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Batman's (Semi) Weekly Rant: Superhero Movies That Bombed

Yet another rant I feel I need to get off my chest after seeing The Green Lantern again: Superhero movies that absolutely SUCKED. There are some real stinkers out there, whether it's because of poor character development, poor script, or poor acting. These are ranked 1-5, with 5 being the (relative) best and 1 being the worst. (5 - Ghost Rider) Two words: Nicolas Cage. Nicolas Cage is one of the most horrific actors in Hollywood, and I've never appreciated him in any movie. Not only that, but the dialouge was horrendous and the action scenes left me underwhelmed. (4- Batman Begins) Now this I bet I'm going to get a lot of flack for. But to be quite honest, I just did not like this movie. The begining was its strongest point, when it shows Bruce going through the motions of learning to be Batman. It was good up until the plan to destroy Gotham was revealed. The whole movie a tone of realism was displayed, and then we get this almost sci-fi curveball explaining Ra's plan to use a particle disperser device to evaporate fear gas all over Gotham. It was a little too comic-y for me after all the realism. Also the final fight with Ra's was poopy. (3- Superman Returns) My absolute favorite thing about this movie was Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor. Brandon Routh wasn't a horrific Superman in my opinion either. If anything, Superman was a horrific Superman. I understand that in a movie with Lex Luthor as the villain, Clark can't really duke it out. But the film REALLY lacked in action, and the only times I was awake were when Kevin Spacey was on screen and when Superman lifted the island. That's it. (2- Green Lantern) I expected this movie to be terrible. I watched it, despite the little voice in my head telling me not to, and was almost left mad by the end. To ruin such a great hero with such a terrible movie! Ryan Reynolds was not cast right as Hal. They chose to flood us with CGI to the point that it looked completely fake. The mythos behind the character was royally F'd up. And last but not least, the action moments SUCKED. The only one I could barely stomach was the final fight against Paralax, and even then I wasn't impressed. This series needs a reboot, forget about the after credits with Sinestro. NO SEQUEL. (1- The Fantastic Fours) Take your pick, either movie. Need I elaborate? Terrible all around, especially Rise of the Silver Surfer. Galactus is a giant cloud of black gas?


Batman's Weekly Rant: The Dark Knight Rises

This is a new thing I'm trying with my blog. Once or twice a week, I'll post a rant on something or other that kind of gets on my nerves. Whether you consider it good reading or not, it's more or less venting for me. Today I'm going with the movie The Dark Knight Rises. While this movie may be one of my favorites of all time, there are certain things that just didn't feel right about it. First up, ---Bane's Death--- This never felt right to me, and is my biggest problem with the movie. Bane was the main villain for most of the movie. We were made to feel intimidated by him, to fear his strength and intelligence. Even his voice oozed intimidation. He absolutely destroyed Batman the first time (and it could be argued he would have the second fight, if not for his mask) they fought. We were made to FEAR him. And what death did this excellent villain deserve? A worthy fight with The Batman? Dying for his cause? An impossible redemption? Nope. Catwoman rolls in and blows him away in half a second. We are instantly forced to accept that Bane is dead, and Talia is now the focus. WHAT? I'm sorry, but the transition between Bane and Talia could have been handeled so much better. --- The Giant Flaming Bat Symbol --- This should be pretty well known. Batman has a deadline to stop a nuke, and he spends it spreading kerosene on a bridge to make a giant flaming bat? I understand he did it to send a message, but still, it didn't make sense. Cool, I admit. --- No Batmobile? --- I understand that "The Bat" replaced it as a more convinient means of travel for Bruce, but where did it go? It's not shown once in the film, to my knowledge. And why didn't Batman ever use the canon attached to the top? Think Bruce, think. --- The Joker --- Nolan left out mentions of The Joker to respect the death of Ledger. I don't mean to sound crude, but was it needed? I would think a mention somewhere of the character would respect Ledger's role even MORE. And, again, it just doesn't make sense. The Joker puts Gotham through all this, and nobody mentions him once? It was a tad disappointing. --- BATARANGS --- Batman's signature gadget, and we only see a variant of them? They weren't even used once in The Dark Knight! Again, a little disappointing. ----- Well that about does it. I'm sure I could think of more, but frankly I'm a little tired of writing. Feel free to comment any issues YOU had with the movie, or if I made any mistakes. Feedback is appreciated! - ImTheDamnBatman


The Comic World Is Changing, And I'm Not Sure I Like It

To be a fan of a Superhero used to mean heading down to the local shop, grabbing the newest issue of Superman, and cracking it open when you got home, savoring every illustration until the next issue came out. However, these days to be a "fan" of a Superhero is much less involved; You go and watch The Avengers, and suddenly you're all about Superheroes, and a complete "fanboy" of Thor! It doesn't matter if you think the extent of his abilities is flying, hitting, and shooting lightning, he's you're new favorite trend. And that's something else that happens when the conversion of comics to movies. People get the wrong idea of what the Superhero is capable of! Iron Man honestly contesting with Thor? Come on. But it's what people believe. Which leads me to my next point: It's only "cool" to like Superheroes from the movies. For instance, a friend of mine was trying to tell me how Captain America could take Thor, since, of course, he saw The Avengers. He was talking my ear off about it, so I finally broke down and showed him scans of how Captain America could in now way compete with Thor. Surprisingly, he has the audacity to call ME a nerd, when he had not only brought up the topic, but talked to me about it for a half hour! And that's what it's come to: Watch the movies, you're a badass, read the comics, you're a nerd. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all about Movie-Adaptions. The Nolan Bat Trilogy is my favorite series of movies, and I really enjoyed the Spider-Mans. But it's gotten to the point where the general populace is only concerned with the movies. Whenever I see Avenger stuff now, it's always got Black Widow, Hawkeye, or Hulk. Where's Scarlett Witch? Why can't I have my Vision t-shirt? I'd like some Warbird socks. But you won't see any of that, because as far as the populace is concerned, The Avengers are composed of a bunch of Hollywood A-listers.