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Broken But Not Beaten, Pt. 2

One Month Later...

Brooklyn, New York

Roshan hadn't lied when he said he'd have Kincaid patched up in no time. In little more than a month the Parkour Prodigy Knightfall had almost fully recovered from injuries that would have otherwise been fatal. Standing in front of the mirror mounted on the wall of the small washroom connected to the basement he'd been recovering in follow the betrayal of his brother Quintus that had resulted in the death of two, possibly more of his cousins and had left him teetering near death for over a week.

Slowly he reached down and pulled his shirt up and off, his still healing bones and sore muscles aching as he did so, the cast on his right arm slowing the tedious process even more. He was covered in scars and bruises from his battle against Quintus. Running his index finger across a rather large one angled across his chest before gritting his teeth and shattering the mirror with a quick punch from his good hand.

"Hey! I make you replace that!" The Ghurka's voice echoed from the house above. "Oh I'm sure you will..." Kincaid mumbled as he removed a small Smith & Wesson tanto knife from his pocket and extended the blade with his thumb. Carefully sliding the razor sharp blade between the cast and bare skin, violently yanking it away from himself, the blade easily sheering through the material, the homemade cast falling to the floor seconds later, a few drops of crimson blood falling into the sink below. "Sh!t..." Washing away the blood before he set about removing the cast on his left leg...

Two Weeks Later

He hung from a sturdy metal pipe that ran across the ceiling, slowly pulling himself upwards before lowering himself back down, gritting his teeth as the pain in his arm began to set in. It had taken over a hundred pull ups today before he could carry on no more and was forced to drop back to the floor. Rubbing his wrist he crossed the small room to a drink of water.

"You've improved, especially for a man who fell as far as you claim to have fallen..."

"I'll never beat Quintus laying about and feeling sorry for myself."

"Hmph... You didn't say you were British."

"I spent a lot of time in private schools in England." Placing the bottle of water back on the table against the wall before turning and going to work on a heavy bag that Roshan had acquired from god knows where.

"I see... and this... Quintus... what do you plan to do once you've defeated him?"

In a blur of motion, a powerful kick sent the bag flying from it's stand, sailing across the room to rest against the far wall. "I'm gonna kill him..."

The Knightfall Sanctum of Heritage, Two Days Later

The masked figure stood atop a building across the street, the specialized goggles covering his dark blue eyes were the only part of him remote visible, in front of him sat his families pride and joy, ripe for the picking. Quintus was distracted by events in Venezuela, a quick check had shown that Ellie was in Los Angelos, his parents were preoccupied with their dealings in France, so the Sanctum's more restricted areas would be deserted. For an outsider infiltrating their lair would be nigh impossible, but Kincaid had years of experience with it and was confident he could break through. Although there was no telling what devious traps his sister had installed that he'd failed to notice over the years.

Moments later he was descending from an open skylight towards the well polished marble floor, his boots stopping a few inches prior to setting down. "Pressure Plates in the floor wired to an alarm."

Removing a device from his belt he raised it so it was level with his head, depressing the first of three buttons to deploy a line the length of the hallway, pressing the second he began to silently glide down the corridor like a ghost, releasing it to come to a stop next a bust of Julius Caesar. Reaching out with a gloved hand he depressed it down into it's stand, causing a piece of the wall to slide inward and retreat into the wall itself. "Hail Caesar..." He mumbled sarcastically as he began swinging his body from left to right, retracting the line as he swung himself into the hidden passage as it slid shut without a sound.

The upper area didn't possess any significant security, merely quarters for the various Knightfalls and other facilities to suit their needs. The real danger began once you entered Ellie's personal lab.

