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The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter X.

(story copyright E.N.Boyd)

"At 0600 hours, we are to leave tomorrow morning and make way to the State of Illinois. Blue will teleport all of us there. Hmm...we will be in the heart of Chicago.", Captain Flag said. "Doc, the orders also state you need to be in private and play the messages while we are to open our duffel bags and then do some practice maneuvers this evening here in the desert." he added.

"Yes, it appears to be that way. Well, OK, I guess I will retreat to the bedroom while all of you do your thing. I will meet you again in awhile.", Doc Strong said, holding the small boxes in his hand, thumbing them in an odd fashion, Man O' Metal noticed. He appeared nervous. Doc left for the room and the group gathered the duffel bags in the living room.

They each opened them and several comments immediately were made.

"What in Blue Blazes?", Man O' Metal was the first to comment. He pulled out what appeared to be a costume. In fact, each member of the Freedom Guard pulled out a costume, specifically designed and tailor made.

"How do you like this get-up? I thought Blue Lady was the only one to wear a costume due to her magic ring. Didn't think I'd have to be dancing around in one.", Man O' Metal said. " I mean, each of us, we wore battle dress uniforms and gear during the War. I know Torpedo Man just had his skivvies, but he was Navy and from the undersea tribe so that was expected. Yet I don't know, I mean, how will I operate wearing this?", he commented.

"Hold the costume up, Sparky.", Blue said.

Man O' Metal held it up for her to see.

"Liberator, please encase the rest of us in your force field for a moment.", Blue Lady said,."Except for Sparky and Captain Flag.".

"Huh? OK.", Liberator said. A slight pressure change was felt in the room as Liberator concentrated and his force field wrapped around the group.

"Captain Flag, if you would please.", Blue said.

"Gotcha.", Captain replied. He looked at the costume that Man O' Metal held up, drew in a breath, and shot a thin stream of fire out of his mouth at Man O' Metal's costume. Man O' Metal's body immediately converted to metal long before the flame reached him, his powers instinctively kicking in. The clothes he was currently wearing...with exception to his fireproof underwear...immediately burned off.

"Hey! What gives, Captain?", Man O' Metal asked.

The costume Man O' Metal was holding up could be seen, smoldering lightly, but none the worse for wear.

"Look at the costume, Sparky!", Blue said.

Man O' Metal turned the costume around and looked at it, noticing it wasn't damaged. "Well I'll be.", he said, smiling.

Nyoka spoke up. "Will you please put some clothes on?", she asked, and the group laughed.

"Hardy Har. Looks like I have no choice but to wear these duds. An eye catching design. Guess we will be in the public's eye if these designs are any indication.", Man O' Metal added, as he put the costume on. "Nice fit.", he added, posing in a muscle man competitive pose, stretching his arms out and then getting into a boxing stance. He flexed his fingers inside the gloves and then made some punches in the air. "Seems to adjust with my movements.", he added.

The costume was cobalt blue in design and even darker blue for the pants. The gloves were yellow. "Check out the colors. What do you guys think?", he asked.

"I'd say it will be an improvement when you put the mask on.", Blue said, pointing at the duffel bag.

Man O' Metal looked at the bag, and fished inside, pulling out a mask. He looked at it while the group picked out their costumes, looking at them. He shrugged his shoulders and put it on his face. His hands went to the top of his head and he felt the yellow colored Mohawk shaped fin. "Look, Red Hawk, I'm a Mohawk!", he said.

Red Hawk looked at Man O' Metal. One eyebrow raised, he gave Man O' Metal a once over, then said, "I eat Mohawks for breakfast. Better watch out...Sparky.", he said, smiling.

The group laughed yet again.

"I think it safe to say we should all go to the bedrooms and get dressed in these..costumes. It will be a far cry from wearing our Military uniforms but the times, I guess we have to adapt.", Torpedo Man said.

"Yes, it is time.", Doc Strong said, as he emerged from his bedroom. Standing next to him was a man, dressed in brown khaki pants and a black shirt. The group all turned to look and saw two men. They both looked identical to one another.

"I agree with myself. It is time.", the other Doc Strong replied.

To Be Continued.


The Freedom Guard Files. Introduction.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter I.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter II.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter III.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter IV.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter V.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter VI.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter VII.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter IX.

Start the Conversation

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter IX.

(story copyright E.N.Boyd)

"Well. That is indeed quite a bit to deal with but I assume my future self knows something I presently do not. Therefore it appears I will have to make ready for this mission. I would also assume one of the message boxes contains more information.", Doc Strong said, removing the blanket, and placing his legs over the side of the bed. "By the way, where is my D.E.E,P, suit and who dressed me?", he added.

"That would be me, Doc.", Blue Lady replied.

"Um, well, I was without clothing and all...", Doc stated, looking at Blue.

"OK, Doc, that is interesting. You're a Doctor and yet you're telling me you have some modesty issues?", Blue asked, smiling, her hands on her hips.

The group of heroes standing in the bedroom laughed.

"Well, not to worry, Doc, I actually used my bluebird ring to remove your "deep" suit as you call it and also clothed you, pretty much in split-second fashion. I didn't see anything I've not seen before.", Blue replied.

"Yeah, I bet.", Man O' Metal said, giving Blue a grin.

Blue looked at Man O' Metal and smiled. "Oh, nice zing, Sparky. You got me there. Was wondering when you'd step up to the plate and knock one out.", she answered.

"OK, you two.", Captain Flag said. "Can someone get Doc the message boxes?", he asked. Nyoka nodded her head, and left the bedroom, ducking as she left, her tall strawberry blonde hair just missing the frame.

"Don't worry, Doc, we have that space man suit in the storage shack for now. We weren't sure what to do with it. That is some get up. Is it a diver's bell?", Torpedo Man asked.

