Dark King

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Project: Starborn. 14

Team Leader in the Bombardier gets on the speaker to taunt the two American Super soldiers.
Team Leader: 
why dont you come out and face us? 
 are you too scared to fight like warriors? 
Too afraid to face men who do not fear you and are not whimpering weak men?
the second bombardier vehicles stops as  it unloads it's passengers one in particular a large framed mane bearded carrying a flame thrower. The Team leader orders his men to unload as they fan out creating a search grid the men spreading out evenly only a few feet apart, The Large frame man takes lead as he ignites the flamethrower shooting flames ahead of him melting the snow.
Team Leader: i guess if you wont come out we'll have to force you out.
We know all about you two. We know your names, Ssgt. Williams, United States Marine Corps!
Lcpl. Blake, United states Army!
 Ssgt, are you aware that you parents died ten years ago?
They were found dead each one a single shot to the head, all because they couldnt believe you died.
killed by the same people you work for.
Lcpl. Blake would you like to know how your parents were killed?
Killed during a burglary, your mother raped. They believe it was by a negroid.
ha! funny about your countries racism.. blame the black man.
It was actually done by your own C.I.A. by orders of those you work for. 
The large frame Spetsnaz fires the flame throwers in front of him melting the snow and to everyone's surprise leaps out Lycan fully enrages as he is lid on fire he tackles the the large frame Spetsnaz and punching him and clawing his chest before he falls back into the snow which smothers the fire on his body. The Spetsnaz immediately open fire many turning to where he was last seen, Sgt Major rises out of the snow slitting the throat of one of the spetsnaz and using his machine gun to fire on the rest hitting many of them before burying himself beneath the snow.
Team Leader: yes, that's it!
 show me what you can do.
do not hide!
test my men for we are the strong and will survive! 
The Spetsnaz gather their fallen comrades as they pull them back with one arm while aiming their rifles and  keeping their eyes forward as they drag them onto one of the bombardier.. The large framed man is grabbed but quickly pulls away annoyed he stands up and realizes his flamethrowers hose has been cut making it useless, The Spetsnaz pull out their frag grenades as they bite down the pin and throw them out into the snow field taking a knee and waiting for it to explode. The grenades go off in a random pattern before finally hitting one of the G.E.N.E. Grunts, Sgt Major raising his arm guards to black the shrapnel as it explodes and exposes his position, The men quickly turn their weapons and fire on him Sgt Major leaps away upholstering his weapon and shooting at the group of men hitting one of them dead center between the eyes as he lands he throws a grenade at the Spetsnaz causing them to scatter. As the Spetsnaz move to escape the explosion they leave themselves exploitable as Lycan rises out of the snow grabbing two men in each hand slamming them on the ground as slashing their throats with his hands soon after the grenade explodes causing mayhem.
The Spestnaz tug and roll and get on one knee as they open fire at both exposed super soldiers. Lycan quickly grabs one of the Dead soldier's body and raises him using him as a shield before dropping him and vanishing in the confusion. Sgt Major dives back into the snow as the Soldier Walk forward shooting at ground level where they assumed he may be.. Sgt Major crawling underneath is hit a few time most rounds hitting his flack jacket while one round hits his thigh and another his shoulder, his healing reduced he bleeds giving away his position as the snow sucks up his blood showing a stain on the surface. Immediately Sgt Major begins to crawl away. One of the Soldiers sees the blood rising and immediately shoots at the same spot.
Random Soldier:
he's here! (open's fire).
Lycan and Sgt Major begin to communicate with each other using their alien implant..

Sgt Major: *there are too many, we cannot win.
We are too weaken. 
We should retreat.*
Lycan: * We do not retreat*
*We will move forward plan and wait for further engagement*
Sgt Major: *Roger*
The Spetsnaz wading through the snow poking and firing in certain areas throwing grenades slowly come to the realization that the American Super soldiers have escaped and no longer in the area. As soldiers begin to voice their suspicions, the Team Leader is angered as he screams and cursing  before ordering his men back on board on the Bombardier. 
Team Leader: gather the wounded on one of the bombardiers so they can be taken  back to base. 
two vehicles will move ahead while one will provide protection to the wounded..


The Vehicles split off, the Team leader annoyed realizes that the two men will not return to base but has moved forward crawling on their stomachs, they couldnt have gotten far. They are tired and wounded their vaunted regeneration weaken with no food to replenish it, they are no more dangerous than one of his own super soldiers and he has over 20 of them more than enough to hunt them down, kill them and  drag them back. He knows they would be heading toward the Mongolian boarder their only chance to leave U.S.S.R.  territory.  Further in the Dark distance Lycan and Sgt Major run pushing themselves carrying their duffel bags already slowing down their run speed barely exceeding  5 miles under the 20 minutes, exhausted they are forced to leave their duffel bags behind but not before taking some ammo and bag of jerky for nourishment. As they place them on the ground they place a grenade under each one the duffel bags the weight holding down the grenade spoon as they continue their run in the night tundra.

The Two G.E.N.E. Grunts running  look ahead  see the snow clearing up and if a by a miracle  a
winter forest  appears in front of them that they can use to cover their tracks. 
The Spetsnaz super soldiers reach where the two americans had dropped their bags as the Bombardier lumbers forward, one of the Spetsnaz jumps out of the vehicles and slowly approaches as he looks around realizing there is nowhere for the american to hide as he comfortably puts his rifle muzzle to peer into the bag without making any sudden movement. Slowly the Spetsnaz falls back and steps on a near invisible fishing wire that was tied around the body of the grenade and to a small twig standing upright in the snow. The lightly falling snow making it difficult to see costing the soldier his life who thought he was being careful and had figured out the trap. The explosion causes the second grenade to go off as shrapnel flies in all directions hitting one of the bombardier's engines.
Team Leader:
everyone off we continue on foot!
The Spetsnaz climb out as they jog in formation alongside the last bombardier heading toward the americans, they will not give up, they dont know how and as any trained warrior whether ancient or modern, they would rather die than give up.
