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Spider-Man Enemies

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Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider as a teenager, granting him spider-like powers. After the death of his Uncle Ben, which he could have prevented, Peter learned that "with great power, comes great responsibility." Swearing to always protect the innocent from harm, Peter Parker became the Amazing Spider-Man!

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  • Phil Urich, for a time, was a hero who somewhere along the line began thinking the universe was against him leading to a psychotic break. Formerly taking up the mantles of Darkhawk, Green Goblin and Hobgoblin, Urich is now known as the Goblin Knight.

  • Dr. Phillip Mitchell was a geneticist. He was a former employee of Department K and contacted painful experiments on its subjects. He was eventually killed by Sabretooth in revenge.

  • Father of Brian and Jean DeWolff and former police commissioner.

  • Son of the creator of the Living Brain and enemy of Spider-Man.

  • Pigeon was a harmless pickpocket who was taken down by Spider-Man, but while in prison he met some more dangerous men who, using the Vulture's designs became the Vulturions

  • Originally a mercenary who worked with the Daemonites in the Wildstorm universe. In the DCU He is a Hawkman villain.

  • Piledriver is a member of the Wrecking Crew.

  • He was the skrull impersonating as Captain America.

  • Platoon is a war suit created by an illegal weapons cartel known as ARMS. David Chodosh donned the suit and would come into conflict with Spider-Man and Iron Fist. Platoon would reappear years later but is defeated by the hero known as Annex.

  • Mercenary who had an Electro-Magnetic Armor. Mr. Johnsmeyer hired Polestar, Joystick and Rhino to participate in the Great Game where they would earn points and profits if they could successfully eliminate Kaine and Spider-Man.

  • Poundcakes participated in the bar room brawl with Spider-Man, and later refused to reveal information about the Bookie. Later at the Bar With No Name, Poundcakes was among the villains ambushed by Spider-Man and Daredevil. During the battle, Spider-Man kicked a pool table at Poundcakes. She later escaped with the others when the authorities showed up.

  • Paibok the Power Skrull was bionically re-engineered to posses more power than the Fantastic Four. A Captain in the Skrull empire that is relentless and ruthless.

  • A powerful mutant Powerhouse developed a strong hatred for humanity. Powerhouse fought Spider-Man, when she and mutant hater called Masterblaster attacked the Beast in a lecture at ESU on genetics. Spidey teamed-up with Beast and defeated Powerhouse, knocking her out. Later Powerhouse joined with Masterblaster in robbing a local bank, but were interrupted by Spider-Man, who defeated the duo. She was presumably taken into police custody.

  • Princess Python was the first villainess Spider-Man ever encountered. He refused to hit a woman, but managed to maneuver her into the arms of the authorities.

  • Inventor of the "mad computer" which he used to break into bank computers and steal information.Printout Man began using his "Mad Computer" to steal account information in an attempt to take over a bank. Spider-Man stopped Printout Man, when he wanted to steal the massive amount of Hostess cupcakes that had been locked up within the vault for safekeeping. Printout Man is then easily apprehended by local police.

  • Pro-Rata aka The Financial Wizard was a magician who used accounting skills in order to command his magic. He was stopped by Spider-Man and Howard the Duck, when he hoped to obtain the Jeweled Key, that once used at midnight with his cosmic adding machine would allow him to become a god.

  • Mendel Stromm caused set of problems for Spider-Man. He once attempted to kill Spider-Man (Ben Reilly) and Peter Parker with a trap he set consisting of seemingly normal human children, later revealed to in fact be more of his robots. It was then thought that Osborn killed Stromm again with a bullet to the head, but again, he survived and later went on to menace Spider-Man as a disembodied head.

  • Spider-Man has thwarted Professor Power's plans numerous times.

  • Professor Squid is a tentacled super villain.

  • A man used as a test subject by Norman Osborn years before he became the Green Goblin.