"Um, well, yes and no. It would take some time to explain. I'm bit of an inventor and used it to explore areas that were otherwise too difficult to investigate.".

"I see.", Torpedo Man replied.

"I am surprised by all this on many levels. I am curious how my ranch has remained here all these years and apparently in my name. Yet I am more surprised all of you do believe I am telling the truth about my wife and Paulie.", Doc said, standing up.

"Well, regarding the ranch, the US Government has been maintaining your ranch since your "death". I can discuss all that later.", Blue answered.

"Here you go, Doc.", Nyoka said, handing the man the message boxes, small devices which were far more advanced than any of them yet realized. Doc Strong accepted them and looked at them briefly.

"Well, Doc, if Captain Flag says you're telling the truth, then you're telling the truth. With the story being a bit of a mystery, it does add up. I think we just question if you're fit enough to go on this mission so soon. What do you say, Liberator? You're also a Physician and checked him out. Is Doc Strong...strong lead us on this mystery mission?".

Liberator replied. "Yes, he is. In fact, other than being a bit dehydrated, he seems to be fully recuperated, and I didn't have to use any of my healing force field to help out. He is fit for action.", Liberator replied.

"OK. That is good. As we all know, the files said to wait to read the orders when Blue Lady gives the go-ahead. I would assume that time has arrived, Blue?".

"I would say so, Captain. Men..and woman...let's go to the living room and open the order packets from the President.", Blue said.

The group left the bedroom and filed into the living room. Some sat on the couch, a few in the chairs but Nyoka, Red Hawk and Doc Strong remained standing. Doc Strong held the message boxes while Blue handed him the sealed orders. They opened the sealed orders and read them.

Doc rubbed his chin as he read, and Red Hawk was the first to speak up.

"Well. It appears we have a job to do. I think this will be something totally new for all of us.", he said.

"Yes, I agree.", Captain Flag said. "I mean, Super-American was the only one of us to really encounter any other super powered humans, dealing with Baron Doom and his anti-men. All of our collective missions during the War, we dealt with soldiers and tanks and weapons. It would be expected we'd encounter others like us soon. Just didn't think we'd have to deal with them our own country of the USA.", he added.

To Be Continued.


The Freedom Guard Files. Introduction.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter I.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter II.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter III.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter IV.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter V.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter VI.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter VII.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter VIII.

Start the Conversation

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter VIII.

(story copyright E.N.Boyd)

"OK, well, Doc, I think you should get some rest and get your thoughts together before you try doing anything. I mean, I know in "our" time your wife and friend were murdered about 50 years ago but for you I think it seems just like moments ago? Am I wrong with that observation?", the man known as Liberator asked, rolling up his khaki shirt sleeves. His red hair somehow made his thin frame stand out even more. Yet it served in a way to keep his civilian identity somewhat secret at times because his intelligence and powers far overshadowed any frailness his body may convey.

"Yes, that would be an astute observation but last I remember I was in a cave in the Grand Canyon and then I wound up here. I've no idea how I traveled here. Yet I think I am fine.", Doc Strong replied.

"OK, Doc, from one Doctor to another, I am telling you get into the bedroom away from everyone's eyes so I can give you an exam." , Liberator said.

"No. I mean, that isn't necessary. I am fine, as fine can be. I just want some more info. I mean, I know that on that image but I need to know more info about all of you. My mind seems to be piecing things together but I just want you to let me know who you are and why you are here in my ranch house.", Doc Strong, replied, standing and leaning against a kitchen chair. However, soon as the words left his lips, Strong's eyes rolled back up in his head and he passed out again, but Red Hawk swiftly came to his aid long before he could hit the floor.


"OK, Doc, listen, all things will be discussed but you need to take it easy for awhile. We will fill you in but I need you to sit up in bed for me and drink some more water.", Liberator told Doc Strong as the man began to awake. He grunted, and mumbled, and bleary eyed, Doc Strong did as instructed, and accepted the glass of water that Blue Lady handed him, and drank it.

"We are all in shock just like you but perhaps not quite as much as you are. I mean, if this is all true, and it appears to be so, you've traveled through time. I think we can explain who we are and why we are here, and how your ranch house has remained intact all these years. I think Captain Flag can explain this best. You do appear to be doing better so just relax a bit and eat this chicken sandwich while Captain talks.", Liberator stated.

"While you were out for the count, Doc, we played the rest of the messages on the..message box, I guess you'd call it. We were given some information and instructions and to let you know there are other messages meant only for you which only you can access. It is overwhelming seeing this future technology, all the images of what could possibly the future of the USA.", Captain said.

He continued. "First, introductions are in order. To your right of the bed is Lucille Martin, also known as the Blue Lady. She wields a magic bluebird ring which grants her several abilities, such as teleportation,flight, invisibility, mid level invulnerability. She is the first publicly known civilian super heroine of the United States of America, having helped protect this country stateside during World War II.", Capt. said, pointing at the attractive woman.

" Magic ring? World War II? What do you mean?", Doc asked.

"Oh, yes, forgive me, I failed to remember you've been stuck in that time warp I believe it is called. Doc, this country has been through two world wars since your absence. We will go over all that in awhile, and I know there is a lot of catching up you need to do.".

"OK. Please, forgive me, just tell me all your names. It appears I am in the presence of gifted ones.", Doc said, rubbing his chin, looking at each person in the bedroom.

"Gifted ones? Hmm..that's a new one. Did you know someone like us from the past?", Blue asked.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I did. Paulie, my good friend, he had super human strength. I believe that murdering coward Talon had some type of mental prowess as well.", he said. "However, that was then, please continue.", he said, propping himself up against the headboard.

"OK, Doc, the man to your left standing next to Blue is Pat Dempsey, also known as Man O' Metal. He has the ability to encase his body in a metal like substance which is resilient to most weapons, fire, and bullets. He emits sparks when he changes form and some people call him "Sparky"., Captain said, smiling.

