I still have the urge to kill some people, the urge is rising almost beyond my control. I want to stop this addiction but a small and shrinking part of me still wants to kill. I hope it goes away soon. Maybe I should try some companionship to see if that helps my insanity.

Dear Die-ary,
Today some more friends came over. That lady from the subway sat next to me on the bus, irritating me with her presence. I kidnapped her and brought her back to my house. We had some fun! I nailed her to the wall and made her smile even more with some old meat-hooks I found in my friend Bob that came over a couple months ago. He seems to have died so I don’t think he would mind if I took those screwdrivers out of his eyes. I begin to wonder how Bob died . . . oh well . . . maybe he can come over and have some more fun some other time?

Dear Die-ary,
I went over to the neighbors and they seem to still be dead after I had visited them to get some cheese. Unfortunately they didn’t have any, so I had to take care of them.

Dear Die-ary,
Bus Lady seems to have died too. But before she died she gifted me with her blood. I painted the Wall with it and buried her in my back yard.

Dear Die-ary,
I'm not sure what my past was quite like, or how I came to be who I am today. I've heard that everyone needs a shoulder to cry on once in a while, but I'd have to object to that statement. Sometimes, you can't trust anyone, not even your own imaginations.

Dear Die-ary,
Great day today. So much gore . . .

Dear Die-ary,
The bloodstains are now nearly black in color . . . there is something wrong with me, isn't there?

Dear Die-ary,
I got five hours of sleep this month. Need to sleep less.

Dear Die-ary,
I'm stressed in general. I mean . . . yeah. Stressed. Bye now. I hope genital-ripping monkeys find you in your sleep . . . you will have NO GENITALS!! Monkeys . . .

Dear Die-ary,
Today I discovered that on the inside . . . I'm pretty fucking ugly.

Dear Die-ary,

Sadly, I'm still alive today..

Dear Die-ary,Why are people all such assholes? And stupid ones, too. Honestly, you'd think they'd be politer to a guy who twitches and is always covered in blood, but no . . . morons.

Dear Die-ary,
the passions that drive us should be the ones we respect and admire. To feel contempt for one's own motivations is a vulgar thing. Too often, it seems, I've succumbed to less-than-admirable compulsions, driven by this furiously reprehensible machine of mine. So many things inside that I can do without-desires and urges and what not. So extraneous!

Dear Die-ary,
Christmas tomorrow. Tis the season to be jolly . . .
. . . whoever said that must have been on continuous drugs for a month.

Dear Die-ary,
No matter how hard I try not too. It happens tonight I'm going to try. I just hope I get to kill someone before . . . I gotta go; Eff stabbed me. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH fuck it hurts. I wish I could just smack him.

Dear Die-ary,
I saw things today. Terrible things.

                    <br class="clear-both">                                            <div style="display: none;" id="jsBlogMessage23104">The following snippets are from Nny's Die-ary. Most of them are either from the comic or the Internet.


You can cry until there is nothing wet in you.

You can scream and curse until your throat rebels and ruptures.

You can pray, all you want, to whatever god you think will listen.

And still, it makes NO difference.

It goes on, with no sign as to when it might release you.

And you never know that if it ever did relent . . .

It would not be because it cared.

Dear Die-ary,

Today I stuffed some dolls full of dead rats I put in the blender. I'm wondering if, maybe, there really is something wrong with me.

Dear Die-ary,

Today I found out that removing a person’s brains through their ear is much too messy. I think I’ll have to come up with new ideas. I’m hungry ... I think I’ll go bake cookies ... after I kill a mime. Damn those people are annoying!

Dear Diary,

I know better than to simply assume a complete justification for my actions, but . . . what a week.

What a great fuckin' week. :)

Dear Die-ary,

Worse still are the feelings that I'm still not right upstairs. Something inside my brain is flicking all the sanity switches to their full upright and off positions. I'm like close to just losing it on someone, and I don't want it to be my friends. I just wanna find a way out of this world. Perhaps I can. Bunny? I'm not happy.

Dear Die-ary,

I'm bored...Let's go have an adventure with the steak knife!

Dear Die-ary,

I seem to be dead.

Dear Die-ary,

I've been to heaven and hell... And I still don't know if there is a god or a devil. Still... It's something to write about.

Dear Die-ary,

Today some friends came over.

Dear Die-ary,

There's nothing terribly wrong with feeling lost, so long as that feeling precedes some plan on your part to actually do something about it. Too often a person grows complacent with their disillusionment, perpetually wearing their 'discomfort' like a favorite shirt. I can't say I'm very pleased with where my life is just now . . . but I can't help but look forward to where it's going.

Dear Die-ary,

This Saturday night was an interesting one. Even more interesting than normal!

