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War Mother: Two Opposite Poles

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Due to May being the Mother's Month in the whole world, with some variables in the celebration day, i guess this would be a good chance to take a look at my favorite female character and what's coming up for her in August. Valiant Comics recently announced the introduction a new short mini-series for one of its most unique and newest characters at the moment, War Mother, created and written by no other than Fred Van Lente, which personally is one of my favorite writers currently.

The character was firstly introduced in a one shot issue during 4001 AD series 4001 AD: War Mother #1 in a time period within Valiant's continuity which seems to be a futuristic land with an orbiting Japan. One of the few personal background information we get is her name, Ana. Her introduction revolves around the fact she's looking for inorganic technology pieces in a future were her tribe grows all their food and resources from organic materials, including 95% of their technology.

We initially get to see some justification towards the motherhood behind her name and as the plot evolves, she encounters bad guys, knows what most likely is going to be her side-kick in future issues and we can explore a little more about her inner demons and personal goals. This particular part is what makes War Mother, one of the best female characters i've ever read about.

Two Sides of the same Coin

The fundamental part of her character is the controversy that her name eloquently implies: A Mother for War. In this issue you can appreciate how the character develops as she enters deeper into the wilderness, letting us know she's a very grim person with actual loose morals, but also the whole instinctively caring side of a mother in nature we firstly can perceive.

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Evidently enough, her graphic representation and design, even though obviously influenced by Mad Max character Furiosa, was done in a way the writer wanted to make this particular opposition in perceptions as blatant as possible, but most importantly, it is how she interacts with other people besides her family that makes us see she's more than meets the eye. Likewise, her side-kick, a rather advanced organic assault rifle with artificial intelligence and cognitive abilities, happens to develop quite decently along with Ana while sealing the issue with strong hints of a powerful friendship and alliance between these characters, which apparently will be expanded in this new mini-series.

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However, one of the things people complained the most about was the lack of distinctive villains or bad guys for such an impacting character. Fred Van Lente confirmed in recent interviews, several villains, memorable ones nonetheless, will be introduced to the character's lore while stating each of them will act as a detonator for more facets about Ana and her surrounding world.

Key Aspect of War Mother

Fred confirmed to SyfyWire Ana is one of the Valiant 2.0 characters that are going to be introduced and she plays a primordial role just as important. This means there's a lot of evolution left for her character, her world and possible the connection between other 41st Century Valiant characters like Rai, which is nothing but looked forward to by fans of both characters.

Anyways, i thought in sharing what i appreciated about this brand new character and why it impacted me so much. It's definitely refreshing, even more so when i can nod on her development as a strong leading female character but still with the soft side we always like to see, needless to say, sexy, powerful and badass.

Happy Mother's Day everyone. - Ghost

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