"Captain...not you too...", Man O' Metal said, groaning.

"He also has some super strength, like your friend Paulie. He served for the Army during the War and helped on very important missions for our country."

"Next we have the man dressed in his skivvies, Don Wallace, also known as Torpedo Man. He was enlisted in the Navy during the War. He has the unique ability to breathe and swim very rapidly underwater, and actually lives under the sea. He comes from a lost tribe of underwater people just off the East Coast of the USA. He also has super strength and additionally, he can fly in the air when out of the water.", Captain said. Torpedo Man nodded at Doc, arms folded.

"Very interesting, indeed.". Doc replied.

"Standing next to Torpedo Man is Red Hawk, a gentleman we all just met not too long ago but who served for the Air Force in Japan. I believe he comes from the Cherokee tribe and we just learned he was involved in some covert and important missions during the Pacific Campaign. He has incredible speed, reflexes, and low level super strength in his human form. Get this, Doc, according to his file,.he can transform into a giant Red Hawk by invoking a tribal magic spell.", he said.

"Another person wielding magic? ", Doc said out loud, looking at Red Hawk.

"Next to Red Hawk is his wife, Nyoka. We just learned she comes from a jungle area previously unknown to man. Red Hawk found her a few years ago and we learned she is not only incredibly tall, but she has mid level super strength, reflexes, is a fast healer, and can alter her height and mass to 25 feet tall.".

"Curious.", Doc stated.

"The man tending to you is also a Doctor. Doctor or should I also say Professor Nelson Drew. He is a Professor of Physics and is also a licensed Medical Doctor, much like yourself, Doc. He doesn't use those titles, though, as his identity has been known as Liberator, also serving for the Army during the pursuit of Hitler in Germany. He has the interesting abilities of using a force field which he can extend to several miles if needed, and can fly via this force field, and lift heavy objects with it, giving him a mid level super strength. Interestingly enough, he can also heal wounds with that same force field..", Captain said. Liberator looked at Doc, and patted him on the shoulder.

"Well, nice to meet all of you. But, Captain..Flag..right? What about you?", Doc asked.

"My real name is Tom Townsend. I can fly at very fast speeds, I can also run very quickly if needed, I can survive in outer space, underwater, I am virtually invulnerable to most weapons and energies, I have heightened senses, reflexes, and, as far as I know, I am the strongest human being on the planet Earth. I can actually "switch" these powers on and off at will. I served in the Army during several campaigns during the War.", Captain answered.

"Amazing! Absolutely amazing! When we have time I would like to know how all of you came to your powers and abilities, but I realize you must be gathered here for a reason, a mission?", Doc asked.

"Yes. In fact, Doc, until today, with exception of Blue, we didn't know anything about you or that you'd be here. According to the messages you sent, along with verified messages and letters from the Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Emmet, Congress, and the President of the United States of America, President Marston, you, Sir, are to be the leader of our group, the Freedom Guard.", Captain Flag said.

To be continued.


The Freedom Guard Files. Introduction.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter I.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter II.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter III.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter IV.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter V.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter VI.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter VII.

Start the Conversation

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter VII.

(story copyright E.N. Boyd) (some cursing in story)

"What? NO! I am not a murderer!", Doc Strong said, pivoting his suit towards Captain Flag, looking at the man in the eyes.

"Interesting. Your demeanor and your eyes seem to be telling the truth but the newspapers said a different story. Growing up I remember the spook story of Doc Strong and the collapsed cave of Tombstone. They said you killed your wife and her lover in a fit of a rage and tried to hide their bodies in a silver mine but the mine collapsed so you left them to rot. You were never found and it was assumed you hightailed it out of Tombstone or had killed yourself.", Captain Flag said.

"What?!", Doc replied. "How can this be?".

"It became a bit of a spook story because the mine was closed off but people were curious and some snuck into the mine, only never to be found again. It was a bit of a Western ghost story.", the Captain replied.

"No, no, no. My dear None of that is true. Rulah was murdered. by that son of a bitch Talon. There were the mine. I don't know...what..", Doc replied and his eyes rolled up in his head and he collapsed onto the ground, unconscious.


"Doc. Doc, wake up.", a female voice said, as a female hand ran across his forehead. Doc woke up, his eyes adjusting to the light. Removed from his suit, he was dressed in jeans and a shirt, new clothes he felt and looked at but did not recognize. "Take a drink of water.", Blue Lady told Doc.

"What?", Doc asked. "Come on, Doc, raise yourself up and drink the water. You're among friends. Just drink the water, you're dehydrated and in shock.". Blue said.

While the group had carried Doc inside the ranch house, Captain Flag informed the others an ability he had which was not mentioned in the files, one that he kept secret. He could determine, via his heightened senses, and listening to a person's heart beat, breathing rate, body posture, and other factors, when someone was telling the truth. He had deduced that Doc Strong was in fact, speaking the truth.

Doc drank the water as he sat up on the couch. "Thanks." he replied. He looked at his clothes, then looked around the living room. He could see the deer antlers from a buck he shot in 1900 still hanging above the door frame to a bedroom. He knew this was his home but things were changed, and of course, he didn't know these people. He had a hunch he'd been moved forward in time. So he asked, "What year is this?".

"Well. 1950, of course,", Torpedo Man replied. Doc turned his head towards the direction of the dining room area and could see the man standing, dressed only in his swimming trunks.

"Why are you wearing only swimming trunks? Why are you sweating like that?", he asked, noticing the sea foam green sheen on Torpedo Man's body.

"Well, Doc, it appears you have a lot of questions. As do we. But we also have some answers for you. Your arrival was actually predicted.", Blue Lady said, wiping the sweat from Doc's forehead. The color returned to his face as he looked around some more.