He carefully picked his way through the rooms of Ashley and Antonio first, placing any items that might be of use in the pack he carried with him. Next he made his way to his own room, making a show of searching it in case it was under surveillance, you could never be sure. Finally he 'stumbled upon' the items he was looking for, specialized devices shaped like the bat-like symbol that anointed all of the Knightfall's uniforms, these in particular where of his own creation designed to hack into computer systems they came into contact with for a variety of purposes. He would never dispute whether or not his older sister was the most tech-savvy of their family, but years of watching her work had honed his own skills in the field. Slipping the devices among others into a pouch on his belt he made his way to his final destination before Ellie's lab. Quintus' Room.

Entering his brother's private quarters he crossed the floor to a painting hung on the wall. Unceremoniously ripping it away to reveal the wall way beneath. He knew Quintus had changed the code regularly, and attempting to hack it would only lock it down. would do his best to keep his sister's possessions intact. Quintus... not so much. As the renegade Knightfall carefully molded plastic explosive over the hinges and along the seam. Stepping out of the way of the blast, Kincaid triggered the blast, the powerful explosive sending the door flying off, slamming into and denting the wall.

Pivoting on one foot he peered into the safe, examining it's contents for a moment before unzipping his pack and sliding the various items inside for analysis later... in the event there was anything of use, for now he more important things to do.

He stood in the passageway that lead down into Ellie's lab. To the naked eye it was an ordinary passage way, to anyone with a grain of common sense it was a death trap. Recalling back to the time he'd spent with her when he was younger he remembered that the first 100 or so meters was electrified, with a small gap before the next hazard began. The passageway curved slowly downward, preventing the use of his line gun. Stretching his legs out for a moment, the Knightfall Protege took a single step back before bounding forward, the silencing matter on the bottom of his boots allowing his to stealthily move from wall to wall in a fantastic display of parkour, his specialty. The disguised Knightfall landing within the small safe zone in a crouch. Nodding approvingly as he rose to his feet.

Thee Hours Later...

Ellie was a sly one, there was no doubt about it, he'd nearly lost his head once, a limb twice, been shot at, nearly incinerated and impaled and any number of other horrible things that nearly happened to him today, if not for his suit's built in respirator a cloud of poison gas would have surely ended his little crusade. He'd have to ask her about that one day. Breathing heavily after exerting himself so much from suffering such debilitating injuries. He was close now. Stepping around the corner he could see the final obstacle, a tiny keypad and a single heavy metal door.

Cautiously crossing the distance he examined the opening mechanism, there was a second means of accessing the doors, but as close as the two were he was not his sister, and her access code would have to do. Removing a small piece of paper from a pouch on his belt, carefully punching in the code. Wincing, waiting what seemed like an eternity for the end to come once the passcode was rejected... only to be greeted with a hiss as the door opened to allow access to his sister's lab.

He had to act fast, the artifical guardian within would realize he wasn't Ellie the moment he stepped inside. Removing the magnetized micro-computer he hurried inside, luckily the mainframes were exposed, making the task of attaching the units slightly easier, or slightly less impossible.


A voice boomed from an unseen location, the white lighting instantly turning red.


In a flurry of motion he sent the micro-machines sailing towards the four mainframes, each expertly meeting their mark as Kincaid hurried for the central terminal, quickly typing away to disable whatever this 'Purge' was, watching the countdown in the corner of the massive screen.

"Almost there..."


"Damn it... damn it..."




Kincaid sighed with relief, slumping in the over sized chair for a moment before bounding out of it. It wouldn't last. He already knew what he was after, his eyes falling on the prototype stealth suit Ellie had poured countless hours into, resting within a shatterproof glass case. Retrieving a sonic charge from his belt he placed it on the case and covered his ears. An ear splitting, pulsing sound following seconds later, the glass shattering and falling to the floor.

"Sorry Ellie..." He said with a smile as he ran his hand over the unique material. No time to stand around and admire the suit, pulling it off the mannequin and stuffing it into his bag.

Looking upwards towards a camera that had been tracking his movements the entire time he reached up and blew a kiss, knowing Ellie would likely understand the reference before he turned and departed the Aerie. He had plans to make.