Dear Die-ary,

Love. That's what this entry is about. I read this whole page of quotes on love today, and was sick to my stomach. Now I'm going to share some with you.

When you love someone, all your saved-up wishes start coming out-Elizabeth Bowen

To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world-Bill Wilson

Love is like a mustard seed; planted by God, and watered by men-Muda Saint Michael

Okay . . . that last one didn't even make sense . . .

Dear Die-ary,

I can feel again. Not everybody is that fucked up and cold. It's good when you think something really bad, and it seems more and more possible every day - until one day, gracefully it proves you wrong. All of this has led me to draw a conclusion: I was out of my fucking mind and I need to seriously see a psychiatrist about this problem with my mind and its malfunctions.

Dear Die-ary,

Some f*cking jock was rude to me today. I'm gonna tear out his eyes with chopsticks!

Dear Die-ary,

Of course it's going to take time to heal the many scars I've collected along the way . . . but at least I don't much want to kill myself anymore.

Dear Die-ary,

Please listen quietly as the gun goes off and shatters your skull.

Dear Die-ary,

I have nothing to say today. Bye.

Dear Die-ary,

Today is Halloween. Many people are dressed up, and there is enough candy floating around to induce diabetic coma into a small but significant percentage of mainland China's populace. I chose not to dress up, however, as I don't really have much skill or knack for costumes that don't involve large quantities of fake blood (no, really, I promise it's fake).

Dear Die-ary,

I stared, motionless, before the mirror. As always, I stayed until I'm convinced that there is no glass, nothing, separating me from the room I see on the other side. I imagine that everything is different. Over there. Better. There are people, in that world, who I would like. But, like always, my hand hits the glass. I know that if I'd only waited one more second . . . shit.

I think I'll go kill a party clown.

Dear Die-ary,

For every action there is a reaction. For every effect, there is a cause. We often go through our lives without knowing the reasons for our actions. Sometimes we don't weigh the possible consequences as a result. Some carry on not knowing the reason why, not knowing their purpose to their own existences. The meaning of life is open to individual interpretation as no two people's lives have the same exact meaning. The answers are not always so easy to find to some of the questions asked in life. Others the answer is no great mystery while some simply cannot be answered simply because they have no real answer to them and one would go mad looking for an answer. Life may not be completely understandable, it's reasons are never as simple as black and white. Logic may not make sense of a situation. Rationality may not help you understand your life. You may feel that life has led you astray... but everything happens for a reason... it may not be completely clear at the time as to why it's happening. Some things just happen in life, there is no great rhyme or reason or justification for it, it just is. A self aware existence can be a funny thing. Life is subject to change without warning or notice leaving you to deal with the damage. As frustrating as it is, sometimes it can't be helped. Shit happens as the old saying goes. Just best to be prepared in case. Too often people grow sick or tired or bored of their life and rather than do anything to change it themselves for the better they spend the rest of their existence wallowing in their own misery. Expecting problems to solve themselves is not the way.

My life it seems has been slowly and gradually shifting in my favor. Put enough good karma to the wind and you reap the benefits of what you sew. Rather than waste one more minute wondering how it is things I've gotten so lucky that things are actually looking up for once; realize that it is a good thing and don't question. Life still remains one of the last great mysteries of the world. It's unpredictable, unruly, unyielding and unrelenting, it could turn on you or for you at any second without warning or hesitation. A blink of an eye can change it all for you, no stopping it... but hey, that's life. It'd take all the fun and enigma out of it if you always knew where you were headed and what you were doing next. Randomness and spontaneity are what drive the world and make life more interesting for all of us. What happens next? Only time will tell...

Dear Die-ary,

I opened my eyes, so it would appear I slept. It must have been weeks since I last slept. I felt the usual confusion upon waking-Everything from before my eyes opening feels unreal and utterly questionable. Wasteful sleep, annihilating all certainty, consuming precious consciousness like fire ever-ravenous. I question sleep and all its motives, this time, However, My protests are silenced, as I seem to have benefited, this time the fire burned away more then just confidence in memory, but the strings are burned away as well. In trade of clearly remembering an unpleasant past, I've regained control of my will-A new thing to accustom myself to. Funny thing is, Pinocchio’s a real boy now but his wiring's all fucked up. No chance of salvation-still, one can try to slow down their descent. Emotions overwhelming too many distractions from within. First on the reform agenda is to re-awaken the insect, and assume a lovely coldness with ice in place of swirling noise. Control awaits!

I shall now make myself a sandwich. God help the neighbors if they have no cheese.

Dear Die-ary,

I had lost my diary, but now I found you! Oh have I missed you so! Also today I have seemed to regain some control of my will. The voices are gone for now, and it’s very quiet. But I still have the urge to kill some people, the urge is rising almost beyond my control. I want to stop this addiction but a small and shrinking part of me still wants to kill. I hope it goes away soon. Maybe I should try some companionship to see if that helps my insanity.