"What?", Liberator asked.

"Yes. General Emmet wanted to keep that info away from everyone but I have a bit of low level telepathy and accidentally "heard" this info from his mind. So I had to ask the General about it. He told me not to inform anyone because it might affect the time drive as he put it, and could alter events. So it was all I could do to keep quiet about this. It appears Doc Strong is a time traveler.", Blue replied.

"Wait? Isn't that impossible?", Man O' Metal stated, as he sat at the kitchen table, looking over at Doc and Blue as they sat on the couch, with Blue pouring Doc another glass of water.

"If it is, then, men, I suggest you explain this.". Blue went to her duffel bag which had been sitting at the entrance to her bedroom door. She removed what looked like a box. She walked over to the kitchen table, and placed the small box on the table. It had several buttons on it. She pushed one, and a three dimensional holographic image appeared, hovering above the table.

The image was of Doc Strong. "Holy Hannah!", Captain Flag said. "What sort of trickery is this?", he exclaimed. Liberator walked over to the image and looked at it. The image began to fluctuate a bit and a voice was heard. Doc rose and walked over to the table.

"If you are playing this message, then I have succeeded in traversing the time drive. Please do not be alarmed. This is coming from Doc Tobias Strong, and I am in your future. Well, at least one that could exist. The paradoxes will be explained soon enough, but know that some things will change for everyone after our first three missions. I cannot reveal what they are but the purpose of this is to inform everyone that the man you found in the bronze suit is indeed myself. I'd been stuck in a time drive or time warp if you will. I cannot explain it all fully at this point and...time...but know I will arrive at my own ranch house on March 23rd, 1950, just outside of Tombstone, Arizona. Please see to it I am tended to and provide me with all the details of the pending mission. General Emmet has the other message box in his possession and he will explain more after our first three missions are complete. My past self will soon begin to deduce what has happened and is happening. Do not be alarmed, Freedom Guard, I am here to help.". With that, the image disappeared and the voice trailed off.

The group all turned their heads and looked at Doc Strong.

"It appears time is of the essence.", he stated.

To be continued.


The Freedom Guard Files. Introduction.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter I.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter II.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter III.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter IV.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter V.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter VI.

Start the Conversation

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter VI.

(story copyright E.N.Boyd)

Red Hawk and Nyoka stood at the ranch house doorway, with puzzled looks on their faces. "I don't know what this is. I think it needs help.", Red Hawk said as the group all rose and headed for the doorway.

The Blue Lady teleported herself outside and she could see an oddly shaped bronze colored humanoid suit of some type was on the pathway ground with its face up. She walked over to the suit, and bent down to look at it. She could see her face reflected in the visor of the helmet.

"Don't touch it, Blue! We don't know what it is or if its dangerous.", Captain Flag said.

"Not to worry, just looking, Capt.", she replied as she turned her head to speak, and began to straighten up when suddenly an arm and gloved hand grabbed her by the wrist.

Startled, she teleported herself out of the grasp of the bronze hand. "Its moving! Whatever it is, its alive. The hands..there are only three fingers.", Man O' Metal said. He walked up to it quickly. The suit began to rise and stood up on its feet.

Man O' Metal got into a boxing stance, ready to take down the odd creature, this space man.

The bronze suit put its hands out in a stopping gesture. It raised its arms up and to its helmet, and pressed two buttons on the collar. Then it twisted the helmet as a hissing noise was heard. The helmet was removed and the group could see the face of a man. A disheveled man but a man nonetheless.

"What year is this?", he asked.

"Whoa. OK, you are a man and can speak English. Are you from another planet?", Liberator asked.

"Huh? What? I don't know what you mean..another planet? Oh, my D.E.E.P. suit, this must look odd to all of you. It will take some explaining. I am just a scientist. My name is Tobias Strong. Actually, its Doctor Strong. How did that woman disappear like that?", he replied, pointing to the Blue Lady who now stood at the horse corral.

The group gathered around Strong. Strong continued. "Please I think I know where I am but I don't know when. Can someone tell me what year this is? Who are you? Also, why are you on my ranch?", he asked.

The group all looked at each other.

"Wait wait wait. You're saying you're the Doc Strong? That's impossible.", Captain Flag said.

"Why? What's the matter, Capt.? Who is this man?", Torpedo Man asked.

"If he is who he says is he is, then he's a murderer.", the Captain replied.

To be continued.


The Freedom Guard Files. Introduction.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter I.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter II.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter III.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter IV.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter V.

Start the Conversation

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter V.

(story copyright E.N.Boyd)

The men approached, their collective eyes set upon the statuesque woman as they walked up the path and onto the porch of the ranch house. "Gentlemen, it is an honor to meet you.", the man said, extending his hand to each. Each man looked at him, smiled and shook his hand. "Liberator", "Captain Flag", "Torpedo Man", "Man O' Metal", the code names were said by each as they greeted him.

"Red Hawk", the man said after the hand shaking was finished, and tipped his cowboy hat. He pointed to his wife, "That young lady I am proud to call my wife. Her name is Nyoka. Don't stare too long, by the way.", he said, smiling. "Bet you fellas haven't seen anyone like her before.", he added, laughing.

"Hawk, you just be quiet!", Nyoka said, picking up a small rock from the porch floor and threw it at him. Before the men could even see it flying in the air, Red Hawk had caught the rock and thrown it...several thousand feet...over a hill away from the house.

"By the way, men, we can stop with the code names while we are here. I know you all have been addressing each other by them per orders from the Pentagon, but now that we have these matters to discuss, General Emmet wanted us to become familiar with each other because we will be working as a group for awhile. Naturally, we will have to use code names while on duty but just to let you know. Also, my real name is...Red Hawk!", the man said as they all walked inside the open living room.

