
Roy Thomas is a really cool guy, happy I got to meet him.

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Bill the King #1 (30 Minute freewrite)

In an attempt to write and put more things on Comicvine for the next five days I'm going to put five thirty minute free writes which may have a clear story to them (somehow) or may just tell the same story five times with a few twists, who knows? Either way, Bill is a/the king and that's all I know.


His name was Bill, he was by all accounts an average guy. His pasty skin, dirty brown hair and very nonchalant demeanor just made him a likable guy, nothing more. He could get a girlfriend but it wouldn’t ever get very far, she wanted more than he could offer on a salary as a person who worked in fast food. It was true that he didn’t have high hopes for his life anymore and was just hoping not to die broke, dying alone was something that could happen now and he was beginning to accept that, well, he was beginning to accept that fact.

In a dim room that could easily fit in an average home was where the king was on his deathbed. The only thing he didn’t have access to was immortality, every king before him got to live the the same age after becoming king, sixteen years. He lived the life of a partying maniac until two days ago, he knew his final days were coming so he partied harder. Losing himself in every earthly pleasure, and even more unearthly pleasures. He was horribly depressed five days into becoming king, with nothing to accomplish everything felt pointless to him, in his final breaths he felt sorry for whoever was going to be next, he wished them luck. There was a list than had a name for every organism alive and one name glowed per second, when the king would die the one that was glowing would become king.

They say anything can happen, that’s true, anything CAN happen. Anything won’t happen to you though, it never does. Following this small tangent (Hear me out dear reader) the butterfly effect is interesting in that one small factor could change everything. What is the small factor? A king fell, and that’s where our pal Bill was able to get lucky. Luckier than an old irish man who finds a genie in a bottle in a pot o’ gold. Which is astronomically lucky, Bill had gotten very lucky.

Bill was actually sleeping when it had happened, he woke up and he was in a completely different place. He was scared out of his mind and had no clue what to do, he could see that he was still on a bed but that’s all he could make out. “Hello? HELLO?” His voice was shaky and the situation was so foreign to him he just wanted to lay in that bed forever, escape whatever odd situation he had gotten into and go back to his mother’s house. He wanted a re-do.


And that's the first of five, not sure where I'm going with this but I'd say it was a mildly productive thirty minutes and I'll have the next part up tomorrow.