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Respect the GOW gods: a breakdown of the olympians power


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"My Brothers, We were forged in victory. A victory that ended the Great War and brought forth the reign of Mt. Olympus. Born from the depths of the Underworld, rooted in the River of Souls, our mountain emerged out of the Chaos. As it grew, so too did the might of the Olympians. We created a world of peace, a world of prosperity, a world that lives in the shadow and safety of my mountain. A mountain that has come to be the absolute measure of strength and power. Now, on this day, that power is to be tested. The mortal, Kratos, seeks to destroy all that I have wrought. Brothers, put aside the petty grievances that have splintered us for so long. We will unite, we will stand together,and I will wipe out this plague! Olympus will prevail!" - Zeus rallying his brothers for the second Titanomachy

"the absolute measure of strength and power". Whenever I hear Zeus speech I get chills, its just so epic and the perfect start to the best game ever, however the words of zeus are not heeded by most. many people disrespect the gods of GOW, calling them weak. I recently created a blog showing Ares is superior to Mundus the dark prince from the DMC series, however that's not enough. Its time the mortals of comicvine got a taste of the power of Olympus. this blog is made to wipe out the plague of ignorance and lowballing! Olympus will prevail! :D

(It would take far to long to make gifs of every feat, so im linking the videos. sorry for any inconvenience.)

First let us begin with a quick run down of Ares, the god of war.


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"I have taught you many ways to kill a mortal, Kratos. Flesh that burns, bones that break. But to break a man's spirit, is to truly destroy him." - Ares speaking to Kratos during their final battle

All Ares notable feats are in the above videos. So after watching those videos what is ares capable of?


  • Super strength: capable of matching kratos (100+ tonner in base form) empowered by hope. casually threw a pillar hundreds of miles from Athens to Cronos in the desert of lost souls.
  • divine durability: likely island level or higher based on his destructive power and how he can tank attacks from beings on his level.
  • Divine awareness: was able to sense kratos actions in the desert of lost souls all the way from Athens, and was able to throw a pillar and hit kratos perfectly from this distance.
  • heightened reflexes: ares can react to the lightning bolts fired at him by kratos.
  • flight and teleportation.
  • Shapeshifting: an innate ability of all gods, but ares can spawn massive razor claws from his back.
  • Pyromancy: likely island level based on his other powers. ares used this ability to kill the barbarian hordes.
  • Meteors: Ares can unleash multi-city block sized meteors.
  • Soul summoning: Ares shoed the ability to summon souls of the dead and use them as a barrage in combat. these souls are likely warriors who worshipped ares and he can summon them as the god of war.
  • Telekinesis: With TK ares showed the ability to raise up mountains from deep within the earth and effortlessly smash them together. (this feat has been calced as island level TK
  • REALITY WARPING: ares can create pocket dimensions and is nigh omnipotent inside of them. he however cannot reality warp in the real world.

Ares is insanely powerful. by feats he is a island level being. you know what's crazy? There are several gods far more powerful than him! Don't believe me, well get ready to witness... THE POWER OF THE SUN!!!


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"The Titans will fail again!" - Helios while facing off with Perses on the slopes of olympia

You probably remember Helios for his pathetic death in GOW3, however that instance is misinterpreted as Helios was not hurt by the catapult, he was actually hurt after being crushed by perses the titan of destruction so its not a bad feat at all. Also in GOW helios and Apollo seem to be the exact same being and while helios is seen Apollo is never once shown in the series, thus Apollo's feats are also helios feats. lets look at the feats of the sun god helios who is the sun embodied.

In the above feat Ares calls on the power of Apollo to kill Gyges, a living island and a hekatonkires who are equal to titans.

go to the 6:00 minute mark. Helios sister warns kratos that helios has the power to destroy the world as HE IS THE SUN, and kratos must free him from atlas before the titan uses his power for destruction.

Kratos uses Helios shield to channel some of his power against Persephone.

go to the 2:50 second mark to see Helios fire exploding light blasts at Perses that stagger him a bit. Helios also survives Perses crushing him, though he was badly injured.

So lets break down the powers of helios.