Nyoka said, "You were waiting just to say that. It is true, by the way.", she said, lowering her head as she entered the house, barely missing the upper beam of the door frame, looking at her husband and pushing him on his back as the group gathered inside.

"Please place your duffel bags in the rooms, you each have your own room to bunk in for the tenure of this mission. I bet you boys are thirsty and hungry. When you're done cleaning up, we will get to the chow which Blue Lady..err..Lucille, should have finished shortly.", Red Hawk said.

The men were quiet, and placed their gear in the rooms. After cleaning up the men gathered to the dining room and sat down at the large table.

"Looks and smells great. Lucille.", Man O' Metal said. "Well, Mr. Dempsey, I am glad to hear that.", Lucille replied, smiling. "Sheesh, Lady, you know a lot of things, don't you? ", he replied. "I have to, I am after all a super heroine, as that newspaper reporter Blaze Bennett calls me.", she replied, placing a large pan of roasted chicken and vegetables on the table. A basket of biscuits and a few pitchers of lemonade, milk, and water were already placed on the table.

"If you don't mind, I will say a prayer and then we should dig in and get down to business.", Red Hawk said.


Perplexed, Doc Strong looked at the helmet's visor with the writing, "1950. Jump out cave. Doc.". He looked at the writing and with a gloved hand, traced the lettering. It appeared to actually be etched in the helmet's visor, not just written on it. He looked closer and was done by his own hand. Even though it wasn't written, he knew his own writing because it was a bit atrocious. He was fluent in several languages and could write very well, but his penmanship was something to be desired and Rulah had given him grief about many years. Rulah. His mind began to wander but he shook himself clear. He rubbed his chin with the bronze colored glove, looked down at the helmet and looked around the cave. He looked up and out the cave entrance. He started to piece some things together but not until he actually did something would any of it make sense.

He reached down, picked up his original D.E.E.P. suit helmet, placed it on his head, twisted it to get the clamps secured, ran to the cave entrance and without stopping or looking, jumped into the canyon's abyss.


After finishing the meal, the men and women went into the large living room. Red Hawk said, "Men, if you wouldn't mind, would you please get your respective file folders and bring them here to the living room.". Unceremoniously, the four men went to their bedrooms and returned, each holding a file folder."Please find a seat and read the files.", Red Hawk said. "While you are reading, I will add that after my service for the Air Force in Japan, I never expected to meet any of you, and to have this happen is indeed great. I think Nyoka and I will go out to the animals and come back in a few minutes. Dear, if you will, please.", he said, reaching his hand out to his wife. She grabbed it and they walked out of the ranch house and into the pens.

"Well.", Captain Flag said. "My name is Thomas Townsend. Finally nice to be able to let our guard down, so to speak, among each other.", he said matter of fact.

"Dr. Nelson Drew.", the man code named Liberator said. "I echo Captain's...Tom's sentiment.", he said, looking at the men, nodding his head.

"Don Wallace.", the man code named Torpedo Man said. "Have to agree with the Captain as well.", he said.

"Well, Blue Lady already let the cat out of the bag. But she didn't say my first name. I am Patrick, but ya can call me Pat. Pat Dempsey.", he stated.

"Whoa.", Captain Flag said. "Are you related to Jack Dempsey the boxer?", he asked.

"Nope. Just coincidence with my name being Dempsey is all. Never meet the mook. I get that question all the time, so I don't mind being called Man O' Metal as it is!", he stated, laughing. The men all laughed in unison.

"So what's with this guy Red Hawk?", Liberator asked.

"He is someone we can definitely trust and be proud will be on our team.", Blue Lady said. "You fellas heard my first name of Lucille. Martin is my surname. It is also nice to meet all of you by the way, after our unique initial introductions.", she said.

"OK. Well according to the files, we each have certain powers and abilities, and they are listed rather specifically. Didn't know anyone had that much info on us but I guess when you are working for the Military, that is expected.", Liberator said. "He rubbed his chin as he continued reading and then said, "So this Red Hawk, he is an Indian, probably Cherokee I am guessing. By the way he caught that rock and threw it, I'd say he has powers..hmm. well, yes he does..well I'll be. He most certainly does. Very interesting.", Liberator said, flipping the file pages as he continued to read.

"Fellas, come on. What about that tall drink of water, that Nyoka, his wife? Whoa.", Man O' Metal said.

"Dempsey, just never mind. She's married.", Blue Lady said.

"No, didn't mean it like that, lass", Man O' Metal said, his Irish accent poking through a bit as he spoke. It would pop up whenever he was a bit flustered or irritated. " I mean, I've never seen a woman that tall or with such a build.", he stated, looking at her as she sat on a couch seated across from his chair.

"Well, if you keep reading, you will find out the nature, so to speak, of her build and then some.", she replied, sipping from her glass of lemonade.

"Again, very interesting. I can't believe what I am reading but given our collective powers and the feats we've all done and things we've already seen and encountered, I guess we shouldn't be surprised there'd be others like us with just as unique abilities.", Torpedo Man stated.

"I agree.", Liberator added.

"Well, that isn't so much an issue but men, if you keep reading, you will find out there are enemies, both foreign and domestic with powers and abilities like our own whose origins are just as unique and some we don't even have the intelligence gathered about yet.", Blue Lady said, setting her glass down on the coffee table. She looked up and could see that Nyoka and Red Hawk had returned.

"Fellas, you won't believe this..but..there's a space man outside.", Red Hawk said.

To be continued.

The Freedom Guard Files. Introduction.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter I.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter II.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter III.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter IV.


Start the Conversation

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter IV.

(story copyright E.N. Boyd)

The Freedom Guard Files. Introduction.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter I.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter II.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter III.

Hovering above the heads of the men, the Blue Lady's light blue colored cape flapped lightly in the desert air as the group made their way to the ranch house.

