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Good & bad debaters on comicvine

I have seen some people here claim I'm hate on everything, or I ask for "too much" in terms of feats. In my eyes, I don't see how I hate everything since you can fine the things I very much like. Some also believe I'm too much of a stickler on feats, Star Wars lowballer, Warhammer40k lowballer, One Punch man hater, My Hero academy lowballer, Dragon Ball lowballer or the most laughable one, a DCEU fanboy.

Here I will list users I've seen, encountered or debated that debated well. On the flip side I will also list users that I feel are pretty bad and some I think are mediocre, decent or could be better.

The good ones

@lord_spectrum He's a user I haven't encountered much. I did debate him only one time in which he did pretty poorly with very faulty logic and called me a stickler for feats. I will chuck it up to him having a bad day, but if it becomes consistent then he's getting off the list. So you must ask yourself, why do I still believe he's a good debater or one of the better ones? Because I have seen his other debates across the site particularly the ones including spectre.

I will say that he is a bit skewed to the Marvel side from what I've seen, but not far enough that he's completely biased.

@krleavenger/@krle_avenger An OG, on this site by his large amount of posts. Don't know the guy, never replied to him, never replied to me. We have very different interests, he debates more comicbook characters, I don't. He has, from what I've seen, good knowledge on Darkseid, Thanos & The Anti-Monitor.

I have however seen his debates and he does well. Provides ample evidence to suppot his position, doesn't insult people and debates properly.

I'm a bit pissed that he has 10k images on his profile, while the mods stopped me from posting when I hit 3K. What's up?

@thedarkpaladin You have to hand it to this guy. When an entire fanbase hates on you on a site because you've been spanking them like some kids, then you must be doing something right.

We have here are resident knowledgable Saint Seiya fan.

Dragon ball is arguably the most popular anime/manga franchise in the world and has some really powerful characters that are used on battle forums across the internet. Due to it's popularity, many people believe DB characters are the absolute most powerful, even here on vine. Since DB vs Comics is banned here, DB users are forced to put battles against other anime/manga characters. Most are too weak so they put them against Saint Seiya in hopes for a win and this guy smacks them every single time.

It's entertaining to read.

The Bad ones

Good amount of vine "debaters" would fall in here.

@_kingoflatveria really awful poster. Just read this horrible CAV by him. I even voted on the CAV, because of how horrendous he & his opponent did.

@gearsecond659 Nothing against the guy at all, but he just has no clue at all what he's talking about at times and I'm baffled by it. Usually when you're ignorant about something you don't say anything.

The mediocre

@sirfizzwhizz Another vine OG, this one however has been a major disappointment in the debates i've read and the ones I've engaged in against him.

Internet tough guy & aggressor lol, he knows a lot of series but doesn't know how to debate them well. He said he was better in his prime.

@jashro44 Our very own mod on this site. Truthfully, I expected mods of the battle forums to be pretty good and knowledgable debaters, this has not been the case. My first encounter with our mod friend here happened in a Warhammer 40K thread. Mind you, this is a verse he and I aren't knowledgable on but he thought it would make sense to take hyperbolic text at face value because Dragon ball. Nice reasoning mod.

@thewatcherking Someone that I bumped into a debate that somehow could not understand that being able create something does not mean you can fight. Also, thinks you don't have to bust planets to be a planet buster.

The ones that could be better

@higherpower Used to go by godvulcan and many other names. He's not the best but is on a quest to be better.

I have run into him numerous times, while he's always been on the losing side.

I and his taste differ, he likes a lot of series that aren't good and I prefer things of quality. I will say that he knows how to format his posts very well and does provide evidence which is to say, he's better than the majority of viners in debating.

His flaws come with how he interprets certain feats and lack of scrutiny. Like I said, he's gotten a lot better at it but you can only debate so well when all you read is low quality shonen crap and it reflects in his debating because it lacks specificity.

I'd put his friends somewhere here, but they're all much worse than him at debating.