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Character: Fukui Shiori

Name: Fukui Shiroi

Alias(es): Chaetodius

Place of birth: Tokyo, Japan

Age: 35

Gender: Female

Height: 2 meters

Build: Impossible to tell.

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Weight: 136 kilos

Eyes: Black

Hair: Short black

Special: Her entire body is covered by a suit of armor specially crafted by her. The helmet folds off, but otherwise, she never takes it off.


  • Genius Level Intellect: Shiori is noted as one of the most intelligent people in Japan, comparable to the likes of Tony Stark or Reed Richards. Yes, even if they don't exist in her universe.
  • Power Armor: Designed and built by Shiori, the armor is meant to protect her from bullets of up to .50 caliber, as well as most blades, and shields that will protect from most forms of energy weapons.
  • Thrusters: Thrusters that emerge from the back of Siori's armor allow her to fly at Mach 6, just above the speed of sound.
  • Stealth System: Active camouflage allows Siori to move visually unnoticed, though she must still move slowly to avoid audible signs of her presence.


  • External
    • Custom Made Assault Rifle: With a full-auto firing speed of 700 RPM, 3-round-burst of 90 RPM, and semi-auto of 45 RPM, Shiori's rifle is comperable to the M16 in terms of firing speed. However, unlike most conventional weaponry, the rifle fires stun rounds, which release 50,000 volts at 30 watts. These rounds are capable of knocking out most humanoids and frying almost any computer system that's not properly protected.
    • Customized .44 Magnum: While stunning people is all well and good, sometimes that just doesn't do the trick. That's when Shiori breaks out the Magnum. A custom tooled revolver, with a cylinder holding 12 rounds, the Magnum hits hard and painfully. Unlike the rifle, this weapon fires actual bullets. Usually incendiary.
  • Internal
    • Wrist Mounted Swords: With a flick of the wrist, twin swords will extend from the the back of the wrists. Designed to slice through most materials on Earth with relative ease, Shiori will often fight with these alongside the use of her Magnum.
    • Electric Knuckles: Delivering 25,000 volts at 30 watts, these don't hit as hard as the stun rounds in her rifle, but Shiori compensates with the fact that they're pretty much always followed by her fist.

Limitations: With the exception of his Thinker Mode, Charles is mentally impaired to the extreme. He is only just barely capable of independent thought, driven mostly by the instincts to fight and kill.

In addition, he cannot just change from one form to another, as it takes about a minute of concentration to alter his DNA to the proper configuration.

Origin story: Charles is the 457th clone produced by a facility that exists off the coast of Ireland. Despite their proximity to the country, the facility owes its allegiance to no country, and its motives are unknown.

He was kept under observation in the facility for one year, then released upon the world, one of only 7 clones to date to be released.

With false memories implanted in his mind, Charles is under the assumption that he was born and raised in the streets of New York, and that his powers came from a failed attempt to recreate the super soldier serum used on Captain America.

Without much else to go on, Charles decided to use his powers for personal gain.

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Character: Charles Matthew Jameson VI

Name: Charles Matthew Jameson VI

Alias(es): Charles, Charlie, Matt, Clone 457, Big Guy

Place of birth: Secret Facility, located off the coast of Ireland.

Age: 21 Biologically, 2 Chronologically.

Gender: Male.

Height: Varies.

Build: Varies.

Weight: Varies.

Eyes: Black.

Hair: Bald

Special: Charles has no belly button. His skin is covered in scars from a variety of wounds, including but not limited to stab wounds, burns, and bullet holes.

He has a barcode on the back of his head.


  • Morphic: A mutation in the DNA used during the cloning process resulted in Charles being able to shift around his physical and mental attributes into varying forms of super levels. Details below.
    • Brute Mode: While in this form, Charles is ranked as incalculable on the Strength Scale, as he has never been shown to be incapable of lifting something. His punches create devastating shock waves that will blow away all but those of equal strength who have latched on to something.
    • Hyper Mode: While in this form, Charles can easily attain supersonic speeds. This form also protects him from the effects of his movement, meaning that he is not affected by friction other than what is required to move along the ground, and he cannot suffer any running related injuries.
    • Thinker Mode: This form places Charles at the Super-Genius level, making him one of the smartest mortals on the planet. However, that category is surprisingly large, so y'know. Not too impressive. Doesn't use it very often.
    • Regenerative Mode: With this form active, Charles' natural regenerative powers enter the Demi-godlike Regenerative rank, meaning he can heal any injury short of those received from being at ground zero of a nuclear blast.