Captain Flag, Liberator and Torpedo Man could have flown as well but they seemed intent on walking the distance to the ranch house. Perhaps they had things on their mind. Man O' Metal noticed the heat of the desert sun seemed to have an effect on his skin, even in his "normal" form. He could see it glinting in the light, something that usually happens only when he activates his metal form power. It was something that Liberator also noticed.

"Well, Man O' Metal, looks like you're gleaming a bit. Also, Torpedo Man has a bit of a sheen to his skin as well. Are you fellas going to be OK in this desert heat?", he asked.

"I will admit I've not encountered this type of heat or intense sunlight before. I am OK but it does seem like my skin is glowing a bit already.", Man O' Metal replied. One thing the group had already learned, Man O' Metal was matter of fact with his words and attitude but he was also a humble man despite his intense strength and impervious metal skin. "I am acclimating best I can.", Torpedo Man replied. "While I am not in my usual environment my body is compensating. Yet I admit I won't be able to handle the intense heat terribly long unless I am submerged in water within a few days.", he replied, looking at Liberator as they walked, climbing down a path which soon took them to the ranch house and the horse and cattle pens.

"OK. Well, Torpedo, " Blue Lady said, hovering just above their heads, "you will be able to immerse yourself in water soon enough. ", she stated and then suddenly disappeared, a thin blue wisp of smoke appearing above their heads. "I don't know if I like it when she does that.", Captain Flag said.

.The men approached the horse pen and the Captain immediately took to a mare who'd lowered her head as she walked up to the fence. Flag extended his hand and very lightly patted the horse on its head, and stroked the girl, scratching her cheeks. "There's a good girl. Bet you are happy to see some people. Also bet you need some food and water.", he said.

A man and a woman emerged from the ranch house. "Not to worry, Captain. We've already taken care of that.", the woman said. Standing at 6' 6", the woman had long flowing strawberry blonde hair, and a physique unlike anything the men had seen on a woman before. They all stopped in their tracks and stared at the statuesque woman.

"Yes, well taken care of I assure you. My wife Nyoka wouldn't let me sleep long unless the animals had been taken care of. Men, welcome to your temporary new home. I believe we all have important matters to discuss. Blue Lady is already inside making supper, so bring your duffel bags and papers and let's get down to business.", the man wearing the red cowboy shirt and black cowboy hat said, motioning for them to come to the house.


The early afternoon sun beat its heat down on the walls of the Grand Canyon. However, inside a recessed cave high on a canyon wall, a red shimmering light appears again. It fluctuates, disappears, then appears again. Objects pop out of the light and roll on the cave floor. Then the light fluctuates yet again, disappears then reappears. This time, a man emerges, clad in a bronze colored balloon shaped suit. It is Doc Strong. He hits the cave floor.

He hits the ground, arms spread out and his face in the red clay soil. He moans lightly and rolls over, and props himself up. "Odd.", he says out loud to no one. "So I am returned again.", he says, looking around him. He manages to stand up, and looks at the ground and sees a few objects. He walks over to them. He can see two helmets. One of which he recognizes as being from his own D.E.E.P. suit, the one he'd left behind when he'd jumped into the glowing red light....yesterday?...he thought. He still had no bearing on time but as he walked over to the helmet he could see another helmet, oddly similar to his own. It was facing out to the cave entrance, on its side, having rolled against a rock, propped at an angle. He bent down, picked it up, turned the helmet around and he could see writing on the helmet's visor: " Jump out cave. 1950. Doc.".


The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter III.

An undisclosed location somewhere near the Grand Canyon in Arizona. A thin wisp of blue smoke appears just above the desert floor. Several objects appear, duffel bags and file folders. Then, seconds later, a group of people also appear, four men and one woman, all holding hands.

"You can let go now, Sparky!", the woman code named Blue Lady said to the man to her right, the one called Man O' Metal. "Sparky" was a nickname some nickel-headed news reporter had dubbed Man O' Metal once. Reason being, when Man O' Metal triggered his powers and his body would become a metal form,. he'd emit sparks from his body. This would also happen when he'd encounter any type of attacks or especially when anyone who was foolish enough to shoot bullets at him.

He smiled back at her, and even though he never liked that nickname he didn't mind it coming from her. Completely bald, Man O' Metal's blue eyes seemed to gleam, even in his organic human form. His muscular 6' 1"' build was hard to contain beneath the white long sleeve shirt he wore, straining against the fabric. He knew the clothes wouldn't last long if he had to activate his powers.

"Well,", she said, "it looks like we've arrived, safe and sound." As soon as she said this, though, Captain Flag doubled over, and regurgitated. "Everyone except for the Captain. Not to worry, teleporting takes getting used to. Everyone reacts differently.", she said, patting the Captain on the back. Captain Flag coughed, and mumbled, "sorry", wiping his mouth with a shirt sleeve. Physically the strongest of the group, it was a surprise to see he had any weakness. Standing at 5' 10", with dark black hair and hazel eyes, he had a massive build, not unlike Man O' Metal. However he was not quite as bulky as Man O' Metal, despite his incredible strength and the powers he held. He had a square jaw, almost ridiculously so, and some smarty pants newspaper reported had once said the Captain's jaw was more square than a geometry lesson. Real funny reporter that guy, some dufus named Blaze Bennet, a thorn in his side as well to the other heroes but they took it in stride.

He was a bit embarrassed and it was something the other heroes noticed and took the opportunity to chide him about.

"So where are we? What do we do now?", Torpedo Man asked. "We go over that ridge, and just below should be our temporary housing quarters.", Blue Lady answered. " After we settle down for a bit and get something to eat, I know the General wanted you to open up the duffel bags and also do some reading up on me if you'd like. I know we are to begin our mission late this evening, so we should have time.", she said.