  • Psycho-Man first encounters Spider-Man, trying to kill him with Silver Surfer, controlling his mind. However Spider-Man thwarts his plans. Later reduced to a minuscule size after an accidental exposure to Ant-Man's shrinking gas, Spider-Man finds himself in the Microverse face-to-face with Psycho-Man. After a failed attempt to drain the Captain Universe power from Spider-Man (a power he no longer possesses), Spider-Man breaks from Psycho-Man's prison to find an alien universe that Psycho-Man has shrunk and demanded they make him king. After a battle with Psycho-Man, Spider-Man with the help of the beings of this shrunken universe, is able to destroy the device that controls Psycho-Man's power to manipulate the size of things, sending Psycho-Man shrinking and Spider-Man to return to normal size. Later Psycho-Man attempted to take control of the students of Avengers Academy while they were out on a 'field trip' with substitute teacher Spider-Man. He was defeated when Spider-Man's will power proved sufficient to shake off his influence thanks to his old experience with the Psycho-Man. Spider-Man rallied the other students to fight back and throw off his control, simultaneously giving Spider-Man the chance to connect to his students and prompt them to prove their worth as heroes.

  • The Foreigner's Death Squad comes after Betty Brant when she goes undercover and discovers information on terrorist plots involving the Foreigner. Pulse comes into conflict with Spider Man when he comes to Betty's aid.

  • Бизнесмен Томас Файрхат родился в племени индейцев в котором было предание о воине, который спасет мир от конца света. Он не верил в предание, но хотел стать таким героем. Томаса выбрали и он стал оборотнем — одно его состояние человеческое, а другое — умная, гуманоидная пума. Позже он стал наёмником и был нанят сыном Кингпина — Ричардом Фиском для того, чтобы убить Человека-Паука, но был побеждён Человеком-Пауком и Чёрной Кошкой. Позже Пума встал на путь исправления — стал помогать Человеку-Пауку и вошел в команду изгнанников (исправившихся злодеев).

  • The Punisher's first appearance was an attempt to assasinate Spider-Man. They have fought many times since, Spider-Man (like most of the superhero community) believing the Punisher to be a psychopathic murderer. Castle believes he should have killed Spider-Man a long time ago.

  • Pyromania was a pyromaniac, and was declared mad by the law. He had super-powers so he was sent to the Ravencroft to be studied and, possibly, cured or rehabilitated. Pyromania and other villains found Spider-Man and John Jameson and attacked. Spider-Man webbed Pyromania who burned the web in two seconds. Then Pyromania flew behind Jameson and melted his narcotic gun with his fire. Spider-Man webbed again Pyromania, but this time he used the pyrokinetic as a whip against Mayhem. Pyromania again freed himself from the web and tried to attack Spider-Man but he was hit in his "low" parts from Spider-Man, who had been warned by his Spider-Sense.

  • An evil creation of Mad Thinker made to destroy Fantastic Four.

  • A Marine who whose latent mutant abilities were activated by military experimentation. She was a military prisoner for many years before surfacing during Avengers Dissembled.

    Таинственная женщина по имени Королева использовала свои силы, дабы призвать и начать контролировать всех людей с геном насекомых в Нью-Йорке, в результате чего Паучье чутье Питера сошло с ума. Человек-паук отправился к ее местонахождению, а также Капитан Америка. Когда Человек-паук добрался до крыши, где столкнулся с Королевой, она закричала, из-за чего он упал на пол от жуткой боли. Кэп пытался его спасти, но напали ее последователи. Она взяла Человека-паука на руки и поцеловала, вызвав в нем мутацию. Он очнулся в ловушке Королевы. Его освободил Кэп, который раскрыл, что встречался с Адрианой в 1945. Погнавшись за Королевой, она подтолкнула некоторых зомбированных людей на самоубийство и победила его умственными способностями. Кэп пробил корпус Королевы, но она смогла выжить. Мэри Джейн узнала о его поцелуе, который транслировался по ТВ, Человек-паук отправился летать по городу, дабы очистить свой разум. Вернувшись в свою квартиру, Человек-паук увидел кошмар про Королеву и очнулся уже нездоровым. Питер начал видоизменяться: у него появилось четыре глаза. Человек-паук мутировал еще больше в чудовищного гуманоидного паука. После недолгого сражения Королева победила Человека-паука и уехала вместе с ним. Человек-паук превращался в гигантского паука по ее команде. Гигантский паук был спроектирован, дабы родить потомство Королевы, но умер из-за осложнений, возникших в процессе преобразования. В приступе ярости Королева разрушила лабораторию при помощи своих телепатических сил и приказала своим беспилотникам активировать бомбу, дабы уничтожить всю Америку, кроме людей с геном насекомых. Королева ушла, не заметив пролома в скорлупе паука, перерождение Питера. Паркер получил органическую паутину и усиленные силу и паучье чутье. Человек-паук обезвредил бомбу, а Королева был убита, когда Щ.И.Т. атаковал ее подземную базу.