  • Basic Powers: The powers that Charles has access to regardless of his current Mode. They are all basic versions of his more powerful Modes.
    • Durability/Healing Factor: Charles is naturally very tough to hurt, and can regenerate from most wounds at an accelerated rate.
    • Super Strength: Not to the extent of his Brute Mode, Charles would be considered just over Peak Human, able to lift just slightly above 1000 pounds before straining.
    • Super Speed: Charles can reliably run at approximately 70 miles per hour.

Armaments: In his Brute Mode, Charles would just use his fists. However, every other form he uses twin Zweihänders forged from true Damascus steel and sharpened to hair thin edges. They are next to impossible to break due to the material used, and can cut through just about any material found on Earth.

Limitations: With the exception of his Thinker Mode, Charles is mentally impaired to the extreme. He is only just barely capable of independent thought, driven mostly by the instincts to fight and kill.

In addition, he cannot just change from one form to another, as it takes about 10 seconds of concentration to alter his DNA to the proper configuration.

Origin story: Charles is the 457th clone produced by a facility that exists off the coast of Ireland. Despite their proximity to the country, the facility owes its allegiance to no country, and its motives are unknown.

He was kept under observation in the facility for one year, then released upon the world, one of only 7 clones to date to be released.

With false memories implanted in his mind, Charles is under the assumption that he was born and raised in the streets of New York, and that his powers came from a failed attempt to recreate the super soldier serum used on Captain America.

Without much else to go on, Charles decided to use his powers for personal gain.

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Character: Kelsy Salim

Name: Kelsy Salim

Alias(es): Kels, Demoness

Place of birth: Jerusalem, Israel

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Appearance: This usually, this when it's chilly, and this when she doesn't want to be recognized.

Height: 6'2"

Build: Musclular

Weight: 200 lbs

Eyes: Light grey, but wears purple contacts.

Hair: Blonde, dyed iridescent purple.

Special: Tattoos (not pictured because I forgot until just now): She has (unironically, of course) a pair of black bird wings tattoo'd onto her back, and a smoking Glock down near the waistline. Her left and right arms and tattoo'd with a large number of skulls, from shoulder to wrist, and both hands have their bones tattoo'd on top. Similar for the legs. Her upper chest had a Chinese dragon tattoo'd across it.

Abilities: Well, besides the wings, she is much stronger and faster than the average human being, able to easily lift and carry a tank, as well as run the speed of most cars when on the highway.

She has far advanced senses, able to notice things from (literally) a mile away. Her hearing is enhanced, and several years training with it have enabled her to use echolocation in the few times when relying on sight is not an option.

Like most Hadley's, she cannot be killed by conventional means. Unlike most Hadley's, any holy weapon will work, not just her own.

She is skilled in Krav Maga, an Israeli form of martial arts that is based not on avoiding pain, but rather on ignoring pain until the attacker is down.

In addition, she's not that bad with a gun, and can manage to lay down a fairly consistent line of fire if need be.

With incredible strength and speed, Kels can execute what she refers to as a Kiloton Strike. It has been proven to shatter tanks and demolish buildings. However, using it will instantly end her powers.

Limitations: Her powers are not reliant on the usage of any illicit substances. In a mind-over-body type scenario, she can force herself to activate her powers. What this means, however, is that they only stick around for about 30 minutes, before turning off. For whatever reason, this applies to her wings as well, as after 30 minutes they will literally rot away. As such, activating her powers is... Less than painless.

Her enchanced senses can actually work against her sometimes, as she can suddenly see and hear quite a bit more. As such, she will often wear a blindfold and pack cotton into her ears in order to avoid headaches and issues like the Daredevil vs Bullseye fight from the movie.