Broken But Not Beaten - Part 1

Unknown Location, Brooklyn, New York City

Nearly Two Weeks after the deaths of Ashley and Antonio Knightfall and the Supposed Death of Kincaid Knightfall.

What time was it? What day was it? Where the hell was he? ...

These were just a few of the questions swirling through the heavily injured Knightfall's head as he slowly regained consciousness. His eye's fluttering open to see the cracked concrete ceiling above him. Jolting upwards was a mistake... A scream of pain that would most likely have alerted whoever had brought him here, the youngest of the three Knightfall siblings falling back to the cot he was lying on. Even more pain this time, He gritted his teeth and held back another outburst as best he could. Broken bones... lots of them. His ribs, right arm, right collar bone, both ankles, left leg. Those were just the one he could discern at the moment. Slowly turning his head to the right he could see the jerry-rigged IV hooked up to his arm. A lot of good it was doing, the slightest movement felt like he was being struck with a sledgehammer. Lifting his one good arm he gently ran it across those parts of his body he could reach, from what he gathered he'd been partially undressed, his wounds bandaged and wrapped up, the broken bones having been reset, but this was no hospital... not by a long shot.

He hadn't noticed it at first, probably the general delirium he assumed had accompanied waking up from his little coma, but as he regained his senses he could smell the sharp aroma of incense in the air.

A sharp creek alerted him to a door opening to his right, followed by slow footfalls against wooden stairs, each step resulting in a similar protest as weight was placed on it. Slowly he turned his head towards the sound, unsure what to expect, closing his eyes and gritting his teeth to fight off a sudden surge of pain. His dark blue eyes opening to see an elderly Asian man, short but still powerfully built even in his old age, sitting in a chair facing him.

"Where... am I..." He asked, his voice barely audible, he hadn't noticed it before but he must have hurt his jaw at some point.

His apparent savior didn't answer right of the bat, preferring to stroke his chin and check the IV drip before hand before for finally answering.

"You know, in my country, speaking to someone who saves your life in such a manner is quite frowned upon."

The old man chuckling as he removed a small pipe from a shirt pocket after setting aside a wooden walking stick he hadn't noticed before, must be the morphine he thought... or whatever was in that bag.

"You? ... How?" He managed through gritted teeth.

"Ah... now I am the rude one..." Giving a sort of seated bow before he began to pack what Kincaid assumed was tobacco into his pipe. "Roshan Thapa, Formerly a Sergeant of Her Majesty's Royal Gurkha Regiment, Now strange old man living in Brooklyn. Now is your turn, Man who I find half dead in alleyway while walking my dog."

"Kin... Kincaid." Clenching his one good hand into a fist as a fresh surge of pain shot through his body.

"Nice to meet you Kin-Kincaid." The old man retorted, almost mockingly. "Now maybe tell me why you half dead in Alley with half your bones broken?"

He winced as he took in a deep breath, clutching the side of the cot. "My brother... tried to kill me."

The elderly Gurkha shook his head is disappointment. "What a shame... I have brother, a real weasel that one, but he would never attempt anything so disgraceful. How did he do it? Looked like you ere hit by a truck."

"He threw me out a window... I think a building broke my fall at some point."

The Gurkha chuckled, smoking his pipe for a moment. "You are a very lucky man Kin-Kincaid."

"I don't feel lucky..." Raising his head slightly to look at the bandages that covered a large portion of his body. "Did you do this?" Gritting his teeth once again as he gently laid his head back down.

"I was combat medic, then I was doctor. Now I am retired, but I still know thing or two." The ex-soldier smiling proudly down at his still heavily injured guest. "You need more rest, time to heal now, I will have you tip-top shape in no time."

He didn't need to be told twice before the old man, what was his name? Thapa? Had made it to the stairs Kincaid was out cold... Already his thoughts drifting towards revenge... For Ashley and Antonio... Whatever it took, He was going to kill Quintus...

(More to come, Hopefully the next part will be up tomorrow or Tuesday.)