"Whoa. General Emmet must have a lot of trust in you, seeing as how you're a civilian and all.", Liberator stated, impressed. Liberator's light green shirt was already soaked with sweat. He had a high metabolic rate but he healed very quickly, super humanly so. His dark red hair betrayed the boyish look of his face, and his skinny frame also did not hint at to the powers he held. At 5' 5" he was the shortest and thinnest of the group, but he was indeed well respected by his fellow men and the USA at large, which made him feel ten feet tall. "Yes and I am honored he does.", she replied. The men walked over to the duffel bags, and slung them over their shoulders. The heat seemed to be affecting Torpedo Man a bit, and he started to undress.

"Whoa, big guy, whatcha' doing?", Captain Flag asked. "This heat is too much for my marine acclimated body. I need to compensate. This shirt and khaki pants are too much for me. Besides, I've always operated dressed like this. You should know, you've seen me on the television and in the newspapers.", he replied in a matter of fact tone. At 5' 9", blue eyes and thin black hair, he had a lithe yet muscular build, every part of his body seemingly covered with a type of sheen that wasn't sweat but some type of sea foam green colored sheen. Liberator noticed that but didn't want to ask, at least not yet.

Man O' Metal replied, "Cap, he's right. Also, he's not the only one to operate sans clothing. You know I usually melt my clothing off when I activate my metal powers. Good thing, though, for fire proof underwear. Thanks to good ol' Doctor Synthe for that one!", he said.

"Wait, you have to wear fire proof underwear?", Liberator asked. "Of course. Liberator. Doesn't everyone?", he replied, laughing, punching him in the arm as they all walked up the ridge.

With the duffel bags slung over their shoulders, the men topped the ridge. The Blue Lady came up just behind them and then teleported above their heads. They looked at her as she pointed down the slope. "Men, there is our new home for a few days until we complete our mission.", she said. A ranch house, complete with horses, a few cows, and chickens could be seen.


Doc Strong looked into the night sky of the desert. Perplexed, his thoughts ran wild, not able to focus. While he tried to piece together what had transpired and where he was, a red shimmering glow appeared behind him. The light illuminated the cave quite a bit and in fact, it got his notice. Strong turned around and saw the red glowing light. It was the same one he'd seen near the floor of the tailing pond and one he'd been sucked into when he tried to end his life. This time, though, he thought differently. He had to know what this was. Leaving his suit's helmet on the cave floor, Doc Strong ran to the swirling, glowing red light and jumped into, disappearing from view.


The Freedom Guard Files. Introduction.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter I.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter II.

Start the Conversation

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter II.

(story copyright E.N.Boyd)

The man in the bronze colored oddly shaped suit managed to raise himself up in a sitting position like a slowly moving giant waking from a winter's nap. He looked around and punched the ground with his gloved fists. He sighed, and then raised his arms and removed the suit's helmet.

Tobias "Doc" Strong breathed in the air and said, "Rulah. I am so sorry.", cradling the helmet in his arm. Slowly he stood up, the suit surprisingly nimble despite its bulky design. "Where am I?", he said aloud to no one, his voice echoing. He could tell the cave snaked its way on a decline due to the slope of the ground. Yet he knew this was not the same cave he'd been in, nor, evidently the pond he'd jumped into in an effort to end his life. He turned around and looked out to the mouth of the cave. He could see the moonlight in the sky as well as the gleaming stars. Cautiously he walked to the cave's entrance, and looked out and down. "What the? How? Where am I?", he said as he dropped the helmet on the cave floor, stirring up a puff of dust.


After contacting their respective families, with the exception of Torpedo Man, the men gathered again. This time they met on a tarmac, just in front of a hangar on a Pentagon airport used for the Military's big brass.

They stood on the edge of the runway as their orders had instructed, andfour men dressed in black arrived, each carrying a duffel bag over his shoulder. They also wore sunglasses and their business suits almost seemed identical to each other. It was an odd sight, but the men approached the heroes individually, dropping the duffel bags at their feet. Each man in black withdrew a file folder and gave these to the heroes, which they accepted. "Hey, nice to meet ya!", Liberator stated, holding out his hand as the wind breezed through his short crew cut blond hair, extending a hand. The man in black lowered his sunglasses at Liberator, and he could see the man's eyes were red in color. The man smiled lightly and said, "Sorry, Sir, we have orders just to give these folders and duffel bags to you and to be quick about it. But it is a honor to meet you.", he replied and shook Liberator's hand. It was hard to resist Liberator's charm, his demeanor and intelligence, both qualities which almost super-ceded his fantastic abilities.

The men in black each looked at each other, nodded, and then just as quickly disappeared around the corner of the hangar. "Well, they certainly were a friendly lot.", Man O' Metal said. "By the way, where's the Blue Lady? I thought she was going to be part of our fun factory.". Man O' Metal added. "Hmm. Well, you know dames, she's probably still doing her hair.", Liberator replied, jokingly. "Well, that is only partially true.", a voice said, coming out of thin air. The men all looked around but couldn't see where the voice was coming from.

"Behind you.", the female voice said. The men spun around and saw, inside the hangar, the form of the Blue Lady, decked out in her blue costume which was comprised of a baby blue color mask, a light blue cape, blue top and blue skirt and baby blue color boots. Even for their time, her costume was indeed a bit "saucy".. She also sported a sharp side brim hat which she sometimes wore for certain functions like media appearances and war bond promotions and autograph signings to support the troops.

Soon as the men saw here, though, she disappeared out of thin air. Just as suddenly, she re-appeared, this time at their back again as they'd turned and tapped Man O' Metal on the shoulder. "Right here, sparky.", she said, coughing. He turned around just as the others did and they all burst out laughing. "Dame, that is an awesome thing you just did. Don't know how you do it but it is indeed a great trick.", Man O' Metal said, smiling.

