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5 Characters Who I Want as Reserve FF Members

The Future Foundation Marvel NOW lineup is interesting. I like how they all are B-C list characters related to the Fantastic Four. After seeing the lineup for the first time I thought of certain characters who would fit as reserve members. I chose these characters based off relations to members of the Future Foundation or they have a connection to the Fantastic Four.

5: Karnak

The Classic Marvel Figurine Collection #162
The Classic Marvel Figurine Collection #162

While I am happy the queen of the Inhumans is apart of the team I would have liked a member of the Inhumans who has been less focused on. While every member of the Inhumans(except Medusa and Black Bolt) are C list characters I would like Karnak to be a reserve member of the FF. The main reason is that Karnak is said to be a great martial artist, but there are not that many feats proving that. So this would be a great opportunity for Karnak to show his H2H skills.

4: Storm

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Storm and Black Panther(when they were married) joined the Fantastic Four when Sue and Reed took a break from the Fantastic Four for a little while. Storm, in my opinion, would be more of a valuable asset to the FF than Black Panther. Her powers would be more useful. The FF needs a heavy hitter not in terms of strength, but in terms of power set and Storm fits that description.

3: Iron Lad

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Iron Lad is an interesting choice for this team. There is the use of him to set up a story arc. Maybe an arc involving a war against the Council of Kang? A time travel arc? The point is there are tons of stories that can go with Iron Lad and the FF. Another reason is Iron Lad's feelings for Scott's deceased daughter. This would add some interesting story elements.

2: Spiderman

I am honestly surprised that Spiderman was not on the Marvel NOW FF roster. Not because he is a popular character, but he seems to fit the FF more than the Avengers. The Fantastic Four seems more like a family to me and Spiderman is apart of the family. Not to mention he was on the original Future Foundation roster and was apart of the new Fantastic Four. Maybe a reason for him not being on the team is because of ASM #700, but even if the Superior Spiderman is not Peter Parker it would be a nice way of adding this new Spiderman to a team Peter was close to.

1: Jack of Hearts


Jack was probably one of Scott's closest friends. I remember hearing he returned during Marvel Zombies Supreme and his fate at the end is yet to be fully known. Even if he did die there are a multitude of ways he can return or he might have not died at the end of MZS(which simplifies things). I do really want to see Jack and Scott's friendship explored more if he was to be an FF reserve member.