
I know that things are getting harder, but you're not getting smarter.

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Savior Harley -- INJUSTICE FOR ALL

So, I just finished Injustice: Gods Among Us #5. This is important because it marks the first time since... well, actually, since I cannot remember, that I have suddenly found myself with a wide, idiot grin on my face as I read a comic.

Harley has gone through a dark time over the past year. When Gotham City Sirens ended, fans threw up their hands as she turned back to the Joker. Now we have Suicide Squad, where her strength has become her undoing. She is independent, but she also isn't funny, cute, or really interesting at all. I had given up hope that I would ever see a well-written Harley Quinn again.

Then today happened. It started out with whispers... people know I am a big Harley fan.

"Hey, have you read the new Injustice?"

"It has Harley in it, you should check it out!"

"She is really cool!"

Unable to allow such gossip to go on without me knowing what was going on, I shelled out my dollah-dollah-billz and I caught up to #5, extremely reserved about what I was going to find within its electronic pages.

It starts strong, but I was still tentative. Harley being a total badass. That's fine, she has been badass before. She was badass in Suicide Squad, just not any fun. So I held tight to see how things panned out.

It was absolutely beautiful. It rolls from badass, to funny, back to badass, back to funny, to tragic, back to funny, with a strong streak of character and an underlying element of being simply adorable. Within this simple mini-issue, I believe the writer has the highest talent-to-character grasp ratio I have ever seen.

"What about Dini?!"

I love Dini, I really do. And he is still doing great stuff. But he was unwilling to let Harley ever move on. Now, we don't know what will happen with this newer Harley yet -- we know Injustice is finite, sure. But from the look of things? This is panning out to being the best-written rendition of the character since... well, ever. It has a perfect blend of everything that makes the character. It's a modern incarnation without being disfigured like the one in New 52. So, let's just hold on and hope for the best. Hope that maybe, sometime, someone will get a clue... that maybe this Injustice Harley can be the character's savior. That a difference can be made, and we can see a wonderful, hilarious, intelligent, adorable, strong, and romantic Harley Quinn once more.