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The New Teen Titans #1: The Last Day of Warworld, Part 1

DateThe New Teen Titans #1ViewRead the...
02/08/16The Last Day of Warworld, Part 1(Blog) (Forum)Disclaimer
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Batman's face crackled to life on the com display. "Robin! Are the Titans ready to engage any threats in New York?"

Robin looked directly into the walkie-talkie sized device and said, "We're set up on top of Titans Tower now, ready to jump at the first sign of trouble."

The screen split, and Superman was looking into his com device. "Good! Because trouble's coming! Brainiac's headship was just the advance scout. We have an entire mechanical planet coming towards Earth, about to settle into orbit about two-thirds around the planet from the moon. And it's armed to the teeth! Warworld is coming, just like Brainiac said!"

The Titans were all gathered around Robin, the display screen having flipped outwards and unfolded to about four times its original size so everyone could see. Cyborg claimed this would progress to holographic projection before they knew it. "Great Hera," murmured Wonder Girl. "A planet?"

nothing but a wake across the bay
nothing but a wake across the bay

Just then, an explosion rocked the city somewhere near the Sears Tower. "Robbie! We got incoming!" shouted Cyborg.

"They're headed this way!" called Kid Flash. "I'm headed into the city to see if I can help there," and then he was gone, nothing but a wake across the bay from him running across the water.

"Kory?" asked Robin, as he saw the first few space gliders come into view. "Are those..."

"...Gordanians?!" finished Changeling, as his green form shifted to match the alien forms they had encountered the year before.

"X-Hal!" screamed Starfire.

"Right," said Robin. "You know what to do. We hold the line here! TITANS TOGETHER!"

The team went into immediate action to engage the alien fighters. As they lifted off of the roof, Starfire grabbed Wonder Girl's arm and pointed into the sky, "X-Hal! Donna, look!"

Donna looked up into the daylit sky, and saw a technological wonder like she had never beheld before. "Yes, Kory, I know. It's Warworld. Superman said it would be settling into orbit.

"NO," said Starfire. "Not 'Warworld.' Donna...that's Okaara!"

Wonder Girl was dumbstruck. "Okaara? As in Warlords of Okaara? That's where you trained?"

"Yes, Donna," answered Kory, looking at the hulking orb floating in the afternoon sky. "And if Okaara is here, the Warlords are too. This is bad. We have to do something."

"First things first," answered Donna. "Let's take care of these Gordanians."

"No. Donna, the..."

"Kory! This is the more immediate threat! We handle this," she said, pointing towards the approaching star sliders, "then that!" she said pointing at Warworld.

Just then, Changeling circled above them in the form of a pteranadon. "Hello, Gorgeous!" he called as he circled over Donna. Turning his head to Starfire, he added, "Other Gorgeous." Flapping a little higher, he called, "Do you think we can get a little help with the little green men coming our way?"

Cyborg's sonic blaster sounded from the beach of the island.

"No! Gar..." called Kory.

"We need help down here now!" came Cyborg's voice over the communication devices in everyone's ears. "Princess, we could sure use some more firepower."

"Victor..." started Kory.

"Starfire! We need you down here now!" called Robin over the communicator.

Wonder Girl leapt off the roof, gliding towards the approaching Gordanians, even as Victor's sonic cannon managed to break one up over the water.

"Donna!" called Starfire. "Wait!"

"I told you, Kory," said Donna, rolling over in midair to face her friend, "first things first." Then she rolled back to continue her flight towards the outer edge of the island.

Kory watched her friend go for only a moment before her eyes smoldered, followed by her hands. Then a primal scream came up and out from deep inside her, and she thrust both fists out in front of her, throwing two powerful starbolts out across the water, destroying all of the star sliders that were approaching the island. Gordanians and broken ships fell into the water indiscriminately.

All Titans stopped where they were and turned towards Titans Tower, all of them mouths agape at the sheer amount of energy coming off of the alien princess as she hovered just off of the roof.

Then, over the communicators, they all heard her say, "LISTEN. TO ME!"

As Kory descended from the top of the Tower, Raven appeared on the beach next to Wonder Girl, depositing a dozen Gordanians and a small flood of river water from the folds of her cloak. Donna quickly bound them with her lasso, which always seemed to be just long enough for the job at hand. Kid Flash zoomed back onto the island about fifty yards down the beach, the ship wreckage following behind him in his wake and crashing into a pile on the beach as he skidded to a halt in the sand. Raven waved a hand at the Gordanians, causing them to sleep, and Donna retrieved her lasso.

"Raven! Where were you?" barked Robin.

"I was at the site of the explosion," she said quietly.

Robin looked at her for a moment, then focused back on Kory, now closing the last several yards between her descent and her teammates. As her feet touched lightly to the ground, he started, "Starfire! What..." but was promptly silenced when he was knocked down by Starfire's punch.

"Shut up, Dick!" she said angrily.

Changeling looked at Cyborg, and said, "See? I told you she'd get the hang of slang." Victor just looked at him. Gar smiled and shrugged.

"What the hell, Kory!" demanded Robin.

Planting a foot on his chest, and pushing him back down to the ground, Kory said, "What part of 'trained by the Warlords of Okaara' do you not get, Dick? They didn't just train me to fight, they trained me in warfare. Period. On that!" she said, pointing to the alien orb in the sky behind her. "So when I tell you that Okaara is the bigger and more immediate threat than Gordanians, you might want to listen! For once." She glared, then removed her foot from his chest.

Without getting off of the ground, Robin said, "Fine. We'll talk about the importance of team dynamics later, but for now, go on."

Kory pointed at Okaara and said, "You all think that's in the same orbit as the moon? It's three times that distance!"

"My God," said Kid Flash.

"We have to get there!” Starfire pleaded. “It's gravitational pull alone..."

"How?" asked Robin.

"I might be able to hack into the JLA satellite," said Cyborg. "If we can find a boom tube..."

"We are wasting time," declared Raven, and with a sweep of her soul self, she enveloped the Titans, and suddenly they were on...

"Warworld!" shouted Changeling.

"Okaara," corrected Starfire. "Raven, reach into my mind. See the way to the War Room. Get us there."

Raven did as asked, and with another sweep of her soul self, they stood in the room that controlled the weapons of the entire planet. And on it's throne sat a man with a winged helmet and the tell-tale sign of Brainiac on his forehead.

Next Issue: The Last Day of Warworld, Part 2.Originally Presented In: (below)
Please let me know what you think, and thanks! -cb15 Minute Writing Challenge (Just Write).

Story, original characters and content are owned by Chris Bishop. Copyright Chris Bishop 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022.