Dear Die-ary,

Today some more friends came over. That lady from the subway sat next to me on the bus, irritating me with her presence. I kidnapped her and brought her back to my house. We had some fun! I nailed her to the wall and made her smile even more with some old meat-hooks I found in my friend Bob that came over a couple months ago. He seems to have died so I don’t think he would mind if I took those screwdrivers out of his eyes. I begin to wonder how Bob died . . . oh well . . . maybe he can come over and have some more fun some other time?

Dear Die-ary,

I went over to the neighbors and they seem to still be dead after I had visited them to get some cheese. Unfortunately they didn’t have any, so I had to take care of them.

Dear Die-ary,

Bus Lady seems to have died too. But before she died she gifted me with her blood. I painted the Wall with it and buried her in my back yard.

Dear Die-ary,

I'm not sure what my past was quite like, or how I came to be who I am today. I've heard that everyone needs a shoulder to cry on once in a while, but I'd have to object to that statement. Sometimes, you can't trust anyone, not even your own imaginations.

Dear Die-ary,

Great day today. So much gore . . .

Dear Die-ary,

The bloodstains are now nearly black in color . . . there is something wrong with me, isn't there?

Dear Die-ary,

I got five hours of sleep this month. Need to sleep less.

Dear Die-ary,

I'm stressed in general. I mean . . . yeah. Stressed. Bye now. I hope genital-ripping monkeys find you in your sleep . . . you will have NO GENITALS!! Monkeys . . .

Dear Die-ary,

Today I discovered that on the inside . . . I'm pretty fucking ugly.

Dear Die-ary,

Sadly, I'm still alive today..

Dear Die-ary,

Why are people all such assholes? And stupid ones, too. Honestly, you'd think they'd be politer to a guy who twitches and is always covered in blood, but no . . . morons.

Dear Die-ary,

the passions that drive us should be the ones we respect and admire. To feel contempt for one's own motivations is a vulgar thing. Too often, it seems, I've succumbed to less-than-admirable compulsions, driven by this furiously reprehensible machine of mine. So many things inside that I can do without-desires and urges and what not. So extraneous!

Dear Die-ary,

Christmas tomorrow. Tis the season to be jolly . . .

. . . whoever said that must have been on continuous drugs for a month.

Dear Die-ary,

No matter how hard I try not too. It happens tonight I'm going to try. I just hope I get to kill someone before . . . I gotta go; Eff stabbed me. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH fuck it hurts. I wish I could just smack him.

Dear Die-ary,

I saw things today. Terrible things.

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                                <div id="gray">                        <div id="DIV_blog23074">            <a name="blog23074"></a>                <div class="blog-title">                    <div class="raised">                                                    <span class="black-18-b" id="jsBlogTitle23074"><a href="http://www.comicvine.com/myvine/Nny/&blogId=23074"></a><a href="http://www.comicvine.com/myvine/Nny/&blogId=23074">Who I Am</a></span>                                             <span class="black-12"> - Posted on May 27, 2007</span>                                                                    <span id="buttonOpenEditBlog23074">                        <a onclick="editBlog( 23074 )" href="javascript:void(0)">Edit Entry</a>                       </span>                                                                    <a onclick="dbDeleteBlog( 23074 )" href="javascript:void(0)">                                                    Delete Entry                                                </a>                       </div>                </div>                <div style="border-bottom: 2px solid;" class="blog-entry">                      <div class="markdown"><p></p><p>This is someone reading JtHM aloud. JtHM is an indie comic, and my character is Johnny himself. Best listened to kinda low, so it's really spooky. ;)</p>
                    <br class="clear-both">                                            <div style="display: none;" id="jsBlogMessage23074">This is someone reading JtHM aloud. JtHM is an indie comic, and my character is Johnny himself. Best listened to kinda low, so it's really spooky. ;)</div>                    <center><div id="jsBlogLink23074"><object height="350" width="425"><param value="http://www.youtube.com/v/qpDFTXoLqh4" name="movie"><param value="transparent" name="wmode"><embed wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://www.youtube.com/v/qpDFTXoLqh4" height="350" width="425"></object></div><center>                                            <div class="fr mr-20"><span class="black-12-b" id="jsButtonShowComments_1623074">    0 comments   |   </span><span class="black-12-b" style="display: none;" id="jsButtonHideComments_1623074"> <a class="black" onclick="hideComments( 16,23074 )" href="javascript:void(0)">Hide Comments</a>   |   </span> <span class="black-12-b" id="jsButtonOpenWriteComment_1623074">    <a class="black" onclick="openWriteComment(  16,23074, '' )" href="javascript:void(0)">Reply</a></span>
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