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Sticky situation

I have always been a romantic. I knew from a very young age that I would never ever "settle" when it came to finding the one I would spend the rest of my life with. In high school my best friends would always tell me, "You are too damn picky." My response to that? "Most of the people in the world are not picky enough." I truly believe that. I always figured that a good seventy percent of relationships are based on comfort and pressure.  I know a lot of married couples, and a good majority of them are horrible examples of marriage.  
After high school, I had gone through a lot of dead end relationships. Most of them ended by me because I could see there being absolutely no future with any of them. The girl of my dreams was real, but I just did not know where to look. Just when I thought I would be a bachelor for the rest of my life, "She" walked into my life. At the time I was working as a manager at a video rental store. A young lady, with chestnut brown hair that ended at her shoulders, and big soft brown eyes, walks up to my counter. She was renting 28 days later and A Clockwork Orange. Which happen to be 2 of my favorite movies of all time. Of course I was going to say something, how could I not? Anyways she ends up staying a half hour talking to me. We talked like we had know each other for years when it had only been minutes. I recommended a few more movies to her before she leaves as well as my phone number. I watched her walk to her car and knew that that was the girl I am going to spend the rest of my life with. Her name was Meredith.
We became very close during the next few months. Nothing serious came of it, other then becoming really good friends. I really liked her, and I knew I wanted to be more then friends eventually. It seemed the time had come when her sister came in while I was working and finally decided to tell me that she liked me more then as a friend. That made me so happy. Just as it seems things were finally going to happen, she was accepted to an Art school on the other side of the country. I never did tell her how I truly felt because I didn't want it to seem like I was trying to detour her from her dreams. That was 3 years ago
We kept in touch through texts and facebook. She visited home a couple times a year, but she never contacted me while she was in town. I knew when she would visit because her sisters would always ask me if we hung out. I would say no because I didn't know she was up, and they would say that that was weird because she always talked about me. Whatever, I thought. 
We began talking less as time went on. I started to go on dates, and met a lot of.....interesting girls. But none of them measured up to her. I got really depressed for about a year. I lost faith in my own beliefs in true love after awhile. I partied a lot, and had a few meaningless hookups.  
I was about a year ago during another one of my random parties, a friend of my sister's showed up. I was drinking, and thought she was cute. She was fresh meat. However she completely shot me down. I was a complete idiot. I saw her again a few weeks later, this time sober, and we hung out. She barely gave me a chance because I was such a pig during our first encounter. But we began to hang out a lot more. I became engrossed in this girl. We texted for hours a day, and spent just about every free moment together. After a few months we started dating.  
It has almost been a year and I am still with her. Her name is Meghan and she is my world. She is everything I ever wanted in a girl.  
So what is the situation? Meredith graduated from art school with her bachelors and has just moved back home 2 weeks ago. She started talking to me again! I feel myself wanting to talk to her more, and I think about her a lot! I do not love my girlfriend any less, and yes I said love. I truly feel like I am in love with Meghan. However Meredith, the woman who I have modeled every other woman to, has literally walked back into my life. Meghan is the only woman I have every met to match Meredith's standards. They are the same person! Meghan is the blonde version of Meredith. How do I choose? I mean, yes, I am in a FANTASTIC relationship. But Meredith is the fling that got away. The woman I first fell in love with. The woman that made me realize that love IS real.  
Am I crazy? Part of me is saying, "Don't chance it! You have a Meredith clone who loves you already!" The other part is saying, "But the original is back! You will regret not ever know!" 
What makes this so hard is that Meredith never actually broke my heart. We were never really together. As I said, it was a fling that got fizzled out before the fireworks really began. I know she could have been the one had things stayed on track. She knows I have a girlfriend, and she is not the type to ruin a relationship for personal gain. I don't see her doing anything inappropriate while I am with Meghan. However I feel that connection again when we chat. There is still that old spark there, and it is dangerous.  
What do I do? I guess I posted this on here because I wouldn't mind advise from people that don't know any of us on a personal level which would be biased on the type of relationship had by each party member. 

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