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Witch's Cabin: Reflective Webs

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In an isolated space in the forest that had been soaked in blood stood a fog covered sight a place hard to look at and haunting. Skeletons lined the place, apart of the weeds and decaying. Most of the wounds were unsuspecting sort however from guns and knives as opposed to some form of beast. They lay as the garden to what looked like a webbed hut. A house of a woman and her pets one in particular was what the witch craved. Alice reaches down as she enters the hut of webs and woven silk and picks up the little thing.

With hands clasped she takes the spider with her, whispered words drip from her tongue as she heads for the lake that runs vermillion and foul. The ichor that cascaded from bodies of giant knight and towering beast. The witch had bathed in the blood before, drank in the tide of esoteric mystery. What it did for her was not the same however as what it would do for the small thing in the witch's hands. Dropping to a knee she opens her hands so the tide might dance along spindly legs at first, her index though touches its abdomen.

She pushes down and the arachnid becomes submerged it twitches and then it dies. In death though as a mother cries the creature writhes to life once more. The body sinks but something else rises from the lake of blood, the water flowing in scarlet waves as it comes to the surface. Stepping out the witch walks upon the water, upon the bloodied mixture allowing her to travel across like an insult to a messiah. She reaches the island, the thing that came to surface, its a small patch of apparent land. It shines of the nights stars and the blood dipped trees of the forest a reflective surface that becomes nothing but the color of skin and darkness as the witch walks upon the mirrors having disrobed and her obsidian robes casting a shadow upon the other mirrors. Kneeling she dips her hand into the mirror sinking into it's silver glass. Her essence dips into the reflection leaving a hint of her for something more. Then she rises and as she does the mirror spider she stands upon finds itself devoid of one of its reflective surfaces.

Robes are slid back on and begrudgingly the witch drags the mirror across the forrest soil. Taking it back to the home, a cabin in the woods. A man arrives, he'd bedded the witch before, she knew him inside an out. He was submissive and in his trust showed no resistance to whatever Kaija was going to do. He trusted Alice to fix him. She did no such thing.

Rather the mirror was soaked in the blood of the presumed invincible, his soul bound to the reflective surface. He would stay here and in his scorn ridicule the woman who took his life. There was nothing more for his existence of that now. The witch smiled and went back to her other projects.

Bewitched Kaiju #1 Mirror Spider

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Height 500 meters

Color: Silver

Eyes: Reflective

Noteworthy features: The towering spider is covered in mirrors not only the back as one may expect but along the legs and entire body as well. With the exception of one open hollow socket, the mirror Alice removed. The spider often will walk amongst the population looking like Alice herself. It will then transform, and then grow until proper size only giving sign it isn't Tophat being it's mirror like eyes. At full height the spider is a walking barrier it's mirrors function as an attraction to the strongest attacks. From bombing efforts to monstrous fists the giant arachnid looks to draw the deadliest attacks to itself and then redirect them at a user. It doesn't seem to be phased by much of anything. The one mirror removed presumably the only opening to bring the creature down. It is located however at the base of the head and small in comparison to the many other reflective surfaces. Given it's height it's steps are earth shaking but it otherwise has very minimal attack ability. Itt's role more just to take the worst attacks for the other kaiju should it be to much for them at least so long as the they reside in it's reflections.

>.> Kaija's blog was better, mines less emotionally charged though so thats to be expected