  • Quicksand fought Spider-Man and Sandman once.

  • Leader of the Molans.

  • Человек-Паук объединился с Бэтменом, когда преступный лорд Кингпин работал с бессмертным манипулятором Ра'с аль Гулом.

  • A nuclear physicist and Communist agent in the People's Republic of China, Chen Lu is a Chinese superhero who's nationality has seen him come into conflict with American heroes. He has the ability to control and emit deadly forms of radiation.

  • Ragnarok is a cyborg clone of Thor who has all the powers of the Asgardian god and none of the humanity.

  • Ramona was an agent of A.I.M., who killed and then seduced Ka-Zar.

  • A powerhouse thug that has tangled with Spider-Man and Daredevil.

  • Ramshot is a member of The Jury.

  • Mayoral Canidate who had Norman Osborn and the Thunderbolts try to eliminate Spider-Man.

  • A gangster who was almost elected for mayor. He worked for the Kingpin.

  • Rapier fought Spider-Man and Captain America once when he was employed by the crime boss known as Silvermane.

  • Raptor attacked Peter Parker thinking he is Ben.

  • Daughter of Blackie Drago in the MC2 timeline.

  • After the super-criminal Slyde stole from the Maggia, Chicago enforcers Razorwire and Nautilus kidnapped Slyde's brother Matthew, demanding the stolen money as ransom. Nautilus and Razorwire watched Luke Cage prevent Spider-Man from capturing Slyde (who had hired Cage to help him retrieve his brother). After Slyde escaped, they waylaid Daily Bugle photographer Tony Reeves, claiming that Cage was in league with the Maggia and offering Reeves the location of their meeting site, in the hopes of using Reeves as a hostage in case the deal went sour. Slyde and Cage came to the meeting site in a warehouse on Chicago's Far Southeast side as planned; Razorwire tried to behead Cage, but was stymied by his steel-hard skin. Spider-Man, who'd followed Cage, attacked the hero-for-hire, allowing Nautilus to blast Cage. Razorwire then moved on to Spider-Man, but Slyde attacked him, hoping to enlist Spider-Man's help in saving his brother. Razorwire wrapped his wire around Slyde's neck, trying to find a seam in his frictionless suit, but Cage knocked Gibbons out with one punch, then tore his razorwires off. Soon afterwards, Nautilus' systems were damaged and became unstable, Spider-Man took Nautilus, Razorwire, Matthew, and Reeves to safety; after the warehouse exploded, Spider-Man handed the two criminals over to the police. Cage and Slyde emerged unharmed soon afterwards.

  • Razor Wire was a member of the Wicked Brigade, a group of Spider-Man enemies.

  • Razorback was a mutant with the innate ability to drive any vehicle instinctively. He was depowered as a result of M-Day. He employed many gadgets in his crimefighter career.

  • A long-time enemy of Captain America, Johann Schmidt is a proud Nazi general and the embodiment of evil, fear, and horror. He is known as the ruthless Red Skull.

  • Человек-Паук ненавидел Малика, потому что из-за него погибли родители Питера - Ричард и Мэри Паркеры.

  • Jimmy Natale was unwillingly transformed into the new Vulture by Professor Charles Goss, who used technology similar to what created the Scorpion. This new Vulture has actual wings and fangs, and can spit acid. He blames J. Jonah Jameson for his transformation into the Vulture.

  • Brawn over brains. The Rhino is an adversary of the amazing Spider-Man and incredible Hulk. His suit grants him immense endurance and strength. He recently returned to a life of crime following an all too brief retirement.

  • Mister Negative's newest henchman, this is a second more powerful Rhino who wield a high-tech battle axe.

  • Ricadonna is a former human criminal kingpin whose empire was torn down by the Daughters of the Dragon. She has recently escaped from prison and become augmented with Skrull organs.

  • Duplicate of Richard Parker designed to destroy Spider-Man.

  • Ringmaster (Maynard Tiboldt) is a circus villain who gains control over people by hypnotizing them with his hat.

  • Riot is a child symbiote of Venom.

