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Croix, by Christian Dimaapi

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05/30/23Croix, by Christian Dimaapi(Blog) (Forum)Disclaimer
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Croix, created by Christian Dimaapi.
Croix, created by Christian Dimaapi.

Posted to DeviantArt in the following order:

  • Feb 21, 2022: .Croix. (spider arms pic)
  • Apr 28, 2023: .Croix. (current pic)

Posted to Open Source Superheroes Wikia in the following order:

    • Apr 23, 2023: .Croix. (current pic)
Christian's Description from OSSW:


Real Name: Naomi Croix

First Appearance: 2023

Created By: Christian Dimaapi

Origin: Croix is a genetically-engineered soldier created by the U.S. government. She is a member of Murder Ink.


Main Alias: Croix

Other Aliases: Special Agent Naomi Croix (CIA rank)

Relatives: To be determined

Affiliation: Murder Ink; formerly CIA

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 110 lbs. (50 kg)


  • Genetically-Enhanced Physiology: Croix was given a serum that metabolized and permanently enhanced all of her bodily functions to the peak of human efficiency. She possesses peak human strength, stamina, speed, durability and a regenerative healing factor.
  • Peak Human Strength: Croix's physical strength is enhanced to the very peak of human potential.
  • Peak Human Speed: Croix can move at speeds equal to that of the absolute finest human athlete, being capable of running at 48 kilometers per hour.
  • Regenerative Healing Factor: Croix possesses superhuman healing factor that allows her to regenerate damaged or destroyed bodily tissue with far greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human.
  • Foreign Chemical Resistance: Croix's body is highly resistant to poisons and most drugs.
  • Disease Immunity: The unique regenerative qualities of Croix's healing factor also extend to her immune system; she is immune to all diseases.
  • Immortality: Croix's healing factor provides her with an endless lifespan by halting the aging process.
  • Fighting Skills: A former CIA agent, Croix is extensively trained and highly skilled in multiple forms of combat and weapons.
Please include the paragraph below anywhere you use the character:

The open source character of Croix, by Christian Dimaapi, has been released to the Public Domain, and is available for use by anyone with only the following conditions: this paragraph must be included in any publication involving the character, in order that others may use this property as they wish, following the same rules as Public Domain properties. The main rule being that your version's story cannot be like the story of anyone else's version (meaning: you may not reference elements from the story you find the character in, because they belong to that story's author, and are not open source).

Original Images:
No Caption Provided
Feb 21, 2022: Spider arms pic.