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Greybeards & Paarthurnax Respect Thread

Respect The Greybeards

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This thread is a sequel of sorts to the the Thu'um respect thread. The four Greybeards of the 4th Era, Arngeir, Borri, Einarth and Wulfgar will be covered in this section.

In order to create this respect thread, I partially drew on the Imperial Library as a resource, which is the most comprehensive and accurate database of Elder Scrolls lore on the internet. It is so reliable the author of official Elder Scrolls novels, Greg Keyes, used it while doing research for said novels.

The Greybeards can kill anyone not trained in The Way of the Voice with a whisper.

Dragonborn: "Why don't the others talk?"

Arngeir: "Their Voices are too powerful for anyone not trained in the Way to withstand. Even a whisper could kill you."

The Greybeards blasted Ysmir Wulfharth to ash by speaking. Though this is not to say they are more powerful than Wulfharth. Wulfharth believed himself to be the prophet the Greybeards were summoning, but he wasn't, so when they greeted him as Tiber Septim he was reduced to ash. This is the power of truth at play, as detailed in the previous thread.

Naturally, Wulfharth thinks he is the figure of prophecy. He goes directly to High Hrothgar to hear the Greybeards speak. When they do, Ysmir is blasted to ash again. He is not the chosen one.

Ysmir (Dragon of the North): The Nordic aspect of Talos. He withstood the power of the Greybeards' voices long enough to hear their prophecy. Later, many Nords could not look on him without seeing a dragon.

The Greybeards became restless, and as a result storms began to form from their murmurs. Surrounding villages were evacuated as people anticipated a coming blast. When Tiber Septim met the Greybeards, they removed the gags they had been wearing all this time, and when they spoke his name, the entire world, Nirn, shook.

"He was born in Atmora as Talos, 'Stormcrown' in the language of the ancient Ehlnofey, and it was from that shore he sailed. He spent his youth in Skyrim among the Nords. There he learned much from the Tongues and their chieftains and their ways of war. At twenty he led the invasion of Old Hro'ldan, taking it back from the Witchmen of High Rock and their kinsmen.

"Soon the Greybeards made known that they were restless. Already the storms had begun from their murmurs. The Greybeards were going to Speak. The surrounding villages were abandoned as the people fled the coming blast.

"The villagers warned Talos to turn back, for he was marching to the mountain where the Greybeards dwelt.

"Inside he went, and on seeing him they removed their gags. When they spoke his name the World shook.

"The Tongues of Skyrim told the son of Atmora that he had come to rule Tamriel and that he must travel south to do so.

"And it is true that Talos did come to Cyrodiil shortly after the Battle of Old Hrol'dan.

"And it is true that a great storm preceded his arrival."

The Greybeards summoned Ysmir Wulfharth from Sovngarde.

Wounded and devastated, Jorunn barely escaped the sack of Windhelm alive. Feeling for the first time the responsibility of his royal birth, he decided to appeal to the Greybeards for aid, and so made his way, stealthily but quickly, to High Hrothgar. For reasons that have not been divulged, the Greybeards summoned a hero from Sovngarde, Wulfharth the Ash-King, to fight at Jorunn's side.

Devastated, Jorunn fled to High Hrothgar and pleaded for aid. The Greybeards replied in king, conjuring the great shade of Wulfharth the Ash-King, a formidable ally. The Ash-King and newly titled Skald-King were enraged and raised an army of Nords furious to fight.

In an obscure text written by Michael Kirkbride, a former developer, the Greybeards summon the ghost of Shor, which is enough to prompt the Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon to flee from Nirn and return to Oblivon.

And that's when they did hear [the horns of all clans], and the closest was as like a stormsong of thundernachs, for Mor was near, and he [was the issue of the Greater Sky]. And Dagon knew that where the horn soundings landed, the Tongues of High Hrothgar could step, and, when together, the greybeards could breathe unto being the ghost of Shor, which lay all Powers low [even in half-death].

"A curse on the house of Alessia," Dagon muttered before summoning himself a Gate to [the oblivion], for he knew his works were all undone, "And eight more on the Men of the Dragon. There will be an hour when--"

The Greybeards are the most ancient and powerful of the remaining Tongues during the 4th Era.

Today, the most ancient and powerful of the Tongues live secluded on the highest peaks in contemplation, and have spoken once only in living memory, to announce the destiny of the young Tiber Septim (as recounted in Cyrodiil).

Despite it being known that Paarthurnax, a dragon who like others of his kind were targeted for extermination by the Empire, is on the Throat of the World, he was never hunted by his many enemies, because he was under the protection of the Greybeards, suggesting their power is too formidable for any force to get past.