Armaments: Kels prefers to use a combat knife for hand to hand combat and an M16 Assault Rifle, with modified incendiary rounds.

Like the rest of the Hadley's she does have a holy weapon, which takes the form of a Zweihander, a sword that is almost 6 feet long and a smidge over 7 pounds. However, she does not use it. She feels like holy weapons are cheating when fighting demons. Removes the challenge and all that.

Quick Bio: Kels was born in Jerusalem and raised Jewish, albeit very liberally. When she was 12, her father decided it would be a good idea to teach her Krav Maga, and enrolled her in a class.

About a year later, someone broke into Kels' house while she and her parents were eating dinner. Seven men assaulted and killed her father, before her mother swallowed a pill and killed all of them with inhuman strength and speed.

After escaping further pursuit and finding a place to hide, Kels' mother explained their bloodline, and how they weren't normal humans, how they had special powers that could only be accessed via drug inducement. In her case, hydrogen cyanide, a normally lethal drug.

After a month of careful testing, Kels and her mother discovered that her drug was the highly illegal and extremely dangerous Phenyclidine, or PCP. With her powers unlocked and her wings sprouted, Kels finished her Krav Maga training, and received her holy weapon, though she only ever used it once.

At 18, Kels' mother was killed, kidnapped and hanged with her own whip. Kels tracked down and killed those responsible, then gave her mother a proper burial, before setting off in search of the Hadleys. This leads to many adventures that won't be written here.


Hadley Island: Her portion of the Hadley Island is, environmentally, a desert, because forests bore her. Buried just underneath the mountains of sand is a large interconnected complex, hidden away from easy view from the surface.

The most prominent room is her garage, filled with various vehicles in several states of togetherness. Despite the fact that they never leave the island, Kels enjoys working on and customizing the vehicles.

Connected to this are her bedroom, which no one but her is allowed to enter, a gym, and dojo with a synthesizer that constructs training bots for her to practice Krav Maga against.

On the surface, besides a load of sand, there is a road. A racetrack, actually. Just because they never leave the island, doesn't mean Kels doesn't want to drive her cars anywhere. She takes them out for a spin here whenever she needs to blow off steam.


Character: Excalibur

Name: Unknown

Alias(es): Excalibur, Tenno, Warframe, Murderer, Slaughterer, Assassin, Executioner, Savior

Place of birth: Unknown

D.O.B: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Gender: Unknown, assumed male

Appearance: Link

Abilities: Excalibur is a Tenno, master of the Warframe. Using the Excalibur Warframe, he is a veritable walking one man army. To help facilitate this, he has four special abilities that only those who have truly mastered the Excalibur can use.

  • Slash Dash: Charging both himself and his blades with energy, Excalibur launches forward 2 meters, dealing massive damage to anyone to the left of his path.
  • Radial Blind: Channeling energy into his blade, Excalibur creates a flash of light bright enough to blind any unprepared beings within 25 meters.
  • Super Jump: The simplest and easiest of Excalibur's special abilities, Super Jump is as it says. Excalibur channels energy into his Warframe and jumps up to 7 feet into the air.
  • Radial Javelin: The most brutal of Excalibur's abilities, Radial Javelin launches 6 energy javelins into nearby targets. Out of all his abilities, however, Radial Javelin is the toughest to use and requires the most energy.

Alongside all these, Excalibur has electromagnetic generators in the bottoms of his feet, which allow him to cling to most any surface for a short amount of time, essentially allowing him to run along and up walls.

In addition to the armor provided by his Warframe, Excalibur has a shield generator that can absorb equal amount of damage as the armor itself, effectively doubling his damage resistance. For reference, Excalibur has managed to survive a Balor Fomorian, the largest and most powerful ship of the Grineer armada and therefore the Tenno home galaxy, self destructing while standing in the same room as the power core, though it was not something he would be able to do twice.

Given his origin in the Void, Excalibur is immune to all forms of corruption, be they physical or mental, and all attempts at mind control will send the attempted controller writhing in agony, clawing at themselves in an attempt to remove the twisted memory of what they just saw.

