Blazing Eagle

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Should a writer please readers or himself?

Dear comicbook fans we all have our favorite writers. Writers are creators of fiction just like movie Directors are creators of fiction as well. Is it a good idea for a writer to write a story to please themself or should all writers be pleasing the readers? Also when a writer writes a story pleasing to them only, does the story still sells itself?

A example of this is when Steven Spielbrieg made the movie "The Lost World" and made the movie to entertain people. However in his next movie which was "A.I. Artifical Intelligence" was made only to entertain him and the movie became a flop.

Another example is when Director Joel Schumacher took his own approach to the making the movie of "The Lost Boys" his approach to the movie was entertaining to him but the movie happen to sell well. However he did not have the same success when the movie "Batman and Robin" came out into theaters. The movie was a horrible flop, so horrible that Hollywood was afraid of making another comicbook movie until 2000.

Now there's example where a director made two movies that were both entertaining to him but one was successful and the other was not.

Another example is when Joe Quesada wanted to dissolve the marriage of Peter Parker and Mary Jane and decided to do it in a way that was pleasing for him and an 8 year old audience. But by doing so he angered many older readers and also erase 20 years of continuity.

As a writer ladies and gentlemen I try to write stories that are entertaining to people which includes mostly having suspense,drama, and characters dying. I personally love happy endings but I know that majority of you readers do not share my optiminism so therefore I try to do away with happy endings just to please you readers...

I mean if I had it my way Wolverine would be married to Storm (I know some of you are freaking out right now)
                                              Peter and Mary Jane would still be together
                                              Mary Jane would have her psychology degree.
                                              Prince Namor would be dating Susan Storm 
                                              Rogue and Gambit together
                                              The same two team X-men line up from back in 1991-1993.
                                               Dick Grayson married to Starfire
                                                Cyclops and Jean Grey still married to each other.
                                                Iceman and Psycloke married or Iceman and Emma Frost together

As you can see my world would have all kinds of stupid happy stuff that would be probably drive you readers insane. So I don't include those things out of respect for you readers and because its you readers that keep me in business.