"It's not a trick, Sparky, I just have to spin my blue bird ring with my thumb and most anything I can think of to do, I can. But you all have your files on me, though, and read them, and already know this, right?", she asked, pointing at the folders. "These? Well, not really, we just got them, Blue.", Captain Flag responded. "Along with these duffel bags. From some fellas dressed in black.", Torpedo Man added. They all nodded in unison as if to verify the story.

"I see. Well, I guess when we get to Arizona, you'll have enough time to read up on me. Hope you boys are ready for a trip like none you've ever experienced.", she said. "What do you mean?". Man O' Metal asked. "Well, Sparky, you will soon find out. Don't be shy, hold each other's hand. Take mine, Sparky.", she held out her hand to Man O' Metal. He quickly accepted it, smiling at the her and at the other men, who laughed. "Now what?", he asked.

Spinning the blue bird ring with her thumb, she then answered, "This!"

And in an instant, a thin puff of blue smoke could be seen, as these super heroes seemingly disappeared into thin air.

Start the Conversation

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter I.

The Freedom Guard Files. Chapter I. (Story, names, and characters as they appear here copyright E.N.Boyd)

The assembled men each stood up almost instantly when General Emmet had asked, " Gentlemen I am asking you on behalf of the President of the United States of America and for the safety and protection of this country, will you accept orders to form a group together to pursue these enemies both foreign and domestic?", and gave the General a salute. "Yes, Sir!" each had replied virtually in unison.

It was a reaction the General had expected but not quite with such enthusiasm. He'd just asked these former war heroes to sacrifice their new lives to start over to serve the country in a capacity that would be difficult to describe. They were the country's one hope against the multitude of super powered criminals who'd begun to spring up in other countries and the USA as well.

"Well, men and should I say heroes, your service will be appreciated to say the very least. Thank You.", the General saluted the men in response, and the Liberator, Torpedo Man, Man O' Metal and Captain Flag returned the salute and dropped their hands to their respective sides. "At ease and sit down." the General instructed.

"I know you're going to have a number of questions but I've prepared for them. In fact to aid me in that effort I'd like to introduce to you someone I believe will be instrumental to your new roles." The General pushed the button on the com-link box, and said, "Amanda, let her in.".

A side door opened to the meeting room, and in walked a woman whose curves and looks were even more stunning than they'd appeared in the newspaper photographs.

"Men, I believe you may already know this young lady but in her costumed identity. Allow me to introduce the Blue Lady.".

Again, each of the men stood up and in fact, the Liberator walked over to a chair, pulled it out and the woman smiled at him and sat down, straightening out her dress, and removed her hat which had a blue bird lapel in its rim. She brushed her blonde hair to one side and nodded at the General. "Nice to see you again, General.", she said. The General nodded back at her and Man O' Metal could swear he saw a bit of a smile appear on the corner of the General's mouth.

Captain Flag said, "No disrespect to the Blue Lady, but are we to be a Military or civilian operation? I don't understand, General.", he stated.

The General replied, "I will get to that, Captain. You are both but neither. In fact you exist but don't exist. The media does not know of what we will be doing, at least for awhile. It will be difficult to keep things quiet regarding the American public but eventually they will learn of the existence of our group. You will be answering to me as well as the President, naturally, but your roles will not be specified as they were when you were enlisted men and Officers. Instead, you will have special clearances and special functions not only matching the President and other members of Congress but in some instances, you will super-cede them. Within reason, of course.", he replied matter-of-fact, looking at each man in the eye. "I will allow the Blue Lady to give you each info about herself but if you've read the newspapers, heard on the radio or have seen on that new device the television, that she is an American civilian and for lack of a better term, a super heroine. That will be in a bit but I just have some added matters to discuss with each of you."

The meeting continued for another hour with the General, who laid out some plans he'd set up for the men in terms of where they'd operate from, communications, their supplies, needs, and other trivial matters which the General and some of his men had already arranged and prepared.

"Now, men, I will leave you to the company of the Blue Lady. I appreciate your volunteerism for what this country will need down the road. I am honored to be in your presence and wish you all safety and God speed in your missions as the Freedom Guard.", the General said as he rose. He saluted the men again, who returned the salute. The General tipped his officer's hat to the Blue Lady who nodded in response, her hands folded on her lap. The General exited the room.

"Well, men, I am honored to be here.", the Blue Lady said. "My real name is Marie Sinclair Hughes. Quite a mouthful I realize but my parents wanted to honor my Grandfather so my middle name is his last name. Trivial matters I realize but I don't know else to say at the moment.", she said, fidgeting with her hat.

To see this sharply dressed and demure acting woman behave with apparent reservation bothered Torpedo Man. "Blue Lady...err.. Ms. Hughes, um. well don't feel bad I think we all are in a bit awe of this situation as well as your presence.", he said.

"I echo T-Man's comment.", the Liberator said. "Why?", Ms. Hughes asked, "is it because I am a woman?", she asked.

"No, not at all.", Torpedo Man replied. "Well, just a little but we've all seen your actions in the newspaper photos and on TV. When you walked through the wall of the bank and apprehended the Gold Gang single handled I was impressed. Having you on the team will be different but much valued. Plus, forgive me, Ms. Hughes, but you are also quite the looker!", he stated. Captain Flag punched Torpedo Man lightly on his arm. "Watch it, pal!", he joked, smiling.

The group all started laughing, and a conversation began between the four men and one woman, and soon they left the meeting room of the Pentagon and the next day would see the official formation and first mission for the Freedom Guard!


The Grand Canyon. A cave set deep inside a canyon wall, the man inside the bronze suit stirs, moaning. His helmet is facing the ground and his limbs are spread eagle as well. The bronze suit is tarnished with soot and steaming. The man in the suit begins to stir and rolls onto his back. He looks up and sees the roof of the cave. "NO!" he yells and the echo reverberates throughout the cave and out into the dark of the canyon night.