
basically a long time Marvel fan trying to learn new things

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Most Versatile Superheroes

Excluding good abstracts and reality warpers

Based on who brings more to the table

List items

  • On behalf of those who wear the Helm of Fate, the user is granted near limitless magical abilities with the added bonus of enhanced physical might and a unique perspective on time and what it brings.

  • Magic brings so many effects unexplained by science. Dr Strange being one of the best sorcerers in all comics though he lacks physicals.

  • There really isn't much Dr Manhattan isn't capable of. He is omniscient, omnipresent and has control over matter, energy and has a unique perspective on time. He is even able to duplicate himself and return from absolutely nothing.

  • The avatar of the Source is able to control the Quantum Field, the Speed Force and the Emotional Spectrum plus many more.

  • Sodam Yat is basically a Daxamite with the added versatility of a Green Lantern Ring.

  • On behalf of the Green Lanterns of Sector 2814, these users can do virtually anything limited only by their knowledge, creativity and will power. This includes energy constructs, creating portals, time travel, telepathy and many more.

  • The Power Cosmic grants its user a host of abilities and the various effects it brings along. Aside from just simply control over cosmic energy, the user is granted telepathy, physical augmentation, time travel, portal creation plus many more, the fundamentals of the universe in his command.

  • The Swiss Army Knife of the Justice League is gifted with a huge variety of powers thanks to his Martian physiology. In addition to his similar abilities to Kryptonians and Daxamites, J'onn J'onnz has complete psionic control over his mind, body and objects ranging from molecular reconstruction, regeneration, telepathy, telekinesis, energy manipulation, size changing, color changing and many more. His martian vision also allows for matter manipulation and combustion of inflammable objects.

  • The bulk of Thor's powers are derived from the fraction of Odin Force in his mystic war hammer Mjolnir which gives the user almost the same abilities as the Power Cosmic with the added bonus of magic and weather control. Unfortunately many of these powers have been rarely displayed in recent years.

  • Cybernetically enhanced champion of the Korbinites, Bill's powers are almost the same as Thor but lacks the devastating God-Blast.

  • When wearing the Quantum Bands, Quasar is granted with amazing powers mainly associated with the likes of energy control.

  • Before Captain Atom took up the role as Dr Manhattan in the New 52 DC Universe, he was practically given some control over matter and near infinite control over energy.

  • In addition to his incredible speed, the Human Rocket has encyclopaedic knowledge over the cosmos as well as control over cosmic energy.

  • This Omega Level Mutant possesses many abilities such as telepathy and telekinesis to an incredible degree. He is not your traditional reality warper despite having that capability.

  • Thanks to his Inhuman physiology, he has physical attributes higher than that of regular humans plus the ability to control matter and energy as well as produce a powerful sonic scream.

  • Once started off as a superman-type, Sentry has over the years strayed more and more away from that classification, gaining new powers and abilities along the way somehow.

  • One of the most unique of all androids. The Vision holds many different abilities such as holographic illusions, flight, mimicry, intangibility and many more.

  • Tony Stark houses many unique integrated systems within his armor providing a vast array of weaponry and detection abilities.

  • His Kryptonian physiology allows for fast flight, super strength, near invulnerability, super senses, freeze breath and an assortment of many types of spectral vision.

  • Great physical might, great speed and long distance laser vision. He is almost the same as Superman but doesn't absorb solar energy.

  • Similar to Gladiator though to a lesser degree for each power.