  • Ripster was a member of the Silver Squad which were android bounty hunters designed by the Tinkerer and created by Silvermane. Her main objective was to destroy Spider Man.

  • Red 9 decided to come to New York City to play fight with his favorite superhero, Spider-Man. Spider-Man did his best to outsmart the kid, and they fought until they crashed through a window at the State Street Hospital.

  • Roland Treece is the founder of Treece International.

  • Spider-Man would join forces with Vengeance during his battle with Dread and Rak.

  • Razorfist has fought numerous heroes like Wolverine, the Cat, Spider Man, Toxin, and Elektra.

  • Robert Farrell was a misguided youth, stealing to feed his hungry family. After several confrontations with Spider-Man, he has since learned the errors of his ways.

  • Surviving his kamikaze, albeit crippled, Clarke began plotting revenge against the Champions. When the team broke up shortly after, Clarke kidnapped Iceman and mind-controlled him into attacking Angel and Spider-Man. The two heroes managed to free Iceman from Clarke's influence and Clarke's plan was foiled.

  • A scientific genius, Ruby Thursday remade herself into an living human gynoid with a shape-shifting head. She is a member of the villainous Headmen.

  • Rune while attached to a Venom symbiote was one of the symbiotes that attacked Earth and was defeated by Venom.

  • Spiderman saved the Punisher from falling to his death after the Russian threw him off the Empire State Building. The Russian and Spiderman then proceeded to get into a fight that left Spiderman badly beaten and knocked out. The Punisher was able to defeat the Russian using Spiderman as a human shield when the Russian was trying to hit Frank Castle.

  • Rattler is a member of the Serpent Society with the ability to create vibrations with his bionic tail.

  • Rock Python is a member of the Serpent Society who uses trick eggs to complement his rock-hard skin. He recently tried to turn his life around and tries to become a better man.

  • These guys tussled once back in the day when Spidey hung around the Black Cat alot.

  • Member of the French Empire.

  • In his bid to become the New York District Attorney Bullit ran an anti-Spider-Man campaign, blaming him for Captain George Stacy's death.

  • Spider-Man was Sandman's first and most frequent enemy. He first beat Sandman by tricking him into turning all into sand, then sucking him into an industrial vacuum.

  • Despite the objections of Dr. Marla Madison, Tony Trainer was ordered by Morelle Pharmaceuticals rep Marcus Devane to begin the microwave bombardment of bio-samples from Quicksand and the Sandman as part of Project: Sandstorm. Trainer, more concerned with the excitement of pure science than their bickering, did as he was told. The two microwave-irradiated samples gained contact with each other and created a dual magnetic resonance, resulting in a massive explosion. Encased in an amorphous shell of particles, Trainer ground his way across the Empire State University campus, adding to his mass as he pulverized everything in his path. Spider-Man rescued Dr. Madison from his path of destruction and dropped a wall on him, briefly halting his rampage. As Quicksand and Sandman arrived at the trail of their purloined bio-samples, Trainer emerged in his new humanoid form as Sandstorm. Believing that he'd killed Devane, who had actually been killed in the explosion, Sandstorm generated a massive sand-maelstrom while Spider-Man and Sandman escaped to safety. He briefly battled Quicksand until she claimed that she'd come to help him. Together, they battled Spider-Man and Sandman. Sandstorm disabled Sandman with his sand-spikes, but was rendered powerless when Spider-Man hit him with a chunk of reverse-polarized shrapnel which dispersed his fused-grit armor. As the police took Trainer away, Sandman stayed with him to ensure that he was treated fairly.

  • A member of the Japanese Yakuza, Orii came to Hell's Kitchen to challenge the Kingpin's criminal regime.

  • Santellio runs an illegal gambling ring out of his candy store.

  • Sasha seeks vengeance against Spider-Man for killing her husband.

  • Member of the Spacemen

  • Bitten at a young age by a mutant Pteranodon, Karl Lykos is an energy vampire forced to absorb the life out of victims to survive. If he absorbs the life of a mutant, he transforms into the insidious were-pterodactyl Sauron.

  • A mutant villain who is similar in appearance to Savage Dragon, which isn't really surprising since both characters were created by Erik Larsen.

  • Однажды враг Призрачного Гонщика, убийственный конторсионист по прозвищу Пугало присоединился к злодею Хамелеону, чтобы убить Человека-паука.