  • Divine durability: survived an attack from perses, is likely island level in durability scaling off gods, titans and his own powers. also resisted kratos attack for a bit.
  • shapeshifting: can appear as a glowing ball of light as shown in chains of Olympus, or as a humanoid god.
  • Light/Solar fire manipulation/Sun embodiment: at the least island level and at the highest multi-continental as GOW uses the flat earth cosmology thus him having "power enough to destroy the world" would not be equivalent to destroying a round planet. also it might only mean the surface.
  • helios likely has super strength pushing class 100 like most other gods in GOW.

Surprised by the power of Helios? good, get to respecting the gods! Poseidon, Hades and definitely Zeus are all superior to Helios who has power enough to destroy the world. Lets keep the ball rolling with Poseidon!


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"You challenge me, mortal?! A God of Olympus?!" - Poseidon while fighting Kratos and Gaea

Once again you may only remember Poseidon for his brutal death at the hands of Kratos, but their is context behind this. Poseidon as the god of the seas is highly dependent on water. As shown in GOW3 with the ocean at hand he could have soloed the Titanomachy, only by removing him from his connection to the sea was Kratos able to defeat him. Outside of the water he may be weaker, but he is not helpless:

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During the first great war Poseidon struck down Atlas with electricity, allowing hades to take his soul. Atlas was not only larger than mountains, but he was also one of the most powerful Titans of his whole race only being surpassed by Cronus and Gaea. Atlas power was so great that even after the great war while imprisoned in tartarus he was able to tear Helios from the sky and imprison him, not to mention it took two of the most powerful gods to put him down.

in the above vids Poseidon takes on the entire Titanomachy and is winning, he only loses when Gaea and Kratos work together to cut him off from the ocean.

so after watching those vids lets see what Poseidon is capable of.


  • Divine durability: in his monstrous form Poseidon could tank attacks from Gaea, the strongest titan, and withstand kratos onslaught even using the blade of Olympus. is likely multi-continental scaling from helios who is weaker than the strongest gods and titans.
  • super strength: most all gods have a measure of super strength.
  • shapeshifting: most every god has this power.
  • Flight: Poseidon can fly at supersonic speeds as shown when he bull rushed a titan into the ocean
  • Electro-kinesis: as god of the sea he can manipulate the power of the seas storms as shown when he felled Atlas and channeled lightning vs gaea and kratos. multi-mountain level or higher.
  • Sea life manipulation: Poseidon has complete control of sea life and can amp them to levels rivalling the titans as shown when he used normally insignificant hippocampi to battle the titanomachy.
  • Mastery of the seas: Poseidon has full and absolute power over the sea and everything in it, making him perhaps the strongest god in his domain. this however comes with a price as outside of the sea he is much weaker and vulnerable.

while not a planet buster Poseidon is definitely a planetary threat while connected to the worlds oceans as like helios he is the sea embodied. Now, on to poseidons brother Hades!


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"Welcome, Spartan! Come in! Make yourself at home. This time, you won't be leaving." - Hades taunting Kratos

like his brother Poseidon and his fellow god Helios Hades is the embodiment of the underworld. While he is not the god of death per say he does seem to be more powerful than Thanatos and was only able to be killed by having his soul stolen.

Hades overpowers Cronus with his chains.

Hades rips out atlas soul (needed Poseidon's help to take him down though)

Hades effortlessly leaps over Cronus

Hades tears Oceanus off mount Olympus.

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from his realm Hades could make it rain fire in the mortal realm.

so after watching these links and videos what has Hades been shown capable of?


  • Super strength: class 100+ as with one arm he could overpower kratos and was stronger than cronus.
  • Super agility/enhanced speed: can leap over mountains at insane speeds.
  • Divine durability: likely multi-continental scaling from titans and gods.
  • Regeneration: hades could heal himself simply by putting back whatever had been cut off.
  • true Immortality: Hades could only be killed by having his soul stolen.
  • Soul invulnerability: hades is immune to all attacks on his soul as shown by how he is unaffected by the styx, except if the claws of hades are used.
  • Darkness/dark energy manipulation: likely island level by scaling.
  • Pyrokinesis: island level at the very least but likely far higher as he is superior to ares and can cause it to rain fire in the mortal world while he is in his realm.
  • minor Reality warping: in the underworld Hades can cause dark chains to sprout from all over to impale his opponents, also when hades was hurt his realm engulfed in flame.
  • nigh omniscience: only in his realm.
  • soul/life force manipulation: hades has power over all souls in his domain, able to raise them up as spirits or undead, he can even call up the dead from the deepest depths of tartarus.
  • Soul steal: his best known ability, hades can rip out a targets soul using his claws.