Armaments: In addition to his abilities, Excalibur has access to a large suite of weapons. Those he uses vary with the requirements of the excursion, though he can only carry 3 weapons at one time; a primary, a side arm, and a melee.

Limitations: Excalibur has only a limited amount of energy to use on his abilities. It regenerates at a very slow pace, meaning he has to be very careful about when and where he uses them.

To put it into numbers, he can use Super Jump 30 times before having to recharge, Slash Dash 12 times, Radial Blind 6, and Radial Javelin 3. However, this is because the Warframe was modified to hold a greater amount of energy.

Weaknesses: Despite all his abilities and weapons, Excalibur is not very well suited for open combat. He deals much better in stealth, striking from the shadows with speed and precision. As such, open combat can often spell death for those who use the Excalibur Warframe. This one has been lucky enough to avoid it so far... But all luck runs out eventually.

Origin story: The Sentients had won. They had turned our weapons, our technology, against us. The more advanced we became, the greater our losses. The war was over unless we found a new way. In our desperation we turned to the Void. The blinding night, the hellspace where our science and reason failed. We took the twisted few that had returned from that place. We built a frame around them, a conduit of their affliction. Gave them the weapons of the old ways. Gun and blade. A new warrior, a new code was born. These rejects, these Tenno, became our saviors. Warrior-Gods cast in steel and fury striking our enemies in a way they could never comprehend.

Excalibur was the first.

Allegiance: Excalibur is loyal to the Tenno, and all those who choose to ally themselves with the Tenno. However, he does take offense to those who try to force their control on others.

Other: Like all Tenno, Excalibur is actually capable of wearing different Warframes, regardless of the apparent gender or shape of the Warframe. His preference for the Excalibur Warframe is only that: personal preference.

In addition to this frame, he owns several others, including Nyx, a master of mind control; Saryn, also known as the Toxic Immortal; and Rhino, a heavily armored brute of immense strength.

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Character: Jinx

Name: Samantha Kinsen Lionul Jackson

Alias(es): Sam, Sammy, Kinsy-bear, Lion, Jacky, Jinx

Place of birth: International Waters.

D.O.B: 12-27-95

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Homoflexible

Appearance: Link

Height: 5'8

Build: Slender

Weight: 115 lbs

Eyes: Light Grey

Hair: Brown, dyed very light blue, almost silver.

Special: She has a tattoo of two revolvers crossing barrels on her back, facing towards her waist. Often wears this mask.

Abilities: Consumption and recycling of Chaotic energy. In other words, the more chaos there is, the stronger she is.

The recycling portion manifests in her ability to convert the Chaotic energy into weaponry. Most commonly guns and explosives. It also provides increased durability, making her much harder to hurt, though by no means impervious. She'll still feel the hits. Just far less so.

In addition, she has a small reserve of Chaos energy that that will constantly regenerate at a slow speed. It is enough to create a few small arms, or one big one, or resist a couple hits.

Limitations: A side effect of the increased durability is a constant slow leak in her stored energy. Getting hit causes the drain to spike for a moment or two.

She absorbs less Chaos energy from her own actions, only about half the usual amount. It's not enough to start her from empty, but plenty to keep her supplied in the middle of a firefight for a little bit.

Weaknesses: Like a battery, she can't store up too much chaotic energy at once or she burns out.

Run out of chaotic energy and, while she's not useless in battle, she certainly becomes highly limited. No more creating weapons and she's easier to hurt.

Applications: General chaos and anarchy. There are probably more uses for her powers, but that's what she uses hers for.

Origin story: Born on a cruise ship in international waters, Sam was raised by her parents in New York. How she ended up a gun toting maniac is anyone's guess, but it probably has something to do with the day the police broke into her house to find a smiling seven year old Sam sitting next to her parents' gutted corpses with a dead man in the kitchen, about twenty seven stab wounds in his chest.

She was given to a children's home. Within a year they had her committed to a mental asylum for locking three boys in the bathroom and trying to set fire to the door.