Paarthurnax - The legendary lieutenant of Alduin in the Dragon War. He is now known to lair on the Throat of the World under the protection of the Greybeards of High Hrothgar. Master Araidh continues the established policy of avoiding direct confrontation with the Greybeards while waiting for an opportunity to exact justice upon him.

The Greybeards may have had some form of interaction with the Dwemer, but in any case, it is suggested they can cry out and manipulate the weather, and that they cast a frosty shadow in the morning over Skyrim.

Northward, haunted

northern coastline

And south, Dwemer

live and toil,

A simple place,

a shield from draft.

At this stand

wield mage's craft

So fierce the sea will boil.

Under Greybeards'

morning shadow

At this northern

watch, long lost

Nirn's hoary Throat

does scrape the sky.

Here unleash a chilling cry

And gild this stand with frost.

The Greybeards shake the land when they summon The Last Dragonborn.

Their summons are even heard in Winterhold, by the mages in the College of Winterhold.

“What about… wait. Are you? Were you the one the Greybeards were calling?”

The Greybeards can conjure a spectral target using a Shout.

The Greybeards open a gate with a Shout, and also demonstrate Whirlwind Sprint.

Even a whisper from the Greybeards, aside from Arngeir, could kill the Dragonborn before his training is complete, along with anyone “not trained in the Way to withstand.”

Dragonborn: “Why don’t the others talk?”

Arngeir: “Their Voices are too powerful for anyone not trained in the Way to withstand. Even a whisper could kill you.”

The Greybeards know all the Words of Power, apart from Dragonrend and perhaps a small number of other incredibly rare Words.

Dragonborn: “I thought you knew all the Words of Power.”

Arngeir: “But not Dragonrend. The knowledge of that Shout was lost in the time before history began.”

Respect Paarthurnax

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Paarthurnax is the supreme master and leader of the Greybeards, and surpasses them all in his mastery of the Way of the Voice.

Dragonborn: “Who is Paarthunax?”

Argneir: “He is our leader. He surpasses us all in his mastery of the Way of the Voice.”

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-Skyrim Official Prima Guide

Kyne herself summoned Paarthurnax to teach the Thu’um to man.

Kyne called on Paarthurnax, who pitied Man

Together they taught Men to use the Voice

Then Dragon War raged, Dragon against Tongue

Paarthurnax has taught the Way of the Voice for centuries, and the Thu’um since the Merethic era. He has spent millennia meditating on the Words of Power, taking their meaning into himself, becoming closer to the Words ultimately increasing his power with them. He can teach The Last Dragonborn to perform similar meditations.

The Last Dragonborn: "You're the Master of the Greybeards. Do others come here to train?”

Paarthurnax: "I have taught the Way of the Voice for centuries and the Thu'um since long before that. But no, Dovahkiin. Others do not come here to train anymore. Saraan. You are the first in over a hundred years. I meditate on the Rotmulaag - the Words of Power. I counsel in their use. It is enough for me.”

Dragonborn: "You meditate on the Words? How?”

Paarthurnax: "Knowing a Word of Power is to take its meaning into yourself. Contemplate the meaning of a Rotmulaag. You will become closer to that Word, as it fills your inner self. Will I teach you, Dovahkiin? What Word calls you to deeper understanding? There are three to master: Fus, Feim, and Yol.”


“It is called “Force.” in your tongue. But as you push the world, so does the world push back. Think of the way force may be applied effortlessly. Imagine but a whisper pushing aside all in its path. That is “Fus.” Let its meaning fill you. Su’um ahrk morah. You will push the world harder than it pushes back.”


“”Fade” in your tongue. Mortals have greater affinity for this Word than the dov. Everything mortal fades away in time, but the spirit remains. Ponder the meaning of spirit. Unslaad zir. Where mortal flesh may wither and die, the spirit endures. That is “Feim.” Let that meaning fill you. Su’um ahrk morah. You will find that your spirit will give you more strength.”


“In your tongue, the Word simply means “Fire.” It is change given form. Power at its most primal. That is the true meaning of “Yol.” Suleyk. Power. You have it, as do all dov. But power is inert without action and choice. Think of this as the fire builds in your su’um, in your breath. What will you burn? What will you spare?”

Paarthurnax was once the chief lieutenant of Alduin, during the Merethic era, meaning he was second only to Alduin himself in power.

“Paarthurnax - The legendary lieutenant of Alduin in the Dragon War.”

Arngeir states that Paarthurnax has the wisdom of the ages, and a deep understanding of existence, gone forever should he die.

“His noble spirit… the wisdom of the ages… his deep understanding of our existence… all gone, and for what?”