  • Insectoid monster that fought Ant-Man.

  • Chip is a supervillain with an unusual split-personality disorder.

  • After losing his job, Steven Hudak became "Scorcher" to extract his revenge.

  • Элейн Колл - психически больная женщина, которую преступник Седовласый (Сильвермейн) нашел в одной из психиатрических клиник, завербовал, и дал ей усовершенствованную версию костюма Скорпиона. Первоначально Скорпия сражалась с Человеком-Пауком, работая на Седовласого, а позже объединялась с различными врагами супергероя в надежде победить его.

  • Макдональд Гарган был частным детективом. Его нанял Джей Джона Джеймсон, чтобы проследить за Питером Паркером и Человеком-Пауком и выяснить, имели ли эти двое какую-нибудь связь с друг другом. Затем Джей Джона Джеймсон решил использовать Гаргана в качестве подопытного в эксперименте проводимого доктором Фэрли Стиллвеллом (Dr. Farley Stillwell). В ходе эксперимента Гарган подвергся процедуре облучения при помощи неогенного рекомбинатора и приобрел способности скорпиона, которые позволили бы ему уничтожить Человека-Паука. Но ДНК скорпиона впоследствии затронула разум Мака Гаргана, вызвав у него безумие. Скорпион обвинял Джеймсона в своем безумии и пытался уничтожить его, вынуждая Человека-Паука вмешаться. За годы Скорпион сражался и был побежден Человеком-Пауком множество раз. Большинство этих конфронтаций происходило при защите Человеком-Пауком жизни Джеймсона, которого Скорпион ненавидел даже больше Человека-Паука. Благодаря комбинации механического хвоста, скорости и силы Скорпион всегда превосходил Человека-Паука физически. Только опыт, навыки и смекалка Паука помогали победить Гаргана.

  • One of the five symbiotes forcibly spawned from the Venom symbiote by the Life Foundation. She eventually killed her symbiote siblings, and served as an enemy of both Venom and Spider-Man for some time. She has since been killed by Eddie Brock.

  • Screech is a member of The Jury.

  • The world's first "live streaming super-villain." She commits crimes to get more hits on her webpage.

  • Steven "Skip" Westcott was an older teen who molested a young Peter Parker.

  • The Seekers are hired by the Secret Empire to assist Midnight against Moon Knight, Night Thrasher, Spider-Man and the Punisher.

  • Солус – отец Морлана и бывший глава всей семейки Наследников (Inheritors). Он как и все его родственники – энергетический вампир, только постарше. По приказу Солуса и была затеяна вся возня с убийством сразу всех Паучьих Тотемов. Он лично убил Космического Человека-Паука, обладавшего космической силой (чем ярче пылает жизненная энергия, тем проще её высосать). Убил Солуса Каин (Кейн), клон Человека-Паука.

  • Negus is a 2,000-year-old vampire out of Sudan. He is part of a secret enclave that wants to unite all vampires

  • Silas King was a drug smuggler who got his powers from extensive exposure to the sun when his bus broke down in the desert.

  • Sneak-Thief is an enemy of the Life Foundation.

  • Marston once joined the Enforcers and fought Spider-Man. Spider-Man then knocked Snake down.

  • Enemy of Spider-Man, Storm, and Power Man created for an anti-smoking one-shot comic book. He has the ability to create massive clouds of toxic smoke.

  • Enemy of Spider-Man and sometimes ally of The Kingpin.

  • The successful business man and druglord for the Kingpin. He would be remembered as one of Marvel's largest and most abnormal villains.

  • Slambeaux was a member of the Silver Squad which were android bounty hunters formed by Silvermane to terminate Spider Man.

  • Skrull that impersonated Spider-Man during Secret Invasion.

  • A Skrull invader taking the form of Santa Claus to study Earth culture

  • Edward Cross joined a white supremacist group as a young man. Eddie and his gang came into conflict with Spider Man and Rocket Racer. When a failed experimental web fluid covered Eddie up, he changed into a shapeless, formless mass of flesh called Skinhead.

  • Martha Paterson was a young woman who hated being weak and soft. She had experiments done to her body giving her heightened reflexes, durability, and strength; these experiments also made her look like a giant of a man.

  • A demon that took over the body of mercenary and Spider-man villain Override. He later took over the body of another man, Gray Dolman.