Sam spent the next five years in the asylum, speaking to therapists and doctors. Just when she seemed to be getting better and they let her have plastic cutlery again, she up and stabbed a psychiatrist in the chest with a plastic spoon, then put her thumbs in his eye sockets. Off to prison, solitary confinement.

Two years passed and the Warden felt like she could be trusted to eat lunch with the other prisoners. This was when she discovered her powers.

Someone in the lunch room decided to start a fight with someone. This spilled over to other prisoners until it was pretty much the entire lunchroom fighting. Save Sam, who was sitting in a corner, watching in mad glee. She thought of how much fun it would be to add to this glorious chaos, and found a grenade in her hand.

Not particularly caring where it came from, Sam threw the grenade and watched more chaos unfold. With each passing moment, she felt... Stronger, more invigorated. More chaos? An assault rifle in her hands.

Needless to say, she escaped that day.

She took the name Jinx, for her penchant of bringing with her bad luck. In the form of mass death and property destruction. She also dyed her hair blue and started wearing a mask when out breaking shit.

Allegiance: Not really a villain per say. She's just in it for the chaos.

Theme song: "Get Jinxed."

Voice actor: Tara Strong, as Raven.

Notes: Jinx is very well known in the media, though who exactly Jinx is somehow remains a mystery.

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Character: Toxic Angel

Name: Simon Dillon

Age: 23

Gender: Trans Male

Alias: Toxic Angel

Alignment: Neutral

Species: Mutant

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Appearance: Simon has yet to start making the transition, mostly due to cost. As such, he still resembles the young black lady pictured right.

Personality: Simon is kindhearted and caring. He enjoys being around people who support his identity choices, but refuses to even acknowledge people who don't.

Powers: Simon can directly interface with any piece of technology by touch. This allows him to either use it the way the creation was intended, or manipulate the physical form of the piece of technology and create something almost completely different. As of yet, he hasn't found a solid upper limit, but it does seem that the larger and more complex the item, the more energy it takes to change it.

Bio: Simon's father left when he was young, so his mother had to work several jobs in order to support him and his two siblings.

His older brother came out as poly not long after turning 18, about when Simon was 7, by bringing home his 4 partners. This shocked his mother, but shock was quickly swallowed when all four decided to help support the family.

It came as less of a surprise to their mother when Simon's sister opened up as bisexual, and very little surprise when Simon himself announced that he was, indeed, not a girl.

When and how he discovered his powers are a secret he keeps close to himself, but he currently uses them to his advantage, working from his own apartment as a nearly untraceable hacker-for-hire under the handle Toxic Angel, best known for their work with viruses.

Skills: Even without his powers, Simon is a pretty decent hacker. But that is about all he's good at. Cooking is a no go, as he has quite literally burned water. As in, the water caught fire. Twice.

So he just gets quite a lot of take out.

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Character: Achilles

Name - Jamie Lynn

Alias - Achilles

Alignment - Hero

Species - Mutate

Gender - Male

Age - 50-ish. Looks to be about 20.

Affiliation - He's... Sort of self-affiliated? He works for himself, but only because joining teams is boring.

Occupation - He owns a comic book store.

Birthplace - New York City.

Powers - Invincibility. Pure, 100%, aggravating invincibility. He can not be harmed in any way, either by someone else, or by himself. Unless there is a Nullifier nearby.

A side aspect of his invincibility is that he's slightly faster and stronger than the average human. This is because he doesn't have to worry about hurting himself when exerting himself.

Bio - A "botched" super soldier experiment in the fifties, Jamie was originally a solider in the US army, but quickly got bored of that life and retired. He moved to NYC, got and apartment, rented an empty space, and opened a comic book store. And he's lived there ever since, occasionally entering into bouts of vigilantism, during which he puts on a ski mask and fights criminals/villains under the name Achilles, from the Greek myths.

Appearance - An averaged sized man of average weight, Jamie has long red hair, blue eyes, and pale skin with freckles across the bridge of his nose. He often wears jeans and a graphic tee, of some varying type.

Skills - Jamie is pretty good with a gun from his time in the army, and not bad at hand to hand combat. But his best skill is being purely annoying to anyone he's fighting.

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