while not a planet buster hades is definitely a planetary level threat in his domain of the underworld as he has power over it and everything in it. Even outside the underworld Hades should be multi-continental scaling off Poseidon, helios and the titans.

Now, the moment you have been waiting for. Behold Zeus, king of the gods, creator of the blade of Olympus!


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"I will release you from your life my son... but your torment is only beginning!" - Zeus about to kill Kratos

Zeus is far and away the most powerful of the Olympians as he should be. Zeus embodies the sky, order and Olympus itself. In the GOW verse Zeus main weapon is not the master bolt, it is the blade of Olympus he forged himself from the heavens and the earth.

Zeus ends the first Titanomachy in one blast with the blade of Olympus. This feat is immensely impressive as the titans should all be at least island level beings but Atlas was shown to be equal to both Poseidon and hades, and both Cronus and Gaea are more powerful than Atlas. Gaea, Cronus and Perses should all be multi-continental at the least and perhaps higher by scaling from Atlas and in Perses case Helios, and there may have been more titans on that level, so for the blade of Olympus to oneshot and kill almost all of them is an insanely impressive feat! Also, the great war was waged world wide forging the earth as atlas said, so the blast was likely able to cover the surface of the world.

Go to 49:45. Athena explains that after the great war Zeus bound the abstract concepts of greed, hate, fear, ect inside Pandora's box.

Zeus disintegrates the Spartan army with a casual wave of the blade of Olympus

go to the 5:00 mark. A Spartan tells kratos of how Zeus destroyed Sparta out of spite.

Zeus battles Kratos a second time, now with kratos being powered by the titans.

Zeus stomps Kratos and Gaea with a single lightning bolt. Gaea is the most powerful titan, more powerful than Atlas who could only be beat by Poseidon and hades teaming up. This feat shows Zeus>Poseidon and Hades.

Zeus final battle vs Kratos. Father vs Son. Vengeance ends now.

now then, lets break down the power of the god of gods.


  • Super strength: class 100+ on par with kratos.
  • Divine durability: at least multi-continental, maybe higher. Zeus has shown immense pain tolerance and durability by fighting on even after being impaled multiple times.
  • heightened speed: unknown exactly how fast.
  • Regeneration: Zeus regenerated fully from his impaling's by the BOO.
  • Flight: supersonic.
  • Shapeshifting: can grow in size and turn into an eagle.
  • Teleportation: unknown range.
  • Summoning: Zeus can summon creatures to fight for him, like Sirens.
  • Clone creation: Zeus could create many clones of himself which were weaker than the original, but still had his lightning powers.
  • Energy absorption/draining: Zeus showed the ability to absorb/drain energy to replenish himself against while fighting kratos in Gaea.
  • Weather manipulation: has shown to manipulate the weather to create storms and tornadoes. this ability is likely planetary in range as Poseidon and hades have complete control of their realms.
  • Lightning/Electricity manipulation: was powerful enough to seriously harm Gaea the most powerful titan, so it is likely around multi-continent+ level.
  • Reality warping: the level of this power is unknown and he never used it in combat, but Zeus did bind abstract concepts like fear and hate in Pandora's box.
  • BLADE OF OLYMPUS: With the blade Zeus has more power than all the titans combined.

Even without the Blade of Olympus Zeus is superior to his brothers Poseidon and Hades, but with it he is more powerful than all Olympus combined. Zeus is most definitely a planetary threat in raw destructive power in any realm, unlike his brothers who are planetary threats in their domains (ocean, underworld).


I hope you have gained a new respect for the GOW verse after reading my blog. please post your thoughts below.

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Respect the gods!