
I am the blood that flows through your veins. I am the dark shadow that chills the hearts of men. I am the fury! Your hate - and y...

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Mass murderers

There is a list for characters who have commited mass murder or genocide, defined as killing four or more people in a single incident. These ones are villains or tipically anti-heroes, varying on your belief they still killed. This list also include comic book dictators and blue-collar supervillains, who are more inclined to commit anyone in their path. Teams of supervillains inclueded as well.

EDIT: I made some clean up on this list because at the time I created it was a early user and not aware of the site's rules. So some items and profanity will be removed to accommodate the list better.

List items

  • When Sentinel Prime turned Heel in Dark of the Moon he gets Chicago razed and killing most of the citizens.

  • He was never a serious villain in the beggining (or at least I didn't took him seriously) but he showed his not to mess around when he killed G.I.Joes in Retaliation and Renegades. And later killed thousands of Russian innocents.